Business Or Pleasure Part 5

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The next couple days, you packed up the stuff you were taking with you and then you left for LA. For two weeks straight, you went from audition to audition. You had a chance at two roles, a main character in a horror film and one for an action thriller. The action role was the one that really stuck with you, because that was one that you hadn't done before. About 2 months later, you finally got a call back from that movie and landed the audition. You got up early and went to meet with the producers.

" So we really think that you would be perfect for this part. I mean, who doesn't want to play a smart, badass chick. "

" And the male role, have you cast him yet? " You asked, taking a sip of your coffee.

" We know exactly who will cast if you take it. He hasn't auditioned yet, but you guys have worked together before, and we know this would make it that much better. "

" And who's the guy? "

" Is that a yes? " Gary smirked.

You were extremely curious to see how this was going to play out.

" I'm in. "

" Awesome, you will meet him in 2 weeks, when we have an onset reading. "

" You're really milking this aren't you Gary. " You laughed.

" Every bit I can. We will send you the script and will see you in two weeks. "

You shook his hand then went back to your house. You just got out of the shower when you heard your phone ringing. You quickly pulled on some clothes and picked it up. It was a video call from Jared.

" Well hello beautiful. " Jensen smiled.

You couldn't help but smiled when you seen him, Jared and Misha.

" Hey!! How are you guys? I miss you! "

Jensen turned the phone to everybody on set.

" We miss you Y/N " They all yelled.

You were so happy to see them, you never really got the chance to talk that much since you left, but you couldn't help but notice that Alex wasn't there.

" Alex is off doing another project, but he says hi.. " Misha smiled.

You talked with them for a bit and then you needed to go do an interview.

" Guys, I gotta go, but please come and visit me, it's lonely out here without you guys. " You smiled.

" We love you. " They called before ending the call.

You shook your head, then finished getting ready than you were off to do your interview with the Space Chanel.

" Alright, so let's talk about some of the stuff that you've done so far in your career. You've done pretty much everything. "

" Yeah, I mean I've done a little of everything. I've done a few horror films, some romance and of course the romantic comedies."

" And of course, you had a huge role in the last two seasons of Supernatural. "

You couldn't help but smile at the memories.

" Yeah, Supernatural was probably the best gig I've had so far. I mean working with those guys and the crew was absolutely amazing. They really helped me grow as an actress. "

The interview lasted for another 10 minutes and then you had some more errands and then a photo shoot for the CW. When you got home, you seen that the script for the movie Bulletproof had come in. You grabbed a beer, got comfy on the couch and started reading. You were extremely excited for this. It had a Bonnie and Clyde feel to it, and you couldn't help but wonder who they were casting for the male role.

Business Or PleasureOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora