Demi One-shots

By lovatic_faye

26.1K 641 125


Demi One-shots
My little family
Demi's other sister.
Let me help you
What's going on
My little family (two)
My little family (three)
Demi's other sister (two)
Melody - Interesting plane journey
Demi's Other Sister (three)
What's going on (Two)
Do not hate on my sister
Demi's other sister (five) (holiday)

Demi's other sister (four)

987 44 8
By lovatic_faye

Another Jessie and Demi one-shot

Demi POV


I had just walked into my moms house with Wilmer when all my family and friends jumped out and screamed surprise. I had absolutely no idea they were throwing me a birthday party, Wilmer did very well keeping that one quiet.

I looked around with a huge grin on my face at the sight of all my closest friends and family. I saw Maddie talking to Aris and Braeden our cousins and Marissa and Matthew were here as well.

My eyes scanned the room and my smile fell a little at the sight of my youngest baby sister Jessie. I couldn't see her face, she had it buried in my moms stomach and her hands were covering her ears. My mom had an arm round her but was talking to her friend Lorna.

I honestly thought Jessie's social anxiety would be getting better by now but she didn't seem to be improving. The loud cheers and shouting upon my arrival must have freaked her out a little.

It was so nice to be home. I'd been away working in NewYork and hadn't seen my sisters in what felt like forever. Wilmer went off to talk to Marissa and Matthew while I made my way towards Jessie. As her head was hidden and facing away from everyone she didn't see me approaching.

I gave my mom a quick side hug and kiss before crouching down to Jessie's height.

"Hey there baby girl" I said softly as I placed my hand on her back.

Slowly but surely she lifted her head and turned to face me. When she realised it was me she smiled and threw her arms around me. If she wasn't so small she would have knocked me over.

"Demi" she happily said.

I stood back up with her in my arms and spun us both around. I could here and see people taking photos of us but I didn't care. All of my attention was on my little sister.

When we both calmed down I made my way outside with her into the garden. There were more people here than I originally thought but I managed to find me and Jess a space on the lawn to sit down. I pulled her in between my legs and wrapped my arms around her tiny waist.

"I missed you" she said breaking our comfortable silence

"I missed you more baby girl" I sighed. I wish I could spend more time with her. I might even be able to help her, each time I visit she seems to be getting worse.

"What happened before Jessie. Why were you clinging onto mom?"

"It was too loud. There was too many people waiting for you" she admitted.

I turned her round so she was facing me. We both sat with our legs crossed and held each other's hands.

"Everybody here is part of our family Jessie. Even if our friends aren't blood they are part of our family unit. Nobody here will hurt you, you're safe" I explained

"It doesn't feel that way" she sighed, looking down at our connected hands

I moved a hand and placed a finger under her chin. I lifted her head up so our eyes met.

"I want you to try and relax today Jess. Everybody here loves you and just wants to celebrate. If you're really struggling you know that me, mom, dad and Dallas will be there to help"

"You promise you'll be there"

"I promise"

She smiled at me and opened her arms for a hug.

I held her tight and kissed her head.

"Look Jessie. Maddie's on the trampoline with the others. Why don't you go and join them" I said enthusiastically

Nervously she got up out of my arms and walked over. I stood and watched her for a few minutes before heading back inside.

For about an hour I spent my time mingling and catching up with people I hadn't seen in ages, I was really enjoying myself.

I made my way into the kitchen and saw my mom trying to cook and sort out food. She was struggling as she had Jessie practically clinging onto her and trying to get picked up.

"Jessie, please baby girl not now. Mommy's busy" my mom said to her. She sounded tired and stressed.

At that moment Dallas walked in and stood next to me.

"She's not improving is she?" I said to Dal in a whisper

"Not at all. Mom is at the end of her rope now, she's exhausted" she informed me

"She needs a break" I replied

"But Jessie needs her" Dal added

We turned our attention back to Jessie and my mom. My mom looked like she was loosing the will to live and was about to snap.

"alright come on Jess" Dallas said, interrupting Jessie from crying for my mom

Dallas walked over and tried to grab Jess

"No. I want mom" she cried

"Mom's busy Jess. Come and sit with me and Demi"

Dallas managed to un grip Jessie's hands from my moms clothes. She picked her up and carried her through into the living room. She sat down on a free sofa and placed Jessie on her lap.

I joined them and placed a comforting hand on Jessie back. She looked around the room and noticed a few people staring at her. Instantly she turned her head and hid in Dallas' chest.

"Shhhh I've got you Jess" Dallas comforted.

Jessie's hands covered her ears to block out the surrounding sound.

Wilmer came over and I created space for him on the sofa by closing the gap between myself and Dallas. He sat down and placed an arm around me.

"Is she ok?" He asked sounding worried

"Not really, she wants my mom but she's busy hosting this party" I explained.

"I was talking to your mom earlier and she's out of ideas, she's worn out Dem"

I sighed and placed my head on his chest, I was slightly sideways so my eyes were concentrating on my little sisters trembling body.

"I know. I don't even know what to suggest."

"We were thinking a family holiday might be a good idea"

"Who would go?" I asked, sounding interested

"Just you, me, Dallas, Maddie, Jessie, your mom and Eddie"

"It might do both my mom and Jessie some good. It would give them time to relax"

"That's what I told your mom. We're gonna look into it later when everybody leaves"

"Thank you baby" I smiled, leaning up to kiss his lips.

