Matured Adults #2 (Prematurel...

By Fantasy7world

17.8K 527 82

Six years later ... Ryan Kavenaugh became the world's most famous, soccer player and he is the best ... Fame... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter sixteen
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter Twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three


544 13 0
By Fantasy7world

Ryan Kavanaugh

I've been biting my tongue to stop myself from saying anything that could ruin the day. The second I watched her walking down the stairs, I wanted to demand that she turn her sexy ass around and go change. And requested she go put on a burlap sack. I can only imagine how that power play would've gone. But I am in no position at telling Stacey how to dress. Is she trying to kill me and better yet send my ass to jail? I am going to throw punches left and right today. Why is she doing this to me? The damn outfit she is wearing is screaming for male attention and she's going to get it. Which infuriate me to no end. Stacey looks sexy as hell, I'll admit to that. It urges me to drag her to the nearest dark corner and bend her over. Shit! She is doing this whole I'm too sexy innocent act on purpose. The damn top and jeans are so full of holes, it's a wonder there is a market for them. And it gets sold. It should also come with a health hazard warning. Something like staring will give men boners and heart attacks. I might not suffer from a heart attack but I am sporting a boner. Which I hope has deflated once we have reached our destination. I want to tear the clothes off of her body and burn them. Maybe take a trip through her walk-in closet and add more to the burning pile. Especially those half-naked skimpy dresses I saw on her father's Facebook pages. It is still etched into my brain.

"Are you cold?" I say ask and hope that she would answer yes. It's crazy I know because it's fucking hot out here. I'm fuming and the damn clutch is getting all of my frustrated anger. What made my mood worse was when my princess told her mother that she looks fierce. I do not doubt in my mind that she has picked up that word from her mother and whoever else had said it in her presence. "No, I'm not" Stacey finally says and there is irritation in her tone. I am somehow getting my damn way during the day. Even if it pisses her off. "I have a coat in the booth" I offer trying my luck one last time but no dice. The looks she sends me are enough to kill a lesser man. "No, thanks" Stacey barks and stares straight ahead. "Mommy Rae, Rae is kicking me" my princess complains breaking me from my murderous thoughts. Stacey turns around in her seat and skews Raelyn with one of those stern school teachers' looks which makes her immediately apologize. "Sorry Jay" she squeaks like a scared little mouse and I have to try hard not to burst out laughing. "You better keep your amusement to yourself" Stacey silently threatens beside me and I chance a look in her direction and the same stern teacher expression is aimed at me. What the hell did I do? I wanna say but keep from opening my mouth. This is going to be a long day.

We decided on lunch at Ashley's family restaurant. It has a nice kiddie's corner and coloring books and crayons are given to the children upon arrival. It's where they are currently at and enjoying playing with the other children. Stacey and I had steak with all of the trimmings and the children wanted pizza and their mother ordered chicken nuggets on the side for them. I hate this damn cap pressed deep into my face. I would like to have a decent conversation with Stacey without having to hide. I sometimes hate my life and the career I had chosen. "I need to use the ladies" Stacey suddenly says and excuses herself from the table. My anger is hanging on by a thread when I have to watch strange fuckers ogling Stacey's tits and ass. It's the damn clothes. A few single dads have been placing bets on who has the guts to slip their number at my woman. They haven't been exactly quiet about it and are sitting one damn table from us. Are they blind? I'm sitting right here. Stacey gave me that, don't do anything look. I wait until Stacey disappears out of sight and then I make my move. They had only infuriated me more with the crude nasty remarks when Stacey had walked past them. I don't understand how Stacey can be immune to all of the bullshit around her. It's like it doesn't bother her at all. A lot of these women have also been giving Stacey the stink eye. They are either jealous of my woman or pissed that the assholes a table away aren't paying them any attention. This is typical high school behavior. Some people don't grow out of it.

