The Mafia's Doctor

By aTouchOfRomance

10.4M 329K 87.8K

[edited version of Doctor for the Mafia] Ila Archer was a doctor working at one of the best hospitals in New... More

Author's Note
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157K 5.1K 641
By aTouchOfRomance

"What are we doing here again?" I asked, staring at the same club we went to last night.

"It wasn't a successful night," Marcella said, gently pushing me from behind towards the building.

"What do you mean "wasn't a successful night"?" I asked. "It was fun."

" admitted you liked it." Marcella smiled.

"Not enough to do it again. I had a major headache this morning and I'm still tired of it."

"Well, suck it up, buttercup," Giovanni said, swinging his arm over my shoulders as he put himself between Marcella and me. His sudden weight almost made me lose balance in my heels. "It's not a success unless I get some. If you really don't want to go back to that club, you and I can go back into the car and we can have ourselves a good fuck."

I was going to take Giovanni's arm off of my shoulders but Matteo, who appeared beside me on my right, did it for me. He quickly replaced Gio's arm with his, pulling me close. His face remained his neutral emotionless facial expression but I knew he didn't like Giovanni's suggestion.

"Look at his face," Giovanni said, pointing at Matteo. "He looks like he needs to get laid too."

Matteo turned to face him, glaring.

"You want to join?" Giovanni asked, giving Matteo his signature joking perverted face. Matteo lifted his arm off of me and reached over to hit Giovanni in the back of the head. "Ow, getting frisky already?"

Matteo and I ignored Giovanni until we reached the club. We walked through the entrance, passing the same bouncer from the night before and cutting the line. Inside, there weren't as many people from the night before. Possibly due to the fact that it was Sunday and people had work in the morning.

We passed the bar and walked through the dance floor to the same VIP section. Aiden and Giovanni sat down on one side of the booth while I sat in the middle, between Matteo and Marcella, on the other. Shot glasses filled with liquor automatically appeared at the table and everyone grabbed one and raised it up. I looked at Marcella who was already looking at me. I knew if I didn't drink, Marcella would find a way to get alcohol in my system. I grabbed a glass, raised it to clink against the others, and drank it.

"Did I just take a shot of Bourbon?" I asked, trying to salivate in order to get rid of the burn. Marcella grabbed another one, leading the rest to do so. "Again?"

"Yup," She said, nodding her head to the drinks to tell me to grab another one.

Reluctantly, I grabbed one and lifted it to my mouth. Halfway to my lips, Matteo grabbed the glass out of my hand and downed it himself. That made it his third shot of Bourbon in less than a minute.

"Thanks," I told Matteo after he finished my drink.

"No problem," he said after clearing his throat, which probably burned. I watched him look past me and his eyebrows lift up, which meant he saw something interesting. I turned my head to see what he was looking at and found my own set of brows going up.

"Emmet, what are you doing here?" I asked, shocked. My brother had finished making his way through the crowd to get to the table. Arriving in front of us, I looked him up and down to make sure I was seeing right. Unfortunately, it was my brother. Looking like a Hollister model, Emmet was wearing their v neck white tee shirt that had their famous seagull logo on the left peck with tan pants and white vans. With his casual outfit, Emmet definitely went overboard cologne that smelled as expensive as the watch on his right wrist. 

"Marcella invited me here for your promotion party." My brother answered, taking a seat next to Marcella. "Congrats, sis."

"Promotion?" I asked Marcella. I knew that she knows that I know that there's no promotion party and it was all just to lure my brother to hang out with her.

"Surprise!" She smiled, guilty and not sorry.

I shook my head. Marcella is a sneaky one. I looked at Matteo and he just shrugged. Aiden reached for the last filled shot glass but I snatched it away from him

"Hey! That was mine." He whined as I downed the drink.

"Bartender, I'm going to need more shots!" I yelled out.

"Whoa, that's a big plane, dude," Emmet said, slurring his words, "I hope that the pilot isn't as drunk as I am."

Leaning on me and holding my arm for support, Ila giggled, finding what her brother said to be funny. She, too, was intoxicated. Out of everyone that went to the club with us, Ila managed to drink the most. She even beat the number of drinks Marcella drank due to the fact her brother was there. Speaking of Marcella, she was leaning on the other side of me and holding my other arm. She didn't want to stay in the car with Giovanni and Aiden and wanted to tag along as I tried to send Emmet off. Ila came because she didn't want to let go of my hand. Under different circumstances, I would have found that to be cute, but as of now, I needed to get Emmet onto that plane.

