Business Or Pleasure Part 6

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Being reunited with the boys was amazing, you really did miss them. You spent a few hours, catching up with them, but Alex never showed.

" Alright, I really do need to go home and take a nap, I'm exhausted. " You laughed, pulling on your coat.

" We are still on for lunch tomorrow right? " Jared asked, as him and Jensen got up and started walking down the street, one on each side of me.

" Of course. I will call you guys tomorrow. "

You kissed both of their cheeks, got into your car and finally went home. It felt so nice to be back here. You know it had only been 3 months, but it felt like years. After taking a long, hot shower, you slipped into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt then plopped down on the couch and picked up your script. You didn't realize that you fell asleep until your doorbell woke you up. You looked at the time, and seen it was 2am. Who would be here at this time? You thought to yourself as you made your way to the front door. When you opened the door, you seen Alex leaning against the railing of the porch.

" Alex, what are you doing here? " You asked, stepping outside.

When he looked up at you, you seen that his eyes were blood shot, and you could smell the liqor coming off of him.

" What happened? "

" Pretty sure my marriage is over. " He said almost in a whisper.

" What? "

" Michelle doesn't like you. " He blurted out.

" She thinks that I spend way too much time with you and well she wasn't too happy that it was you that I was shooting this movie with. "

When he stumbled, you took a hold of his arm and guided him inside.

" Come on, let's get you some coffee. "

You sat him down on one of the chairs in the kitchen and started some coffee.

" She wanted me to back out of the movie. "

You turned and looked at him. You hated that he was going through this, it broke your heart.

" Alex, maybe you should. "

His eyes met yours with confusion.

" What? "

You ran your fingers through your hair.

" Listen, things between us have always been messed up, and I'm not saying that I regret anything that happened, but I don't want to be the reason that your marriage doesn't work out. "

He shook his head and you could tell that he was torn. You sat down next to him and let out a breath.

" Let me ask you something..You love her right? "

He didn't have to think about that.

" Yeah, of course I do. "

" And if I wouldn't have shown up years back, things would be perfect right now, am I right? "

He let out a sigh.

" This isn't your fault Y/N "

You moved the hair from his eyes and smiled softly.

" It's no ones fault, but you can't give up on your marriage that easy. "

He shook his head.

" I still wanna do this movie. " He stated.

You took a hold of his arm and lead him into the living room and onto the couch.

" Why don't you get some sleep and you can think about all of this with a clear head tomorrow. "

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