eleMental: The Gifted

By lilid1223

49.5K 1K 34

Dylan Harper was raised to hate and fear mutants. Her parents taught her from a young age that mutants threat... More

Chapter 1: Manifesting
Chapter 2: Welcome to the Mutant Underground
Chapter 3: Apologies are Hard
Chapter 4: Finding Marcos and Getting Chased
Chapter 5: Itchy Collars and Isolation
Chapter 6: Breaking Out and Something UneXpected
Chapter 7: Reunions and Reminiscing
Chapter 8: Training and First Kisses
Chapter 9: Missions and Armed Goons
Chapter 10: Disappointment and Loss
Chapter 11: Rescue Missions and Unexpected Reunions
Chapter 12: Traffic Violations and A Kidnapping
Chapter 13: Revenge and Family
Chapter 14: Dancing and Teenagers
Chapter 15: Lies and Broken Hearts
Chapter 16: Making Up and Collateral Damage
Chapter 17: Spies and Lost Loves
Chapter 18: Deceit and Capture
Chapter 19: Trask Industries and Meeting the Frosts
Chapter 20: The Frosts and New Beginnings
Chapter 21: Summits and Betrayals
Book 2 IS UP!!!!


1.3K 27 0
By lilid1223

It's been a few weeks since Lorna, Fade, Sage, and Andy left. We were currently in some fleabag motel trying to find them. I was currently raiding the minibar.

"Really? You're drinking at a time like this?" John asked.

"Yeah. It's a good time because my best friend tried to kill me a few weeks ago and we haven't had a solid lead as to where they are, so I can't do anything. What I can do is drink this mini bottle of vodka and try to forget all my problems. You should take notes from me. You need to relax." I said already feeling a slight buzz.

"Maybe you're right. Give me a bottle." John said. I handed him a mini bottle of whiskey.

"Do you really think we'll find them?" I asked putting my legs over his as he sat next to me. 

"I hope we do, but at this point, we don't know where they're going and Marcos is losing hope every single day. I think we need to start looking to make roots somewhere." John said.

"It won't hurt to have a place to call home. And to stop staying in disgusting motels. We're still hiding from Sentinel Services, so we're still going to be somewhere gross, but it'll be nice to go to the same gross place instead of different gross places." I said half joking. 

"Yeah..." John said getting lost in his thoughts.

"Hey, this isn't your fault. We did everything we could." I said trying to comfort him. 

"I didn't do enough." John said.

"Yes you did." I said taking his face in my hands. I began to kiss him to make him forget. This is probably the last night we could do anything like this, so I was going to make the most of it. 



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