Business Or Pleasure

By snffbeebee

9.8K 302 86

Y/N is a new cast member of the Supernatural family and finds herself caught in between Business and Pleasure... More

Business Or Pleasure Part 1
Business Or Pleasure Part 2
Business Or Pleasure Part 3
Business Or Pleasure Part 4
Business Or Pleasure Part 6
Business Or Pleasure Part 7
Business Or Pleasure Part 8
Business Or Pleasure Part 9
Business Or Pleasure Part 10
Business Or Pleasure Part 11
Business Or Pleasure Part 12
Business Or Pleasure Part 13
Business Or Pleasure Part 14
Business Or Pleasure Part 15
Business Or Pleasure Part 16
Business Or Pleasure Part 17
Business Or Pleasure Part 18
Business Or Pleasure Part 19
Business Or Pleasure Finale

Business Or Pleasure Part 5

536 17 10
By snffbeebee

The next couple days, you packed up the stuff you were taking with you and then you left for LA. For two weeks straight, you went from audition to audition. You had a chance at two roles, a main character in a horror film and one for an action thriller. The action role was the one that really stuck with you, because that was one that you hadn't done before. About 2 months later, you finally got a call back from that movie and landed the audition. You got up early and went to meet with the producers.

" So we really think that you would be perfect for this part. I mean, who doesn't want to play a smart, badass chick. "

" And the male role, have you cast him yet? " You asked, taking a sip of your coffee.

" We know exactly who will cast if you take it. He hasn't auditioned yet, but you guys have worked together before, and we know this would make it that much better. "

" And who's the guy? "

" Is that a yes? " Gary smirked.

You were extremely curious to see how this was going to play out.

" I'm in. "

" Awesome, you will meet him in 2 weeks, when we have an onset reading. "

" You're really milking this aren't you Gary. " You laughed.

" Every bit I can. We will send you the script and will see you in two weeks. "

You shook his hand then went back to your house. You just got out of the shower when you heard your phone ringing. You quickly pulled on some clothes and picked it up. It was a video call from Jared.

" Well hello beautiful. " Jensen smiled.

You couldn't help but smiled when you seen him, Jared and Misha.

" Hey!! How are you guys? I miss you! "

Jensen turned the phone to everybody on set.

" We miss you Y/N " They all yelled.

You were so happy to see them, you never really got the chance to talk that much since you left, but you couldn't help but notice that Alex wasn't there.

" Alex is off doing another project, but he says hi.. " Misha smiled.

You talked with them for a bit and then you needed to go do an interview.

" Guys, I gotta go, but please come and visit me, it's lonely out here without you guys. " You smiled.

" We love you. " They called before ending the call.

You shook your head, then finished getting ready than you were off to do your interview with the Space Chanel.

" Alright, so let's talk about some of the stuff that you've done so far in your career. You've done pretty much everything. "

" Yeah, I mean I've done a little of everything. I've done a few horror films, some romance and of course the romantic comedies."

" And of course, you had a huge role in the last two seasons of Supernatural. "

You couldn't help but smile at the memories.

" Yeah, Supernatural was probably the best gig I've had so far. I mean working with those guys and the crew was absolutely amazing. They really helped me grow as an actress. "

The interview lasted for another 10 minutes and then you had some more errands and then a photo shoot for the CW. When you got home, you seen that the script for the movie Bulletproof had come in. You grabbed a beer, got comfy on the couch and started reading. You were extremely excited for this. It had a Bonnie and Clyde feel to it, and you couldn't help but wonder who they were casting for the male role.

" Hey you. " Anthony smiled, coming in the door.

" Hi. "

He kissed you softly and then you went right back to reading the script.

" Y/N , I haven't seen you in like a week, can you please put down the script. "

Things with you and Anthony were rocky since you came to LA. You barely had time to sleep let alone spend time with him. You let out a sigh and set the pages down.

" I'm sorry. I've just got a set read in two weeks and this is a huge role, I need to be ready for it. "

" Seems that it's always something. "

You got frustrated.

" This is my job Anthony, I can't slack off. You knew how this was going to be when I came here, and you said you were fine with it. "

" Yeah, well I guess I'm not. "

You ran your hand over your face.

" This isn't working. I don't want to fight with you Anthony. My life is crazy right now, and it's about to get a lot crazier for the next like 6 months. "

He let out a breath and looked at me.

" That's it? "

" Yeah, I guess so. I can't change things and I'm not giving up this role, I'm sorry. "

" Don't be, I get it. "

He leaned in and kissed your cheek softly.

" I'll see you around Y/N "

He closed the door behind him and you fell back onto the couch with a sigh. It was for the best right now, you needed to focus. The morning of the set reading, you got your hair and makeup done. You dressed it casual. You wore your skinny jeans, red t-shirt, black leather jacket and your signature combat boots. You grabbed a coffee then made your way to the studio. You got lost for a few minutes, until you seen the Bulletproof sign.

" Ah there she is, our leading lady, early too. I think this is gonna be the start of something amazing. " Gary smiled.

He showed you around the first set and it made you that much more excited.

" Alright Gary, you gonna tell me who the mystery man is? " You laughed.

He pointed across the lot and your eyes followed. Your heart skipped a beat when you seen those eyes. Those blue eyes, that smirk, the hair. You couldn't control your smile when he walked over to stand in front of you. That smirk on his face made you shake your head.

" Hey. " He smiled.

You let out a laugh, then threw your arms around his neck and his went around your waist, hugging you tightly.

" I seen how you two worked together on Supernatural and I knew that if he could make it work with that schedule, that he was it. We've seen you both play the bad characters and you two in those roles together, it's going to be gold. "

You couldn't believe this. This just made things ten times better. You missed working with him.

" Alright, so the opening scene will be Alex, in a car chase, he blows up someone else's car and then he comes to this apartment, then that's the first time we see you two together. Wanna give it a run? " Gary asked.

" Let's do it. " You smiled.

Alex walked onto set, closed the door behind him, stopped at the desk and took his sunglasses off. The camera was on him the whole time.

" Is it done? " You asked.

That smirk pulled at his lips.

" What do you think? "

The camera slowly came onto you, but they couldn't see your face until you closed the laptop. You mimicked his smirk, to a tee.

" Great, onto phase two. "

" Cut! Damn I can't wait until we start filming this. " Gary smiled, clapping.

The rest of the day, you did the set read to see how well it was actually going to work. It really wasn't hard for you to work with Alex. You couldn't remember the last time you were this happy working on a movie. The movie it'self was awesome, but adding in the fact that you got to work with one of your favorite people, made it that much more exciting.

" Alright so we start filming in 2 days, so you are going to be a busy boy. " Gary smiled at Alex.

" You ready to go back to Vancouver? "

You couldn't control your smile.

" More than ready. "

" Alright, you guys are free to go, see you guys bright and early Monday. "

" Drinks? " Alex smiled.

" Only if you're buying. "

You got into your car and went to the closest bar. The moment you stepped out of the car, one person seen you two and then there was a crowd. You posed for a few pictures then made it inside. You ordered a few shots and some Whiskey. You shook your head at the man sitting across from you.

" You knew didn't you. "

He smirked, then you punched his arm.

" You're an ass. " You laughed.

He smiled.

" Yeah, but you missed me. "

" Yeah, I actually did. The guys video called me from set the other day and they told me you were off doing another project. "

" I've been pretty busy, haven't really had time to stop. "

You took your shot, set it on the table, and your heart fluttered when you seen the ring on his finger.

" You got married. " You stated, pulling on a smirk.

" Yeah, two weeks ago. "

" Congrats. " You raised another shot to him.

" Where'd ya go for your honeymoon? " You asked.

" Technically we didn't get to have one, she had to go off somewhere for a magazine shoot, and I came here. "

" Wow, talk about dedication. " You laughed.

It hurt knowing that he was now married, but you were going to let that ruin the amazing friendship you had with him. As long as he was happy, then you were happy. We had a few drinks and caught up.

" I really did miss you Calvert. "

" Yeah, set hasn't been the same. You know they still have your room intact. "

" Seriously. "

" Yeah, Jensen made the the points that it was built for that purpose, and they were bringing you back at some point, so there was no sense in tearing it down. "

You couldn't help but smile. Right then, you seen someone taking pictures of us from the next table.

" We've got fans at the next table. "

Alex turned and laughed.

" They don't even try to hide it anymore. "

" I know, I blame you guys. " You smirked.

He raised an eyebrow to you.

" What? "

" I have done things before Supernatural and it was never this bad. But of course being seen with you guys all the time, people started to instantly recognize me on the street. :"

" I know, remember when you could walk down the street without the flashes? " He laughed.

" Not really. "

You finished your drink as your phone rang.

" Speak of the Winchesters. "

You answered the video call with a smile.

" Guys, do me a huge favor, wave to these girls. "

You turned the phone to the girl and they freaked. You laughed, then turned the phone back to you.

" That's always fun. " Jared laughed.

" So how was your set read? " Misha asked.

" Eh, it was alright, I'm not sure I'm gonna go with it. The guy they cast is a real dick. " You said, with a straight face.

Misha, Jensen and Jared just looked at you, confused, until you smiled and Alex came and sat beside you.

" You're a friggin Jerk. " Jared laughed.

" Everything is good. We start filming in 2 weeks. "

Without you saying anything, Alex knew what I was doing. "

" Alright, it's super loud in here, I'll call you guys tomorrow. " You ended the call.

" How did I know that you were going to do that, I told them the exact same thing. " He laughed.

He paid the tab, then you guys got an Uber back to your place.

" You wanna come in for some coffee?" You asked.

" I can never say no to coffee. "

You shut the door behind him. He looked around and shook his head in approval.

