The Handsome Devil

Від Little_Akira

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Deya is a 23-year-old girl who lost everything. Consumed by blame, she navigates the London streets in search... Більше

Chapter 1 - I'm coming
Chapter 2 - Reunion
Chapter 3 - Taken
Chapter 4 - Tortured
Chapter 5 - "I know"
Chapter 6 - Offer you can't decline
Chapter 7 - Make yourself at home
Chapter 8 - Introductions
Chapter 9 - Dangerous games
Chapter 10 - Breaking point
Chapter 11 - Taste your shame
Chapter 12 - Training days
Chapter 13 - Day 15
Chapter 14 - Day 15, Aftermath
Chapter 15 - Whom to trust?
Chapter 16 - Mission 2
Chapter 17 - Handsome devil strikes again
Chapter 18 - Wicked Monthiversary I
Chapter 19 - Wicked Monthiversary II
Chapter 20 - Fasten your seatbelt
Chapter 21 - Bait me
Chapter 22 - Torture
Chapter 23 - Awaken
Chapter 24 - The walls are cracking
Chapter 25 - Acting skills
Chapter 26 - Party time
Chapter 27 - We're leaving
Chapter 28 - Home, sweet home
Chapter 29 - Beautiful lies
Chapter 30 - Let's play
Chapter 31 - It's all about that game
Chapter 32 - Swallowed by darkness
Chapter 33 - Watch out for the customer
Chapter 34 - Jamie
Chapter 35 - Inside the squat house
Chapter 36 - The Bulldog's life
Chapter 37 - Shoot
Chapter 38 - Loose mind
Chapter 39 - Grand Escape
Chapter 40 - And she's gone
Chapter 41 - And Victoria was born
Chapter 42 - Confession
Chapter 43 - She's a B**ch
Chapter 44 - The mornings after
Chapter 45 - Good news, Bad news
Chapter 46 - Who are you?
Chapter 47 - New player
Chapter 48 - The dinner
Chapter 49 - Listen, little girl
Chapter 51 - The Revelation
Chapter 52 - Eyes everywhere
Chapter 53 - Strangers in the night
Chapter 54 - A Failure
Chapter 55 - Toughen up
Chapter 56 - We live, we see
Chapter 57 - The break-up
Chapter 58 - Hot'n'Cold
Chapter 59 - Quiet before storm
Chapter 60 - Rave and Ravish
Chapter 61 - On the edge
Chapter 62 - Bad News
Chapter 63 - The battles we fight
Chapter 64 - Monsters
Chapter 65 - Drowning
Chapter 66 - The system
Chapter 67 - Dread
Chapter 68 - Familiar places, familiar faces
Chapter 69 - A Family
Chapter 70 - The talk
Chapter 71 - Friends and Foes
Chapter 72 - Storming
Chapter 73 - Running in circles
Chapter 74 - Lost and Found
Chapter 75 & 76 - Last mission
Chapter 77 - Saviour turned sour
Chapter 78 - The first, the last

Chapter 50 - Transformation

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Від Little_Akira

Warning, strong language and some mature content.

After the first week of keeping up with the plan, the girl's appearance has changed drastically. Her long wild raven locks were cut off and replaced by ginger mikado and straight bangs, she got used to wearing the green contacts again, and the sophisticated outfits they bought for her surely did make her look more mature.

Celadon also hired a 'pageant  consultant' to teach her how to use make-up to her advantage, basic dance moves, and more confident body language. Although she found it annoying at first, the old lady did teach her how to master the walk in high heels. To understand how big of an accomplishment it was, you'd have to see her awkward video from high school graduation, the one that earned her the nickname 'wobbly ankles' for a while.


Despite the visage, Victoria felt incomplete. It could be said she was empty inside, and the girl was sure it's the reason why she still woke up in sweat and tears every other night.

But then, on the seventh day as she was enjoying her hour in the library, the perfect idea hit her in the head. Well, not literally. But as she lovingly eyed the edition of Crime and Punishment for the hundredth time that week, it was decided.


Victoria's Russian!

How comes she haven't thought of that? If there was something that can disguise your voice, it's an accent. Plus, she has always loved russian culture, why not to use this whole mess to her benefit a little? After all, she managed to learn Czech, and slavic languages are similar.

Suffice to say, it was motivation enough to run to the front of the office with wide grin, and release a waterfall of blabbering on wide-eyed Celadon. It was unclear whether he was taken more off guard by her incoherence, or the fact that she spoke to him outside their regular exchange of snarky comments.