"Anything for you and your family Demi"

After a while Jessie finally calmed down but still wouldn't move from Dallas's lap.

"Demi I really need to toilet" Dallas said, making me laugh

"I'm serious, will you take Jess"

"Sure Jessie come here baby girl"

Reluctantly Jessie moved away from Dallas and came and got comfy in my arms. Part of me is glad she is still light enough and small enough to do this. When she grows up I'll miss having my baby sister cuddle up to me.

Jessie got comfortable with her head on my chest and even joked around a bit with Wilmer.

I noticed her eyes getting heavy and she let out a little yawn.

"Jess baby why don't you go upstairs for a sleep. When you wake up the party might be over and it will be just us" I suggested

"Will you come up with me?"

"Sure thing baby girl"

We got up of the sofa and Jess and I snook away upstairs. She climbed into her big bed and I sat on the edge beside her.

"I'll be here when you wake up and I'll be right downstairs if you need me" I assured her

"Thanks Demi. I'm sorry for ruining your party"

"You haven't ruined anything. I know today has been hard for you and the fact that you tried for me means a lot. I'm proud of you and we'll get past this"

"I love you Demi"

"I love you too Jessie. So so much"

I kissed her cheek before heading out of her room.

Part of me was relieved she had gone upstairs to bed because now I could fully concentrate on seeing my family and friends. Not that I was upset and angry with her for needing me but I knew she would be better off out of the way.

I found my mom and told her Jess was asleep. A look of relief crossed her face and she smiled

"Thanks Dem. I'll go and check on her later"

I spent the rest of the party laughing and joking with my friends. I even ended up on the trampoline with Maddie at some point and it was hilarious watching her try and teach Wilmer how to do ariel.

When everybody left at around 7pm. My mom, Eddie, Dallas, Maddie, Wilmer and myself all sat around the kitchen table discussing where we wanted to go on holiday. Wilmer and I had just got back from an amazing trip to bora bora so we weren't bothered where we went. We wanted the others to choose. We had two laptops out and we were gathered around looking at different places. We wanted somewhere relaxing and quiet where my mom and Jessie would be able to chill and feel comfortable but at the same time we needed somewhere that Dallas and Maddie could find things to do as Maddie was still a child and well so was Dallas.

I looked up from one of the laptops and saw a sleepy looking Jessie entering the kitchen in her pink onesie. She looked adorable.

Much to my disappointment she walked straight over to my mom who pulled her up onto her lap.

"Are you feeling better now sweetheart?" My mom asked

Jess nodded and rested her head on my moms shoulder.

After much deliberation everybody finally agreed on Hawaii. We could rent a private resort with it's own private beach which would benefit us all as nobody would be able to photograph us and Jessie wouldn't freak out. The only bit that concerned me was the traveling, I don't think Jess is gonna enjoy waiting around in a crowded airport.

When that was decided we all thought it would be best to head off to bed. Wilmer and I made the decision to stay the night and Dallas was stopping over as well.

"Can I sleep with you mommy?" Jessie asked my mom as we were all heading upstairs.

"Not tonight baby, try and sleep in your own room"

"Please mom. Please daddy" she said, jumping up at Eddie

He lifted her into his arms and hugged his youngest daughter tight.

Dallas and Maddie both said goodnight and made their way into their own rooms. I watched as Eddie carried a crying Jessie into her bedroom. Wilmer said he'd wait up for me in my old room.

"Mom can't she sleep with you just this once?" I asked.

We were stood out on the landing corridor listening to Eddie try and calm Jess.

"It's not just this once though Demi. It's practically every night. She's ten years old I can't have her in bed with me. As much as I want her there, It's not going to do her any good."

I knew she was right but I couldn't stand the thought of Jessie upset.

"Let me sleep with her tonight. At least she'd be in her own bed" I tried to reason

"Fine but only because I'm tired and don't have the energy to deal with her"

I thanked my mom and kissed her goodnight. When Eddie left Jessie's room I could hear her crying, I said goodnight and went to tell Wilmer he'd be sleeping alone

"But baby I wanted to cuddle" he pouted

"You're a big boy you'll be fine" I laughed

"I need to be with Jessie" I explained

"I know and I'd never stop you. Goodnight baby and happy birthday"

We shared one last passionate kiss and I left for Jessie room.

I opened her door and my heart broke at the sounds of her whimpers.

"Mommy?" She called out in the dark

"No baby girl it's Demi. Can I stay with you tonight?"

"Y-yeah" she answered

I climbed into bed and she instantly curled up to me.

"I've got you baby girl. Get some sleep, I'm right here"

She didn't have time to answer before her breathing evened out and she was asleep. I lay awake for a while, just watching her and playing with her hair.

I'd had such a good birthday. I felt so blessed being able to spend it with my family and friends.

I kissed Jessie's head one last time before I too drifted off to sleep with my little sister in my arms, exactly where she should be.


Just a one-shot to celebrate Demi's birthday. It's my best friends 18th today but I told her I was more excited about Demi's. Whoops

If anyone has any more ideas for one-shots I'd love to know!!!!!!!!!

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