Lovers💛 a colby brock fan fi...

By shyanna_

94.8K 1.2K 200

In this story your 19 and your just a typical person living in L.A when you bump into two most important peop... More

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hey guys♥️
WE MADE #8!!!
Hi :)
mew book :)
hey ;)

||c h a p t e r s i x t e e n||

1.7K 29 2
By shyanna_

•your p.o.v•
i wake up and colby's still asleep. that prank last night was scary and it made me realize how much i really live colby and i can't see my future with out him. i get out of his arms and go downstairs to cook some breakfast as i was cooking Devyn came downstairs. "hey y/n what are you making??" Devyn asked sitting on the island. "oh i'm just making breakfast for everyone, i was kinda bored" i replied getting back to cooking. "oh that's nice of you." Devyn smiles and walked back upstairs i finally finished cooking and made plates for everyone then i grabbed two pots and started hitting them together at everyone's door after i did that everyone came out of their rooms and looked angry "hey i made breakfast for you bitches be happy" with that i ran downstairs as fast as i could and his in the bathroom because i know they would still be mad. i heard knocking on the door and i knew it was colby "babe open up pretty pleaseeee" he whined "what's the magic wordddd" i said playfully. "uhhh i don't know" he answered "then you can't come in" he whined and tried opening the door he groaned again and started to walk away with that i opened the door and jumped on his back "weeee run horsey run!!" i giggled" he started running around the house and we fell and i fell on top of him. "ouchy" is all he said "i'll kiss it and make it feel better!!" and with that we both got up and giggled. "colbs i gotta get home i whined "ughh i really wish you just lived here with me." i looked at him and he had a frown "i know but i'm not ready for that." i gave him a quick kiss and walked out to my car. "wait babe you forgot something" i was confused as he was walking towards me "what did i forget??" i asked "this" he gave me a hug "I love you" is all he said "i love you too" i gave him another quick kiss and drove home. i stopped at target to get a camera i've decided i want to start a YouTube channel and i already know the first thing i want to do. i'm gonna prank colby with the pregnancy prank. i picked up a fake pregnancy test and got home as quick as i could.
~time skip to when you got home~
my house still had a little bit of boxes i never really finished unpacking so i decided to go through the boxes and unpack the rest of the stuff i looked at the time it's was 3:00pm and i texted colby and told him to come over so i could do this prank. i set up the camera because he said he was a few minutes away.
~time skip to when colby got there~
i heard a knock on the door and i opened and saw colby "hey babe" he said and gave me a hug "hi" i pulled away and we walked and sat in the living room i started a normal conversation and then got to the prank "so... uh babe when did you want to start having kids?.." i asked nervously "i don't know i don't think i want kids any time soon you know? because of my career and things it would get hard." "yea yea.." i felt the urge to vomit and this wasn't fake. i got up and ran to the bathroom and vomited. "babe are you okay?!" colby asked holding back my hair. "y-yea i think i just ate the wrong thing that's all.." i got up and walked back to the living room to continue the prank.. "uh colby there's actually something i want to tell you...." he looked up from his phone "what is it?." i looked down getting butterflies in my stomach.. "i know you will probably be mad..." he turned and faced me. "what did you do?.." i looked up at him. "colby it's what did we do.." i looked down again and he lifted my chin up "babe what did we do then?" "colby i-i'm pregnant.." i showed him the fake pregnancy test.. "a-are you serious??" tears escaped his eyes.. i felt so bad "babe don't cry" "i'm so happy and scared at the same time i'm having mixed emotions" he smiled and i looked down knowing that this is a prank.. "babe?." "yea?" he looked at me "this is a prank" i jumped up and grabbed the camera he looked pretty mad i shut the camera off. he got up and stormed off he didn't leave but he walked into a different room.. i think he's mad at me i started to feel sick again and ran back to the bathroom and vomited again. am i sure this is a prank?.. i got back up and brushed my teeth because my breathe was disgusting i walked out of the bathroom and walked into my room and cried i don't know why i was crying but i was. Colby then walked into my room and hugged me "i'm sorry babe i was just upset i thought we were coming to start a new life" i looked at him with my tears still flowing "b-but i thought you said you didn't want any kids right yet?.." he looked down "y/n you just have to take chances." i looked down and then back up at him. " i love you" i said smiling through my tears. "babe you threw up twice today are you sure your okay?." i looked away "i don't know.. i seriously don't know what's wrong with me." he turned my head to face him "i'll be right back babe i need to go to the store and get something" he kissed me and go up and left.. what could he be getting?.

hey babes♥️ i wonder what Colby went to the store for?? read the next chapter to find out🥰 have a great day my loves💛
word count: 1031 words

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