
By KRSmith

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‘Scent’ is a delicious tail of a fiery relationship when at first the Last Circulator can't stand the tribe's... More



233 10 0
By KRSmith

13th September 2084

      I was sitting at the dining table reading a book on Ancient Greek Mythology, when Mum walked out of the kitchen carrying her shopping list.

      “OK.” She spoke to both me and Dad, who was sitting on the couch with another book.  “I’m going down to the Store to pick up a few odds and ends. I hope that you both remembered to write down anything you needed.”

      Normally Dad would volunteer to go with her to hold the carry basket as she trolled up and down the small aisles, but today he didn’t.  Today, as well as for the past three days; he stayed home to keep an eye on his daughter, the new Lokoti Werewolf in the family.

      I’ve been housebound the past three days, so much so I might as well have been in jail with all of these new restrictions!  I couldn’t have visitors; I couldn’t go out and visit; as I had to meditate or study, to get my mind off the bloodlust. 

      Grandpa gave me these meditation exercises, but to be honest I found them as about as useful as small puncture repair kit whist trying to plug up a hole in an inflatable life raft, whilst being tossed about a storm-driven sea… In other words, they did diddlysquat in helping me try to ignore or even control the menacing voice of the bloodlust.

      Mum had just started to walk towards the front door when I jumped up and cried out, “can I come too?”

      That made Dad quickly stand up with apprehension, “I don’t think so B.”

      “Why not?” Mum turned his way. “It’s just to the Store.”

      “I don’t think it’s a good idea Jess.” Dad said.

      “But we won’t even be leaving tribal lands!” Mum argued back.

      “B’s supposed to be meditating right now.” Dad said simply.

      “She’s been ‘meditating’ for three days straight.” Mum stated. “Even Buddhist Monks leave the temple now and again from their ‘meditation’. When she comes back from the store she can ‘meditate’ again.”

      I started to snicker at the tone of voice Mum used every time she said the word ‘meditate’.  But then I stopped when Dad next turned his unhappy look my way.

      “Sorry.” I quickly sat back down again.

      “No.” Mum said firmly. “C’mon B, you can help me shop.” She pulled me towards the front door with her.

      “Jess…” Dad started to object.

      “We’ll be home in thirty minutes!” Mum called back as we left the house.

      As we walked over to Dad’s parked truck, the outside sun warmed my skin.  Along with the gentle wind blowing through the trees, the weather instantly picked up my spirits as I felt glad to get out of the house for a little while.   Mum hit the remote to release the truck’s central locking and then we climbed in.

      “Thanks Mum.” I said appreciatively at her stubbornness which could stand against a Lokoti Werewolf’s resolution.

      She gave an affectionate pat on my arm, before she started the engine and reversed out of our driveway.  I caught sight of Dad standing on our veranda with his hands on his hips as he reluctantly watched us leave.   The frown on his face was so deep, it not only made his face look grave but it looked older. 


      After we pulled up into a free car space by the store, I hopped out before Mum did.  With my new strength and energy, I started to notice Mum moved slower than I did.  She closed the door behind herself, locked it and dropped her keys into her handbag as she next pulled out her shopping list. 

      Whilst Mum spent a few seconds doing all of this, my head turned towards the Garage beside the Store.

      I could hear music playing loudly, as ‘The Cult’ belted out of the speakers of the portable stereo that I had once seen on a shelf inside the Garage.  I could see a pick-up truck was parked halfway inside of the Garage, with its front half out in the open air.  I guessed it was parked so to save on electricity and the mechanics could use the sunlight to see into the motor’s dark crevices.

      I saw that a mechanic which looked to be Ben, was lying underneath the truck and somebody was leaning over the top of it, as the bonnet was propped up. 

      My heart picked up speed, as I recognized the familiar male body wearing scuffed black boots, dirty jeans and a tight grey t-shirt, also covered in dirt and grease.  My breath almost caught in my throat, when I recognized the large muscles straining underneath the t-shirt.  I think I stopped breathing as if by sensing me, Declan’s head rose and he turned my way.  As quickly as his eyes widened by the sight of me, I saw them next narrow into a glare.

