Masked Love

By insomvane

12.9K 373 132

Every continent has adapted to the 21st century except Europe whose has held onto her old values and ways, in... More

Masked Love
Masked Love 2
Masked Love 3
Masked Love 5
Masked Love 6
Masked Love 7

Masked Love 4

1.2K 49 11
By insomvane


Hey, guys and gals. Sorry for the long wait but I was grounded, heck im not even supposed to be online right now but whatever. So I know I spent like 3 now 4 chapters on the first night but I promise the next one it will end. Well.... Enjoy! Comment/Vote/Fan. (Oh, and if there are any mistakes, i am sorry but im in a hurry, as you can or cant tell hehe)

Chapter 4- No Shit

I opened my eyes and peeked at my left, from the corners of my eyes, catching a glimpse of silver hair. I rolled my eyes and closed my eyes, ignoring the form of existence that stood close by.

As much as I wanted to pay no attention to the Prince, it was hard when I could feel those eyes watching me, taking me in and playing with my image. I just found it hard to think about something else other than the fact that the Prince was right next to me.

"You know, some people will find it rude not to reply," he added, and I sighed, crossing my arms, hugging my bare arms once more. Should I reply to him? Will he go away, if I don't? Or will he stay stubborn, standing right there until I said something?

"Yes, but what business, is it of yours on whether if its too cold for me to be out here. I chose to be out here by free will and not even you of high importance could convince me to go back inside," I snapped. It just came out, totally unintentionally but the whole point of my being out here, was to get away from the Ball, from him, so why couldn't he understand?

"Touché and that may be perhaps but you don't what I could do," he replied, his statement almost sounding like a threat.

"What? Send me home? By all means, just do that. I'll gladly accept the favor," I said, opening my eyes now. I turned slightly to face him. He looked dashing as ever, his magazine shoots not comparing to right now. He leaned against the banister, facing me, his left leg tucked behind his right, his arms crossed. The wind blowing his hair to the right, making it look like snow that didn't want to fall. His eyes held a spark of amusement, matching with his smirk, his red lips found itself to.

"Would you?" he probed. I don't know where he was going with this but I didn't want to give in. I was well known for my pride. I shrugged turning all the way around to face the city of Paris. The city of lights. It was amazing, I thought. Who knew so many lights could be set up? And they matched perfectly with the sky, which was now coming to its rest, changing its color. The moon was already suspended in the sky, it taking on the shape of a crescent.

"It's beautiful," I breathed to myself. I bent down, resting my arms on the cold cherry wood. Then I felt something light but obviously fabric drape around my shoulders. I inclined my head to my left to see the Prince's tuxedo jacket covering my arms. It smelled good to. Like Ivory soap and marigolds, my favorite flowers, ironically. It was nice gesture but it would lead him nowhere. I looked up to see watching me with an intense fixated gaze. What was he staring at? Did I have something on my face?

"Isn't it? And its mine, or it will be," he said, like almost as an afterthought. I watched as he studied Paris, lights displayed in his pupils. Right then, I saw a different Prince. A Prince with actual feelings who looked like he was in a trance, that involved him think about something relevant. Or that is how it looks like? "May, I ask the name of the beautiful Miss?"

That very comment or question shouldn't have brought heat to my cheeks, or make me feel fluttery inside but it did. Was my mind totally different from my body? I contemplated on staying silent, not justifying his question with an answer for the way he just made me feel. But it would be useless and he would find a way to learn my name. Ask anybody, maybe Fallip, if he knew him.

"Isabella Lighte, but I liked to be called just Bella," I told him, still watching him, his dark eyes seemed to lighten with pleasure.

"What a pretty name to fit such a pretty girl," he complimented. It took all my willpower not to smile on the outside but on the inside I was jumping up with glee. How long could I keep this front up with his flattery? But then I remembered my laid-out plan and now was the time to make my point across.