I push my chair back in and am ready to walk over to the assholes when one of the bitches who has been eyeballing Stacey with so much hate stops in front of me. Who wears a sequined dress to a kid-friendly restaurant? The dress is so short and clingy that a flash of her underwear is sticking out. Her face is heavily caked with makeup that I can't guess an age. The bright purple eyeshadow and crimson lips are distracting. "Uh hi," the bitch croaks sounding like she smokes ten packs of cigarettes a day. "Goodbye," I say with so much venom in my tone hoping it would scare her away. She ignores my tone and giggles. What is she four?" "I was waiting for your sister to leave so I could come over here," says red lips and puts an invisible strand of hair behind her ear. I can not believe the gull of this woman. "You and I both know that she's not my sister," I say and realize she is just as bony as Elle. What is it with women thinking that being thin as a fishbone is sexy? "Oh, " the bitch says acting surprised. "You don't want to spend the rest of your life with her, do you?" She says chuckling and I have no idea what the joke is. "She's hot and all but sometimes you have to spice things up" she kept going when I don't respond. I don't like insulting women but this one has been asking for it especially when she slips a business card in my hand. "Call me when you are done with that, that..." She says referring to Stacey as a thing that can be discarded once I'm done with her. "Yes, you are right..." I say and pause and watch as bony ass's face lights up.  She thinks I have fallen for a pathetic flirting attempt. "My woman is fucken hot and you're not bitch" I sneer and tear the business card up in front of her shocked face. I push past her and she calls me an asshole, jerk face, and loser behind my back. As if I care what she thinks of me.

Stacey Jensen

What was I thinking? I shouldn't have worn this outfit. I was just asking for trouble. It makes me feel sexy and wanted but the women at this restaurant are downright vicious. I went over to the kiddie's corner and a few of them came over under the pretense of checking up on their children. I said hello and smiled and the looks I got in return were harsh and bitter. They were eyeballing me so hard I was surprised my body didn't set aflame. "Skank" a dark head woman with blinding white teeth sneered. The one wearing denim shorts that stood next to dark head biker-looking bitch is wearing short denim shorts and it makes half her ass-cheeks hang out. She called me a slut. She is also wearing a green halter neck top that is tied around her neck and has breasts as large as mine. Only hers are on full display and big chunks of it spill out the sides of her top and are in rhythm with her body movements. It looks tactless and desperate. The cheap red heels don't suit her outfit at all. The biker chick who seems to be in her late twenties or early thirties green halter top looks to be the same age. I mean who dresses in all leather on a hot summer day?

Anyway, the leather chick threatened me. And said that her old man is on his way to fetch her and their son. Whatever the term old man means. She said If her old man is going to flirt with me, which I assume he does a lot. If she had to prewarn me of that fact. Then she is going to beat the shit out of me. Because it's women like me with bodies like mine who drive men away from their families. And we greedy cunts take all the money and their men end up not paying child support. Biker chick's eyes briefly went to Ryan before they return to my face and she had this knowing nasty gleam in her eyes. And I knew she intended to break me. "I can tell that your man is hot even though he is trying hard at hiding his face. I can also assure you that he has sampled a lot of pussies besides yours. Just take a look around and see how women are vying for his attention which he is oblivious to for now. I promise you he won't stick around for long not when there is a lot of fish in the sea. A man like that needs a variety of women and you're one of a kind. Today he is into a fat bitch and tomorrow he might want a skinny laté" she said with a shrug. I had to work hard to keep my tears at bay. This woman has just exposed my worse fear and that is Ryan leaving me for someone better looking. "Oh, you want to cry" the biker bitch mocked me and I just stood there and took it. "I'm sorry that I have hurt your feelings but you needed to know the truth and one last warning make yourself invisible when you hear the rumble of Harley's" she sneered and turned on her biker boot-clad feet and sauntered off like she didn't just eviscerate me.

I couldn't handle the whispers and snide remarks anymore. Ryan was too focussed on the assholes that are sitting one table away from us to hear anything else. It's why I had to escape to the ladies only to find more nasty bitches in here. They have hurled the same shit at me like those two out front. I've heard it all. Bitch, skank, cunt, whore, slut, and gold digger. How I am a gold digger is mind-blowing. They had touched me and grabbed at my clothes to check for designer labels. Which only made the torment worse. I am dressed from head to toe in expensive names. I should've dressed down and worn cheap clothes. Who knew wanting to look sexy would be so much grief? Is that why Ryan had asked if I was cold? Is he embarrassed? Of my attire and do I truly look like a slut and a gold digger? They blamed me that the assholes sitting near us, aren't paying attention to them. These were ready to lay into me and I mean beat me when the two cleaning ladies came to my rescue. I've never been so grateful in my life and ended up giving my business card to call if they ever needed help with anything. I thank God for Leah and Jaylin's help. They were even more shocked when they made the connection between me and my father. Both Leah and Jaylin are putting themselves through varsity by working at the restaurant and catering gigs and a lot of other things. I think I'm going to help make their lives a little easier.

