The Original Gilbert Twin (D...

By leslijw

117K 2.3K 555

This is the story of Olivia Mikaelson. She is the adopted sister of the Mikaelson family and she's a really s... More

Beacon Hills, Here we come!
Welcome to Beacon Hills!
My twin sister is a vampire
I'm not Elena nor Katherine
I'm not Elena nor Katherine Prt 2
You're bipolar!
The Cold Shoulder
The Party... Failed
Where is she?
I love you, Elena
Back to school!
An unlikely companionship
Just friends..... Or not
Nik and Lijah!
A Do Over
Dating 101
Light Fest!
Check in!
Day with The Devil
No promises!
Cool it, Hunter Dude!
He knows....
Double date!
Rescue Mission
Georgia! What the hell?
The past is in the past
New Orleans and New Discoveries
Dealing with it
Wrapping things up
Vampire Detox
The Talk
Christmas Catastrophe Part 1
Christmas Catastrophe Part 2
Christmas Catastrophe Part 3
How're we gonna tell Elena?
Try again
Group Therapy Sesh
Dungeon Dash
It's complicated
Brother Dearest or Doppelganger Beauty?
Get Smashed! Then Get Stupid!
Our home
Road Trip Nostalgia
Sight Seeing Graveyards
Catching up
We're All Mad Here
Brothers and Sisters and Survival
My plan, My Rules
Let's get Organized!
Witches and Wizards
It's Now or Never

Sister fun time

1.5K 35 21
By leslijw

Elena's POV

I walked back into our hotel room. It was already nightfall and I was pretty exhausted. I had been trying to hang out with Damon all day, but all he was trying to do was find Liv. Apparently, no one had heard from her since this morning and everyone was worried.

I walked into the living room and saw Damon, Scott and Elijah sitting around the coffee table.

Scott looked up at me, "Hey, Elena. Have you seen Liv? We haven't found her yet. " he asked me, worriedly.

I rolled my eyes, "No.....but it's not like I've been looking. " I said flatly and sat next to Damon.

He sighed, "Of course not. " he grumbled under his breath.

Elijah sat forward and put his elbows on his knees. I didn't fail to catch the disapproving look he gave me about my lack of concern for my twin.

I just shrugged and sat back in my seat.

"Where could she have gone? " he wondered out loud while massaging his temples, worried about Liv's whereabouts.

Suddenly, his phone rang. He reached over tiredly. He picked it up and looked at the caller ID. When he did, his eyes went wide and he quickly pressed 'answer'.

"Olivia!? Sweetheart? Where are you?" He exclaimed into the phone.

Everyone, but me sat forward, listening intently.

"Lijah! Oh god, I'm so sorry. We got into a little accident on the highway and my phone died. " Liv's voice rang through the phone.

His brows furrowed, "What do you mean? Are you okay? " he inquired, worriedly.

She sighed, "Yeah...I'm fine. We're standing on the side of the road. I'm using one of the pay phones. " she informed.

Elijah sighed, "Okay....don't move. I'll come to get you. " he told her quickly.

I sat forward and sighed, "Uh...actually, I can. " I offered.

Before anyone could say anything, I walked out. I know that everyone was super confused. As far as anyone knows....I hate Liv. It doesn't matter right now. Maybe if I start being nice, she'll stop annoying me and trying to have an amazing sister relationship. I never needed her and frankly I don't want her.

She was never there for me when I needed her and she's cohabitating with the family that I hate most in the world.

Another thing that has totally pissed me off is the fact that she has all of the guys wrapped around her little finger! They would do anything for her and I can't help but admit that I'm jealous. I hate that Damon and Stefan want her, I hate that everyone seems to like her, I hate that even though she's with Kevin.....she still manages to keep everyone going for her.

I hate her.

I was driving down the highway and was snapped out of my thoughts when I saw my twin and another girl standing on the side of the road.

There was a car smashed into a tree. They must've lost control.

I got out of the car and walked towards them. I noticed the unknown girl was sitting on the ground, crying. Liv was crouched down next to her, trying to comfort her the best that she could. When she heard my footsteps, she looked up at me.

She looked confused. She didn't think that I would come to get her; and neither did I. She decided to ignore it and stood up, smiling at me.

