vergeten in het verleden

By dollemora

66 1 0

sesuatu yang dilupakan dimasa lalu adalah sesuatu yang menyakitkan jika kembali diingat di masa sekarang. More

Rencana sarah


7 0 0
By dollemora

"guys, guru rapat."kata ketua kelas

"hueeeeee,wagelaseh gak sih." Ucap salah satu siswa

Seluruh siswa bersorak seakan sudah siap untuk di traktir makan mie ayam milik pak de yang rasanya tidak kalah dengan penjual diluar sekolah.

Setelah mendengar informasi paling penting ini mareka langsung berhamburan ada yang masih stay di kelas ada juga yang mengendap-ngendap keluar kelas dengan alasan ke ketua kelas mau ke wc tapi saat kembali ternyata ditangan tergantung keresek hitam yang berisi sarapan pagi mareka.

Saat fara mendengar pelajaran ekonomi tidak masuk dia menjadi tidak semangat seperti beberapa waktu lalu, jadinya dia hanya mengerjakan tugas selanjutnya tanpa ada guru dan juga tanpa ada nilai untuk hari ini.

"fara temenin aku ke perpus dong, lagi gabut banget nih di kelas." Ajak rafa

Fara yang sedang mengerjakan tugas terganggu karena kehadiran rafa yang mengajaknya ke perpustakaan "palingan sampai sana pergi tidur doang." Balas fara cuek

"nggak lah, aku kesana tu mau pinjam buku novel untuk adek ku si kutu buku romance."

" lagi mager."

Fara yang sudah siap menulis seketika terhenti karena tangan rafa yang menahannya lalu menarik keluar kelas dengan sedikit paksa yang pada akhirnya fara pun ngalah. Sampai di perpustakaan fara menarik tangannya dari genggaman rafa dengan paksa "kenapa sih raf."

"apa ya kenapa! Kan aku sudah bilang temenin aku pinjam buku diperpus, emang susahnya kalau ngajak orang yang pengennya semua punya alasan."

Fara diam dan mareka hanya saling pandang beberapa saat setelah siswa lain lewat menyenggol fara. "emang mau cari novel yang seperti apa." Ucapnya sambil berjalan di koridor perpustakaan

Langkah rafa berhenti lalu melirik kearah fara yang sedang mencari buku novel "aku cuman mau berdua dengan kamu tanpa ada sarah atau pun yang lainnya."balas rafa. Seketika fara terdiam setelah mengutak-atik buku tanpa berbalik kearah rafa yang menunggu balasan fara.

Tangan rafa memegang kedua bahunya membuat fara berbalik menatapnya "aku harap kamu tidak memilih menunduk saat aku bertanya satu hal" lanjut rafa " apa kamu sudah melupakan kejadian 1 tahun lalu?" tanya rafa

Fara diam mencoba untuk menahan air matanya, dadanya terasa sesak mendengar pertanyaan itu. Tanpa keraguan fara memilih tidak menunduk dan malah menatap rafa dengan penuh keyakinan bahwa rafa akan percaya apa yang dia katakan itu benar.

"apa aku boleh memelukmu"

Fara terkejut tapi tetap mengiyakan rafa yang ingin memeluknya, Perpustakaan yang masih sepi dan penjaga perpus yang masih stay di tempatnya." Aku mohon jujurlah saat aku bertanya, karena sampai saat ini hanya kamu yang ingin aku lindungi." Lanjur rafa "jangan pernah maafin aku fara."ucapnya mempererat pelukannya. Tanpa sadar fara menangis


Fara berusaha menutup matanya yang sedikit bengkak karena menangis "puas, buat aku nangis tadi" ucap fara "pake ngambil kesempatan segala."ketusnya

"kan sudah ijin"

Fara diam kembali mencari novel dan akhirnya mendapatkan novel berjudul vergeten in het verlenden. "ini bukunya,beritahu kalau aku suka."kata fara menyodorkan buku novel ke pada rafa

"yakin banget sih kalau kutu buku mau baca karena kamu suka." Ejeknya

Mulut fara berubah jadi monyong dan tangan yang terlipat di dada "gak percaya, coba aja nanti" senyum sinis fara"kalau dia sampai baca, mie ayam pak de plus 1 cup es krim,oke."

Rafa tertawa kecil dan tidak melepaskan pandangannya kearah fara yang terus tertawa. membuat penjaga perpus menengur mareka"dilarang ribut."

Rafa tertawa fara juga

Saat mareka sedang bercanda sarah dan sela datang "ngapain disini?"tanya sarah

"tunggu dulu,kenapa mata lo far merah gitu?" lanjut sarah "o,gue tau lo yang buat fara nangiskan."

"nggak. tadi tu pas cari buku, debu masuk ke mataku jadi aku kucek-kucek."

"oya,kenapa kesini." Celetuk rafa

"oya,gue mau bicara berdua sama fara,jadi tolong tinggalin kami berdua, lagi pula lo di cari sama teman lo di kantin sana."ketusnya

Rafa berdiri "ya udah,aku pergi dulu."ucapnya lalu pergi bersama sela meninggalkan sarah dan fara berdua di perpustakaan.

Sekarang hanya ada fara dan sarah yang saling menatap satu sama lain dengan raut wajah yang seakan penuh dengan pertanyaan.

'sar,aku gak nyakin berhasil buat ngambil hati dia."

"gak nyakin gimana! Percaya aja sama gue dia pasti tertarik sama kamu."nada yakin sarah

"kenapa harus aku sar! Kenapa bukan sela,lagi pula dia lebih menarik dariku."balasnya

Sarah tertawa kecil "kamu nyakin."lanjutnya "sudahnya far,aku cuman mau tolong sekali ini saja tapi sampai tuntas bolehnya."

Fara hanya mengangguk dan tersenyum kecil.


"Guys, the teacher is meeting," said the class leader

"Hueeeeee, wagelaseh isn't it," said one of the students

All the students cheered as if they were ready to be treated to eat Mr. de's chicken noodles which seemed not inferior to the seller outside the school.

After hearing the most important information, they immediately scattered, there were those who still stayed in the class, there were also those who sneaked out of the class on the grounds that the class leader wanted to go to the wc, but when he returned it was in the hands of a black eagle containing their breakfast.

When Fara heard economic lessons did not come in she became not as enthusiastic as some time ago, so she only did the next assignment without any teacher and also without any value for today.

"I want to accompany me to the library, again I'm very tired in the class." Invite me to go

Fara, who was working on her assignment, was disturbed because of the presence of Rafa who invited her to the library "until the night goes to go to bed." Reply fara ignored

"No, I'm going there to borrow a novel book for my brother the romance nerdy."

"Mager again."

Fara who was ready to write was immediately stopped because her poor hand held her back and pulled out the class with a little force which finally lost her fara. Arriving at the library Fara pulled her hand from her grip forcefully "why is it raf."

"Why is that? I already told you that I had borrowed a book from the library, it was really difficult if I invited someone who wanted it all to have a reason. "

Fara was silent and they only looked at each other for a moment after the other students passed by nudging Fara. "You really want to find a novel like that." He said while walking in the corridor of the library

Rafa step stopped and then glanced at Fara who was looking for a novel "I just want to be alone with you without any direction or anything else." Replied Rafa. Instantly Fara fell silent after fiddling with the book without turning towards Rafa who was waiting for the reply of Fara.

Rafa hand holding his shoulders made Fara turned to look at him "I hope you do not choose to look down when I ask one thing" continued Rafa "Have you forgotten the incident 1 year ago?" Asked Rafa

Fara silently tried to hold back her tears, her chest felt tight hearing the question. Without hesitation the Fara chose not to look down and instead looked at Rafa with confidence that Rafa would believe what he said was true.

 "Can I hug you"

Fara was shocked but still said yes to Rafa who wanted to hug him, the library was still quiet and the library guard who still stayed in his place. "I beg you to be honest when I ask, because until now only you want to protect me." fara. "he said tightening his arms. Unconsciously Fara cried


Fara tried to close her slightly swollen eyes because she was crying "satisfied, for me to cry earlier" said Fara "use the opportunity everything."

"It's already been licensed"

Fara was quiet again looking for a novel and finally got a novel called Vergeten in het verlenden. "This is the book, tell me that I like it," Fara said, offering a novel to Rafa

"It's really sure that nerds want to read because you like it."

The mouth of the pharaoh turns to mongong and the hands folded in the chest "do not believe, just try it later" smara cynical smile "if he gets to read, chicken noodle pack de plus 1 cup of ice cream, okay."

Rafa chuckled and did not take his eyes off Fara who was laughing. make the library guard menengur they are "prohibited from making noise."

Rafa laughed fara too

When they were joking, Sarah and between came "what are you doing here?" Asked Sarah

"Wait a minute, why are your eyes so red?" Continued Sarah "o, I know you are making a cry."

"not. That was just when I was looking for a book, the dust went into my eyes so I checked it. "

"Oh yeah, why come here." Said Rafa

"Anyway, I want to talk to both Fara, so please leave us alone, after all you are looking for your friends in the canteen there."

Rafa stood up "yes already, I went first." He said then left and interrupted leaving Sarah and Fara both in the library.

Now there are only fara and sarah who are staring at each other with a look that seems full of questions.

'Sar, I don't feel successful in taking his heart."

"Don't know how! Just believe me, he must be interested in you. "Sarah said confidently

"Why should I be sar! Why isn't it interrupted, after all, he's more attractive than me. "

Sarah chuckled "you are sure." He continued "already far, I just want to help this once but until it is finished, please."

Fara just nodded and smiled a little.

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