" Nice place. "

" Eh, I miss my place back home. "

" Thought this was home. "

" No, Van is home to me, it's where my family's at. "

You guys had some coffee, sat on the couch and talked for a few hours. Before you knew it, your head was resting on his shoulder and you fell asleep. The next morning you woke up to your phone ringing. You opened your eyes and seen that you were laying on Alex's chest. You slowly pushed off him, trying not to wake him up. You grabbed it, wandered into the kitchen and answered it.

" Jared hey. "

" So you and Alex had fun last night. " He said and you could hear the smirk in his laugh.

" What? " You asked, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.

" Google yourself. "

You opened your computer and did just that. You let out a breath when you seen a bunch of photos from last night of you and Alex.

" Jesus...that was quick. " You ran your fingers through your hair.

" Just thought you should know. "

You ended the call and looked through the photos. You never realized how close you guys were until you seen these.

" I don't even remember falling asleep last night. " Alex laughed, running his hand over his face.

" You watching porn or something? " He joked, sitting down at the island.

You didn't say anything, you just turned your computer so he could see the photos.

" Those people work fast. "

" It's been months since I left the show, so seeing us together again, it was bound to happen. "

You passed him a bottle of orange juice right as he seen the time on the computer.

" I gotta go back to the hotel, shower and then catch my flight to Van. I'll see ya back home. "

He leaned in and kissed your cheek, then you walked him out. When Alex got back to his hotel room, to his surprise, Michelle was sitting on the bed, looking at her phone.

" Hey, I thought you were gonna be away for the next couple weeks. " He said, closing the door behind him.

She didn't say anything but looked up at him from her phone.

" Well if you would have picked up your phone, you would have known that I was coming back early. " She said, her voice filled with anger.

Alex checked his phone and seen all the missed calls and text messages.

" I'm sorry, I. "

" Was busy, yeah I see that. "

" What? " He asked, confused.

She got up from the bed and held her phone out to him. He took it and seen the photos of you and him from last night.

" You were too busy with her. "

Alex tossed the phone on the bed.

" Michelle come on, we went and got a drink. "

" Yeah and got pretty cozy doing it. "

" Are you serious right now? Y/N is a friend, we work together Michelle, we are going to be seen in public together. "

" Yeah, more than you and I ever have been. You have spent more time with her in the past 2 and a half years than you have with me...your wife. "

Alex got frustrated and ran his fingers through his hair.

" That's not just my fault Mitch. You are gone half of the time, taking naked photos with jacked up douche bags. "

" That's my job Alex. "

" Yeah and spending time with Y/N is mine, you knew this. "

" No, you never actually told me that she was the one you were shooting this movie with. "

He took in a deep breath.

" I don't like her Alex. I see the way she looks at you, on and off screen. "

" God, why can't you get it through your head that we are just friends. I married you Michelle, not her. You knew that Y/N and I were close ever since she came onto Supernatural. "

" And you didn't read between the lines. I was never comfortable with you guys being so close, I mean what girl would be? Why do you think I stopped watching the show when I knew you guys were put into a relationship. I couldn't stand to see you get close to someone when I don't even get the chance to be like that with you anymore. "

" I don't know what you want me to do. " He sighed, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

" I want you to back out of the movie. "

He looked at her and shook his head.

" That's not happening. "

Tears filled her eyes and she let out a breath.

" Alex, it's her or me. "

" No, you are making me chose between you and my career, which is just fucked up Michelle. "

She crossed her arms and looked at him.

" It's one movie Alex. "

" Yeah, the one movie, that I've been waiting for. If it's not her, it's going to be someone else. So either you need to deal with it or. "

" Or what? "

He hesitated for a minute.

" Or this isn't going to work. If you are going to be that selfish to make me chose my career or you, then I don't think I can spend my life with someone like that. "

" So you've made your choice. "

She picked her phone up from the bed, hesitated then walked to the door. She turned and looked at him before opening it.

" If I walk out Alex, I'm not coming back. "

" You gonna change your mind? " He asked.

" No. "

" Neither am I. " He stated.

She let out a sigh, opened the door and walked out. Alex put his head in his hands and let out a frustrated breath. The next morning you got up made sure your bags were packed then caught your flight to Vancouver. You got there just a little after 3pm and you were excited to meet up with the boys for lunch. When you got to the restaurant, Jensen was the first one to get to his feet. He wrapped his arms around your waist and picked you up into a tight hug, his face resting in the crook of your neck. When he let out a breath, it sent chills down your spine.

" We missed you Y/L/N "

You let out a breath when he set you on your feet. When you looked at him, something bubbled up inside of you. You swear it was the first time you actually looked at him. That hair, that spiked in different directions, those green eyes that you got lost in and those lips...God those lips. You took in a breath when Jared waved his hand in front of your face.

" You with us Y/N ? " He laughed.

You shook your head with a laugh, trying to get your mind off the tall freckled man that still had one of his arms around your waist.

" Yeah, yeah, sorry, jet leg. " You laughed it off.

" Where's Calvert? " Jensen asked.

" I don't know, I called him earlier and didn't get an answer. " Misha spoke up.

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