The Pack and Friends One Shots

By user189289

109K 3.3K 3.8K

Gay gAY GAy gaY GaY gAy gAyYyYyY More

Vikklan- Thunder
Vikklan- Thunder Part 2
Wooflan- Attack
Vikklan- Sick
Lachlan/The Pack- Surgery
Merome + Tewtiy- Don't You Dare
The Pack- The Ski Trip
Poofless- Sick Day
Merome- Epilepsy
Pooflan- Snow Day
Wooflan- Long Ass Flight
Leston- Self-Conscious
ASFStar123- Staying Up
Vikklan- Online Meeting
Merome- Bubble Fight
Leston- Terminal Ballet Parts 1 & 2
Wooflan- Rip
Wooflan- Abusive
Wooflan- Blanket Hogger
Leston- Nightmare
Bajanless- Hammock
Wooflan- Unintentional Outing
TBNRCanadian- Accident
Vitch- Singing
Lachlan- I Was Right To Hope Parts 1 & 2
Wooflan- I'll Protect You Parts 1 & 2
Merome- Waking Nightmare
Merome- A Long Way To Go
Pooflan- Insomnia Break-Down
Merome- Chemo Parts 1 & 2
TBNRCanadian- Fireworks
Mitchless- Ace
The Pack OT6- No Sleep, More Sleep
TBNRDuty- Ice Skating Lessons
Leston- Unfelt Pain
The Pack OT6- Hybrids Parts 1-6
TBNRCanadian- Cockblock Smoke Alarm
Bajanlan- Deaf
The Pack OT6- Coffins Are Even Heavier
Vikklan- Peaceful
Merome- Tired, Grumpy and Unfocused
Pooflan- Blackout
Jachlan- Kisses Make Everything Better
Minilan- Shower
Minilan- Stranded Parts 1-3
Lachlan/Wooflan Appreciation Chapter
Wooflan- Blood Run Red
The Pack- Our Little Angels
Merome- Drugged Parts 1-3
Minilan- Bruises
Ministar123- Silent Treatment
Merome- Puppy
Poofless- Punishment (Smut)
Minilan- Panic! at the Football Match
Minilan- Panic! at the Football Match Part 2
Wooflan- The Burns Unit
Vikklan- Fight The Fear
Merome- Drown
Vikklan- Dance
Poofless- Stop!
Wooflan- Wheezing
Vikklan- Wings Parts 1 & 2
Minilan- Just Sleep
Minilan- Dysphoria is a Bitch Parts 1 & 2
Wooflan/Vikklan- Learn to Fly Parts 1 & 2
Wooflan- Model
Poofless- It's Not Time To Go
Vikklan- Tattoos
Vikklan- Come Out, Come Out Wherever You Are
The Pack- Why Are There Children? Part 1
The Pack- Why Are There Children? Part 2
Minilan- Shapeshifter
The Pack Ships- Pastel and Punk Parts 1 & 2
The Pack Ships- Pastel And Punk Part 3
The Pack Ships- Pastel And Punk Part 4
Minilan- That Dragon Cancer Parts 1-4
The Pack Ships- The Sleepover
Vikklan- Where Are You? Parts 1- 4
Leston- Don't Be Scared
Merome- Leave Off!!!
ZerkCanadian- Break
ASFStar123- Ignore Them
Zerkless- Beautiful
Vikklan- Try
Poofless- Earthquake
Wooflan- Just Hold On
Merome- Brother
Poofless, Vikklan, Minilan- Short Prequels/Sequels
Vikklan- Don't Cry
Vikklan- Prisoner Part 1 & 2
Bajanless- Pretty Boy
Pooflan- 8 Million
The Pack Ships- Be A Hero Part 1- 6
Sidemen OT7- Think
Sidemen OT7- Think Part 2
The Pack OT6- Survivors Parts 1- 3
Vikklan- Him
Minilan- Flinch
The SidePack- Cuddle Puddle
Wooflan- Save Me
Vikklan- My Boy Parts 1 & 2
Vikklan- Invader
The Pack Ships- Family
Wooflan- Tease (Smut)
Vikklan- Fall
Merome- Down By The River
Leston- Swim Parts 1 & 2
Vikklan- Christmas Is For Family
Vikklan- Flower Child Parts 1 & 2
Vikklan- Home
Bajanless- Propose
Vikklan- Neko Parts 1- 4
The Pack Ships- Mythical Lands Part 1- 3
The Pack OT6- Hunters
The SidePack- Being A Parent Isn't Easy
Poofless- My Fault
Minilan- Blind
Sidemen OT7- Captured
The Sidemen- Sound
Vikklan- Cut
Bajanless- Together
Wooflan- Quiet
Vikklan- A Message To The Dead Parts 1 & 2
Vikklan- Angel
Minilan- Sleep Tight
Vikklan- Hickey
Minilan- Tonight
The Pack Ships- The Gift Of Christmas
The Sidemen House- Exhaustion
Vikklan- Confess
Poofless- Memories
Vikklan- Life
WroetoStar- Photobooth
Vikklan- Loopy Parts 1 & 2
The Sidemen House- Madagascar
Minilan- Bump Parts 1 & 2
Vikklan- Fear
Vikklan- Battered And Bruised
Vikklan- Groggy
BehzStar- Knocked Out
Vikkstar123- Family
The Sidemen- You're Art
The Pack- Wolf Pup
Vikklan- Everything
Vikklan- Everything Part 2
Merome- Life In Shadows Part 1
Poofless & Vikklan- Life In Shadows Part 2
The Pack Ships- Life In Shadows Part 3
The SidePack- Gang
The Pack OT6- Tickles
Vikklan- Grades
Vikklan- Expecting
Poofless- New Year's Day
Vikklan- Homeless
Merome- Rescue
The Pack Ships- Water Fight
Vikklan- Panel
Wooflan- Cuddles
Vikklan- Fortnite
The Pack Ships- A Game
Vikklan- Stuck In A Closet... Literally
Merome- Realities Of War
Vikklan- Lightning
Mostly Vitch + Poofless & Jachlan- Cracks
Vikklan- Kitten
The Pack- Reveal
Vikklan- Magic
Merome- I Can't Hear You
Vikklan- Hide And Seek
The Pack OT6- Vampires
The Pack Ships- Pastel Power
Vikklan- Reunited
Pooflan- Broken Boy
Merome- Dads Parts 1- 8
Vikklan- Up And Leave
Vikklan- Up And Leave Part 2
Vikklan- Up And Leave Part 3
Vikklan- Up And Leave Part 4
The Sidemen OT7- Angels & Demons
The Sidemen House (+ Vikklan)- Violent
Vikklan- Violent Part 2
Vikklan- Camping and Jealousy
Wooflan- When's The Wedding
Poofless- Photo
Vikklan- Lockdown
WoofASF- Pride Fever
Minilan- Skirt (Smut)
Vikkstar123 (Vikklan)- Make Up
Poofless- Homecoming
Vikklan- Girlfriend
KStar- Queen
KStar- Queen Part 2
Pitch, Vikklan & WoofASF- Dare
Pitch, Vikklan, WoofASF- Dare Part 2
The Sidemen & The Pack- Childhood
The Sidemen & The Pack- Childhood Part 2
The End
It's Out!!!

