My Australian Summer

By RatnieTuckie

2.8K 27 22

My mom said Australia would be fun... that I'd simply love everything about it... But all that I've seen so f... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
My Australian Summer

Chapter Nine

124 2 0
By RatnieTuckie

I stood in front of the car door and stared at it. By no means was I going to get in willingly... I didn't want to leave, not for anything in the world would I ever want to leave, "Get in the car," my dad says in a low deep voice.

"No..." I whisper, "I haven't seen the boys yet," I wipe my runny nose and look around. They said they would come to see me leave, they promised.

"Isn't that a sign to you?" my dad asks giving me a look, "they don't care about you, that bastard boy just wanted an easy lay this summer, and I bet he got it."

I flinched at his words... What if that's all Michael really thought of me? What if the boys just used me to have a little fun... What if... What if... What if... Was I really going to just ask myself these questions? How stupid!

Dropping everything, I ran for the road. I could hear my parents screaming at me as I turn to run towards Michael's house. He only lived a block or two... maybe less... But, as my feet hit the pavement, it felt as though it stretched on for miles, and miles... never ending... the driveway never coming into sight.... And then it did... "Michael!" I shout as the boys start to get into his car.

He spins around at the sound of my voice before I smash into him, "We were just coming to see you..." he says pushing my bangs away from my eyes so that he could look at me.

"I know... but we were leaving... and I needed to see you... I had to see you..." I say pulling him into a hug and kissing his chest as he buries his face in the crook of my neck. I take out my sharpie and take Michael's hand. Sloppily, I drew four tallies, "This is you and the boys... " I say smiling as the others suround us, "and this is me..." I say dragging the final mark across the rest to make five, "don't ever forget our 5 Seconds of Summer..." I whisper and look around at them all, "please..." I sniff as my parents pull the car to the end of the driveway.

"We won't," Luke says sticking out his pinkie, "we swear."

I smile through light tears as I hook my trembling pinkie to his, "Good..." I say sniffling, "I almost forgot..." I say opening my giant black and white tribal print bag, "These are for you Ashton... To remember how awesome I am," I smirk and hand him red, white, and blue drumsticks.

"Alright, Mrs. All American," he mimicks what I said all those weeks before in the Macca's. Luke had tried to make a joke of me... and I just made it even funnier....

Laughing I give him a hug and kiss his cheek, "Play hard, okay?" I whisper in his ear.

"Okay..." he swallows hard and nods his head as I pull away.

I tap his shoulder before turning to Calum, "Hey Cal-Pal." I say laughing as his eyes water, "I know you love Blink whatever..." he laughs a little as I pull the bracelet out of my bag, "so I thought you might like it... I play bass... So  I know you can play with it on, and you have no excuse not to wear it 24/7," I joke as he slips it on his wrist.

He sobbed slightly into my shoulder as I rubbed his back, "Thank you... For everything..." he says in between breaths.

"You're welcome..." I say smiling a little, "just remember you are just as important to the band as anyone.. Bass players do it better," I wink as I pull away and he laughs through his tears.

"Luke..." I say as I turn to the blond haired blue eyed boy who just wouldn't look me in the eye, "would you please look at me?" I ask taking a step closer.

He snifffed a little before fixing his jaw and pulling his head up. I see why he hadn't wanted to look at me... His eyes were red... He'd been crying, but this was Luke, and he cried even less than I did... "Yes?" he asks clearing his throat.

I reach into my bag and pull out a small box, "This is for when you play..." I say handing him a guitar pick with Nirvana on it, "and is just because it reminded me of you," I laugh and put the lego man necklace around his neck.

"Thank you," he says as he pulls me into a tight embrace. I always thought Luke hated me... But maybe it had been the total oposite the whole time...

"I love you, Luke," I say kissing his cheek, "the best poets write about what they know..." I tell him as I start to pull away, "and I'm thinking a quiff on you would look better than fringe..." I joke and tap his nose with my finger as a smile covers his face.

"I'll remember that," he says with a short chuckle as I pull away completely.

I felt something inside me break a little as I turned around. Michael stood there staring at me... and I knew it was the last time, and that's what made it the hardest, "Michael..." I choke out before he pulls me in to a tight hug and kisses my lips. He rarely kissed like this. Passionate, and long... Usually we tease and torture each other before finally connecting to a hard lustful kiss. But, this one was free of all that... and to take it's place was love... and I don't care how cheesy that sounds, "I don't have much time..." I say opening my bag.

"You don't need to give me anything..." he says shaking his head, "you've already given me all I've ever wanted... And I couldn't ask for more..." he whispers as he cups my cheeks in his hands and the tears start to stream down my face.

I felt my mascara start to smudge and leak into my eyes and onto my cheeks as I shake my head, "Please... let me do this..." I say unable to catch my breath.

