Double Up

By 4everandalwayscastle

35.9K 1.6K 57

"Kate knew it was time. After all those months of appointments with the doctor, ultra sounds, aches, mood swi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 19

745 39 0
By 4everandalwayscastle

Chapter 19

Kate spotted Rick talking to someone at the other end of the room. She wanted to go over and talk to him. There's no time like the present Lanie had told her.

But just as she was walking over to him, Ryan came up in front of her with his two year old son. And she was suddenly distracted by the little guy. They spoke for a while. Kate carried the little guy in her arms and Ryan showed off his son's new talking skills and all the new words he had just learned to say.

Kate told him about how Nate had uttered a word today, but he only did that when Castle was not around. They talked for a while, and when Kate excused herself to go find her husband, he wasn't there. She looked around for him but couldn't see him anywhere.

The party went on this way, both of them trying so hard to get a chance to talk to each other, but every time, someone or something came between them and being the hosts of the party, they had no choice but to give priority to entertaining the guests.

A slow song came on, probably the last song for the night. And the dance floor cleared up a bit to leave only the couples there. Kate looked around and still couldn't find him. She was getting frustrated now. She felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around, hoping it was Rick.

"Think I could get a dance with my daughter?" Jim Beckett asked her.

It was probably the only thing that could make her smile right now. She said

"Of course, do you even have to ask Dad?"

He led her to the dance floor and they danced slowly to the music.

Somewhere in the middle of the song, when Rick realized he was not going to be able to find Kate until some of the crowd lessens, he decided he needed a dance with his daughter. He walked up onto the dance floor, and straight up to where Alexis and Jake were.

"May I cut in?" he asked. And Alexis smiled.

"Of course Mr. Castle" Jake said.

Castle placed his hand on his daughter's waist, and took her hand in the other and softly they danced to the music.

"He's a nice guy"

Alexis looked up to him "Wow, I didn't expect that to come out on the same day you met him."

Rick laughed.

"You usually always give me reasons as to why the guy is not good for me…" Alexis admitted.

"Yea. But I realized I can't always do that. Its you're decision now, who you want to date, who you fall in love with. Anything I say won't stop your heart from falling in love"

Alexis smiled and then got up on her toes and kissed her dad on the cheek. "Thanks Dad"

Rick spotted her. There at the other end, dancing with her dad. And at the exact same moment, her eyes met his. And she almost stopped in her place. Her lips parted a bit and he knew there was no time like now.

And even before he could say anything to Alexis, she had noticed him looking at Kate.

"Go dad. It's about time you guys talked" she laughed and then let go off him to find her boyfriend again. Rick took a deep breath and walked up to Kate and Jim.

"Excuse me Jim, may I have a dance with my wife?"

"Sure" he said and gracefully stepped away.

The minute he was gone, Rick stepped in front of Kate, her eyes were locked to his.

"Finally" he mumbled. And she laughed softly.

"I swear I thought one of the guests had kidnapped you"

"I thought the same about you" she replied.

He put his hands on her waist, hesitantly. Wondering if she was angry enough with him to not want to dance.

But instead he got a quick response from her, she linked her arms behind his head and they softly began to sway to the music. He put his cheek to hers and closed his eyes and breathed her in. she smelled beautiful. Intoxicating.

And immediately he felt her body relax in his arms. It just what they both needed he guessed. The proximity.

"I missed you" she whispered.

"I missed you too Kate"

and then they was silent. She felt his arms go around her and she didn't mind one bit that this dance had turned into a hug that she'd been waiting for the entire day.

"I didn't get to tell you before, but you're looking gorgeous tonight Kate"

he let his hand wander up to the skin on her back that was so beautifully exposed.

She shivered at his touch, and he was glad that even when they were upset, they were still able to have this effect on each other.

"All the men at this party told me that before you did."

Rick sighed.

"But i refused to believe any of them until I heard it from you" she finished.

"Well now you know they were all being honest"

"Yea" she chuckled. "Even Nate managed to tell me."

"I still think you guys are imagining him talking."

"Say what you want Rick, I heard him say a word today" she smiled at the memory.

"Then why won't you tell me what he said?"

"Cause you have to hear it yourself."

"That's not fair"

She laughed and put her forehead to his.

Her smile softly turned serious


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