My Suck Life

By 0cecilia

29.7K 314 85

Rachel Berry is a student at McKinley, but she hates. Her life is the worst, she gets bullied everyday, every... More

Rachel Berry
Hellcome Back
What Is Happening?
Fun Day
Big Game
I Have A Dream
New York
Just A Call
Need Your Help
Hospital Life
Telling Him
First Day
Everyone Knows
Saying Goodbye
New Heart
Last Chapter


874 8 1
By 0cecilia

I'm super excited!!!!!! Today is Saturday and I've been waiting for this day the whole week, today is my first date with Finn, Santana and Kurt are coming over to help me to get dressed. They will sleepover here so I could tell them everything about the date.

*Bell Ring*

"Hey diva!" Kurt said when I opened the door.

"Hey!" I said.

"Sup Berry!" Santana said and we high five.

"Okay Berry, he said to you where you two be going?" Santana asked.

"No, the only he said was "don't dress too fancy" I tried to make him tell me but he's difficult." I said and we laugh.

"He didn't tell me either." Kurt said.

"He said when he's going to pick you up here?" Santana asked.

"At 5pm." I said.

"5PM? IT'S ALREADY 2PM!!!" Kurt yelled freaking out.

"Kurt, relax, It's not a fancy date." I said.

"Still, when become about date, I'm perfectionist." He said and I laugh.

"I'm really excited!" I said.

"You two are such a cute couple." Santana said.

"We are not a couple." I said.

"At least not yet." Kurt said and we laugh.

"Let's go to my bedroom!" I said.

--Rachel's bedroom--

"Guys what if Finn doesn't like me back?" I asked them.

"Oh trust me, he does." Kurt said.

"How can you be so sure? I don't want to be stuck in a friend zone." I said.

"I swear, you are all that he talks about at home." Kurt said and I smile.

"Really?" I asked him.

"Really." He said and I smile.

"Rachel if you keep smiling like this you face might never comeback to normal." Santana said and we all laugh.

"I just really do like him, but I'm still afraid." I said.

"Afraid of what?" Kurt asked.

"Finn have this fame, for being a bad boy and break girls heart. I know he's a sweet boy, but I'm afraid of give him my heart and he break." I said.

"Girl, we can see just for the way that he looks at you, you're not just one more to him." Santana said.

"And if he break your hurt, Puck might kill him." Kurt said and we laugh.

--Hours After--

"I think I'm ready!" I said excited (outfit^) 

"You look beautiful Rach." Kurt said.

"Yeah Girl!! Finn will fall for you today." Santana said.

Rachel's makeup^

Rachel's sandal ^

*Bell Ring*

"Oh my God, he's here!" I said.

"We will open the door." Kurt said and left with Santana.

They open the door.

"Hudson!" Santana said "Come in." 

"So what are your intentions with Rachel?" Kurt asked.

"Okay, what is going on?" Finn asked.

"We need to know your intentions with Rachel, her dad's are not here, so you have to convince us so, what are your intentions with Rachel?" Santana said.

"Make her happy." Finn said simply.

"Right answer." Kurt said "RACHEL! YOU CAN COME!" 

I walk down stairs and I see Finn smile.

"Rach, you look beautiful!" He said and I blush.

"Thank you." I said smiling.

"Okay kids have fun!" Kurt said. 

"Please, while I'm with Finn, don't burn my house." I said and we all laugh and I left with Finn.


"So, where are we going?" I asked and he smirk at me.

"It's a surprise." He said.

"And you say that I am the one he's a box full with surprises." I said and he laugh.

"What can I say? I always been fan of surprises." He said wand wink at me and I laugh.

"You're so funny." I said to him.

"That's my charm." He said.

"Hey! That's my line!" I said tapping lightly his arm.

"Such a drama queen." He said rolling his eyes playfully.

"It's my charm." I said and we laugh.


"What are we doing at the beach?" She asked smiling.

"This is where our date is going to be." He said.

"I love it." I said smiling.

"I'm glad to hear that." He said giving me a half smile. 

We walked until a place where there was a picnic all set up.

"Finn, this is beautiful." I said smiling.

We sit and started to eat, when we finished the food we started to walk on the beach and sit on the sand and watch the sunset, Finn put his arm around me and pull me closer to him.

"This is the most beautiful thing I ever seen." I said.

"I'm so glad to hear that." He said and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you for today Finn, I had so much fun." I said smiling to him.

"We can do this more often if you agree do be my girlfriend." He said smiling to me.

"I would love too." I said and we kissed on sunset.

--At Rachel's After Date--

"Goodnight girlfriend." He said in front of my door.

"Goodnight boyfriend." I said smiling to him and we kissed.

I walk in the house and see Santana and Kurt watching a movie, when I close the door they look at me and I can't help but smile.

"So?" Kurt asked anxiously and I sit on the couch with them.

"Today was...amazing!!!!!" I said happy.

"So where he take you?" Santana asked and I tell them everything.

Finn's POV

I get home after my date with Rachel and I am so happy. I'm dating!!!!! I really like Rachel, she's amazing, she's caring, kind, funny. I'm so happy.

"So, how was your date?" My mom asked and I smile to her.

"I'M DATING!" I yelled happy with my hands on the air.

"Please, tell me you're dating Rachel." She said to me.

"I'm dating Rachel." I said smiling to her.

"THANK GOD!!" She said and hugged me "Finally you're dating a girl that don't annoys me."

"But mom, I just dated Quinn." I said.

"I hated her." My mom said and I laugh. "But, Rachel is great, I met her on your game and we talked and I can tell she's an amazing person." 

"That's because she's really amazing." I said and my mom smile at me and hugged me again.

"I'm so proud of my boy!" She said.

"Mom!" I said and we laugh.

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