TBNRCanadian- Skating

264 14 8
By user189289

Mitch's P.O.V.

Preston pouted, his hand finding mine under the table where we were sitting. He was annoyed, the waiter had been flirting with him the entire time we had been there and he had been getting a little annoyed because he had been trying to make it obvious that I was his boyfriend.

"Forget it Pressy, it's fine." I said in a hushed voice, feeling him squeeze on my hand. He swung it back and forth as we walked along the road, his coat over his shoulder and his phone and wallet in his back pocket.

I had a bag in my hand which contained my ice skates, black beauties which I had had for only a few months, which replaced my last pair that I used so much that the ankles had caved in and no long supported my feet.

I skated a lot and knew a lot about it, and although I didn't compete, I would like to think that I was pretty good at it. Preston on the other hand, had pretty much never skated in his life and the one time he did go he was clinging to the wall and falling on his butt.

Our breath turned to steam the minute we stepped foot into the building and Preston's eyes lit up, deliberately blowing so the air around his head filled with white mist. We headed to the skate hire and I was greeted by Chris, a coach, who was behind the counter.

"Heya Mitch, finally brought your boy to meet the team?" I shrugged, giving him Preston's shoe size.

"Kind of, I'm getting him on the ice for the first time today so just be prepared for him to fall over a lot." I grinned at Preston, he knew I didn't mean it harshly but he also knew it was probably true.

"I'll have the first aid kit ready." Chris stated, jokingly, handing the blue pair of skates over to me. They were hire skates, old and battered and made of plastic rather than leather like professional skates, but they were in decent condition.

The two of us sat down on a bench by the rink and I pulled my skates on, pulling the laces as tight as I could. Preston followed in my examples, pulling his skates on and lacing them up with a little bit of my help when he got tangled.

