Maid to be Yours

By xxLivingTheLifexx

2.1K 68 11

Meet Rosie Hastings. Seventeen years old, easy on the eyes, normal… Well, that’s as far as the public eye can... More

Maid to be Yours
Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 5

165 9 0
By xxLivingTheLifexx

I guess I half expected Ethan to drive home without me on Wednesday afternoon after the bell signalling school had ended went. That’s why I was surprised to see Ethan diligently waiting by his car. Admittedly, he was talking to a blonde that I recognised to be the girl I had caught hooking up with Tyler the day before yesterday, but he was there nonetheless.

I nervously approached the two, tugging at the hem of my plaid shirt. When Ethan saw me, he nodded his head in acknowledgement. I sent him a small wave, unsure of what to do. I wasn’t exactly the best of friends with him, so this was a little weird. The blonde girl talking to him turned around, her eyes catching mine.

‘Do I know you?’ she asked in a sickly sweet tone, a fake smile on her face. I briefly turned to Ethan and he smirked at me. Turning back to the bimbo, I didn’t bother putting on a fake smile. What was the point in faking emotions?

‘Yeah. I’m Tyler’s sister.’ She gasped.

‘Really? I never would have known!’ she said, her eyes trailing down my body. ‘Not that you’re unattractive or anything.’ She said quickly. I rolled my eyes at her attempt to insult me.

‘Yeah whatever.’ I said, swinging my bag over my shoulder and looking at Ethan expectantly. He was watching me carefully as though he could read me in a way no one else could. ‘You ready to go?’ I asked and he nodded slowly.

‘Wait, you’re going home with her?’ she asked, a scowl on my face. Saving Ethan an explanation, I spun around.

‘What’s your name?’ I demanded.

‘Kelsey.’ She replied, flipping her blonde hair over her back.

‘Right. Kelsey. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t act as if I was a piece of trash. I’m not. I’d also appreciate it if I don’t come home to see you in a compromising position with my brother.’ I snapped. ‘Let’s go Carter.’ I demanded, not sparing him a glance. I walked around to the passenger door and jumped in.

We sat in silence for a few moments, neither one of us speaking a word as I glared out the window fuming. ‘That was pretty impressive.’ Ethan broke the silence. I glanced over at him. He wasn’t looking at me, but rather out the front window.

‘How so?’ I asked in confusion. His gaze met mine.

‘I’ve never seen someone go off at Kelsey. You did a good job.’ He said with a final nod, before pulling out of the car park. I stared at him in confusion for a few moments before returning my gaze to the windshield screen. Ethan was so confusing.

‘Do you sleep with her?’ I asked after a few moments, immediately regretting my choice in question. What do I care? He glanced at me hesitantly.

‘I have…’ he replied unsurely.

‘Ew.’ I responded. He chuckled out loud.

‘She’s a handful, but she’s good in bed.’

‘Ew!’ I screeched, covering my ears. He grinned and for a moment I froze, my heart warming. I immediately withdrew my gaze. What the hell was that? It’s not like I haven’t seen him smile before! This smile was different though. It was…happy?

After safely removing my hands from my ears, I stared at the images in the side view mirror. ‘Is Park going to be home?’ I asked after a while. Yesterday she had been at dancing and gymnastics for most of the afternoon.

‘Yeah. It’s just Tuesday’s and Thursday’s that she’s not home. But she’s not much of a handful. Usually she’s happy to watch a movie, especially at the end of the week. She’s an energetic kid but school can wear the best of us down.’ He said. My jaw dropped and I stared at him in shock. I think that was the most he’d ever said to me that wasn’t an insult. I quickly recovered so he didn’t see me that way.

‘She’s a good kid. So cute. And very mature for her age.’ I pointed out. He nodded.

‘Do you have any brothers or sisters?’ he asked.


‘You two are twins right?’ he asked, briefly glancing at me. I nodded. ‘Do you communicate telepathically?’ he asked. I rolled my eyes. As stupid as the question sounded, I had heard it many times before by many people.

‘No. You and Park don’t communicate that way so what makes you think me and Ty are any different?’ I asked.

‘How do you know me and Park don’t have telepathic conversations?’

‘You don’t.’

He chuckled. ‘I know. That would be annoying. I’d be in the middle of school trying to listen to the teacher and my sister talking about purple squirrels or fairies or something.’ At this I burst out laughing. He did too. It was, dare I say, nice being in the company of someone that wasn’t my brother of Paige. Even if that someone was Ethan Carter.


