A Wolf and A Lion || Jaime La...

By burningballoon

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When the King commands Aurelia Stark and Jaime Lannister to wed, Aurelia reluctantly becomes Lady Lannister o... More

Chapter 1 . Aurelia Stark
Chapter 2 - Direwolves, white walkers, and what not
Chapter 3 - A simple conversation
Chapter 4 - The King's Arrival
Chapter 5 - A possible betrothal
Chapter 6 - First Encounter
Chapter 7 - The Feast
Chapter 8 - A Bastard and an Imp
Chapter 9 - One Step to Forever
Chapter 10 - A Lannister Perspective
Chapter 11 - Two Choices
Chapter 12 - One Bastard and One Trueborn
Chapter 13 - Banters and Arguments
Chapter 14 - An Encounter with the Prince
Chapter 15 - A small present
Chapter 17 - Tragedy
Chapter 18 - A quiet morning
Chapter 19 - Tearful Goodbyes
Chapter 20 - Kingsroad
Chapter 21 - Nymeria
Chapter 22 - Kings Landing
Chapter 23 - Breakfast for two
Chapter 24 - Revelations
Chapter 25 - The Night's Allure
Chapter 26 - Morning after
Chapter 27 - Meeting with a Stag
Chapter 28 - Iron Throne and Wolves
Chapter 29 - An unlikely conversation
Chapter 30 - The Hand's Tournament
Chapter 31 - Confronting a Lion
Chapter 32 - Flowers vs. Mountains
Chapter 33 - A piece of threat
Chapter 34 - One Lion and a pack of Wolves
Chapter 35 . Everything Has Changed
Chapter 36 . Tywin Lannister
Chapter 37 . Oathbreaker
Chapter 38 . News from Kings Landing
Chapter 39 . War and Prison
Chapter 40 . Battle of the Whispering Wood
Chapter 41 . A captured Lion
Chapter 42 . Growing Pains
Chapter 43 . Eddard Stark
Chapter 44 . King in the North
Chapter 45 . Between Worlds

Chapter 16 - A White Summer Wedding

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By burningballoon

Aurelia paced back and forth from the end of her room to the other end. She clasped her hands together as she waited agitatedly for her father. Catelyn and the rest of the girls had been with Aurelia since the sun had set; helping her to get ready for the wedding. Her mother made sure that she got enough rest, knowing that it was going to be a long night. Sansa had gone way beyond her talents to make her sister a dress. It was beautiful and sophisticated; an off-shoulder neckline with a cape draping behind, covering a quarter of her arms. The skirt flowed down to the ground, and the crepe material allowed the gown to easily move along Aurelia's movements. It had no lace or patterns decorating the gown. Some people may think that it was too simple for a wedding gown, however to Aurelia, it was perfect. All the Stark girls thought Aurelia looked stunning than ever.

"Do it the Southern way." Sansa had suggested earlier that Aurelia should style her hair in the same way as the Queen and the rest of her handmaidens does. "The Queen will be delighted." She said quite enthusiastically. Aurelia's expression turned drastically as she heard what Sansa said. Never in a million years would she ever style her hair like those Southerners does. She hated the way it looks. Aurelia has no idea how the Southern ladies were able to get through a day with their hairdos, as it appears to be heavy and tightening.

"Why should she? The Queen would not care." Arya disagreed with Sansa, as she always does. Sansa only rolled her eyes in response.

"I'm with Arya in this one. I want it styled the Northern way. It's who I am." Aurelia opted. As such, Catelyn styled her hair into a half-up double braid. She finished the braid by securing it with a silver flower pin. It complimented the pair of silver earrings Catelyn gave to Aurelia for the wedding.

As soon as Aurelia finished getting ready for her wedding, the rest of the girls excused themselves in order to get ready for the wedding as well. Therefore, Aurelia had some time alone to think before she had to walk to the Godswood.

Everyone in Winterfell knew what day it was when they woke up, perhaps even all the way to the South. Not many Northern houses was pleased with the idea of a Northern girl marrying a Southern Lord, especially since it's between a Stark and a Lannister. The whole country is no stranger to the undeniable tension between the two houses. Every noble house knew that the marriage is a political move; the greatest house in the South is joining an alliance with the greatest house in the North. Together, they will become more powerful than they already are.

Aurelia tried not to think it that way. She prefers to believe that it was nothing more than an offer given by the King himself to further honor Ned. Last night, she finally made the choice of giving the upcoming wedding a chance, and she would not put it to waste.

Today will shape her future, and she will be known as Lady Aurelia of House Lannister. She never asked if she is to keep her maiden name, or change it to Lannister. It is what is expected however, not all brides do it. The prospect of living in King's Landing is still preposterous, and terrifies her. She envisioned her future as living in the North for the rest of her life, and would only visit the South for events, diplomacy, or when she terribly needs to. Nevertheless, she knows deep down that Winterfell will always be her one true home.

