Part 6

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It is in the middle of the night I believe when something unknown wakens me. Sitting up I look around to see what it was that awoke me. Everything seems fine though, but I notice that Sesshomaru's missing.

Wondering where he wandered off to, I silently get up and go outside. I don't see him at first glance and walk around for a moment until I hear a noise. Turning the corner I gasp when I spot him on his knees as he is gripping his chest painfully.

"Sesshomaru, what's wrong?" I asks running up to him. He doesn't answer as he can only bring out strangled sounds. I rush forward and catch him as he falls forward. He almost screams out in pain while he grips onto me painfully before his hold weakens and he just slumps into a heap.

"Inuyasha!" I yell frantically as I'm scared out of my wits. Luckily it doesn't take long for him to arrive and his eyes widen at the sight.

"What the hell?"

"Something is really wrong with him Inuyasha. We need to get him back to Kaede's." I say in a strained voice as I try to pull the tall man up. I feel him being taken away from me as Inuyasha takes him.

"Go ahead and warn Kaede. I'll be right there." he says. I nod before running off.

A little while later we are all gathered around as Kaede examines Sesshomaru. Me, Rin and Jaken sit in a neat row as close to them as Kaede lets us. I squeeze Rins' hand to comfort her as she sobs. "Don't worry, I'm sure she'll find out what's wrong. Then he'll be up again in no time." I say softly. If only I believe so myself. What on earth could take a demon like Sesshomaru down?

It takes another half an hour of seeing him squirm and gasp in pain before Kaede finally turns to us. "He has caught a virus, a very bad one at that."

"So what now?" ask Jaken.

Kaede looks around at our faces mournfully. "He needs medication or it's likely he'll die from it."

I gasp and hold onto Rin as she flings herself around my waist crying. "Do you have this medication?" I ask shaky.

Kaede shakes her head. "It's not common, but I'm sure you can get it in the next big town. It's three hours from here if Inuyasha takes you." she explains.

"Hey, when did I get dragged into this mess?" he complains.

I stand up and look him in the eye, my vision growing slightly blurry as tears start to surface. "Please Inuyasha, he's your brother for crying out loud. Please, let's go get his medicine." I plead.

He scoffs. "Why not take the dragon?"

"I don't know the way." I argue back, feeling a tear roll down my cheek.

He groans. "Alright! Just don't start crying now. I can't stand it to see women cry." he mutters, finally giving in.

After Kaede hands over a note with the name of the medicine she quickly goes back inside to tend to Sesshomaru. I put it in my pocket and jump on Inuyasha's back. "Alright, hold on. I will not be held responsible if you decide to fall off." Gripping onto him tightly he takes off with great speed. I hope we get back quick enough before Sesshomaru gets even worse.

When after a long time of running when we finally reach our destination, Inuyasha puts me down while trying to gather his breath. It's just starting to get light out. Turning to Inuyasha I say, "Nicely done Inuyasha. Come, let's find the physician."

Inuyasha follows after me with a grumble, something about how Sesshomaru better be grateful. We are quick to find the place and I hurriedly knock on the door. I keep knocking until after a minute the door finally opens to a cranky looking old man. "What's up with you people so early in the morning?!"

"I'm so sorry to bother you, but this is an emergency. Could you please tell us if you have this medicine?" I ask while handing him the note.

Clearing his throat he looks at the paper closely. "Yes, I have it. Give me a moment." he says before going back inside.

It takes another minute before he comes back out carrying a vile. I'm about to take it from him when he holds it far away from me. "What's the big deal old man?" asks Inuyasha agitated.

"This medicine doesn't come cheap you know. I'll first need to see some payment." the man says rudely. Inuyasha and I glance at each other wide eyed, both thinking the same thing. We forgot!

Turning back to the man I say, "I'm sorry, we seemed to have forgotten the money in our hurry. Is there a possibility we can come back to pay for it later?" I try.

The man scoffs. "Are you kidding me?! No payment, no medication." he says before turning around, ready to close the door in our faces.

"Please wait! Is there something else I can give you?"

The man turns around. "I doubt you have anything of my interest." he replies skeptically.

Quickly patting all my pockets my eyes befall on a ring on my finger. It's been in my family for a long time and it's my most treasured possession. Mother gave it to me when I turned sixteen. With a sad sigh I yank it from my finger and hold it out to the man. "Will this do? It's all I have."

I look at him with expectation as he takes it before looking at it closely. It's gold and is fitted with several colored stones. "Hm. Alright, this will do."

I happily take the vile from him before he closes the door. "Okay, let's hurry." says Inuyasha as he crouches down. Getting on his back once again I sigh at the sight of the now empty hand. "You okay?" he asks as he begins on the long run back.

"Yeah." I answer softly while putting my head down on his shoulder.

"Hm." is all that comes from him before staying silent the rest of the way.

~ Sesshomaru

There is a dull ache echoing through my chest when I open my eyes. Looking around I spot Jaken sleeping against the far wall, the priestess on the floor in front of him, the fox boy next to her. My eyes trail to the side of me where Kaname lies with Rin in her arms, both sleeping soundly.

My attention is pulled by a noise on the left of me where I find Inuyasha sitting by the hut's entrance. "So you finally decided to wake up huh?" he says in a soft tone as not to disturb the others.


"You're lucky your companions care about you so much or else you would have probably joined our father already." he states.

I rise a brow in question, "What do you mean?"

He scoffs at that. "You were sick stupid. Me and Kaname had to get you medication or you would die." I glance next to me at the girls. "I hope it isn't too much to ask of you to show some gratitude. Kaname seemed really attached to that ring she used to pay for your medicine."

I look back at him slightly surprised, before hiding it. "I understand."

Inuyasha grunts before standing up. "Let's hope so." he says before walking outside.

Looking back at the girls I stare at the dark circles under Kaname's eyes. She looks like she hadn't slept for a long time. Just how long was I out for? I sigh lightly when my eyes protest and decide it would be alright to sleep a little while longer.

After the Mask (Secret of the cursed mask game sequel)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα