Sea of Blood {One Piece: Kid...

By JustReneeAgain

11.1K 394 52

Tsukiko, a woman who's blood lust mirrors Kid's. She never found her place in the world, then the Kid Pirates... More

Finally! I'm a Pirate!?
Scared Past
Break Thru
Welcome to Sabaody
Near Death
Nightmares and Kidnapped;
Moving On
King and Queen
New Territories
Mending Bonds // Please Read A/N at End! \\
Bad News;

Back to Square One

455 20 0
By JustReneeAgain

Tsukiko thrashed against her chains when Moroni entered the room. "I'll kill you." her green hair was greasy and a mess as it fell on her dirty face, her normal bed attire was replaced with a skimpy night dress that left no room for the imagination.

The man clicked his tongue in detest as he chuckled. "You tried. You failed. You were weak. You still are." Moroni patted her head. he moved his hand away when she jumped at him to bite his hand. "Bad girls get punished. You didn't forget did you?" He chuckled at her.

Moroni sat on his bed reading in the candlelight. He looked up when he thought he saw a figure standing before him. He couldn't sense anyone. He set his glasses down on the stand beside his bed and made his way to the living area. He saw nothing and shrugged and turned around, jumping back when he saw a hooded figure before him. He doubled over in pain when their foot came in contact with his groin. He let out a smirk when the woman showed her face. "My my little kitty has claws.."

"I'm going to take everything away from you." Tsukiko seared at him as she wrapped a chain around his neck and flung him into the chair, breaking it to pieces. "You're going to feel every ounce of pain I felt."

Moroni went to laugh but yelled in pain as he felt a blade enter his body as his brain comprehended the pain in his leg. His eyes darted to her eyes. He could see joy. He turned her into what he wanted. Him. An emotionless person whom wouldn't keep anyone close to them

The torture went on for days. Every part of his body was covered in his blood. She learned to to make deep wounds to torture. Moroni was very proud. He let out a laugh. "You've become your worst nightmare my love."

The woman stopped and looked at him. "I didn't tell you to speak you filthy pig." Tsukiko growled at him. Her eyes narrowing.

"You've become me." He smirked at her. He saw the realization in her eyes, she thought she could get revenge but in doing so she became the very person she loathed. "You learned from me without even realizing it. So how about you untie me and we can make love how we used to."

Tsukiko let out a shriek before she brought the blade of a kusarigama to his throat and slashing him. The force caused him to fall back in the chair, the wood crashing in the floor and splintering as she stood over him. Breathing as tears fell from her eyes. "I AM NOT YOU!" She shouted at him, he smirked as she walked away, the wound wasn't need enough to kill him. He focused on his breathing and heart rate and tricked her, he fell limp as she got up, her hands shaking has she checked for a pulse, she couldn't find one and ran out of the house.

Her blood red eyes glared at him. She can't believe it. She watched his last breathe leave his body. She knew he was dead. Her eyes snapped back into reality when he touched her cheek. "So you're a pirate now? Part of the Kid Pirates no less. How many have had their way with you?" He chuckled at her. "I bet they can't make you scream the way I used to. Oh how wet you'd get for me.." he smirked as he pinned her on the bed, her legs thrashing against him as his arms pinned her much smaller arms down in the hard mattress.

Moronis' lips fell on her pale neck, he sucked and bit in the skin. Tsukiko started to go numb. She knew they wouldn't find her. When Moroni went into hiding, he went deep undergrounds to avoid any fighting. This time, she would kill herself the moment she could. She can't go back to being a slave. Not to him. The ceiling view was blocked by Moronis' eyes, the evil in them dancing around before her. The cold feel of the metal against her wrists snapped her back into her mind as her arms slowly raised above her head, she glanced back to her arms, she saw a man cranking her chains above her head. Tsukiko grabbed the chains and stared at Moroni when she heard his belt being undone as her night dress was rolled against her neck, her bra was long gone as her panties ripped off of her. It felt slow and painful. Every time he touched her it was like being stabbed with a thousand knives.

"It's been years, hasn't it?" He smirked as he held his flesh in his hand, his hand moving back and forth against it as he lined himself up with her opening.

Tsukiko gripped the chains as he roughly entered inside of her. Pain ripped through her body, his head fell in the crook of her neck as he panted against her. "Oh baby you still feel amazing." He muttering into her skin. "Nice and tight." His hands twisting and pulling on her breasts.

Tsukiko shut her eyes as she felt more pain from the dry friction between her legs. Her hands clenched the chains we he pulled out and flipped her over on her knees. He reentered her from behind and pulled at her hair as he grunted and smacked her ass leaving behind a hand imprint.

Her eyes squeezed shut tighter as she remember her small happy times on the Kid Pirates crew. She knew she'd never see them again. He wouldn't let her get away twice.

"Here. Try this." Tsukiko smiled and handed the fork overfilled with pasta, red sauce and meats to Killer. It's been two months  since she started her adventure with the Kid Pirates, she was determined to see Killer's face. 

He turned around be spun back around to revile the empty fork. "Nice try!"

"Damn you Killer!" She laughed as she poked a hole where his forehead is. "I'll get you someday." 

"What's going in here?" Wire smiled as he peaked over her shoulder to the dinner she was working on. "That looks good."

"Here try some." Tsukiko smiled and handed him a new fork. Wire moaned and threw himself against the wall with his hand over his heart.

"I'm in love with your cooking. Can you show me your ways!? Or just marry me and become my perfect wife!" He laughed and patted her on the head as she rolled her eyes at him as she swatted him away from taking another bite of food. He looked scary but Wire was kind and funny. Kid entered the room, Wire stood straight up but Tsukiko made a bowl for Kid, smiling as she pulled the chair out. "Just in time boss, dinners done!" 

Tsukiko snapped back when she felt the warmth on her back before the rage of pain coursed through her body. Tsukiko let out an earth shattering scream before Moroni shoved his hard cock in her mouth to silence her. Her eyes watered from the pain and glanced to where a a man was placing a branding iron down in water. She was branded. She was his. Permanently. Tsukiko felt anger boil in her as she clamped her jaw down on Moronis' most sensitive area. He ripped her hair back and threw her against the wall, her head smacked off the wall as she lost consciousness.


Kid walked up the stone stairs. Killer, Heat and Wire all trailing behind him. The anger flowing off their captain kept passing people clear of the anger.

When they reached the top they saw nothing but what looked like to be an abandoned castle. Windows were broken. Vines over growing the building. Kid walked to the front door and kicked it down. The sound echoing through the cold stone. They all entered and felt nothing but cold air bursting back at them. "It doesn't seem to be lived in." Heat spoke first. Kid growled as he kicked down a door. The wood shattering against the flooring.

"That woman is going to die if she was lying." Kid growled and looked back at the tree men.

"I don't believe she was Boss." Wire said glancing at him.

"He's right. These places are known to have hidden houses underneath the palaces. It was used in the time of wars for safety to Keep the rich alive and the poor dead." Killer spoke nodding.

"Then let's find us a secret door." Kid growled as he started to rip things off the wall. "What was this mans name again?"

"His name is Moroni." Wire spoke up after a moment of silence.


The three men looked at one another. Their Captain was angry. Nothing screamed good about this. When Killer went to speak up they heard a scream.

Kid turned as his eyes were wild. "That's her." Their captain spoke.

Killer glanced at the redhead. He thought it was but they couldn't be sure. It took hours before they found the passage behind broken mirrors. Kid stomped down the stairs as they followed behind him. When they reached the bottom they saw old men dressed in robes and old women sitting in stones.

"What the hell is this place!?" Kid shouted. Everyone stopped and looked st him.

"Lower your voice young man. This is a relaxation spa." A woman croaked at him as she walked away. Her shoes scuffling.

"How can I help you gentleman." A man came around the corner and bowed to them. "This is normally for the elderly but I can move people around just for the Kid Pirates." He smiled at Kid.

Eustass didn't  know what it was but he wanted to kill this man."We are looking for a crew mate." Killer spoke for Kid. "She's got green hair and red eyes."

"Oh. A she?" He chuckled as he stood up. "As you can see, only elderly are allowed here so no young women here."

"We didn't say she was young." Wire said stepping forward when Kid narrowed his eyes.

"My apologies, I assumed she was with your age group." He chuckled. "Now if you'll please leave-"

"We heard a scream." Killer said, his voice low with anger. "It sounded like a young woman."

"So we will be taking a look around." Kid growled at him and pushed him out of his way.

The four men went into each room. Looking under things and in the ceilings but found nothing. Killer went to open the door labeled for VIP members and it was locked. He hummed and used his blade to opened the door.  It was a lounging area he over turned the chairs and behind a curtain laid another door, when Killer opened it, it sent a cold shiver through his spine  "KID." He shouted for his captain. Killer entered the room and took in the blood stained mattress, the chains against the wall he took long strides to walk around the room as Kid entered

"It smells like her." Kid said looking st his first mate.

Wire and Heat soon caught up to them. "Boss.." Wire said holding up the purple and green pants that Tsukiko normally wore to bed.

"Excuse me! You can't me in here!" A man shouted at them. "Get out-"

Wire shoved his blade through his opened mouth killing him. "She's somewhere..."

"But the questing is where?" A voice spoke behind them. It was the man from earlier. "You see she is such a darling little prize and she was so delicious years back I just couldn't wait to get my hands on her again." He chuckled.

"I take it you're Moroni." Killer scoffed at him. The man was older, probably around 50's. He had black hair that was long, his attire was traditional Japanese kimono. 

"You would be correct." He said with a smile. "So which one of you had her while I was away. I want to thank you for taking such good care of her. Although you must be on the small scale, her pussy was nice and tight."

Kid stepped forward and Wire and Heat took a stance beside him, Killer disappeared and ended up behind him. "Where. Is. She. At." Kid glared at him.

"See. If you kill me, you'll never know." He smirked as he held his hands up. 

"Take him with us." Kid said lowly. Killed went to grab him and he dissipated into nothing.

"Is he a devil fruit eater?" Heat asked looking at Kid.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU." Kid shouted as he stormed by.

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