Ryan Kavanaugh

Fuck! Stacey's security detail is like a bunch of cockblocking pricks. In this case, preventing me from wiping the floor with these assholes. It's kind of strange to see them without the men in black uniforms. They are in civilian clothes and blend in with the rest of the crowd. I didn't even know they were in the building let alone followed us here. And I am a damn good spotter. Don't they like getting weekends off? I was a foot away from the loud disrespectful assholes when Kyle stepped into my vision. If the fucker only knew that he was the cause of my break-up with Stacey. "I suggest you turn around and go back to your table sir" he instructed and I could that it irks him to address me respectably. It's probably a requirement and the way he is gritting his molars blood is probably pooling in his mouth. "And what if I don't?" I challenge and the gleam of violence in his eyes says it all. He was expecting my resistance. "Then I have no choice but to forcefully eject you from the room" he cheerfully replies and I can tell he is hoping he can do it. "I will also have to inform you that Mr. Jensen doesn't like scandals and to be the topic of front page news and splashed all over social media gossip sites. The same can be said for miss Jensen who has managed to stay out of the media this far" he says. And with you around everything is going to change. Miss Jensen's life is about to turn into a media circus all because of you he silently communicates with his cold eyes. I silently nod my head and go to push past him but he is like a fucking ninja assassin with quick reflexes. He stops me and if anyone is paying attention, it would like we are having a friendly chat. "You wanna use your fists so bad dickhead?" Says Kyle and I nod my head like an eager puppy. I truly do, those assholes were out of line and disrespectful. "Okay let's go" Kyle invites and steers me in the men's direction. As we passed the asshole's tables Kyle briefly stops and says "You're a bunch of pussies" and then push me forward and lo and behold they took the bait and followed us to the gents. Before we enter Kyle orders whoever is on the other side of the earpiece instructing them to keep a close eye on the twins. Stacey hasn't returned from the ladies yet and it makes me worry.

Another two guys from Kyle's team arrive and look ready to battle. The five nasty pieces of shit propel in behind us and the arrogance in their expressions screams that they have already won this fight. We are facing off like two opponent teams staring each other down. The tallest and bulk guy of the asshole group steps forward clearly the leader of the pack. His shaved head and scar right down the one side of his face make him look rough and who just came out of prison. "I believe you called us a bunch of pussies?" He clarifies staring at Kyle like he wants to crush him like a bug under his feet. "Yeah, I did what are you going to do about it? Kyle challenges stepping forward as he once again speaks into his earpiece. "Don't let anyone come in here" he instructs. One of the five Musketeers whistles like he is impressed. "Phew boy, you think you mister hot shot?" He mocks "Speaking in an earpiece like a big man" he kept going. He doesn't look much older than Kyle. He seems to be a year or two older but what do I know? They come from money or have worked hard for it. The clothes and shoes are all designers. They look like the rough kind of millionaires. That live life fast and wild. "This boy is going to kick your ass" Kyle sneers "You see the woman you all were making bets on and wanting to fuck is under my protection and this guy's woman," he says jabbing a thumb in my direction. I am shockingly surprised that Kyle has just referred to Stacey as my woman. "Oh, no wonder you kept murdering us with your eyes, pretty boy" the one wearing a black leather jacket chimes in.

if I remove this damn cap out of my face then they going to know who I am. "No, more talking let's get this over with" I sneer at them. "They all laugh as I have just made a joke and as they could take me. "It was either I help you or you end up doing something you'll regret later. So please don't kill anyone of these cowards" Kyle instructs and stares pointedly at me. I nod my head and one of them starts talking but I don't listen and throw the first punch. After that, all hell broke loose.

Stacey Jensen

The car ride back home is quiet and tense. I saw Ryan speak to a skinny woman wearing an ugly purple sequined dress. I didn't want to watch him exchange phone numbers so I ran back to the ladies and went to go hide in one of the stalls and cried like a baby. It seems the pep talk I had with myself about owning my body and not caring about what other people say lasted until we went to that damn cursed restaurant. It took a biker bitch and scrap-looking Barbie one a be to crush my spirit. My insecurities and worthlessness came back with an extra dose of vengeance. Was Ryan playing me when he kissed me this morning? Or was I just a convenient pussy? He use to screw anything that walks and maybe I am one of that anything. I should've known someone who looks like me doesn't end up with the Ryan types that draw women like flies.

After I was done crying and returned to our table Clint and Cooper were sitting with the twins at the table. Ryan was nowhere in sight and the same with the rude jerks who took bets on me. The purple dress woman was also nowhere to be found. Trust me I was searching every nook and cranny in that large room for her Olive ass. Clint and Cooper refused to meet my eyes when I asked where Ryan had gone. They were instructed not to give me any information. Either Kyle or the rest of the guys went out dealing with Ryan when they caught him cheating with the purple dress woman. Or something entirely else was going on. I just didn't know what it was. Ryan was particularly in a sour mood that the nasty assholes sitting near us were making crude comments about me in front of him. It had irked him. That he had lost his appetite. The twins were also getting antsy and kept saying that they wanted to leave and go to the ice cafe and the park. I promised as soon as their father return then we can go.

My words weren't even cold when Ryan, Kyle, Brad, and Nate returned. They all acted funny and each of them carried a bruise. Not big once but still recognizable. Ryan has a split lip, Kyle has a scratch on the left cheek, Brad is a shiner, and Nate has a bloody nose. "That asshole got me good in the eye" Brad had complained and Nate was giving him shit for it. "Are we good now?" Were the only words Kyle had spoken and Ryan silently nodded his head. Amid all the strangeness, Raelyn asked her father about the owie on his lip. Ryan had muttered something under his breath and then RJ chimed in. He wanted to know if his father has kicked the other guy's butt. But only in a way little boys could sound.

I gathered up our things, like my tote, the children's shoes, and Ryan's wallet he insisted I should make use of. I didn't want to argue and grabbed one of his many expensive money cards. It was only Kyle who disappeared from our table after he had asked Ryan the mystery question. I wonder what it was about and since when did they become pals. I got my answer when we exited the building and saw the nice friendly clean cut manager exchange hands with Kyle and take an incredibly large envelope looking thick and heavy from my bodyguard. I had frowned and wanted to march over there and demanded they tell me the big secret when Ryan pulled me back. "Stay out of it" he had growled in a dangerous tone of voice. I wanted to argue but the look on his face told me not to poke the bear. I returned my gaze to Kyle while Ryan is tugging me toward the car and just when he think he has won when a black nondescription van having no-number plates pulled up at the side of the building which also has an exit. The door slides open to the back and I see Matt and Seth jumping out just as the exit door opens. The group of nasty mean assholes is handled violently and by the looks of it can't properly walk. They look like they were in a huge pile-up accident. They are thrown into the van and driven off to who knows where. It brings us full circle back in the car.

"I understand that those guys were jerks but what about their children" I snap at Ryan who is quiet like a damn church mouse. He always has a lot to say but now he is a mute. "Their mothers are there. Those five jerks have played the lotto together and won over a hundred million and decided to divorce their wives. They waited until their divorces were settled and everything was legally split before making their winnings known. Those assholes were only there to give their exes a hard time and rub their money in their faces" Ryan says he must have had a long conversation with them. "It doesn't explain your split lip" I argue and breathing becomes erratic. "If I tell you it's only going to piss you off," he stressed "And besides the children are in the care," he says in a hushed tone. Fine, I'll give him that but we are having words when we get home. "Are we going to the park?" Yells RJ from the back "And going to buy ice cream" Raelyn chimes in. "Yes," their father says seeming relief at their presence. "Can we go home first?" I say "Why?" Ryan asks and I don't have to see his face to know he is frowning. "I want to change clothes" I guess I wasn't quick to hide the pain in my voice because Ryan catches on quickly and instantly pounces. "I'll admit you saying those words are music to my ears. Why the sudden need to change your outfit? Did someone say something to you?" He asks one question after the other. And the concern in his tone makes me want to cry all over again. I shrug my shoulders and stare out the window. "Babe" he calls and I pretend not to have heard him. The tears I've been able to hold back for the past twenty minutes stream down my face. Ryan doesn't press me further and I just know that he is not going to leave it alone. We arrive home a lot sooner than I had expected and I almost take the front door off of its hinges and take the stairs two at a time.

Ryan Kavanaugh

I had bribed the children with paper money so I could have a chat with their mother. I know it's not one of my proudest moments and I am still new to the parenting thing. Raelyn the little sneak demanded biscuits too and I gave them to her. RJ had no interest in biscuits and neither did the money. All he wants to do is watch cartoons and soccer. He is currently watching a replay match between Italy and Brazil. And my daughter took my phone to play games.

I rush upstairs and hope Stacey didn't lock her bedroom door to keep me out. Luck is on my side when I see the door wide open. She is cussing up a storm and struggling to pull the alluring top that's filled with holes over her head. "Hey let me help," I say rushing to her aid. "Thanks" she blows out when I finally got it off. My eyes are instantly drawn to her tits which are spilling over her demi lace bra. I've been with a lot of women and have come to learn a few things about female lingerie. And in this case, Stacey's tits look like a sexy lingerie ad. When she realizes where my eyes are her face turns a bright red and scrambled for the walk-in closet. "It's not like I haven't seen your breasts before" I tease and follow her inside the closet. She reaches to grab a black tracksuit hoodie jacket but I intercept her by her elbow and spin her around to face me. "We should talk" I can tell that she was crying and not just the quiet sniffling in the car. "I guess we do," she says trying to put on a brave face.  "What happened at the restaurant?" I ask "I can ask you the same question" she deflects and "drop her head to hide her true feelings. "Don't get smart with me" I invade her space so she has no way of escaping me. Her head snaps up and she is scowling. She hates to be trapped like a meek deer caught in the headlights of oncoming traffic. "Tell me what happened at the restaurant?" I try again and the scowl turns to irritation.

"We can stand here all day baby" and she blinks owlishly those long damn eyelashes sweeping her soft porcelain skin and lips pouting like an invite to get kissed. I want to bite down on that bottom lip and suck it into my mouth while my hands do all kinds of sinful acts to her beautiful curvy body. "It was nothing" she finally answers all modesty of trying to hide her bra-clad breasts is gone. "Nothing?" I scoff "Nothing caused you to look like your world has just ended?" I kept going "Nothing made you cry?" She seem surprised at my observation. "Yes, Stacey I could hear your faint sniffling and the discreet wiping away of tears" I shock her for a second time. "It was allergies!" She exclaims as tears brim in her eyes. "And I am sad because I don't feel well" she lies through her teeth. She has a damn tell and right now it's giving her away. "And since when do you have allergies?" I demand grabbing a hold of her delicate wrists and pulling her flush against me. Her breasts are pressed to my chest and I have a sudden urge to lick them. "Since forever" she barks behaving like a sullen child. "Please baby I need to know so I can fix it" I beg and the tears that were just sitting there come streaming down her face. She shakes her head and tries to pull away but I held on fast. "I was called a slut and a gold-digging whore today and not particularly in that order" Stacey shamefully admits in a shaky tone of voice. "Who?" I say in a deadly calmed tone. "It doesn't matter," she says and the fucken hurt and pain in her eyes and tone guts me to the core.

I take a step back "I need a second" I say not wanting to plant ideas of what was said is true. I miss my boxing bag. I need an outlet to rid these angry frustrations that are beyond boiling inside of me. "Did my clothes resemble a slut today?" Stacey's question caught me off guard and I wasn't quick enough to answer so she kept going. "I understand now why you had asked if I was cold and even hinted that you had a jacket in the booth of the car" she surmised and what was conjured in her head to be true. "Are you insane?" I say and she flinches at my harsh tone. She must have quickly gotten dressed when my back was turned. She is wearing a black Nike cuffed tracksuit and black Vans. I push her up against a blank wall in the closet my arms resting on either side of her head. There is not one piece of space open between us. I can feel her erratic heartbeat. "I'm not insane," she says voice hitching. "Then why ask me stupid questions?" I reiterated she shrugged but her eyes are telling me that there is a lot more shit festering inside that pretty head of hers. She averts her eyes "look at me" I demand and she immediately responds but does as I had asked. "Why do you want me?" Again she has caught me off guard. It's my turn to blink like a silly cow. "Because I love you" it doesn't look like she believes me. "No, seriously why Ryan" she is quickly fucking pissing me off. "What the fuck?" I glare at her. "Seriously because I fucking love you. Always have ever since the day I laid eyes on you in the cafeteria at school" I could be brutally honest and tell her, that I didn't just fall hopelessly madly in love with her that day. But I saw her walking down the aisle toward me in a beautiful white dress and I stood at the altar waiting. I saw us in the future with children, a house, and a damn dog. I just didn't tell her back then. Whenever the conversation randomly came up about marriage and children, it looked like Stacey wanted to run out of my life for good. Unfortunately, life threw us a curve ball and I had knocked her ass up.

I am about to grill Stacey some more when I hear the children coming up the stairs and I knew our time was up. "This isn't over," I say to a relief-looking Stacey who only nods to get me out of her space. "We are having a conversation after the children are down for the night" I kiss her briefly on the lips having no idea why I did it. I guess old habits die hard. She seems just as stunned as I am. "Come on let's take out children for the rest of the day," I say and take her hand in mine and together we walk out of the bedroom.

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