Coincidence: a Scorose/Rosius...

By scoroseshipper

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After their 4th year's events, Rose decided to break the family tradition and befriend her cousin and his bes... More

Chapter 2: Expecto Patronum
Chapter 3: Practising
Chapter 3: News
Chapter 5: The fun was to come
Chapter 6 : Amortentia
Chapter 7: The Attack
Chapter 8: Reasons to love him
Chapter 9: A kiss is all it takes
Chapter 10: The Wedding
Chapter 11: After some time
Chapter 12: Until the very end.
Chapter 14: Good news on a good day

Chapter 13: Adding one to the table

151 3 9
By scoroseshipper

Scorpius's POV

Today was Christmas, and that meant spending the entire day with my Rosie's family, dad, and aunt Daphne. Waking up, I looked at Rose for a moment: she was so graceful, even when she was sleeping. I chuckled and got out of the bed, heading to the bathroom. A few minutes later, after shaving my lovely beard, Rose woke up, and yawned, walking to me. 

- "Good morning Rosie-Posey, how did you feel after all the popcorn you ate?" I said, kissing her forehead.

- "Well, not too bad. ? How about you Mr. Malfoy?"

- "I'm perfectly perfect, because I am too excited to get my Weasley Christmas sweater!" I scram, out of joy. "Merry Christmas, Rose."

- "Merry Christmas Scorpius. " she said, pecking me on my lips. "I've got a good surprise for you, but I guess you'll just have to wait until we're all around the table!" 

- "Not fair Malfoy!" I added, laughing. We headed down to the kitchen and sat down on the dining table, and our lovely house-elf, Lola, gave us some toast and ham. We ate our breakfast fast, and decided to go gift-shopping, even if we have already done it, just for the big family. But this time, it was just for ourselves. We quickly put on our coats and , and went shopping into muggle London, in Oxford Street. It was more than crowded, student choirs singing everywhere. Rose did know this place by heart, since she was put in a muggle school before boarding to Hogwarts.

- "Where do you want to start, darling?" she asked.

- "Where you want to, wifey!!" I answered. She touched my nose with her soft finger, and smirked. We were walking down the street, and I spotted a jewelry store: perfect. 

- "Scorp, not a jewelry store, you know how much I hate jewelry!"

- "Hey, I'm only buying you a beautiful necklace, you don't have one!" 

- "Ok, only if I choose what you will buy to me! Deal?" 

- "You're on it, Weasley!" I said, and we got into the store, and found an elderly woman, admiring the carnaval outside.

- "Merry Christmas, lovebirds. How can I help you?"she said, smiling warmly. We greeted her, and we made the store's tour. Many beautiful necklaces, ring and earrings were displayed, but Rose has always been a very selective person. I'm glad she married me by the end. Rose sat on one of the chairs, when she spotted a ring. It was a gold ring, with little ruby and emerald stones encrusted all over. It was a chimaera: the ring had the head of a lion and the body of a snake. It was very original, and Rose liked it.  

- "It looks fabulous on you mrs.?"

- "Weasley-Malfoy. Rose Weasley Malfoy."

- "Ohh. You're the daughter of Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger!" she asked..

- "Yes, indeed. Are you a witch?

- "Yes, but as you could see, living in the wizarding world isn't a good idea when your husband is a Muggle. But he got it eventually." she answered. "You're indeed married to Scorpius Malfoy, very brave, I can tell."

- "She chose the finest men on Earth!" I said. We all laughed. "I mean, it's true, you do have some good taste, I can surely see it with the ring.

-" In which house were you in?"I asked."Guess!"she said. "Ravenclaw!"I said, looking at her navy, blue dress. 

-"Indeed, Mr. Malfoy, brilliant!" she said, clapping her hands. We got out of the store, Rose wearing the ring, holding my hand, and went back home. 

After eating luch, resting a little, we flooed to the Burrow, where we found all the Wotter's clan, dad and aunt Daphne. We greeted everybody, laughed, smiled, and had fun. We were all seated when we heard the the door open, and revealed Charlie, Nada, Bel, Adam and Jasmine, holding many shopping bags, probably gifts in them. We started giving gifts, when we heard the bell ring. 

Nada's POV

I rushed to the door, and opened it, to reveal Paul Wright, holding a big bouquet of flowers. 

- "Hi." he said.

- "Goodbye." I said. But he stopped the door. "I'm here to apologize..." he said. Charlie stood up and came to the door. "About what, about the sectumsempra curse that you shot at here five years ago! You risked the life of the mother of your children. Plus, she' doesn't need you." he said, pointing his wand at his face

- "You will always need me, Nada! I'm your husband!" he said. That was enough to hear for me. "No, you're not my husband. My husband's name is Charles Weasley. He's great, loving, goofy, and would have never attempted to cruciate and wrote the word 'mudblood' on me while I was pregnant, or disrespected my religion, or cheated on me countless times! Don't you remember!" I scram at him, relieving all my emotions. 

- "You can't be possibly married to this blood-traitor , this has got to be a very good joke! I love you, Nada, can't you see! I regret everything horrible I've done to you. I need a third chance, trust me, please!" he whined.

- "No, goodbye. What happened to that woman you married?" Charlie asked.

- "We divorced a day ago. Found out she was marrying me for my money! And you are so different from here, so beautiful, so smart, so unique..." 

- "You're right. I'm really unique, and I really deserved better than you! And I got better after you, Charlie really loves me, contrary to you. You ruined my life, and for the icing on the cake, Adam, Belquis and Jasmine changed their last name to Weasley, because they've never felt any love from you. Go away. I'd rather die than go back to you!" I said, pushing him outside the Burrow. 

- "Then if you really want to play this game, let's play. I duel Charlie: he wins, you won't ever see me again. I win, you divorce from Charlie, and you marry me again. The first to disarm the other is the winner. Deal, Weasley, or are you a coward?" he suggested, smirking evilly, holding his hand, waiting for Charlie to shake in agreement. I looked at Charlie, terrified. "Charlie, no, you won't do this!" said Molly, shaking in tears, rushing to us. Bill, Percy, Georges and Ron stood up, their wands faced to Paul, preparing for any surprise attack.

- "Deal." he said, and shook his hand, and went out to the garden, where they would duel. I was scared.

Charlie's POV

I said yes, because I wanted Nada, more than anything. Looking at that man, and remembering all the awful things he did and said to her, made me furious. I loved her, to death, and her children were mine, despite everything my colleagues said about them, being Wrights. But now, they deserved the name Weasley, not a rotten name. We went out in the cold, freezing weather. 

- "Since we are fighting for Nada, she should be the judge, or you don't want it, darling?" he said, trying to flirt with her. 

- "No. I don't want. Someone else does it." she said, looking rather moody. She was mad at me, but I wasn't a Gryffindor for nothing, was I? Nobody wanted to do it, so we decided that there was no judge. We positioned ourselves and saluted, when he said "Let the best one win." . I laughed to this, when Nada said "I know that Charles is going to win already." I smiled to her and she gave me a stern look, and I immediately knew that, deep down, she wanted me to fight. 

She shouted "fire" and our duel began. He was a strong dueler, and very smart. But I will win. Just to prove that he never deserved Nada. We were fighting when I fired 'Expelliarmus' and disarmed him. We stood like that, and Nada ran to me, and we kissed. It was deep, full of emotions. "That isn't the end, Charles Weasley. 'Avada Kedavra'" he said. I bent down, taking Nada with me. "He won fair and square, what do you want more, go away!" she said. "I want you." he answered back, approaching us. "If you want her, then you ought to deserve her, but since we saw this duel, Charlie disarmed you, and you said that the one to disarm the other wins. He did it before you, then go away!" said Albus, raising his wand. "Is this your last word, Nada? " 

- "I don't think that I need to answer to this stupid question, because I thought that you already have the answer!" she said, crossing her arms. "You'll regret marrying a stupid Gryffindor, blood-traitor! I'll get my revenge, sooner or later!" he said, before Disaparating.  

- "I think that after all this time, I really deserve you.."

- "Charles Weasley, you are the dumbest, most idiot boy I've ever met. I hate you. You could have died !" she said, punching me on the arm. "Don't you understand that he could have killed anybody in this house! Even Draco! Rose! Hermione!" she said, before sitting on the snow and she started to cry. It was rather sad to see her cry... Hermione and Fleur bent down to comfort her. "I ruined this Christmas for you... How idiot of me to think that I deserve you Charlie... I deserve nothing, not even my children-

- "Nada Maya Salem, you stop right now telling! You aren't a bad person, rather a person to what has happened bad things in life... Please stop crying. " said mum, who patted her on her back. Nada looked at her, and hugged her for a long moment, and all the girls went into the group hug. Everybody let out a laugh, and we went back inside, to eat some turkey. I washed my face from the blood, and changed my clothes, as well as Nada. We sat around the table, and starting eating. It was dense in the beginning, but thanks to Ron, it became better.

- " Rosie, dear, would you mind passing the sugar next to you?" he said. "Dad, did you realize you just said sugar!" she answered. Nada let out a loud laugh, and since nobody resisted her laugh, we all broke into laughing. 

Rose's POV

Dad's mistake brought back the cozy atmosphere at the table. A tradition we made  at Christmas would consist of each of us telling his favorite memory of the year, or something that's to be expected by the year ahead us. We always started by granddad Weasley, and finished by the youngest one, Hugo. I was before Hugo, therefore before-last one! It was my turn...

- "I think that from now on, I'll be eating for two, and Scorpius drinking for two as well..." I said, smiling to everyone. Their faces were puzzled, until mum shouted "Oh merlin, I've got it. " she said, "ROSE IS PREGNANT!" she shouted, running to me, and hugging me. Dad and Draco shouted of joy, while Scorpius let out some tears. All my cousins came to hug me, followed by all the adults. "He better be in Gryffindor" said my father. "No, it's a girl, I feel it! Plus, why should the baby be in Gryffindor, why not in Slytherin!" said Draco. They started to fight, and were interrupted by Scorpius: "The baby isn't born and you're already fighting about his or her house!" he said, laughing, and Hugo said: "well Rosie, you stole all the attention on you, how dare you! Anyways, I just wanted to say that the best part of this year is hearing about Rosie's pregnancy!" . I punched him playfully, and hugged him. 

It was getting late: after another round of congratulations, we Apparated back to our house. A second after, Scorpius pulled me into a passionate kiss, lifted me from the ground. We broke apart, giggling like two twelve year olds. "I think I've fell even harder for you now Rose Granger-Weasley Malfoy." he said. "I thought about the same thing, Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy." 

A year later

Rose's POV

Scorpius was rocking Aiden, singing a lullaby: 

  Hush, little Baby, don't say a word,
Mama's gonna buy you a Mockingbird.

And if that mockingbird don't sing,
Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring.

And if that diamond ring turns brass,
Mama's gonna buy you a looking glass.

And if that looking glass gets broke,
Mama's gonna buy you a billy goat,

And if that billy goat won't pull,
Mama's gonna buy you a cart and a bull.
And if that cart and bull turn over,
Mama's gonna buy you a dog named Rover.

And if that dog named Rover won't bark,
Mama's gonna buy you a horse and a cart.

And if that horse and cart fall down,
You'll still be the sweetest little baby in town.  

Instead of sleeping, Aiden giggled and clapped his hands. This made Scorpius and I laugh. Putting Addy to sleep wasn't an easy thing, even for The Molly Weasley, who babysitted every grandchildren she had. Aiden laughed again at  Scorpius's lullaby, and for the first time in a fortnight, he yawned. Scorpius put him in his light blue crib, and turned to me.

- "What was that lullaby Scorp?" I asked

- "Dad used to sing it to me when I won't stop crying, but it never worked..."

- "That's why Aiden doesn't want to sleep, he got that from you!" I responded, hugging him tightly. "I slept a lot when I was a little baby, my mum got crazy for it." 

- "That explains very much why I need to wake up Aiden and he isn't the one to wake us up instead!" he added, laughing. We continued starring at each other for a moment, before walking together in our living room, heading to the piano. Both Scorpius and I played the piano, him being more advanced than I was, he taught me how to. I sat on the chair, and told him to come closer to listen. I started playing 'A Thousand Years' from Cristina Perri. Scorpius loved this song, so I decided to play it for him. I didn't sing very well. After finishing, Scorpius clapped and sat next me.

- "Thank you.

- "For what?"

- "For everything: loving me, marrying me, being the mother of my son-"

- "That's nothing: remember our wedding, when Dad was the priest, you made me the happiest girl in town, or when you proposed. I felt like I never told you properly that I really am in love with you. I love you, from all my heart. From the very beginning until the very end, forever and always." I said, pulling him into a gentle kiss. We broke apart, still starring at each other's eyes. 

- "Me too." he said, putting a soft kiss on my forehead. And that is when I felt the luckiest person, wife, sister, mum, daughter, in the world. 

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