You know those days where you wake up and just have a gut feeling that the day was not going to end well? Yeah, well today was definitely one of those days. It started with my alarm not going off, making me late to catch my bus. And then, the bus broke down half way to school so I had to walk like, three miles, arriving at school two hours late.

To top things off, Mr Kennedy – the cranky principal – caught me sneaky down the corridors and put me on an after-school detention. So far, I was doing a brilliant job of turning up on time to my job…not. The only saving grace was that neither Lucy nor Park would be home when I arrived at the Carter residence any way. Only Ethan would be home, and I was hoping that he wouldn’t dob on me. After yesterday – when we actually had a civil conversation – I was starting to see hope in that happening.

Now, I was walking through the corridors of Silver Lake High and a foreboding feeling was consuming my insides. You know, that feeling that’s telling you something’s going to go wrong, telling you that you should turn back, go home and go to sleep?

Heading to my locker, I punched in the number. Grumbling, I tried again. Finally, the locker swung open. My eyes widened as I stared at the vase of flowers standing inside my locker. Reaching for them, I couldn’t help but ‘awe’ at the beautiful buttercups. That was until I sneezed. It wasn’t your average sneeze either. This sneeze could have rivalled that of an elephant.

Pushing the flowers back into the locker, I sneezed again attracting the attention of many people around me. My eyes started watering and I sneezed a few more times before noticing the note attached to the vase of flowers.


I found these and thought of you. I hope your allergic reaction to pollen doesn’t hinder the thought. Ha ha.

-E   xoxo

I stared at the note dumbfounded. Reading it a couple of times, I sniffled. How did he know I had an allergic reaction to pollen? Sneezing again, I stared at the vase of flowers in contemplation, unsure what to do with them. Sighing, I left them there. I’d just get Paige to remove them for me later. Grabbing my bag and the box of mints, I headed down the hallway.

Opening the box of mints, I popped one in my mouth and frowned. I had an obsession for mints so I definitely knew the taste of them. Staring at the box, it was the same brand as usual. I felt my mouth numbing. I flipped open the lid and stared in. That’s when I noticed it. I didn’t have to read the note to know who was responsible for it.

Anbesol…it’s numbing agent works a charm doesn’t it, Buttercup?

P.S. I told you this wasn’t over.

-E xoxo

I stared at the note in disbelief. What is wrong with him! Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I looked up. I didn’t know the girl standing before me but I recognised her to be a freshman. She scrunched her nose a little.

‘Um, you’re dribbling everywhere…’she said quietly. My hand sub-consciously reached up to my mouth where dribble was indeed pouring out. My eyes widened and a brilliant shade of red dusted my cheeks as I scurried down the hall, humiliated. People watched me, some chuckling and others whispering scornful comments.

Rushing into the bathrooms, I rinsed my mouth under the tap, wiping dribble from my chin and patting dry my shirt. The moment I saw Ethan I would kill him!

That moment came quicker then I intended. Just as I was finished cleaning myself up, I heard shuffling as someone entered the change rooms. A giggle echoed against the tiled room that I didn’t recognise. Sneaking out of my stall I hoped to be caught without being seen but when I caught sight of what was going on, I froze.

Right before my eyes I watched as Kelsey slammed Ethan against the wall, their lips not disconnecting once as their hands roamed each other’s bodies. I watched in horror as Ethan’s hand slipped up Kelsey’s skirt, where he kept his hand rotating in a circular motion.

Kelsey’s lips left Ethan’s as she trailed kisses down his neck moaning deeply as his hand worked faster. My hand slapped my mouth, my eyes wide and my feet frozen to the spot. He opened his eyes as she kissed down his neck. They landed on me and widened in shock.

‘Fuck!’ he hissed, pushing Kelsey away and removing his head. He wiped it down his shirt and I saw his Adam apple wobble as he swallowed. Kelsey spun around, her malicious eyes locking on mine.


Heya everyone!

I'd really love to know if you like this story (is it any good? Is it bad? Is it alright? What could i improve on?) I need to know these things! Haha

Hope you've all had a great weekend and your ready to get back into the school/work week....YEH! (Note sarcasm...unless your favourite thing in the world is going to school.

Caio! xxx

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