"Is this how you do it? Praise girls with your sweet and smooth talk, and then once you have them under lock and key, you break their hearts? To tell the truth, it almost worked there but it wont ever work again. Trust me," I assured him. I stood up straight, shrugging off his jacket and catching it. I walked closer to him, leaning in close to his face but taking a sharp veer to his right ear. "Because, unlike most girls, I see under your obvious façade. You're heartless and no matter how much wealth, you possess, it will never fill that giant hole in your heart. Listen to me, take advantage of it and your youth, while you can, because you'll grow old and nobody will want you." I whispered. I let go of his jacket, not looking down, whether to see if he caught it or not. I briskly brushed past him, not looking back.

Instead of feeling triumphant and giddy with accomplishment on getting my point across, something deep inside my gut was tugging at me. Guilt? Did I go too far? Did he mean what he said? Was I the heartless one, now? I pushed the questions to the back of my head. Don't be stupid, I told myself as I entered the ballroom again. You made your point across. So why did I feel as if there wasn't no point to be made? You're thinking silly, girl, my voice said inside my head.

A cold grip was enclosed around my arm and dragged me off to tucked in corner beneath the stairs. I stared into the icy depths of Paris's eyes. A smile was etched on her lips and in her eyes. Her nose even seemed to crinkle in delight.

"Were you just outside with the Prince?" she asked, gaiety drawn in her voice. Where was she going with this?


"What did he say? Did you put in a few words about me? Did he mention me?"

"He barely knows you exist," I muttered under my breath.





"Did you put in a good word about me?"

"Erm....uh, yeah, sure. In fact, I bet he's still outside, so you might want to go out there. It might be the only time you get with him alone and you want to make sure he notices you," I said, using anything to be left alone for a few moments, not realizing what I was doing.

"Yes. You're so right! Thanks so much!!!" Paris exclaimed. She clapped her hands in her joy and rushed off, leaving me alone. Oh, how I wished to be at home, tucked away in my chaise lounge reading an old-time favorite or watching TV. Home. Somewhere, I probably wont see until two months time. Thinking about made me home-sick. I inhaled and exhaled, automatically calming any hysteria that threatened to come up.

I leaned back against the back- walled staircase, studying the little area I was in. Even as if, people were going to tour behind the place, two oiled paintings were hung up, by each other. One a painting of a girl looking over her shoulder, looking at you but not at you, as if she was deep in thought. And the other a painting of fruit in a handmade weaved basket. I stared closely, leaning in closely. No not fruit but jewels. But of course. I couldn't say I was surprised. Most men were interested in two things. Wealth and women. The Double W, or what my friends and I called it back home.

I wondered if Paris made it to the balcony and the Prince was gone or there. There with another girl who beat Paris. I hoped he wasn't there but not the reason I was opting for. A reason my mind's desire chose. The reason being he wouldn't like Paris because-

"Are you okay?" I jumped up in surprise and turned toward the source of the voice.


I didn't turn to watch her go but her loud click-clackety retracing footsteps told me she was stomping away. She knew me good, I thought. I chuckled lightly to myself and faced the rest of the way towards Paris. I took in the same position she was in, gripping the banister, my jacket still gripped between. Those eyes, so mesmerizing, I thought. Right at that moment, before she left matched the sky. They were so beautiful, so whole and fully alive.

Traces of the music was pouring outside and blending in with the busy streets. She actually saw through me. Knows the real me and then insulted me after. I don't know but there was something about her, that made her different from other girls, and it wasn't that playing-hard-to-get act. She was serious and she made it clear that I couldn't get her. But, maybe I could prove it to her, that I was capable of changing and it was I who had the power to get her, whether it was lying and putting up a fake front.

I whistled quickly and spun on my heel, to meet face-to-face with the attractive blonde that was in front of Bella. She curtsied quickly with much grace than Bella and more respect, proposing the fact that Bella didn't even curtsy. Ahhh, damn it, made her even more intriguing!

"Pardon, I did not realize you were outside, Your Highness," she apologized. Full of bullcrap, I thought. Anyways, who cares about Isabella? I wont let her to get to me. This is my night to dread and dread alone and no one invited Bella.

"No matter, Miss-?"

"Paris Anderson."

"Miss Paris, I'm guessing the girl who never sleeps," I joked half-heartedly. But that didn't stop her from laughing.

