
By sadsunfl0wer

8.5K 749 36

What do you do when you're kidnapped and bitten by a werewolf? Survive. Ellaria had a normal life but that al... More

Waking up
Back to the world of the living
Coming to terms
Meeting the anti-pack
Mama Wolf
The Welcome Dinner
Finding the Pack
Meeting the Pack
Safety is a Relative Term
Back to Hell
The Aftermath
Life with the Pack


560 45 4
By sadsunfl0wer

I began to fruitlessly tug on the ropes holding me. Whimpering as the ropes chaffed my wrists raw.The footsteps stopped and I heard a key being turned in a lock. The door opened and I froze. The man was in shadow just like he was last night. He stepped into the light and a wave of dizziness washed over me. "Michael?!" I croaked.

He gave me the cocky smile that used to melt my heart when I was with him but now it just made me feel sick. He walked over to me and I instinctively flinched backwards. He held a cup to my lips. I closed them tight. "I know you need a drink." He said. "It's just water." I shook my head violently, lips still pressed tightly together. He sighed and drank some himself. "See? It's safe. Please drink." He held the cup back to my lips. "I know your mouth and throat are like a desert right now. Help me help you." He was right and I hated it. My throat felt cracked and raw. My tongue felt like sandpaper. I opened my mouth and greedily gulped the water from the cup. When it was empty, I glared at him. "Explain yourself! Why did you do this to me?!" He put the cup on the floor and went back to the door. I thought he was just going to leave but he grabbed a folding chair and put it next to the bed. He stared at me and suddenly reached out, catching my wrist in his hand. He wiped a trickle of blood away and smiled sadly. "My little fighter." He said with what sounded like pride. He licked the blood from his fingers so quickly that I wasn't sure if I actually saw it. "You want me to explain." He leaned back in the chair and stared at the ceiling. "It started three months ago. I saw you in town with your mom and I was in love. I watched you. I guess you would call it stalking but I was hunting. I wanted the perfect mate and you were just that. I could tell before I even talked to you." He smiled at me. "I learned what you liked. I learned your schedule. I needed to make sure no mistakes were made when I started talking to you. I didn't want it to happen this way. I wanted to earn your trust. I wanted you to want it. I had a plan. We were going to have sex and I was going to do it and it was going to be perfect. We would have connected in so many ways that night." He stood up and moved the chair. "Do what? What were you going to do?" I demanded, fear making my voice shake. "My plan was perfect and I'm not going to change it. It'll be okay, I promise." He was suddenly on top of me. I struggled but I might as well have been trying to push a wall. I heard the ripping of fabric. "No! Please please!" I sobbed when I realized what he was trying to do. "Trust me. We're going to be connected forever." I screamed as he invaded me. I managed a real scream this time for all the good it did me. All I could do is sob as he finished. He kissed my forehead as he climbed off the bed. "Time for the next part." He muttered and suddenly the air around him was shimmering. His form seemed to be moving and changing. Suddenly Michael was no longer there. It his place was a huge russet brown wolf. Before I could comprehend what I was seeing, he lunged forward and sank his teeth into my arm.

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