      “OK, let’s get this over and done with.” Mum sung, with the shopping list now in her hand. “This shouldn’t take long and besides, your father is probably timing us on his watch!”

      I quickly ducked my head as I followed her into the Store, with Declan’s eyes following us.

      I picked up a carry basket from beside the door and held it for Mum as she walked ahead.  She was almost speed shopping as she didn’t stop, she just simply grabbed as she passed.  The basket quickly began to fill up.  I started to appreciate my extra Werewolf muscle, as the basket began to strain under the load. 

      “Bread…milk…butter…eggs…cheese…juice…toothpaste.” Mum read out the list under her breath, as she breezed down the small aisles.

      As I walked behind Mum, I noticed that we attracted a lot of looks from passers-by.  But then I realized that people weren’t looking at Mum, they were looking at me.   They were all watching with curiosity in their eyes. 

      Frickin’ hell, word travels fast in this tribe!  Does everybody now know that I’m a Werewolf? It looked like it, as I ducked my head to walk quickly after Mum.

      As we passed a group of teenaged boys who were hanging around the sweets shelf, their eyes widened as they took me in.  I think I even overheard one of them inhale deeply as I walked past.  I stopped and turned to give the youth a peculiar look, whose eyes bulged because I looked in his direction.

      “Oh, hi B!” the 14 year old raised his hand to give a small wave.

      “How’s it goin’ B?” his 13 year old friend asked next.

      “That’s a nice er, top that you’re wearing, B.” the other 14 year old boy standing with them, fumbled out.

      I looked on the kids as if they were nuts!  I was wearing a two year old, faded and stretched, red woolen jumper that Grandpa had made me as a Christmas present.  Not to degrade Grandpa’s workmanship, but there was no way that this jumper looked ‘nice’ anymore, especially with all of the holes I accidentally put in it.

      “Come on B.” Mum grabbed hold of my arm to pull me after her.

      Just as I was yanked away, I overheard one of the youths critique the one who remarked on my top; “you don’t say nice top you dumb-ass! You’re supposed to compliment women on their shoes!”

      When I turned my head back around to give the three a funny look, they instantly stood to attention and waved back.  I continued on, shaking my head to myself as I followed Mum to the counter. 

      I placed the basket on top of the counter and began to pile everything onto the surface.  This way, the elderly Mr. Barley who owned the General Store could mark it off in his book what we were ‘purchasing’.  He would put it on our family account for us to make up in a future barter or trade.   Since the War, no-one in the tribe used money anymore, as the majority of our money went to trading with Outsiders.

      “How are you, B?” Mr. Barley asked politely.

      “Good thanks Mr. Barley.” I answered.

      “I suppose with your change, carrying this load isn’t a problem anymore.” He joked, meaning the large amount that Mum was shopping for today.

      “Um, no.” I answered awkwardly.

      “B’s been stronger than me since she passed her sixteenth birthday. After she turned sixteen, I was getting her to take lids off jars whenever her father wasn’t around.” Mum laughed jovially.

      Mr. Barley laughed along with Mum, before he looked on me closely.  “I swear you look taller, as it usually happens to a young Lokoti who goes through the change.”

      “I think you might be right.” Mum agreed.  “I swear B used to be my height, now she’s ten centimeters taller.”

      Mr. Barley nodded in acknowledgement as he finished up writing a tally of what we were ‘purchasing’ today.  “Here.” He threw in a bonus chocolate bar as he gave me a wink.  “A new Werewolf needs to keep up their strength.”

      “Oh, isn’t that nice!” Mum smiled on his gesture. “Thanks Mr. Barley!”

      “A Circulator for a mother and a Lokoti Werewolf for a father?  Now we have our tribe’s first female Lokoti Werewolf who’s a Circulator.” Mr. Barley said proudly.

      Just then I noticed that the other people in the Store smiled and nodded in agreement, as they were watching this transaction take place.  The three teenaged boys by the sweets shelf waved at me again.

