The Quarterbacks Kryptonite...

By meerrlliiaa

14.3K 317 3

This is your classic Jock/ nerdy love story... Athena Jacks was always very low profile long haired brunette... More

Chapter 1 (the get to know)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 40

215 5 0
By meerrlliiaa

Parker's POV;

"What the fuck are you doing here Damon?"
Damon never returned home with anything good. He was always away making the world a worse place. Selling weapons, drugs. He had one of the biggest corporations in the state. Don't even ask me how he hasn't been arrested yet. I have no clue.

"I came to see you brother. You've been ignoring me... and I can see why." He looked off to watch Athena walking away.
This son of a bitch.

"Leave her out of this. She's unimportant." I stated clearly with no fear. I'm aware of the skills he has. The things he will do. My brother has no remorse. He simply takes what he wants. Doesn't matter who gets hurt. He won't care.

"It seems as though she is brother. I mean, why else would you be slacking on business?" He stood still. Calm. No anger in his expression. His expression looked blank. Like a grey area. You never knew what he was thinking.

"She's just some fun to have. Nothing important. Football Damon, you know how I am." I smiled, trying to lighten up the mood between brothers. Any sign of weakness from me, Athena would be dead by morning. He is the most feared crime lord around these parts. And many others. And I understand why. Even as his little brother, it's as if blood isn't even a reality to him. He wouldn't see me as a brother, just another stupid worker.

"Ahh yes. The sport you like to fool around with. I see. Well, I will head home then. I expect to see you bright and early tomorrow. We've got business to take care of."
He didn't say another word. He simply walked off.
He's going the to house?
My house?
He hasn't been there in years. He never stays long, which forces me to think why. Why now. Because I know for a fact this isn't just about me. Something is going down.
something big.


Athena's POV;

I just went home. I didn't wait for him, or throw myself in his arms. I just left.
I felt satisfied with myself.

But when I walked up into my room, he was there. Waiting for me.
He was standing by my bed, while his fingers traced over all over the seashells and books I had lying around.
He seemed calm, despite how he acted before. His shoulders weren't tense, he seems... relaxed.
I don't know how. Whether it was his actions or just his presence. I couldn't be upset. Believe me when I say that I tried. But i actually couldn't, it was just so hard for me to be upset.
I felt calm with him.

"How did you get in here?" I asked, stepping into my bedroom and slowly closing the door. Ryder was sleeping which led me to assume that he isn't aware of our current guest.

"Your window. You forgot to lock it before you left." He wasn't looking in my eyes. Hell, he wasn't even looking in my direction. He was just walking around my room. Looking at the pictures I had around my room.
There was one wall I had designated for pictures and pictures only. He was studying it.
And it was only a matter of time before he saw.

When his head snapped in my direction, his eyes were big, bulged out. He didn't look relaxed anymore, more confused and rattled.
"Who are these people?" He asked, taking a picture off my wall from the middle of it all.

I knew exactly what he was talking about, I didn't even have to see him to know which photo he had grabbed.
It was always my favorite photo.

It was of me, mom, dad, Ryder, and Abigail. Otherwise known as Abby, or Abs to me.
My twin sister.
"That's my family." I simply replied. I could tell he was still confused.
I turned to look at him and immediately looked at the photo.

It was all of us, we were sitting down in the sand, the sun looked perfect against our skin and all of us looked glowey and tan.
Mom and dad were wrapped up in each other's arms while Ryder was wrapping his around Abs and I. We were always all so close. I could hardly remember any fights.

"That was taken the summer of our 13th birthday. We didn't want to do anything but go to the beach. So that's what dad and mom did, they took all of us to the beach. We were all living in North Carolina at the time, we had stayed for a short while, but the beach in North Carolina was always, and has always been our favorite. The way the sun would set was absolutely beautiful."  I told him. Walking closer to him and the photo.

"You had a twin?..." He asked. But he had said it in a strange way, I knew he wasn't asking me, it was more for himself.

"Yes, I did. I also had a beautiful and warm hearted mom. With a loving dad. Abs and I were actually fraternal twins. But we always looked identical. Down to the freckle. We were inseparable. No one could ever take us away from each other." I could feel myself drifting off into the memories of her, and I didn't want that.

"Where are they?" I simply looked at him. He didn't need to ask me to understand what had happened. I just knew he was trying to ask what happened with them.

"It was really late, Abs and I were invited to a sleepover that my mom had promised we would go to. That morning Abs got sick, so instead of the both of us going, I had to go alone. I was so sad. I didn't want to leave her, but she told me that I had to go and have fun for the both of us."
I paused myself as I sucked in a breath. I could feel the back of my eyes starting to burn, and my throat start to close.

I didn't even see him walking closer to me. I hadn't even noticed that I sat down on my bed.
But there he was, his hand was wrapping itself in mine.
I took in a deep breath and continued where I had left off.