"Well it depends when I sleep and who I do it with," she claimed, winking her right eye. I could feel my eyebrows raising up in surprise. No girl, no matter how obsessed they were, has ever said that. I stepped close to her, erasing the space that was between us. I felt her breath shorten and then quicken.

"You are one interesting, girl, Miss Paris," I said after a minute. "May I have the first dance with you?" Paris's frozen ocean eyes shone with pure ecstasy and delight.

"You may, my Prince," She gave me a curt nod. I grabbed her cold right hand and led her back to the Ball. Once we were inside, all eyes turned our way and I felt like I was Moses and Paris was my staff, because the crowd parted for us. I gave some familiar faces a curt nod and the music changed on our behalf. It was a slow song, a song I haven't heard before and a feminine voice rung all across the room singing a song. I had no idea how her words related to what was going on right now but it was perfect. 


Here if you wanna hear the song press the external link. XD 


I clasped Paris's left hand with my right hand, her mask in between, holding it in the air while my other was planted on her hip, hers on my shoulder. We danced, spun, danced in sync perfectly and I knew what the crowd was thinking. What a perfect dancing couple. He should choose her, definitely for the Calling. What a fine young lass. All those thoughts running in their heads.

Paris stared up at me with awe-inspiring eyes and I couldn't help but smile warmly. She was very pretty and would probably make a good wife but Bella was still on my mind. I don't know what it was about her but she was..... captivating. Yes, that's the word, captivating, intriguing, attractive and she made it clear, not up for sale.

When the song ended, the dance ended too and Paris curtsied, while I bowed down in return. With one last wink, she was gone and I followed the back of her head to behind the staircase where I saw a familiar purple fabric splayed on the floor. Bella. What was she doing back there? Only one way to find out and I started walking down the fresh trail, Paris left behind


It was the guy who picked us up. What was with the Princes popping up behind a girl?

"Uh, oh. Yea, heh, you gave me quite a fright there Prince-?"

"Just call me Tristan please."

"Oh. Sure," I said, taken by surprise. He was definitely like his older(I think) brother. His aqua colored eyes shone with intensity.

"What are you doing behind here? Hiding?" he teased. Maybe he had a hint of his brother. He also had his father and brother's handsome features.

"Maybe. I'm not in the mood for all of this," I gestured toward the front, meaning all the gala.

"Well, I am sorry to hear that. Maybe I can help with that," he said. I felt my eyebrows raise in surprise. How, could he help me and why would he want to?

"Umm, sure, yeah, uh-wait! Is that seriously Caitlyn Smith?!?!" I asked, my voice raising an octave higher. That sounded so much like the singer and she was singing Crushed and Created. How was that??? No. How did they get her???? Weren't they in a different time-year zone?? Well, that was not possible.

"Yeah, but she's not the only one we requested. We also have other singers like The Veronicas, Katherine McPhee, Panic at the Disco and others I cant remember," Tristan said, shrugging it off. What the f**k!!!? We couldn't even get P!aTD for our school back in America!!! What was so special about Masked Love??

"No shit!" I exclaimed. I leaned my head back, listening to Caitlyn sing her song, I watched in Make it or Break it. I had no idea what it had to do with right now, but I loved the song nonetheless. I even had it on my iPod. I sang in my head with Caitlyn.

We are crushed and created, 

We are melted and made 

We are broken and built up in the very same way 

What I thought I could handle, 

What I thought I could take, 

What I thought would destroy me leaves me stronger in its way.

When the song ended, I finally looked up at Tristan who was staring at me with a dazed look in his eyes, a faint smile on his lips.


"Nothing. It's just-"

"OMG! Bella, you will not believe it, Caitlyn Smith was just here and I danced with- oh. Sorry, I didn't notice you had company," Paris rambled out of nowhere. Wasn't she just gone? And I had a feeling her sentence was going to end with Prince Jacques.

"It's okay. This is Prince Tristan," I introduced him, even though, I didn't think that was my job.

"Oh. As in Prince Jacques's brother?" Paris asked. Obviously, I thought. Paris stared at Tristan, and then curtsied. Was I supposed to do that too? Tristan bowed back, his arms clasped behind him. When they both straightened up, Tristan opened his mouth but the voice that came out was not his own.

"What are you girls doing back here?"

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