He was shaking his head as his lip quivered but he still gave into me, "Alright..." he says letting me pull away a little to dig in the bottomless pit of a bag. Smiling, I pull out the Pokemon hat and set it on his head and pull on the long strings in the front to make it go down around his ears, "I thought the pod things on the ends were cool..." I giggle and reach back into my bag as the guys laugh, "and I love plaid... so I made you this..." I free the red flannel shirt out of my bag and hold it up, "I cut the sleeves off... cause sleeves just aren't hot on you," I say smirking a little as he puts it on.

"Oh my God," Ashton laughs as he looks at the back of the shirt.

"What?" Michael says looking over his shoulder and trying to see.

"Idiot..." I laugh a little and take his hands, "it has IDIOT written on the back in white paint."

Michael laughs gives my arm a little shove, "You're great..." he says letting his fingers touch my cheek as my dad honks the horn long and loud.

"One more thing... For all of you," I say pulling out the half size composition notebook. It had a map printed on the covers and I had colored in Sydney Australia, and then where Wisconsin maybe on the other side, "it's for you to write your ideas down in... Or I guess if you don't want to... you can always use it for a campfire..." I whisper putting it down in Michael's hands, "um... I took up the first couple pages... It's just the things I didn't have time to say..."

The boys all looked at me as I kiss Michael one last time, "I love you..." I whisper, "all the way to the moon..." I smile a little.

"And back again," he chokes out as I pull away for the last time.

I backed away from them... I didn't want to miss a second of what was happening... I loved these boys, as if they were my family... and now, as I open the car door, I realise that they are my family and even if I never see them again I knew they would always remember me... And I would never forget them...

"Get in!" my dad shouts at me, and I do.

I stick my head out the window as he starts the car back up, "I'll be back!" I shout at them with a laugh and stick my tounge out.

They start laughing as my sister pulls me back into the car, "Rock and Roll boys!" I shout holding my index finger and pinkie up on both hands with the other three tucked into my palm and stick them out the window.

They did the same with theirs as Michael opens the book and starts to read out loud to them. By that time... we were out of sight, but I could still hear him reading my words to them... as if I were standing right there...


I know last minute notes are kinda sappy and weird, but I really enjoy them... and I thought you maybe would too. So here it goes...

There were many things that we did together this summer... but I didn't get to tell you guys SOOOO much and you know me, I just love to talk... So I'm just going to list off maybe 5 things that I REALLY wanted you all to know before you become these big superstars I know you'll be.

1. My favorite color is orange. It doesn't matter what shade, I just absolutely love it... Maybe it's because oranges themselves taste amazing... But so do bananas haha... But why is the color orange named after a fruit but not yellow... if it was, would the color be banana, or the banana be the color... Anyway, yes, I love the color orange, please do not let Michael dye his hair that color... any one but orange haha...

2. I never drank before I met you guys, and now I probably will stop. It honestly tastes really bad... Like really bad... but it was fun doing it with you guys... and the effect is HILARIOUS especially on Calum haha...

3. Michael and I have a secret... But, he can only tell you what it is after you have picked a name for your band! Haha.. that's the reward:)

4. I enjoy cartoons... Probably too much for a teenager... and my favorite movie is Uptown Girls... Best bonding movie ever... You all should watch it... But, I guess Fight Club is pretty good too lol.

5. Finally, the last amazing fact about me that I just had to tell you... I guess it doesn't really have to be a fact about me... but, I'm pretty sure that these all are... But, number five is I'm pregnant... HAHA got ya... Did Michael pee his pants? God, I wish I could have seen that... Love you Bae haha, on a serious note, my fifth thing is I want you guys to start writing your own music, hense the notebook. I guess you could use it as fire fuel, but I'd really like to see you on stage one day. You are all so amazing and talented, and I don''t know why, but I really feel like you are going to go far with this band thing...


So right now, as you are reading this pick and name and write it on this line before reading anymore of my letter.


Great, now that you have it written, start making up lyrics, you know. Good ones, bad ones, funny ones, ANYTHING. The best poets and authors write about what they know... Michael and I already wrote a song together... it's in the pages that follow my letter. I thought it was pretty good... but maybe you won't. It's just to give you an idea of what you may or may not want to do... Now get to work. I'm definatly going to miss you all... I love you Michael... More than anything...

I love you all....

Don't Forget.....

The plane took off and I watch out the window... Was Michael crying, or already moving onto the next girl... I'll never know... but what I do know, is we had the best summer of our entire lives... and no one can erase that memory.


AW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's sad... Isn't it? But don't worry!!! It's not the end!!!!! I was thinking about all of this... and was like, omg what if that really is how they got their name?! but, then I'd be jealous of the girl haha... Ah, Michael, if you are reading this... We all still love you! And hope you love us too haha.

If you wanna follow me on twitter: @CurtinKathryn is my username!

If you wann follow me on Instagram: @KateCurtin143 is my username!

Luv ya Loves xx.

K. x.

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