A knock on the door stopped her from her pacing, and she went up to open it. Standing there was her father, with Robb was beside him. Both of them were taken away by Aurelia's appearance; that was clearly etched on their faces.

"Please tell me it's not time." Aurelia said to them, but Ned was speechless. He had never seen any of his daughter's in a wedding dress before, nor did he imagine it would be this soon. He can't help but think how exceptionally mature she looks in that gown.

"I'm sorry, peanut. Everyone else is ready." Robb replied, and they were all still standing in the same position. He looked apologetically at his sister.

"Can you give us both a moment alone?" Ned asked them all, his eyes landing on Catelyn's blue ones. She understood what he meant.

"Come on, girls. I believe it's time we take our places in the Godswood." Catelyn ushered the girls outside, and gave one last kiss on Aurelia's cheek as a sign of love and good luck. The next time they will be seeing each other is when Aurelia stands before the Weirwood tree. 

"I'll wait outside." Robb mentioned, and he closed the door as soon as his mother and little sisters were out of the room.

"Father," Aurelia said in a soft voice, it almost sounded like a whimper. She wasted no time and embraced her father in a hug. Ned was surprised at first, but eventually return the embrace. He clutched her tightly, afraid to let go.

"There is something I wish to give you." Ned told her, as they pulled away. Aurelia looked at him with curiosity. What else could he give her after the dagger? "I was meaning to give you this yesterday, but I had forgotten until this morning." Ned continued,

Ned took something out of the pocket of his formal coat. He lifted his hand, and a silver chain dangled from his fingertips. Aurelia admired the jewelry, seeing its round shaped pendant. She turned around, pushing her hair aside in order for Ned to clasp the necklace around her neck. Her eyes went to touch the pendant, and saw the initials A.S. engraved in the back of it. Small crystal rocks decorated the edges of the pendant. She turned to face her father, and her eyes look up to see that he was teary-eyed.

"It's beautiful." Aurelia said softly,

"Do you know why I'm giving you this?" He asked, but Aurelia shook her head in response. "I want you to always remember who you are, and where you came from. You are born a Stark, and marrying someone else does not change any of that. You are and always will be Aurelia Stark, a true wolf. Use that as a power, and nobody is going to dare take it away from you. This will help you write your own story. No one else is going to dictate it." Ned spoke to her, giving Aurelia the surge of confidence she needed.

"Thank you."

This time it was Aurelia's turn to be speechless, as she had not expected this gift nor her father's words. She could only muster up the words 'thank you', but that was enough for Ned.


"If he hurts you, I will kill him. I do not care what my actions will bring to effect." Robb told his sister, earning a gleeful smirk from Aurelia. It seems that Robb will always be a protective older brother no matter what.

They were walking towards the Godswood where everyone else was waiting for them. Ned should have been the one to give her away, however due to certain circumstances, Ned is the person to officiate the wedding since Tywin Lannister will not be present; and even if he was, he would not be able to officiate a Northern Wedding. Aurelia had chosen Robb instead to give her away.

"Not if I kill him first." Aurelia said, and this time it was Robb's turn to chuckle at her words.

The moon shone particularly bright that night. The air was chilly as usual, with dark clear skies above. It was exceptionally quiet, even though the common folk were gather outside the castle to see the bride walk to the Godswood. Everyone had their eyes on Aurelia, making her uncomfortable. Despite all that, she remembered her mother's words, which is why she stood straight and held her chin up. There was an old woman who gave her a smile as she walked by, looking so pleased that Aurelia was getting married. Aurelia could not understand since as far as she could remember, she has never met the woman before. Yet here she stands, looking happy at the prospect of her marrying.

When they reached the Godswood, there was a large crowd awaiting her. The pathway were lit with lanterns, as she clutched onto Robb's arms. Everyone was looking at her, and she gulped nervously. Even though it was at night, Aurelia could vividly see everyone's faces. Some of the Lords and Ladies from vassal houses were present, and Aurelia was positive they thought the entire wedding is madness.

Aurelia's eyes landed at a certain Lannister standing by the end of the pathway. Her stomach always fluttered whenever they would glance at one another, and this time was no different. He stood there in awe looking at Aurelia with her wedding dress. He didn't focus on anyone else except her because to him, she was the most important person at that time. Her wedding dress accentuated her figure, and complimented her beauty. Jaime was still unaccustomed to the procedure of a Northern wedding, and so he hoped that he remember everything as planned.

All of her family, and most of the noble Northerners were standing on the left side, whilst the Lannisters, the Royal family, and the rest of the Southerners who were allowed to attend, stood on the opposite. Aurelia saw Jon's face amidst the crowd, and she was happy that he could be there. Catelyn went against the thought of having a bastard amidst the Royal Family, and at a wedding nonetheless however, Aurelia strongly argued with her mother. Catelyn could not deny of the close bond the two has. She then diverted her gaze to Sansa and Arya. Sansa looked beautiful as always, and so did Arya. But the one thing that surprised her the most was seeing Arya wearing a dress. She wondered how tiring and long did it take for Arya to get on it. Then she caught her mother's eyes, and she could see the tears in her eyes. Aurelia was obviously touched at her mother's reacting in seeing her, and she would have bursted into a floodgate if it were not the crowd around her.

Her eyes then wandered back to Jaime. He stood there with a gleaming smile, and gone was his Kingsguard attire. In its stead was a dark red leather garb with gold embellishments, along with black trousers. He was wearing the Lannister house colors. It was weird seeing Jaime out of his uniform, though she isn't complaining. As if offering her comfort, Jaime gave her a small smile, and there was nothing else Aurelia could do but return it.

Robb led Aurelia towards the end of the pathway, with the great weirwood tree standing amongst them all, in order for the ceremony to be witnessed amongst the Old Gods. It must feel strange for the Southerners to be in such a place, because all they've known are the Faith of the Seven. It made Aurelia slightly glad that she chose her wedding to be officiated under the Old Gods. Robb and Aurelia stopped as soon as they stood beside Jaime Lannister, with Ned Stark standing in front of them.

"Who comes before the Old Gods this night?" Ned demanded, as part of the procedure of a Northern Wedding.

"Aurelia, of the House Stark, comes here to be wed. A woman grown, trueborn, and noble. She comes to beg the blessing of the Gods. Who comes to claim her?" Robb Stark replied, as he presented Aurelia to their father.

The groom then steps forward. "Jaime, of House Lannister, heir to Casterly Rock. Who comes to claim her?"

"Robb, of House Stark. Heir to Winterfell, her brother."

"Lady Aurelia, do you take this man?" Ned Stark asked for the consent of his daughter in the marriage. It was time for Aurelia to speak, and the next words coming out of her mouth will set the course of her life. If she backs out right now, she'll be made a mockery and bring the name Stark down with her. It was too late to say no. If she says yes, her life will exceedingly change and this man standing in front of her will be her husband for the rest of the days to come.

She glanced at her father, wanting to make sure that she was doing the right thing. Ned Stark stood stoically throughout the entire time. It was the hardest simplest act he ever did in his life. He couldn't believe that his baby daughter is getting married. He had to let go now no matter what. Seeing the look on her face, she did not seem as afraid as she was before. Although he did not fully agree to the wedding, he was proud of Aurelia for doing such a brave thing. He gave her a curt nod that only Aurelia could see. The rest was too focused on the bride and groom for anyone to notice Ned.

"I take this man." Aurelia said those words out for everyone to hear. Her eyes had returned back to Jaime, and she hasn't diverted her gaze ever since.

Jaime brought out his hands, and Aurelia slowly joined hers. It reminded Jaime of the time when he touched her arm before entering the great hall together, for their fates to be determined. He felt a spark then, something that he could not deny any longer because he is he feeling the exact same thing right now, with his hands entwined with Aurelia. He never broke eye contact, and Aurelia could feel there was something between them. The same feeling she's had ever since she saw that day when he arrived.

Then they knelt before the heart tree, an act for the Old Gods to witness them. Aurelia paid no mind to her dress being stained with a bit of dirt when her kneed touched the grass covered ground. A moment was spent in silent prayer, as Aurelia and the rest of the crowd closed their eyes. Jaime was a tad bit uncomfortable in this part, as he was not a religious person. He never put his faith in any of the Gods; a contrast towards Aurelia who visits the Godswood everyday to pray. Jaime wondered if any of them had ever answered her.

"Dear Gods, please have mercy on our marriage. Do not let it be an example of a heartless and cold marriage. Let me happy with him, and he with me. Bless our lives from this day forth to be filled with delight. Let him be patient with me as I grow accustom to this, and give me the strength to go through it. Let him appreciate me for who I am. Let him respect me for who I am. Most importantly, let him love me for all that I am." Aurelia prayed.

The bride and groom rise once again, along with the Wedding party. Now, it was time for the cloaking ceremony. Jaime took the cloak bearing the sigil of his house from his brother. This was the only ceremony that Jaime was familiar with. He silently wraps the cloak around Aurelia's shoulders, and then it was done. The wedding was simple and short. It goes very quickly in the North, and Aurelia and Jaime was thankful for that.

There was no feast, nor gatherings to celebrate the recent wedding. After the ceremony, the newly married couple is to be escorted to their private chambers where they will share the night together. Although the Wedding was scary to Aurelia, what comes after terrified her even more. It wasn't the pain exactly, it was more on what Jaime will do to her or what she has to do. This is all new territory to her. As for Jaime, he does not share the same fears as this is not the first time that he has laid with a woman.

The private chambers were on the other side of the castle, a distance away from her old bedroom. She would only need to walk a minute to reach any of her sibling's room. Jaime opened the door, and Aurelia slowly walked inside. It was no different than any other rooms in the castle, though the bed is larger than usual. That didn't come as a surprise, since she will be sharing the bed with someone. The sound of the door closing brought her out of her thoughts, and Jaime glanced at her momentarily before she walked towards the vanity. Aurelia took out the pins from her hair, placing it on the desk. Her dark brown hair flowed down right below her chest, and she brushed her hair to one side.

Her hands went to the clasps of the necklace, but she jolted when she felt Jaime's hands. It was difficult not to notice Aurelia's surprise, and she felt slightly embarrassed for doing so.

"Sorry, I just- I just wanted to help." Jaime apologized, and Aurelia knew he meant it. He was only doing something good, and her fears got the better of her.

"No...it's my fault." Aurelia replied, "Go ahead."

As Jaime unclasped the necklace, his fingers lightly brushed against her bare shoulders. It sent shivers down her spine, and she hated that Jaime had that kind of affect on her. Simultaneously, Aurelia took off earrings, placing it beside the necklace that Jaime had put on the vanity.

"You're shaking." Jaime commented, as he brought his hands on Aurelia's shoulders. His hands brought a sense of warmth on her body. This time, he didn't shrug him away or jolted in surprise. She let his hands rest there.

"I'm afraid." Aurelia said, and at that moment Jaime saw just how timid Aurelia was. Before, she would always let her bold side reign her, especially in the presence of him. But now standing in the middle of the room with only Jaime, it was as if all of her confidence was plucked away in a single instant. Jaime didn't want Aurelia to feel that way, especially in his presence.

"We do not have to do it tonight if you do not want to." Jaime offered, as he wanted Aurelia to be comfortable. He never wanted Aurelia to ever be afraid of him, and this was a way to show him how, Jaime was willing to do that. She turned her body around to face Jaime properly. Their bodies were only inches apart, and Aurelia could feel the heat radiating from him. Aurelia's never been this close to anyone before.

"No, we have to. People are going to ask tomorrow. We cannot escape this forever." She continued, and Jaime nodded her head as he understood her point. "Is this what you want?" Aurelia asked him, their eyes focusing intently on one another. Jaime was taken aback at Aurelia's question, never expecting her to ask it.

"Well we do not have any choice in the matter." Jaime replied him, and that was true. He studied her for a moment, before asking Aurelia the same question. "Do you want this?"

"Like you said, we have no choice." Aurelia repeated his answer, and that was the best thing she could come up with. What else was she supposed to say? Saying yes would mean lying, and mislead Jaime into thinking that something that was not there. Saying no, would mean that she would not be doing her duty.

Jaime took one step closer, and Aurelia could feel the hot breath against her mouth. He placed one of his hands on the base of her neck, while the other one rested by her waist. Her trembles were slowly decreasing, because somehow despite being afraid, she knows that Jaime would not hurt her. Their eyes never broke contact, until Jaime faltered his eyes downwards to Aurelia's lips and back again. He closed the distance between them by capturing her lips into a kiss. It took her a second to understand what she should do, and kissed Jaime back.

Aurelia's hands found themselves wrapped around Jaime's shoulders, and he gently pushed her closer until their bodies were pressed against one another. This was her first kiss, and although it wasn't how she imagined it would be, it felt good. Jaime's hands roamed around the back of her body, as he untied the laces of Aurelia's dress.

Jaime led them to the edge of the bed, setting Aurelia down. She still felt quite afraid, but she fully put her trust on Jaime. After they were done, it didn't feel as how others told her it would. It was painful, and it did not completely subside. Aurelia felt different afterwards, and she wasn't sure how she was going to face her family the morning after. The two soundlessly slept that night, on opposite sides of the bed. Aurelia would rather have it that way for the moment.


THE WEDDING CHAPTER IS FINALLY HERE!!! Since we were only shown one northern wedding ceremony in the series, I basically based it on that scene, which is why I truly apologize if there was any mistakes or I wrote something wrong.

AAAHH Aurelia and Jaime's relationship is finally moving forwards, and I can't wait for you guys to read more of it. In the next chapter we're going to come back to the storyline in the series.

Furthermore, 9000+ readers is completely unbelievable!! Sorry I haven't been updating as recently as I used to, so I hope you can be patient with me.

Anyways, I hope that you guys are enjoying the story!! Thank you for the constant readers, the votes and the comments. I truly appreciate each and every one of them 😊💕

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