"That night, I was so scared to be alone, it was the first time I had ever gone somewhere without Abs. I missed her so much, so I called my mom crying and asked her to pick me up. She wasn't even mad at me, she was happy, and immediately gave the phone to Abby. I had only been gone for a few hours, but hearing her voice made me so happy. I had to wake my friend up to apologize to her, but within 10 minutes mom and Abs had picked me up. It was 10 at night and Abs and I were right back to laughing with each other and having a perfect time. I just remember how perfect that moment felt." I said, I didn't even try to hide the tears anymore. There were falling down one after another and there was no stopping them.

"- there was another car that was coming towards us as we were driving over a small hill. Obviously mom had seen him, she was always aware of everything that happened. It didn't seem strange at all, just another car passing. But within a mater of seconds the car turned straight towards us. It rammed into the side Mom and I were seated on, and it tipped our car over the hill-"

Parker's hand squeezed mine tighter. He was tensed and wouldn't look at me, or anything. His eyes were close shut tightly and he would open them.

"- I didn't know how much time had passed when I woke up. But our car was flipped over. I couldn't hear anything or feel anything. I just knew that I was dizzy. All I could think about was mom and Abs. I climbed over to them.. a-and they... t-they wouldn't-t wake u-up.." i was sobbing as I tried to tell out the last part. I couldn't even think before Parker have brought me into his chest.
I couldn't stop, the tears kept coming. I wish it had a switch or plug so I would be able to shut them off.
But sadly there was no such luck with emotions. Only in vampire diaries. Damn them.

One of his hands was tightly wrapped around my waist while the other held the back of my head close to him. I didn't mind as much as I wished I could. I wanted to be with him.
"I'm so sorry. You should never had to go through that. No one deserves that. Especially you." He said, I tugged onto his tux jacket and brought myself tighter.
It was then that I remembered we were still wearing our clothes from the homecoming ball.

"I Uhh.. I should probably go get changed.." I said, loosening my grip on him. He coughed a little to himself and nodded his head, letting me go.
"Yeah, Uhh. Your right." He stepped back at a steady pace while I did too, standing up from the bed and straightening out my dress.

I fluffed out my hair a little bit. I'm not even sure why I was fixing the way I looked, I was literally about to go take this dress off.
In a flash Parker was up and immediately right in front of my face. But he wasn't looking at me, he was looking down.

Oh. I swear if he is looking at my boo-

"Where did you get this?" He said in a strict voice. The same voice that he used while we were still in the gardens. His eyes were dark and there was no sign of playfulness on him.
"Answer me!" He shouted a little too loud.

I stepped back within seconds and gripped onto the necklace around my neck that he was questioning me about.

What the hell was his deal? I just told him how my sister and mom died and he just gets pissed off at me the next minute? What the hell!

"Athena!" He shouted again, banging his fist on my dresser. I flinched at that and stepped back farther.

He looked up at me with anger in his eyes.
"I think you should go." I said. Holding onto the necklace tighter.

"Tell me who gave you that right now." I demanded. I was so confused, didn't he?

"You did! You had that kid wait for me in the gardens, and he put it on me. It was from you!" I shouted. But I could tel he didn't want to listen, he was shaking his head and his hands were running through his hair.

"That son of a bitch." He said to himself. He was more pissed off than I've ever seen him.

"If you didn't give it to me then who did?" I asked him. He wasn't listening to me, he refused to look at me.

"What!?" He shouted, yelling at me.

"What is wrong with you?! Who gave me the necklace if it wasn't you. Mr. Hayze, that's you!" I shouted.

His eyes snapped at me, the look he gave was unrecognizable. I could hardly see who he was.

"Mr. Hayze... you are so stupid.." he chuckled, looking back down at my dresser and leaning on it with his fists.

"Excuse me?" I was shocked.

"You are stupid. Idiotic. How could you possibly think Mr.Hayze was me? Jesus. I can't believe I took you to this stupid dance. Why did you come with me? You know that I'm apart of a gang. You know what kind of guy I am. So what made you do it?" He wasn't mad, or upset. No no, he was laughing. He actually had the nerve to laugh right now.

"Why did I come with you? Why did you ask me!? You wanted me to come with you! You wouldn't stop!" I wasn't exactly caring if Ryder woke up right now.

Parker's POV :

Fuck me.
I can't do this to her. But I have too.

I'm so sorry Athena...

Athena's POV:

"Haven't you ever listened to your mom when she says boys only are after one thing? Oh wait... she's dead! All because what? You were scared? Well you should listen to people. There was only one real reason I wanted you Athena." He had no emotion in his eyes. They were dark. There was no light. There wasn't any in me either. Not anymore.

Tears started to prickle down again. I wanted them to stop, but there was no stoping it.
I looked up at Parker and I could have sworn that I saw a flash of hurt cross his eyes. Just for a split second. But no, there wasn't any. Not anymore.

I didn't know what else to say. There was nothing to say. So, instead. I left, I turned around and walked away into the bathroom. I could hear mumbling of cuss words and shuffling around. Although I was surprised I could hear it over the sound of my crying.
When I walked out. My window was wide open and he was gone.
And There was no sign of him at all.


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