Either way, after a little back and forth, the girl managed to convince him it's a good idea, and he agreed to hire her a Russian tutor. It made her so happy she actually jumped forward intending to hug him, but then the reality sank in and she ended up staring at him awkwardly for a minute before scurrying back to her reading.

It did surprise her when Russian lectures appeared on her schedule the very next day, but she certainly didn't complain. Especially once she found out how hot her tutor is.

Dmitri. With the strong jawline, plump kissable lips, and bright blue eyes... Lets just say it might have something to do with the amazing progress she made in the first two weeks.

Can't disappoint a man like this, can ya?

It became a habit that she kept him at least half an hour over their teaching time, asking about his life and Russia. Oh, how she loved to listen to him talk. She did enquire about the women specifically, and although hearing about his ex-girlfriends did stang a little, it also helped her with Victoria.

Nadya was the feisty feminist. The one who didn't hesitate to get her hands dirty when the 'woman power' was threatened. Which, as Dmitri noted, happened quite regularly where he grew up.

And then there was Katya, the free spirit. One that kept you on your toes and never revealed her next steps, although you could always tell it will be next-level insane.

And how could she forget Lena, the tempting nymph...

The more Victoria listened, the more she longed to become all and none of them.

When the offer to join him and his russian friends in a club next week came on their fifteenth session, she was ecstatic. Victoria wasn't one to refuse the offer of good music, food, and company.

Nonetheless, once the door behind him closed, it did occur to her there's no chance Celadon trusts her enough to let her. Moreover, it also meant Dmitri is totally oblivious to her kidnapping and the dangerous situation he got himself into.

Pity that Victoria didn't really care about others.

All she lived for was satisfying her own endless desires, and the more her character developed, the more restless she grew.

Sure, some of the energy was burnt in her gym sessions - which, unfortunately, didn't include any martial arts anymore. If she should guess, Celadon really didn't want her to repeat the fiasco with Jessie.

But she felt insatiable.

And knew there's more than one way to skin a cat.

There was Samael, for instance. Although he wasn't exactly Victoria's type physically, his demeanor told her the dominance and roughness might compensate for that and scratch the itch just right.

Unfortunately, there was about million possibilities of how could it go wrong, given the 'authority' he was given over her by Celadon. If something, the way he threatened any random guy that flirted with her on her appointments was a warning enough.


Besides Samael, she only ever came into contact with Dmitri and Celadon, and it was obvious which of the two was more approachable.

Of course, if Deya had a say, she would scream for her to not give in, just stick to the plan, work on the transformation, and get their father to safety. However, since Victoria started her 'emancipation', the poor girl was pushed into background permanently.

And let's just say, Victoria wasn't as conscientious when it came to planning and rules. 

The sessions took place in the library, and Boss usually supervised them from his desk at the the front. Nonetheless, it didn't slip her attention that he started to leave halfway through after the fifth time, most probably out of boredom.

And when the eighteenth session came around, she decided to use the opportunity and strike.

Dressing into silk flowery Kimono reaching mid-thigh and revealing just the right amount of cleavage, she applied some make up to hide the healing bruises, gave herself an encouraging wink in the mirror of the dressing table and set off to get her man.

It surely did boost her ego when Samael welcomed her with a wolf-whistle, and judging by the way Boss's eyes widened when she slipped into his office, Victoria surely got the wow factor right.

Now just wait.

But Dmitri didn't appear as smitten as she expected, and the first half an hour of the session was a torment. The girl kept stealing glances at the unsuspecting victim, instigating little touches here and there, and even purposely mispronounced few words to give them an erotic undertone.

Unfortunately, the slavic god was either oblivious to her subtlety, or not interested in acting on it.

Not that she cared either way.

When the door finally clicked behind Celadon, it dissolved what remained of her inhibitions.

Finishing reading the sentence they were just working on, she slowly pulled herself on top of the table, laying her feet on the armrests of Dmitri's chair.

"Eto bylo luchshe?" She whispered with an unnecessary amount of batting eyelashes.  ('Was it better?')

"Luchse" Dmitri replied in a cold voice, eyes scanning the girl's every feature as if trying to read her. ('Better')

Still, he didn't take the bait.

"Ty nagradish' menya?" She bit on her bottom lip seductively. ('Will you reward me?')

"Vzdelani eto nagrada" His face remained stoic, yet, she sensed his internal fight as the burning gaze lingered on the soft skin of her thighs a little too long. ('Education is your reward')

Without hesitation, she slid of the table and straddled him on the chair.

It's now or never.

