My little family (three)

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Another Demi, Wilmer and Millie chapter :)

Demi POV

"Babe, go and get Milly. She's crying" I said to Wilmer as we were laying in bed together. I moved my head off his bare chest so he could get out of bed.

"You want me to get you anything while I'm up?" He asked

"No, just get me my baby" I smiled

"Oh and make her a bottle" I shouted after him once he'd walked out of our bedroom.

He walked back in carrying a struggling, agitated three year old. My baby girl definitely wasn't a morning person. Wilmer leant down and placed Millie next to me on the bed. He climbed back in on the other side of her.

"Shhh Millie. Calm down bubba" I cooed over my little girl. I placed an arm over her little body in attempt at stopping her from thrashing her arms and legs about.

I watched as Wilmer turned over on his side to face me and Millie, he held the bottle and placed it in her mouth. I quickly grabbed my phone off the bedside table and took a picture of my two loves.

@ddlovato this is the best thing to wake up to! 💕😘💜

I tweeted that before attaching the picture of my little family.

I smiled down at Millie who was now happily drinking a bottle which her father held for her. While he did that I traced my fingers softly across her stomach.

"Dem?" Wilmer said, breaking the silence

"Yeah babe?"

"When are we telling you know who about you know what?" He asked, referring to me leaving for NewYork the following day. This was gonna be a busy trip and I wouldn't be able to take Millie with me this time. I was only going to be gone for about a week but that would kill me. I knew she would be safe with Wilmer but there's nothing stronger than mine and Millie's relationship.

"I don't know. I don't want to tell her" I sighed

"Baby I know but we have to. She'll be ok" he reassured me.

"Ok well let's do it now"

"Oh can't you do it on your own?" He whined like a little child

"Nope, we're going down together" I laughed.

He nodded at me before leaning over Millie and pecking my lips softly.

"Come up her mills" I said happily, lifting my baby off her back and sitting her on my lap so she could face me. She had a leg over each one of my thighs. I held onto her waist and smiled at her as she giggled away. A bottle solves everything! She was back to being my happy toddler but I know it won't last long, I'm about to break her little heart.

"Milly, mummy and daddy need to tell you something."

She pouted a little and frowned at Wilmer and I.

"Good or bad?" She sweetly asked. I loved hearing her little baby voice.

"It's a little bad bubba but it will be ok" Wilmer answered

"Millie, mummy is going to NewYork tomorrow for a few days and you're gonna stay at home with daddy" I explained

"I come with you mummy"

I took her little hands in mine and have them a little squeeze as I held back my own tears.

"No baby, not this time. Mummy has lots of work to do"

I watched as her bottom lip began to quiver and tears fell over her soft baby skin. She fell forward onto my body and buried her head into my chest and gripped onto my shirt. I held her close to me and didn't even try to get her to stop crying, I wanted her to get it all out of her system.

Wilmer shuffled closer to me and Millie and pulled us both into his arms. The only noise were the sounds of my baby's cries.

"Alright baby get it all out ok. It's gonna be ok Millie. You and daddy will have lots of fun."

"Mummy mummy" she continuously mumbled into my chest.

"Oh sweetheart it's ok I'm here" I assured her.

I began to feel her heart rate pick up against my chest. She was breathing way to fast and she's way to young to be having a panic attack. I feel like such an awful mother for causing this. I lifted her off my chest and held her back up on my lap.

"Wilmer help me, calm her down" I said all panicked

"Babe calm down, you will only get Millie all worked up"

"Millie, baba take nice deep breaths for mummy. Come on, breath with mummy"

She shook her head rapidly then held her breath. She wasn't breathing at all now and the sudden change in breathing speeds wasn't good for her at all.

"Baby breath. Breath sweetie!"

"Millie breath!" Wilmer practically shouted

I snapped my fingers in front of her face but she wasn't reacting to me.

I stood up out of bed and scooped her up in my arms. I placed her on my and bounced her up and down.

"Come on baby breath for mummy"

Finally she let out a deep breath then burst into tears again.

"Wilmer will you go make her another bottle babe?"

"Sure baby"

He quickly came back in and handed me a warm bottle. I held it for my baby while she drank and calmed down.

"That's it, good girl" I soothed

I rocked her in my arms until she fell back asleep. I placed her back in my bed. I walked into the lounge to find Wilmer sitting on the sofa watching tv. I walked over to him and he pulled me down onto his lap.

"Is she ok?"

"She is for now, she's fast asleep. I'm dreading tomorrow morning" I admitted

"Demi it will be fine. She will cry but then she'll stop. It's only five days and she'll be fine with her old daddy" he smiled

"I know she will and make sure you keep reassuring her that I'm coming back to her"

"I will don't worry"

"I'll miss you" I said

"I'll miss you too sweetheart. I love you"

I kissed him passionately before pulling away and replying

"I love you too"

"Good, now let's think of something fun to do with Millie today" he said all giddy and hyped

"Alright you think of something while I go shower."

"Can I not shower with you?" he pouted

"No! You have to be here incase Millie wakes up" I replied, smacking him playfully before I skipped off to the bathroom.


I think I'm getting quite attached to these little one-shots !!!

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