My New Life

By sly_blue120

140K 2.3K 504

This is a story about a boy named Kc who learns things can always get worse as he looses his parents, grandpa... More

chapter one
chapter two
Chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter 6
Chapter 7
dear dairy
chapter 8
trailer one for after sumer break
Kaylon and Max
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12 plus Halloween special
chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
important announcement!!!

Christmas special

1K 26 1
By sly_blue120

*This has nothing to do with the books past or future its just a cute moment in the book to spice it up for the drama that may or not be upcoming.*

They decorated the dark green pine treen with red tensel, and dry popcorn. The balbs were themed gold, red, and blue. The feeling hitting me in the heart bringing me back to my childhood when I was at my grand parents.


The sweet cinnamon-y smell wofted in from the kitchen as I sat along my grandfather's side his musceline form and difend jawline made him stand out he looked good for his 60's.

My grandmother spent her time in the kitchen working on the pies and stuff she was clearly in her late 50's, her hair was in a bobbish style her hair was curlled at the end.

"Kc can you come here." she called out her voice cracking. I look up at my grandfather and he nodds to me, I stood running to the kitchen. There she sat flower on her face looking up at me she patted the spot beside her, and I gently sat beside her that night we would grow closer then ever before. Slaving away over a hot stove cracking jokes as I put the food on thw tables and filled three pies. The full time we were smiling well until the men walked into the room her smile faded and she looked at the stove the full time, as my face met the ground I guess theres suppost to be more then one hole in an apple pie...

*flashback end*

Stading to look in the mirror before I made an appearance down stairs with the guys. I was practically skin and bones I was thin before I came here but now....I'm nothing but skin and bones, my hip bones peeked out of my baggy shorts. Which made no sense I was eating more mabey it was the ice cold showers.. The top part of my outfit was dressy though. I had a blush colored dress shirt on. My favorite part of my outfit was my vest it was a light grey vest with white snowflakes along the bottom for foot - wear I was wearing white vans. Upon walking to the main hall I seen the three of them Max, Sam, and Ash.

Max had his light brown hair gelled messily in each direction, his tan skin glowing from the dim candle light. His tuxedo was navy blue themed his vest was almost jet black though and he had dark gray dress shoes.

Sam's jet black hair was neetly combed back, his grayish blue eyes shun like diamonds. His tuxedo set made his eyes look washed out. Due to the fact he was in an all grey themed suit, with black dress boots.

Ash look pretty hot but not as good as Max. His jet black hair was neetly gelled back he had black dress shoes on with a matching black top hat on that made his light blueish gray eyes pop his dark purple tuxedo made him stand out even more then normal his plale skin practically was shining he .

But behind them there was....

A little girl Yukka no....

Elizabeth stood out being the only one but me wearing bright colors. She was wearing blush colored dress that popped out at her hips lined with three lines of frills near the bottom. She had a furry rose gold vest she had white two inch high heels on.

Max and Sam walked together pushing and joking each other. A sweet nostalgia people could never forget is was warm for a place as cold as this one.

"Kc can you come with me." Ash said a soft smirk on his face as he swiftly took my hand and led me to the back room. Stopping to open the door first and with no deal he dragged me into the room his hands quickly made there way behind my back. As he gently pressed me to his chest his plump lips connecting to mine for a swift moment leaving me only wanting more. As our lips smashed together only once after this time not gently but out of lust.

Ash's hands made his way upthe front and back of my shirt kissing up and down my neck I was trying to get him off of me when...

Max bursed through the door not looking impressed he rushed at us. Grabbing me by the back of my neck and chucking me backwards. Worry flashed on Ash's face Max's fist moved so fast I could barley see it but the next thing I know Max's fist was in Ash's stomach. Ash's groned in a rough voice as he began punching Max back this went on for a while till.

Sam came into the dark room where they were fighting and picked me up and carried me away from them and to Elizabeth. Whom had been moved into a new room.

"Elizabeth, looks like your daddie is fighting over your mommy!" Sam said happily putting me down in an empty room with no Windows and no-one but us.

It was a huge gray room with dark oak wood floor board's a painting on the back wall of a garden on fire, there were only two coach's and a coffee table in the middle of the room.

"Really can I go see Mommy is he okay? Are yous okays?" Elizabeth asked rushing to me her feet hitting the ground in slow tapping movements.

"I'm fine and your Daddie will be okay to." I false smile on my face with unrealistic enthusiasm plastered on my face and in my voice. As I leaned down in front of her and she ran into my arm's and I spun her around.

Her blush colored dress puffed out beautifully as her heels ripped off hitting the walls of this gaint room

"Can you guys please sit down for a bit?" Sam said smirking as he tapped me on the shoulder. He then rested his arm on my shoulder for a moment before pulling us onto the coach.


(I wanted to spice things up so comedy?)

Guys view

"How dare you guys destroy the house it was only a small fight?!" Kaylon said storming out of the room to face them.

"I didn't mean to?" Sam questioned.

"Ash did it!" Max shaded blame pointing his finger up at Ash.

"Don't blame me ass hole you punched me first!" Ash said making a fist and charging at Max.

"And so they rolled around fighting for a good few hours." Kaylon said to us.

".... You know you can call me Kc right?" Kaylon said arching an eyebrow. Little did he know I can't have proper dialogue since I'm a narrator....

"Why can I hear you then!!" Kaylon screamed getting weird looks from everyone in the room.

Note: thank you all for your support 💗💖💗💖

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