      I could feel my cheeks start to burn as I ducked my head in embarrassment at being the centre of such attention.  I was relieved to pick up the shopping in the cotton carry bags Mum brought, as I walked out of the Store first.  But because my head was lowered, I didn’t see where I was going and I walked into somebody who was coming in as I was going out.

      “B!” Roger’s eyes widened and I caught him suck in his breath and hold it as he looked me over.  He stood almost stuck to the spot whilst he stared, as we were standing outside of the Store.  

      Mum passed by and she took one look at Roger’s face and I caught her snicker, as she walked over to Dad’s truck.

      “Um, how are you B?” Roger asked, reaching out his hand to place on my arm.  “I heard what happened, are you alright?”

      I passed him a look that questioned his sanity, as I moved away from his touch.

      “I’m fine thanks Roger, how are you?” I forced out to be polite.

      “Me? Oh, I’m fine.” he gulped nervously.  “But I’ve been thinking about you a lot, especially now that I’ve heard what’s happened.”

      “I’m a Werewolf Roger, I’m not dying from rabies.” I said uncomfortably.

      “Oh yeah, I know that.  But um, is there anything I can do to help? I mean, can I get you anything? I guess what I’m trying to say is, is there anything you need?” he prattled off.

      “No thank you Roger, I’m fine.”  I stood there holding four carry bags of groceries.  I thought he was being a bit rude or desperate, making me stand here and talk to him when he saw my hands were full.

      “Oh, can I get those for you?” he started to reach out for my bags of food but I quickly pulled back.

      “No thank you Roger, I’m fine. They’re not heavy but my Mum’s waiting for me -”

      “Oh, that’s right.” He nodded quickly. “Lokoti Werewolves are a lot stronger than humans and I guess so are you, now that you’re one and all.”  I opened my mouth about to excuse myself, when he interrupted again.  “I know that when a Werewolf goes through their first change and all, they’re supposed to be in training or whatever and you can’t socialize much.  But um, I could come over if you like? I could bring a couple of movies over to your house and -”

      However he was interrupted from a low, dangerous growl coming from the Garage.  Roger’s and my heads quickly turned, to see Declan standing beside the car he was meant to be fixing.  Declan’s head was lowered but a fierce look was directed right at Roger.  His teeth were bared and I swear they were looking sharper and I guess so thought Roger.

      “See you later B.” Roger almost flew through the glass door of the Store as he quickly darted inside.

      A laugh escaped as I watched Roger take off and then I turned back around to look on Declan in amusement.

      “Did you forget that you already have a boyfriend, B?” Declan asked sulkily.  Then he turned back around to continue his work on the engine of the truck.

      I knew Declan was inferring his little brother but it pissed me off by him saying this.  He just acted like Roger’s behavior was my fault!   I shook my head in disbelief at Declan’s primitive behavior, as I marched over to Dad’s truck where Mum was waiting inside.

      I placed the shopping bags in the back and then I walked over to the passenger’s side door to climb in.  Mum turned the key, started the ignition and she reversed out onto the road.  However as she pulled out, I caught Declan watch us leave. I quickly turned my head away to glare out the windscreen, as Mum drove back around the sports field and headed towards the hill we lived on.

      Mum abruptly laughed, “I haven’t noticed that much attention to Werewolf pheromones since I married your father.”

      “Shut up Mum.” I said darkly as I felt myself blush, which made her laugh again.

      As I stared out at the trees whizzing past, I couldn’t get Declan out of my mind.  He was the one who put his hand over mine that morning he drove me home.   Declan was the one who kissed me on the borders of Lokoti land when he stopped me from running into town.  And he has the hide to remind me of MY loyalty to Derik…?

      Mum was still laughing about what happened when we arrived home.  As I put away the groceries in the kitchen, I had to relive the experience as Mum told Dad all about it.  Whereas Mum could laugh about it, I noticed Dad didn’t.  In fact, this just made Dad even more unhappy.

