After the Mask (Secret of the...

By InariKiri

5.3K 98 4

Kaname's life has been dull ever since she got back from the Feudal era. She misses life in the feudal era so... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26

Part 5

232 4 0
By InariKiri

While traveling, Sesshomaru really puts me to the test. He wants me to become stronger in body first. He says the mind will follow as soon as it has a body strong enough to support its power. Though he's a strict and rough teacher, I can tell that it helps and I appreciate his effort on my behalf.

I wipe the sweat from my forehead as I try to catch my breath. "There is a spring in that direction. Go clean yourself up." Sesshomaru says pointing uphill. I nod in thanks and shuffle towards said direction.

In no time at all I come across a nice steaming spring. Taking a glance around I see no one there and quickly strip before sinking into the water with a sigh. Releasing my hair from its tight ponytail I let it float around me. Next I take off the bandages from my arm and deciding it's healed enough I get rid of them.

I rub my sore body in an attempt to relax the muscles quicker, wincing slightly every now and then when I come across a bruise. There is a particular nasty one on the back of my shoulder shaped like the butt of Sesshomaru's sword. He wasn't kidding around when he said he wouldn't go easy on me.

Taking a deep breath I submerge myself and swim around under the waters' surface until I can no longer hold my breath. Taking a big gasp of air when I surface it quickly turns to screaming.

The person who just walked into the clearing screams about as loud as I do and turns red. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to... Huh? Is that you Kaname?"

Turning beat red, I sink back in the water quickly until my head is only left above the surface. "Koga! Could you at least turn around?!" I shout at him, feeling embarrassed. He waves his hands stupidly before quickly turning around.

He chuckles before commenting, "I see you grew up." My mouth drops open from his brutality, but before I can cuss at him, it seems Koga already got his scare. He looks down the tip of Sesshomaru's sword with shock.

"Get out of my sight wolf." he hisses. I stare at him shocked. I've never seen him so angry before.

"Hey, calm down dog. It was an honest mistake." Koga says raising his hands. "But I'll go. See you around Kaname!" he says, before walking off coolly, or so it seems. I can see he's tense all over.

Looking back at Sesshomaru still wide-eyed, I find him looking back at me as he sheets his sword. Feeling myself turn red again, I sigh in relief when he turns around and leaves the clearing. Thinking that was enough excitement for the day I rush out and quickly dress myself.


It is two days later when I realized I was in familiar surroundings; "Are we passing by Kaede's village?" I ask Sesshomaru. He nods and I smile in excitement.

As soon as the entrance of the village comes into sight I run off to look for familiar faces. Rin happily runs after me laughing. People stare at us oddly, but my smile widens when a familiar face finally comes into sight. "Grandma Kaede!"

She turns her head and I wave wildly until she finally seems to recognize me. When I reach her I can't help but pull her in a hug. She laughs at this. "Oh my. Kaname, you came back." she says patting my back. She spots Rin next to me. "Rin, you're here too?"

"Ahu. Lord Sesshomaru and Jaken are too." she explains innocently.

"I see." the old woman muses. She looks back at me. "My, you've grown into a beautiful young lady." I blush at this.

"Thank you." I reply shyly.

Suddenly someone storms out of a hut close by. "What the hell is the fuss all about, I'm trying to sleep here!" He stops in his track as he sees who stands in front of him. "Kaname? What the heck?"

"Well it's nice to see you too Inuyasha." I say sarcastically.

"Hey, I'm glad to see you too, but did you have to bring him along?" he says pointing behind me. I sigh at this. So they're still not on good terms.

"Don't be so rude." scolds Kaede. "Please come inside everyone. I'll make some tea." she urges gently.

Once we got settled I ask, "Where are all the others?"

"Kagome is at home doing who knows what, Sango is with her brother doing her job. Miroku joined them by the way. Shippo should be close by though. Probably playing around with the other kids." Inuyasha answers in a bored tone. "Now what I want to know is how you managed your ass back here."

I give him a look because of his choice of words. "I was at home when I fell into the pond. Sesshomaru was the one to pull me out though and there I was, back in the Feudal era. It seems there was some strange connection between my home and the place where my home still has to become in this era."

"Hm, that's very interesting." Kaede muses. "Have you tried to go back?"

I shake my head. "I haven't been there since. Besides, I'm afraid that if I succeed I won't be able to come back here. That's what happened last time." I tell her sadly.

"And how long have you been here now?" she then asks.

I think it over for a moment. "Hm, I think it's been two weeks by now. And only one near death experience! I'm improving." I grin silly at the last two sentences.

Inuyasha smacks himself in the forehead. "Jeesh." He then turns to Sesshomaru who is leaning against the wall silently. "Where were you when this happened huh?" he drills accusingly.

"Leave him out of it Inuyasha. It was not his fault." I scold.

He just scoffs. "Since when did you two become so close huh? Is there something going on that I should know about?"

Knowing what he's implying I quickly turn red. "No, there is nothing going on and even if there was, why would it concern you? What about you and Kagome?" I say turning things around.

He looks taken aback. "What about it?!" I shake my head. "Really Inuyasha, you disappoint me." He huffs at this while Rin giggles.

He then turns his glare towards Sesshomaru. "What the hell are you smirking about?!" I turn to see him indeed looking quite amused.

"At you getting it handed to you by a human girl." he replies coolly.

"Meh! I'm not here for your amusement. I'm out of here." Inuyasha growls before stomping outside.

Inuyasha returned with Shippo that night though. It was around the time that the smell of food wafted from Kaede's place. I am really happy to see Shippo again. It seems he really found his place in the village. I am happy for him. We decide to stay the night here before heading out again.

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