"Elena. " she breathed, starting to walk towards me, "I'm so glad that your here. "

I stayed silent.

She took a deep, nervous breath and turned, pointing at the girl behind her.

"She needs help. She's traumatized. She was really hurt too..." She informed me, sadly.

I walked to the girl on the floor. I lifted her head up, looking at her face, examining her. Without warning, I bit into my wrist and decided to heal her with my blood. The girl's eyes went wide and she tried to scream, but I quickly shoved my wrist into her mouth. I saw her wounds disappear and I stood up, turning around.

I looked at Liv, who was staring at me. When she saw that I was about to walk away, she quickly stepped forward and furrowed her brows in confusion.

"You aren't going to compel her? " she asked me, gesturing to the girl.

I looked back at the girl who was trembling all over, shocked at what she had just witnessed. I turned back to Liv with a smirk. I noticed that she was glaring at me, harshly. It only made me smirk wider.

"Nope. " I shrugged.

She narrowed her eyes at me, "Elena, she doesn't know about any of this. She has to be compelled! She doesn't deserve this. " she tried to persuade me.

I chuckled humorlessly. I stared at her for a moment. I felt myself boil with anger and hatred; everything that I had been suppressing ever since I came to Beacon Hills.

"What is it about you that makes them want you so badly? " I murmured.

I didn't think that she heard me, but she did.

"Who? " she furrowed her brows, "Elena, what are you talking about? " she asked in confusion throwing her hands in the air.

"Why do they want you?! " I asked her angrily. "

She jumped a bit at my tone. I realized that I probably sounded like a crazy person, but I didn't care right now.

She gulped nervously, "I don't understand. " she said quietly.

I paced in the road throwing my arms around dramatically. I was breathing heavily and screamed.

"Damon! Stefan! Caroline! Bonnie! Matt! Jeremy! Katherine! Oh my god.....even Katherine! "I spun around on my heel to face her, "They all think that you're so perfect! " I yelled angrily with tears streaming down my face.

She looked at me with sympathy. She remained silent, just staring at me.

After a bit, she swallowed thickly and took a step forward. She kept watching me and eventually took a deep breath. She looked me in my eyes.

"Elena....I'm so sorry that you feel that way. I really didn't want to hurt you. " she apologised.

She looked at the ground for a moment before looking back into my eyes and took a step forward. We were now only a few feet apart.

"Everyone that you mentioned.....all those people love and appreciate you,  so much. " she said with a small smile, "I've heard about it. I've heard stories about you and your friends. I heard about how when opportunity presents guys would die to protect one another.......and I really admire that. " she said, genuinely.

I scowled. Ugh! How does she always say the right thing?!

"You really thought that was gonna work? " I growled.

She furrowed her brows, "What? "

"Soft soaping me? "

She shook her head, "No, Elena. I swear, that's not what I'm trying to do. "

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever. " I dismissed.

I turned around, walking towards the girl on the ground. I pulled her up by her arm roughly and she whimpered at the contact. I looked into her eyes.

"Go home. Forget about what happened tonight. " I compelled.

She looked at me with a blank expression, before walking away. I turned around to look at Liv. I smirked.

"See you at home. " I said.

I ran to my car and opened the door. Liv walked towards me quickly, eager to get home. I held up my hand to stop her. She froze and furrowed her brows at me. I shrugged.

"I think that we need some space right now, Liv. " I said with fake sorrow.

Her eyes went wide and she took a step forward. I smirked.

"Wait, Elena! You can't just leave me here! " she gestured around us.

I snorted, "Sorry, Liv. "

I got into my car and drove away leaving her behind. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw her looking at me, driving away in shock.

I smirked.

Olivia's POV

I stood there, gaping at Elena's retreating car. I was standing in the middle of the highway. I looked around for Rachel, but when I looked at the ground where she was earlier, but she wasn't there.

Right. Elena compelled her to go home. At least now I don't have to worry about her knowing about the supernatural.

I swallowed thickly and looked at the way back home. I cannot believe that Elena left me here! I know that we weren't exactly the best of friends, but I thought that she would at least give me a ride back home.

I took a deep breath and started walking down the highway; back home.