      “B, I don’t think you should go out again where people will be, not for a while at least.” Dad frowned.

      “Hunter.” Mum looked on Dad unimpressed. “What’s that going to prove? B didn’t try to EAT anybody while she was away.”

      Dad frowned even deeper, “THAT’S not what I’m worried about.”

      “Hunter - ” Mum began to object, but I interrupted.

      “It’s fine with me!” I huffed as I turned away from the two.

      I left the kitchen to run upstairs to my room to hide underneath the cover of another history book.


14th September 2084

      I read and re-read all of my books about Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome and even Ancient Egypt.  I studied the ancient myths of Greek Gods and their related cousins, the Roman Gods.  I daydreamed about what it would be like to study these at Cambridge University.   I either read on my bed or downstairs sitting at the dining table with an ever-watchful Dad always hovering nearby.

      This morning when I was in my bedroom reading a book on Tutankhamen, I overheard a knock on the front door downstairs. 

      Since becoming a Werewolf, my hearing has become sharper than what it used to be and I could eavesdrop a hell of a lot better.  As soon as I heard the knock, I looked up from my book as I next listened to what took place when Dad answered the door.

      “Hi Uncle Hunter.” Derik’s voice greeted.

      Derik? He’s here? I sat upright in anticipation of seeing him.

      “Hello Derik.” Dad said formally.

      “Um, is B home?” Derik asked.

      “Yes she is.”

      “Can I um, see her?”

      “No you can’t.” Dad said gruffly. “I’m sorry Derik, but since B’s change she can’t have any visitors for a while.”

      “Oh.” I heard the disappointment in Derik’s voice. “Well um, can I leave something for her?”

      Pause… and then Dad said; “I’ll see that she gets this.”

      “Thanks Uncle Hunter.” Derik sighed reluctantly as he prepared to leave.

      “Bye Derik.” Dad said. “Send my regards to your mother for me.”

      “OK.” Derik said as his voice grew more distant… sounding like he was stepping down from our front veranda.

      Derik!  I quickly jumped up from my bed as I raced over to my window to watch my best friend slowly walk down my gravel driveway.  Derik!  Anxiously I knocked on my window, minding the glass with my increased strength, then I waved furiously hoping that my best friend would see.   But he didn’t turn around as his eyes or ears didn’t pick up my efforts to attract his attention since he was only human…

      …only human…

      …I was no longer human and I felt like this Werewolf business was pulling me away from my bestest friend in the whole world because he still was. 

      I was about to open my window to poke my head out and yell, when Dad walked into my room.  He saw me standing by the window and he immediately guessed what I was looking at.

      “Here.” Dad placed on my bed what Derik had given him. “He left this for you.”

      “Why did you turn Derik away?” I cried out, upset. “He’s my best friend!”

      “I’m sorry B, but you can’t have any visitors right now.” Dad said gravely. “Not friends and not even family. It’s why you haven’t seen your Gran or your Aunt or your cousins for a while. They know you’re supposed to be using this time to learn self-control.”

      Then he turned around and left me alone in my bedroom.  I watched the back of my father disappear down the stairs before I walked over to my bed and I picked up what was left for me.

      It was a square envelop with Derik’s writing scribbled on it.  On the front of the envelope was a huge ‘B’ and I quickly and yet carefully opened it up when a CD and a letter fell out.  I picked up both as I unfolded the letter to read;

‘Hi B, I’m not sure if I’m going to be allowed to visit you so I wrote this just in case. Declan says as a new Werewolf you’re going to be in ‘lock down’ for a little while as you train. I just want you to know that I’m thinking about you and I miss you. I was really worried about what happened to you as Declan won’t tell me about the first night you changed. I wish I had walked you home from our place now so maybe I could have been there for you and helped you somehow. Please know that as soon as your Mom and Dad tell my Mom that you’re allowed to see people again that I’ll be there in a flash. Rachel and Mandy say ‘hi’ and they came over yesterday. Mandy was getting books about teaching from my Mom and Rachel helped me to put together my assignments that I’ll be submitting to Cambridge. She brought her laptop with her so I could type my stuff out in an email to Cambridge with my application letter. Mandy and Rachel are worried about you too and when they asked Declan what happened since he was there the first night you changed, he refused to talk about it and stormed off into his room again… like he always does. Your Grandfather only repaired Declan’s broken bedroom door from where the wood split with Declan always slamming it two days ago… what’s the bet he’s going to have to fix it again? LoL! Anyways just know that I’m there with you in spirit and that my thoughts are with you always. I made you this CD of our favourite songs for you to listen to and think of me. I love you B… Your best friend Derik.’

