My Pirate Jim Hawkins

By Kk24835

45.3K 973 247

Laila is not your run-of-the-mill orphan. She was adopted by Captain Amelia and is now the third in command... More

Mop and a Bucket of Water
I'm Still Here
Too Far Gone
Take Me Away
Loose Screws
I'm So Sorry!

In My Head

992 19 6
By Kk24835

thegemfinder after four years of not posting I made sure that your @ was in here because I remembered you being the first to like my last post. Thank you for your support.

Laila P.O.V

After what happened with Silver we all huddled together to come up with a plan.

So far, all of our ideas hit rock bottom.

"Everyone," Amelia said aloud in her weak voice, "we must all stay together and..."

When she trailed off her eyes began to slowly flutter shut.

"And what? What!?" Dobler asked, raising his voice at Amelia with such anxiety.

"You have such wonderful eyes," she said in a hushed delicate tone before her eyes fluttered shut.

"She has lost her mind!" He hollered to the heavens in despair.

"Well then help her! You can help her right?" I asked desperately as I grasp onto Amelia's hand tightly.

"Dang it, Laila, I'm and astronomer not a doctor! I mean—no I am a doctor but not that kind of doctor with all the medicine and doohickeys. I have a doctorate but you can't help anyone with a doctorate, you just sit there and you're useless!" Dobbler ranted frantically as he put his face into his hands.

Jim awkwardly hovered by his side, patting his shoulder as a way to reassure him as he said, "It's okay, doc."

But he was wrong, things are not ok.

Amelia is hurt, we have nothing to defend ourselves, our only exit is surrounded. All alternatives that I could think of ended terribly. All we're dead ends.

"Without the map we die...but if we leave then we're dead...and if we stay here..." Jim trailer off as he rubbed his chin thinking about every approach.

"We're dead! Dead! Dead! Dead!" Morph cheers around Jim's head. I could see the frustration grow on Jim's face. Morph noticed it too in the middle of his tirade, he instantly stopped and whimpered like a puppy being scolded.

Morph sucker over to me and nuzzled into my neck for comfort. I gave him a small rub on the top of his head to comfort him, but my eyes never left Jim as he paced around the room.

I took this chance to sit up and approach Jim carefully. Once I got closer I realized he was mumbling under his breath of what I assume are ideas on how to get out of here.

"Maybe we could have morph turn into the map again and trick them into thinking it's the real thing to buy us some time. But then there's the possibility of them taking morph before activating it and we lose Morph, plus I don't know if morph word be willing to cooperate..." he mumbled.

Honestly I started to feel bad. I have no idea how we can possibly wiggle out of this one. All possibilities lead to dead ends or more obstacles that could end horribly.

"Well I think it's safe to say that Jimmy could use a little quiet time," Ben cut in beside me, " so I'll just slip out through the back door."

At first I had brushed off what Ben had said and tried to brain storm more ways of getting out. However once it hit me, Jim had caught on as well. Our heads snapped towards Ben as he happily skipped towards the back of the room.

"Back door?"

"Oh yeah," Ben rambled on as he was struggling to open a hatch on the ground that I had assumed was a rock.

Jim and I hurried over towards Ben and helped push the hatch over. Once we did we were immediately taken aback from the miles of piping and wires leading down into the planet.

A gust of air brushed my face and combed through my hair as I tried looking deeper to find the bottom.

"Wha-what is this?"

"You mean the miles and miles of machinery that run through the entire planet?" Ben chatted as if he had the answer, "Not a clue."

"Doc! I think I just found us a way outta here!" Jim announced as he stepped up toward the hatch.

"No, Jim wait a second. The captain ordered us to stay together!" Doppler protested as Jim stood over the hatch.


He looked down to me from above the hatch. The gust of wind ruffled his hair and clothes.

"I'll be back," he said to my giving me a wink before plunging himself into the hatch.

Ben followed suit of Jim all the while yelling "cannon ball" as he hugged his knees to his chest.

With out hesitation I hobbled up over the hatch looking over Doppler.

"We'll be back."

And just like that, I was calling for miles down in the planet. It was an odd feeling. I had expected it to be cooler but instead it felt like floating. Like I was flying instead of falling.