"No problem man, a family of Ila is a family of mine," I said.

"Literally, cause Ila and Matteo are going to get married," Marcella said. She let go of me to clap her hands. Her sudden movement caused her to lose balance and Marcella quickly grabbed a hold of me again.

"We are? Aw, we are!" Ila said, smiling big. Again, would have found this cute but the time didn't allow me to.

"Congrats!" Emmet congratulated, bring us into a big group hug.

I was too sober for this. I sighed and decided to get through this silently. It was only minutes away from Emmet stepping onto that plane and going back to California.

"You should get on the plane man," I said, urging him to go as soon as we broke apart.

"Right." He said, he turned and walked to the base of the stairs that led into the plane.

Before he stepped foot on the first step, Marcella broke away from me and yelled, "You're seriously going to leave without kissing me?"

Marcella angrily hobbled her way over to Emmet, grabbed his face with her two hands, and shoved her face into his. I looked down at Ila and saw her tearing up, "Aw, my best friend and my brother."

I waited for their moment to be over, unaware that we had crossed the line between reality and a melodramatic movie. Five minutes passed and they didn't break apart from each other. Their drunkenness made the whole make out session messy and uncoordinated. I grew uncomfortable as the view became sloppy and covered Ila's eyes with the palm of my hand from the unpleasantness.

"Marcella!"I called out to her for her to stop already. I threatened, "Do you want to walk home?"

She pulled apart from Emmet, wiped her lips, and said, "Call me when you land."

The pounding in my head made it harder for me to continue sleeping. My eyes fluttered opened, my blurred vision cleared, and I saw the bare tatted back of Matteo in my bed. I jolted up and scanned to see where I was at, my apartment.

"Matteo, get up! What if Emmet sees yo-" I stopped midway of my sentence as I remembered what went down last night. "-Oh my gosh!"

"What?" Matteo asked, looking over his shoulder to look at me.

I jumped out of bed and ran to the guest room Emmet was sleeping in. His stuff was all here. We had sent him back to California without his passport, his wallet, or his suitcases filled with clothes.

"Don't worry. I had a guy pick your brother up when he landed." Matteo said, coming from behind me.

"You planned this, didn't you?" I squinted in suspicion.

"I discussed my plan on your tenth shot and you were on board."

"I was drunk." I defended myself.

"You didn't say no." Matteo rebutted.

The bathroom door next to us swung open and Aiden stepped out, "Sorry Ila, I had to throw up in the bathtub because Gio was hogging the toilet and Marcella had the sink."

He moved aside to show Marcella and Giovanni passed out on the floor. The stink that came from inside triggered my gag reflexes and the unsettled liquor in my stomach. I quickly closed the door of the bathroom and ran for the kitchen sink. Matteo followed behind me and held my hair as bile came up my throat.

"I can't believe you sent off my brother like that," I said, getting my word in while I wasn't hurling. "I need to call him and see if he's okay, hand me my phone."

"Maybe you should finish throwing up."


"Your call has gone to voi-" I ended the call and redialed his number for the seventh time.

At the seventh ring, Emmet finally picked up.

"Mhh.. hello?"

"Hey, Emmet. How are you?" I asked.

"Well...My head hurts.. like really bad."

"Are you home?"

"Oh shit! How did I get here?"

I sighed and explained to Emmet what had happened last night. Still not processing it, I told him to take some Advil and get more rest before ending the call. I also noticed that Matteo, too, got off the phone with someone.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"I just called for someone to clean the mess in your bathroom and kitchen," Matteo answered. "How's your brother?"

"He's at his house with a major headache and jet lag. Emmet wants us to send his stuff over as soon as possible."

"I'll get that done for you." He said, going back onto his phone.

"Thanks. Now you have to help me get Marcella, Giovanni, and Aiden to the car." 

Sorry I didn't update as I planned. It was finals week and I was major stressed.

Happy Holidays!!!

Thoughts on me creating a social media account for just for and about wattpad? Instagram? Or maybe twitter?

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