"Ready Pressy?" He nodded, biting down on his lip nervously. He was clearly unsure about skating, he didn't have the best balance or confidence in himself but I knew he could do it, he just needed some reassurance.

"Yeah, I-" He stumbled over his words. "I guess."

"You'll be okay, it just takes a bit of time to get used to." He nodded and slowly, shakily, he stepped onto the ice beside me. I was confident, able to skate backwards and hold onto his hands at the same time, allowing him to cling to me as he took uneasy steps.

"That's it." I praised. "There you go, you've got it."

He was clinging to me tightly, his knuckles white and his face pale from fear but also flushed red from the cold. I placed one hand on his waist and held his hand with the other, stepping slowly along the rink so he could get his balance.

It didn't take long, maybe 10 minutes tops, before other people started getting on the ice alongside us. It was a public session so there was quite a few children with their parents, but, unfortunately, there were also a fair amount of speed skaters, there to keep their fitness up.

Preston was fairly nervous around them, pressing himself into my chest and clinging to my hands even tighter, and I expressed my opinion of them by glaring at them every time they passed us.

Slowly, he started to improve. After about half an hour he was able to lift his feet from the ground and push on his own, although he was still clinging to my hands and refusing to let go, but I didn't mind. It was nice to see the improvement.

A few times he actually let go of my hands, carefully keeping his balance and wobbling back and forth, but he was grinning happily. I smiled at him, whispering encouraging words into his ear.

Only a few minutes before we were planning to get off Preston pushed himself away from me and was pushing gingerly, and a speed skater rocketed past the two of us. Even I almost fell over, scrambling to keep my balance as he sped around the rink.

I heard Preston shriek behind me and I turned to see him stumble right into the skater, his head cracking hard against the ice. Both of them collapsed but the speed skater landed on his butt, sitting up looking shocked and scared.

Preston didn't move, his eyes closed, lying on top of the other skater.

"Preston!" I yelled, falling to his side. The other skater scrambled out of the way as I rolled Preston onto his back, a bruise already forming on his forehead. "Oh no, oh no, shit, shit, shit, shit! Preston!"

It wasn't long before Chris was on the ice along with some others, ushering people off the ice and helping the skater back onto his feet. He was uninjured but in shock.

"Mitch- shit, okay- ughhhh" Chris fumbled for a second, trying to gather his thoughts. "There's been an ambulance called, we need to get him off the ice and into the first aid room."

I nodded shakily and gently scooped him up into my arms, his head flopping against my chest and his body dangling limply in my arms. I carried him into the first aid room and lay him on the bed, stumbling back into a seat as my legs gave out underneath me.

Chris looked him over.

"He'll be okay Mitch as soon as he wakes up, the hospital is just to make sure, okay?" He was trying to reassure me, and slowly, I nodded.

"Okay. It'll be okay."


"Just a concussion, he's uninjured otherwise but you should just look out for him over the next few days and bring him back in if it gets any worse." I nodded, ruffling Preston's hair gently.

He groaned and wrinkled his nose, pressing his head into my chest. The both of us were sitting on his hospital bed and he had just been given the all clear, but he was sitting with his head on my lap and his hand in mine.

"Come on Pressy, let's go home."

He had been in hospital only a few hours, he had awoken on the ambulance ride to the hospital and after a few scans it was determined that he had been very lucky, no bad damage. He had only ended up with a concussion and a bad attitude, because he wasn't impressed with the headache he ended up with.

The ride home was silent, Preston didn't want any noise and I respected that, letting him rest his head against the cool window and close his eyes. I drove slowly, tired and little bit annoyed. I had honestly wanted to curse out the skater that had knocked my boyfriend over but I couldn't, shock setting in before I could beat him up.

"Pressy?" He looked up as we drove in the driveway, his eyes slipping shut every few seconds. The bruise on his forehead was bigger than ever before, turning purple, blue, green and yellow. It looked painful.

"Yeah?" He croaked.

"Come on, let's get you upstairs. You're tired, exhausted and sore, and you're grumpy as well. Maybe some sleep will sort the attitude." He smiled shyly, letting me take his hand and pull him up the stairs. He stumbled a little but I got him up to his bed without any trouble.

"Do you wanna sleep now?" He nodded, making grabby hands at me to make me lie down beside me. I did as he asked, crawling into the bed beside him and wrapping my arms around his waist. "Do you feel okay?"

"Yeah." He whispered. "I'm okay. Just a little sore."

"That's good." I whispered back, feeling his lips on my neck. "Just promise me you won't fall again?"

"It wasn't my fault though!" He pouted.

"I know, I know."

"Okay, I promise."

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