      My heart hurt as my eyes filled with tears whilst I stared on those last four words; ‘Your best friend Derik’.

      I miss my best friend so much, it was apart of the reason why I couldn’t concentrate on the meditation exercises I was given to do.  It was even part of the reason why I wasn’t enjoying studying either, because I was so used to studying with Derik.

      My best friend and I always studied together. We sat together in school and when school finished we went to the library together, to get more books to self-school ourselves.  We either sat at his dining table or mine, reading and making notes. Derik’s mother, Aunt Susan as well as Gran, would set assignments for us and together Derik and I would do them and hand them in to be marked.  Derik would do something scientific and I would write up a paper on a topic in ancient history.  Half of the time, Rachel and Mandy joined in.  As Rachel began to study Naturopathy, Mandy would brush up on a broad range of subjects to become a teacher.

      Occasionally, Derik and I would go to either Rachel’s or Mandy’s houses, but most of the time we hung out at Derik’s place.  Aunt Susan would come home from teaching the tribe’s younger generations and she would then check on our independent studies.  Her patience and ‘welcome one and all’ view on education ran at levels which could reach sainthood.  Sometimes Declan would complain when everyone stayed for dinner at Aunt Susan’s invitation. 

      “What, you’re not only educating them but we’re feeding them too?” Declan whined when Aunt Susan checked that he was cooking enough for six people instead of three. 

      Derik’s patience with my mischievousness or even my temper, came from his mother.  I knew I had it good, having a best friend like Derik as he always supported me in everything I did.   He never ridiculed my ‘tom boy’ ways or he never felt that his masculinity was threatened by me occasionally beating him in running races.  He always jumped at the chance to be on the same soccer team with me.   Derik and I were nicknamed ‘the terrible two’ by our parents or even the tribe.  He became my partner-in-crime in everything… even when I used to misbehave.

      One Sunday afternoon at the Sabre’s house when I was 10 years old, I remember being babysat by a 13 year-old Declan along with Derik, Mandy and Rachel.  Our parents were attending a tribal meeting held by our Tribal Elders at the meeting hall.  I think it was during the period of the full moon so Declan was not only his grumpy self, but he was also tired from hunting all night with the pack. Declan repeatedly yelled at us to shut up as he wanted to nap on the couch in the lounge room so Derik, Rachel, Mandy and I, went to go and play in the back yard.

      It was a quiet Sunday afternoon in the middle of summer and we were bored.  Then I had happened to notice a large bag of flour that Aunt Susan had recently picked up from the Store, I guess to use to make bread and pasta.  It was sitting just inside the kitchen by the back door.

      I don’t remember the specifics now, but there were no adults around to stop us; so Mandy, Rachel, Derik and I got into a ‘flour and water’ fight!  White flour went everywhere!  White flour was sprinkled over not just our clothes, but all over the back yard and it was spilt all over the floor in the kitchen as well!

      Mandy, Rachel, Derik and I had a wonderful time, not only throwing flour at each other but water as well, which made the flour congeal and turn into glue.   So four 10 year old kids had flour-glue all through their hair, their clothes and over the walls of the back of the house!  When Declan woke up from our shouting as we threw the clumps of flour-glue in our hands…to say ‘the shit hit the fan’ would have been an understatement!

      “What the frickin’ hell have you done?!” Declan’s blue eyes turned their Werewolf green in anger. “When Mom sees this she’s gonna freak!”