"V takom sluchaye, Ya dumayu, chto mne nuzhno nakazaniye" ('In that case, I think I need a punishment') Her plump lips lightly brushed against the man's ear as she whispered. "Potomu chto ya, kazhetsya, ne tsenyu eto dostatochno" ('Because I don't seem to appreciate it enough')

As if on cue, Dmitri's fingers tangled into her ginger hair and gave it a painful tug, forcing her back to arch.

"Prosit'!" He seethed through gritted teeth and Victoria didn't have to be told twice. ('Beg!')

"Pozhaluysta, 'mastər.." Her voice then dropped into nearly inaudible whisper as she put in use all the R-rated expressions she learnt from dictionary during her library hours.  ('Please, master...')

Let's just say she's spent way too long fantasizing about this to not get prepared, and Dmitri seemed to appreciate the extra effort, as his muscled arms ripped the kimono open and let it slide down Victoria's body.

"Ideal'naya.." He breathed into her skin while laying one kiss after another on the squirming body, eliciting a moan when the tip of his tongue flicked over her erect nipple. ('Perfect')

The girl was in ecstasy, and it sure did spread Dmitri's lips into a self-satisfied smirk.

But then, right as Victoria hungrily brushed her teeth against his bottom lip, a pair of arms appeared out of nowhere and launched her across the room.

Fortunately, the library wasn't rich in furniture, but her head still managed to bump into one of the bookshelves, making her see stars for a minute.

Then again, once her vision settled, she instantly wished the impact had knocked her out.

Towering above her tutor's dumbfounded body was no one else than Celadon, and appearing more furious than ever.

"I thought I paid you to teach her, not to fuck her" His voice came out strangely calm, in contrast to the bloodshot gaze fixated on the russian.

Victoria observed it with interest from her spot across the room, chin laid on top of her bent knees. Sure, she could get in between them and explain it was her who initiated.

But where would be the fun in that?

That's why, when Dmitri shot her a pleading look over the Boss's shoulder, she just shrugged her arms nonchalantly and remained silent.

"I asked you a bloody question!" Celadon shouted in his face, but the man just started to stutter.


Victoria thought, as she compared the image of a slavic god tutor she had in her mind to the excuse of a man sitting there now.

That's why, when her Boss pulled out his pistol and without hesitation ended Dmitri's misery, she felt nothing.

No regrets. No guilt. No sadness.

Instead, she slowly straightened herself and walked to the kimono laying at the Boss's feet. Nonetheless, as she bent down to grab it, the man beat her to it and quickly yanked it out of her reach.

"Oh, you won't be needing this" He spitted with venom, eyes narrowed in disgust. "Seeing what a slut you are"

But Victoria wasn't bothered. Instead, she hooked her thumbs into her black thong - the last thing covering her, and slowly pulled them down.

"You want those as well?" She teased in her russian accent and waved the article in front of the man's face.

Her boldness made him freeze for few seconds, but once he recomposed himself, he swiftly put a stop to the disrespect by gripping her wrist firmly and yanking her closer.

"Who the fuck are you?" He whispered in between his ragged breathing, getting an innocent smile in return.

"I'm just a 'zhenshchina', who's not afraid to give in to her needs." Victoria stated matter of factly. ('woman')

The Boss gave her a long stern look as if dealing with a madwoman.

"You're not gonna say anything about your lover boy?" He tilted his head to the cadaver, but made sure not to let her out of his sight.

She must be playing you. His instincts kept calling out to him, but her expression didn't give anything out.

"Oh, yeah.." She breathed in disappointment as she side-glanced to Dmitri. "I guess I should thank you for that. Didn't know he'll turn out to be such a pussy"

Celadon dropped his arms to his side, fingers curling into fists the moment he released her. Whatever was going on here, it was messing with his head.

He brought a scared little girl into his house couple of weeks ago, but damn, who knows what kind of creature is it walking out of his office butt naked right now.

As if sensing his gaze glued to her firm behind, Victoria sent him a challenging glance before slipping out of the door, head held high.

It did surprise her when she haven't heard Samael's steps following her. After all those weeks, she grew accustomed to their company.

Nonetheless, when they did eventually echo, frantically catching up to her as she climbed up the stairway and turned towards her room, she couldn't stop the satisfied smirk from appearing.

"Took you long enough. Shouldn't you, like, save the damsel in distress or something?" She called out with played hurt. He must have been mere meter behind her now, and she could almost feel his warm breath caressing her naked skin.

"I don't think anyone can protect you from what you got yourself into" A certainly-not-Samael's voice growled dangerously and she jumped around just in time to be grabbed by Celadon and thrown over his shoulder.

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