I thought about what Elena had said. She accused me of manipulating her friends into liking me. I don't know why she would think that. All I've been to her is friendly. I don't want her to feel this way. I want to have a good relationship with my sister. It's all I've wanted since she had first arrived in Beacon Hills. It was strange how everything that I had been planning had just gone wrong!

I thought about my relationships with Stefan, Damon and Kevin.

Stefan had never been more than a friend to me and I never wanted to go any further. Don't get me wrong...he was an amazing guy, but not for me. I know that there had always been something between Damon and I, since he arrived, but I didn't want to complicate things with Elena and I. Sure, I may have feelings for me, but I still think that a relationship is a really bad idea. Kevin really makes me happy. Even if he didn't know every aspect of my life, he was refreshing and real. I felt our relationship was......healthy and built on affection.

I decided that when I got home, I would make things right with Stefan. I'm going to forgive Damon and start over with him. This time as a good friendship. Finally, I want to really try with my relationship with Kevin. Eventually I might even tell him the truth about my life.

Also.....I really wanted to try to make things right with Elena. I wanted my twin to be happy.


I was finally walking up the steps. I sighed, exhausted from the long way that I had to walk.

I scrambled for the keys in my purse. I found them and unlocked the door, sighing. I trudged into the hotel room. Just when I was about to enter the living room, I heard a crash and Rebekah yelling.

"Elena! I am going to ask this one more time, and if I do not get the answer I want......I swear that I will rip out your heart! WHERE'S LIV" she demanded, her voice filled with venom.

I quickly ran into the living room and saw Rebekah pinning Elena to the wall. The room was trashed! I looked around and saw everyone watching the scene unfold. I can't believe that everyone is here.Elijah rushed forward and threw Rebekah off of Elena. Elena gasped for air, while Bekah struggled against Elijah's hold.

I quickly ran in.

"Guys! " I yelled, desperate to get Bekah's attention off of Elena.

Their heads snapped around to look at me. Their eyes went wide when they saw me. Bekah got out of Lijah's grip and rushed toward me and gave me a bone crushing hug.

"Bloody hell, Liv! We were worried sick! Are you hurt? " she quickly asked, still squeezing me.

"Uh....Bekah....can't.....breath" I choked out, laughing a bit at her concern.

She pulled away, "Are you hurt? " she repeated seriously.

I nodded with a small smile, "Yes, Bekah. "

She sighed in relief and hugged me again. After a few moments, she pulled away and stepped aside. Immediately, I was engulfed in a hug once more. I looked up and saw Scott hugging me tightly. I smiled at him.

"I'm okay! Really! " I reassured.

He pulled away smiling. I looked at Nik who was smiling at me. Next to him, aunt Maggie smiled with tears in her eyes. I smiled back at them. When I looked over at Elijah, I expected him to be looking at me, but he was looking at something else . I followed his gaze and he was glaring at Elena, who stood from the floor, smirking at me.

"Lijah. "I called quickly.

He looked at me.

"Don't. " I whispered.

He stared at me for a long moment before slowly nodding and walking out of the room. I sighed relieved. I gave Nik and Bekah a look and they nodded, walking out to follow him.

With the Originals gone, I finally got a better look at everyone else. They were all staring at me.

Damon walked over to me.

"Hey. You okay? " he asked worriedly, hugging me.

I smiled up at him, "I'm fine. "

He didn't let go. I pulled away from him a bit so I could see everyone.

"Can I talk to you guys, please? " I asked them, quietly.

They looked confused, but sat down on the couch and chairs that weren't wrecked.

Scott was about to go sit down, but I stopped him.

"Actually, bro....could I speak to them, alone? " I asked him, quietly.

He looked confused, but reluctantly climbed the stairs and went to his room.

I looked at the others. Sighing, I sat down next to Damon.

"I'm not sure what I want to say.....I... I just...............I want to make this right. " I stammered, not sure what to say.

Stefan sat forward, "What do you mean, Liv? " he asked, furrowing his brows, confused.

I sighed, "I want to clear all of the worry and tension between could someone please tell me what I can do to make everyone happy and comfortable? " I asked hesitantly, looking around at everyone.

Caroline cleared her throat loudly, "Okay. Let's talk about you being a total slut hijacking the love of Elena's life. " she said, angrily.

I sighed.

"Caroline...I'm not with Damon. I'm with Kevin. "

"So? " she scoffed, "You're obviously still leading him on if he still isn't back with Elena. " she spat.

"Damon's practically my best friend, " Bonnie spoke up, "I've seen him fall for Elena and a love like that can't just disappear. He still loves her. " Bonnie argued.

I heard Damon scoff from next to me. I looked up at him, to see him glaring at everyone.

"Okay....let's get one thing straight, " he spat, "You guys are right. I was in love with Elena. " he started.

I felt my heart sink when he said that and swallowed thickly. He took a deep breath and continued.

"But I'm not anymore. What I felt, it isn't there anymore. " he explained, quietly.

I heard Elena suck in a sharp breath, "No! That's not possible! " she argued, speaking for the first time.

He sighed, "Elena.... "

She stood up angrily, "No, Damon! I refuse to believe that what we had was lost when Liv came into the picture! " she yelled.

He did the same, "It was long before that and you know it! " he yelled back.

"You know what, Liv? You're such a whore! " I heard a voice. I looked to the side to see Jeremy staring at me.

I gulped nervously. He stared at me with so much hatred that I struggled to breath. I finally caught my breath.

"What? " I croaked out.

The whole room had gone silent and they were watching Jeremy and I.

He narrowed his eyes, "Look....I am not a fan of Damon. In fact, I hate him!" He paused "But my sis is in love with him. I can't believe you thought it would be cool to go after our sister's boyfriend! " he scolded me, furious.

I furrowed my brows, "I've never gone after Damon. " I defended myself.

It was the truth. I've never directly gone after Damon.

He scoffed angrily, "Bullshit! " he claimed and stood up, storming out of the room.

I sighed. This wasn't going as I planned.....but then again, I wasn't really counting on them to be calm and I don't know......civilised?! Ugh!

Bonnie and Caroline stood up and walked out of the room. They went to the kitchen and slammed the door behind them. I winced at the loud noise and sighed.

That was terrible.

Katherine scoffed, "There goes the neighborhood. " she said glumly and disappeared, to I'm assuming her room.

I sat there staring at my lap. Is that why they're like this with me? They think that I'm playing around with guys?

It was quiet. When I looked up, I noticed that the only people left were Damon, Stefan, Elena and I.


Elena stood up glaring at me, "Does that answer all of your questions? " she snapped.

I sighed. Is she really going to do this....right now?

"So? " she pressed me.

I stood up and looked at her, "I wanted to make things right, Elena. " I explained, exhausted.

She snorted, "Didn't work...did it? " she asked me smugly.

I glared at her, not saying anything. After a few moments I smile small.

"Good night, Elena. " I greeted, calmly.

She rolled her eyes, scoffing before going up to her bedroom.

I sighed.

I heard someone clear their throat and I looked up at Stefan.

"Uh...are you, um....okay, Liv? " he stammered out, awkwardly.

I looked between him and Damon. Both of their eyes were on me. I might as well try to fix one...or two things tonight.

"I need to talk to you guys. " I rushed out, ignoring his question.

They nodded and sat back in their seats, waiting.

I took a deep breath and locked eyes with Stefan.

"Stef, I- " he cut me off.

"I'm sorry. " he chocked out quickly.

I looked at him confused, "For what exactly? " I raised an eyebrow.

He sighed and glanced at Damon. I looked over at him and he was looking at his brother intently. He seemed just as confused as I was. I looked back at Stefan for some answers.

"When I asked you was too sudden and soon. " he spoke quietly.

I frowned, "Stef, I'm not mad at you. " I stated.

He looked up at me and frowned, too. He cocked his head to the side, his frown deepening.

"You're not? " he asked confused.

I broke into a small smile and giggled a bit, "No! Of course not! " my expression went sincere, "I just wanted to know if we were okay... " I said 

He sighed in relief, "What? No, Liv! Of course we're cool. " he laughed out awkwardly.

I nodded with a smile, "Okay, great. " I glanced at the other Salvatore.

"Uh...I actually want to talk to Damon, alone. " I said giving him a pointed look.

He looked at Damon then back at me confused. I raised my eyebrows at him. He looked at me for a moment before realization dawned on his face and he nodded, getting up and vamped away.

I heard a sarcastic voice from next to me.

"Am I in trouble? "

I looked at Damon and he smirked.

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