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After some time, we made it back to the Legacy without being caught.

Ben kept on singing some annoying song in another language that seemed like incoherent babbling. Almost as if he knew the beat but not the lyrics.

Over and over again.

I was fortunate enough to have both of my hands free, unlike Jim, to cover my ears.

It was obvious by the look on Jim's face that his ears were on the brink of bleeding. His eyes were scrunched as if it could relieve the pain.

It wasn't until we were a few meters away from the ship that Jim told Ben to shove it. Ben quickly sputtered a loud sorry as we inched closer to the deck.

Once we were close enough, me and Jim tie it to the side and climb aboard as softly as we could. As for Ben, he clumsily hunched over the rail and tumbled on to the deck. Leaving us with a loud crash to ruin our silent attempt.

"Ben, Shh!" Jim hushed into Ben's face before slowly making his way below deck.

Ben clucked out so many story's as he made his haste down below deck. As Jim went over the plan involving only him, going off to fetch the map while we sat and waited for him. All while facing away from us, looking down the corridor of pipes and wires.


"What?" He asked, peering over his shoulder.

"We didn't come here to sit and wait up for you," I gestured over to Ben, who in his haste nearly toppled down five steps.

"Lailas right, I'll go neutralize the laser cannons, sir!" Ben cheered, pushing past us down a random direction. Humming to himself, an old pirates song bouncing off the walls.

Jim sighed for the hundredth time this afternoon and began heading off towards Ben's direction. But before he could get far, I snatched his arm and pulled him with me in the opposite direction.

"Wha-wait! What about Ben?!"

"He'll be fine, he's going the wrong way anyway. Plus by the time he hits the dead end down there we would already have the map by then."

Jim seemed less reluctant by this and followed behind me down the long hallway.

At first it was silent between us, only the sounds of our heels clacking against the rusty metal floor and steam sputtering from the pipes.

But after awhile, while we were nearing our destination, Jim had decided that it was the perfect moment to speak.

"How's your leg?"

"It's fine."

That was a lie...

My leg was burning like hell. Just flexing my calf was enough to make me cringe in pain. But he could probably tell by the way I was hobbling on one leg.

"Are you sure?"

"I really am fine," I said a bit more harshly than I wanted.

This caused a moment of silence to settle between us again. Leaving myself alone with my thoughts. Chastising myself for being so harsh.

"Hey...can we talk? About, today?"

This has made me want to stop in my tracks, but instead I treaded on, pretending that what he said didn't phase me in the slightest.

"What about? The backstabbing pirates, treasure planet, Ben being frightly cheerful?"

"About what I said this morning."

This time, I didn't hide my restlessness on the topic. An exhausted sigh left my lips, " Now isn't the best time to talk about this..."

"Then when is?" Jim said, inching closer to stand beside me, looking down at me patiently.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2023 ⏰

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