drunken truth or dare (Unfini...

By springtrapisbest

12.5K 281 142

what happens when Bryan and animatronics play truth or dare with alcohol let's see shall we More

part one alcohol!?!?!
*lulu is still awake mutherduckers
Round two
Chug contest????
How does this even work?
Lulu's not so little freind
Bryan's POV
Moltens POV
Bryan's pov
Bryan's POV again
Molten's pov
Moltens pov again
Bryan's pov


1.2K 28 12
By springtrapisbest

(Lulus p.o.v)

*explains the rules Bryan seems nervous about this*

"Bryan don't worry if things go haywire just step out if you need to also It will take a while for me to get tipsy so yeah"


[A few hours later]

(Bryan's p.o.v)

*how did I accept this*

(Lulu)"molten t or d?"


(lulu)*snickers*" Ok I dare you to kiss bryan"

*Molten does it willingly and well he went unconscious*

"Is he ok?"

(Lulu)"Probably maybe idk"

"I'm scared"

"Yeah ok he's out everyone take a drink"

*why am I doing this again oh yeah cause if I dont get knocked out molten has to take me to afton*

[Lulu's p.o.v]

Bryan chugged it his like his life depended on it

"Bryan you going to be okay?"

(Bryan)"yep totally"

"Okay then Bryan you were included in the last dare which the dared is out so ask away"

[A few hours later]

(Foxy's p.o.v)

*Bryan chugs down what the 60th drink and I drop unconscious*

(Bryan P.O.V)

*stay awake until they wake up*

*Molten wakes up and asks what happens just as I feel tired*

"Morning sunshine"


"You dropped first and I haven't yet so yay"

*Molten picks me up and carries me to Afton I'm to drunk to do anything*

*Afton's P.O.V*

*when Molten brought me a drunk Bryan and explained what happened I just sat there*

*Lulu walked in and said that Bryan had won and that she was halfway able to see and it was a good game but he won*

*Bryan conked out*

(Bryan)ZzZZ zzZZzzZzZZZZ ZzzZzZ

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