For a minute I thought I was never going to reach the bottom until I saw Jim and Ben at the bottom under a pile of scrap metal.

The panic of falling to my death had finally overwhelmed me as I grew closer to the bottom.

I prepared myself by putting my legs together and bending my knees in hopes of lessening the impact. Even if my legs would be broken.

But then, my falling became a slow descend. I wasn't sure what was happening until I was hovering over the peak of the pile.

A small yet strong burst of hot air was perfectly timed to stop my fall.

As quickly as it happened it stopped just as quick.

I fell on top of the pile of metal. Other than the sharp edges of metal poking at my skin, I was pretty much unharmed.

Jim and Ben turned around by the startling clang of metal.

At first I thought Jim would have been mad at me for following them but it was quite the opposite. If anything he seemed pleased with this transgression.

He climbed up to where I was and scoped me up before carrying me down to the bottom.

"I was wondering what took you so long."

"You're not mad?"

"Nope, I knew you would have came down here no matter what I said," he said, grinning to himself.

Once we reached the bottom, Ben was rambling on about how exciting it is now that I'm here, and how we will go on dynamic trio adventure blah blah blah.

While he was in a fit of ranting, Jim didn't acknowledge him as he looked down at me.

"Do you want me to put you down?"

I nodded my head as a response and he gladly put me down and trudged forward, leading us towards a ladder.

His warmth vanished quickly from my body, leaving me cold. Part of me wanted him to hold me again but I had to remind myself of what happened on the ship.

Why am I so mad?

Is it because of what he said?

But why?

Why should I be mad if he feels that way? I should just move on from it.

We barely known each other. We kissed once and suddenly I get mad at him for telling me how he truly feels.

Is it because of my pride?

Or am I just so insecure?

All of these emotions hit me like a train all in a matter of minutes. Questions flooding my brain. Emotions tugging at my heart.

"Laila? Are you coming?"

Once I was back into reality, I realized that Jim was starting to climb the ladder.

"Yeah, sorry." I said, grabbing hold of the ladder and climbing up towards a hatch.

Once we reached the top Jim opened the hatch and scooted over for me to peak through. There we saw the crew sleeping in a pile around a fire.

No one seemed to be on watch.

Not too far from their camp there was their longboats, waiting for us to snatch them.

"So what's the plan!" Ben screeched as he wedged in between us, nearly knocking both of us off the ladder.

"Ben! Quiet!" Jim hushed him while covering his metal mouth closed.

"Here's what's gonna happen, we sneak back to the Legacy, disable the laser cannons and bring back the map," he whispered to him.

"That's a good plan, I like that plan. The only thing is...I'm wondering how do we get there?"he said muffled through Jim's hand.

"On that."

"Ooh," Morph said before he zipped over towards the boats at lightning speed.

"Morph!" I whispered before climbing up and out of the hatch to chase after him.

"Laila wait!"

Quickly yet quietly I limped my way over to Morph who was hovering by the crew's faces. Playfully licking and rubbing against their faces.

My eyes were wide with panic as I scurried over to Morph and snatched him before he could wake up Mr Onus.

Thankfully the fool was always such a heavy sleeper when we were on the Legacy. He could sleep through anything.

I gave Morph a disappointed look which made him look at me with a sad expression. I didn't scold him however. As we made our way over to Jim and Ben by the longboats, I was patting the top of his head as he sat in my palm.

It wouldn't have been fair for him to be yelled at for a second time today. I'm sure what happened with Silver has really effected his mood. So a little reassurance could make him feel a little better.

Once we reached the long boats, Ben and Jim had it all ready to go.

Having forgotten what happened earlier, Morph flew out of my palm and flew into the boat excitedly.

"God you scared me," Jim said as he gave me his hand.

"Good," I said as he hoisted me into the boat.


Well...this is embarrassing...

It's been...maybe four years...

I've had this in my drafts for awhile now. But I never got around to finishing until, please excuse the horrible grammar and spelling errors.

I'm sorry that it's so short. I thought ending it this way would have been a good cliffhanger, and yet I feel like a jerk for being gone for so long and coming back with a short post.

I won't bore you guys for why I was gone for so long, so instead I'm gonna end it here.

If you have any questions, just leave a comment and I'll try to answer them
best as I can.

Bye bye!

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