      Declan’s temper scared Mandy and Rachel as they froze with fear.  But since my Dad and Grandfather were Werewolves, I knew that Declan wouldn’t be allowed to hurt me.  I marched up to Derik’s bigger brother with his enraged green eyes and I threw a handful of wet flour over his flannel shirt!

      “B, no!” Derik blanched, terrified of his older brother and his supernatural temper.

      Declan slowly looked down at his messed-up t-shirt and then he slowly looked back up, as I started to hear a low growl build up in his throat…oh oh!

      When I turned to run away, Declan grabbed me with his faster reflexes.  He picked me up and slung me over his shoulder!  With a worried Derik, Rachel and Mandy looking on, Declan carried me over to the tap where he dropped me onto the grass.  He held me down with his strong foot, as he sprayed a torrent of water over me from the garden hose!

      “Derik!” I screeched. “Derik, stop him!”

      Derik tried to run to my aid but Declan turned the hose on him, sending him scurrying away!  Then he did the same to both Rachel and Mandy!   Declan’s eyes returned to their human blue colour as he stood there, laughing at us.  He kept me on the ground with his foot on my stomach, as he washed all four of us down with the hose.  Once he had washed off the flour from us and the walls of the back of the house, he yelled at Derik; “you’re on clean up duty!”

      Declan marched all four of us in our wet clothes, into the house to clean up the spilt flour from the kitchen floor.  He sat up on the kitchen bench to supervise and any time we complained or started to slack-off, he growled dangerously which prompted us to clean faster.

      “I’m cold.” Rachel whined as she shivered.

      “You were already wet before I turned the hose on you.” Declan said coolly.

      “We should change out of these clothes so we don’t catch our deaths.” Mandy tried to talk like an adult.

      “I wish!” Declan scoffed at the idea.

      “B, Mandy and Rachel can borrow my clothes to put on.” Derik said helpfully.

      “Change later and clean now!” Declan barked loudly.

      He scared Mandy and Rachel, sending them frantically sweeping with the dust pan and brush.

      “I hate you.” I glared at our bully of a baby-sitter.

      Declan looked long and hard on me before he eventually said back, “likewise.”

      As I angrily returned to our cleaning, Derik tried to give me a goofy grin as he gently nudged my side.

      “It was worth it.” Derik smiled my way, which made Mandy and Rachel giggle in agreement.

      Then all four of us burst into laughter as we looked on each other’s wet hair and soaking wet clothes with the white flour sticking to us…

      …and as I returned to the present, I still laughed at the memory of that day. 

      I picked up the CD that Derik had burned and put it in Dad’s second hand CD player I had ‘inherited’.  As I lay on my stomach on top of my bed, I listened to bands like Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Live, Blur, Oasis, The Verve and of course Iggy Pop, play. 

      Derik and I grew up with these old 20th Century bands thanks to hearing our parents or our grandparents play this music.  Declan was a ‘grunge band’ enthusiast so he was always listening to this kind of music at home or at the Garage. I think when Derik came over with these CD’s, he must have been borrowing them from Declan’s collection. 

      This fact came to light another time when I was at the Sabre house.  Declan came storming out of his bedroom over to where Derik and I were studying at the dining table, with his eyes glowing green in anger.

      “Have you got my U2 CD?!” Declan demanded of his little brother.

      “Er, which one?” Derik asked back.

      “‘Rattle & Hum’!”

      “Yeah, but you said I could borrow it.” Derik reminded him.

      “I said that last month Derik!”  Declan growled out. “That was over four weeks ago! When you borrow my stuff, you frickin’ return it or else!”

      With that, Declan spun on his heel and he stalked off to retrieve it from his little brother’s room himself.

      “Meeeoow!” I commented to my best friend about his older brother’s behavior.

      “Er, Declan’s a Werewolf B.” Derik said in good humor. “I think it’s more like, ‘woof!  Woof!’”

      “Shut up you little pipsqueaks!” Declan roared back before…


      He closed his bedroom door so loudly that we felt the vibrations from where we were sitting.


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