||c h a p t e r t w e n t y f o u r||

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•your p.o.v•
colby was holding my hand in blue scrubs because the nurse said he had to wear them doctors were preparing me for birth and it was time. "okay y/n on the count of three i need you to push okay?" the doctor asked i nod my head "okay, one......two.....three!PUSH" and with that i started to push "AGHHHHHH" "okay take a break" i was breathing heavily colby had a cold wash cloth patting my head with it i had tears in my eyes "baby your going to be okay" colby smiled at me "okay one...two...three...PUSH" i pushes as hard as i could "okay take another break" this is so painful even with the epidural "alright last push and your first baby should be born. one...two...three...PUSH" and with that crying filled the room "it's a boy!!" my baby boy had been born "dad, would you like to come cut the umbilical cord?" colby walked over and they had him cut it. he came back over to me he also had tears in his eyes. "okay get ready to push. one...two...three...PUSH" i pushed again "alright take a break" i threw my head back in pain trying to regain my breath "okay you only have two more pushes to go" i nodded "okay, one...two...three...PUSH" i pushed again "alright take a quick break your second baby is almost out." i took a few breathes "alright, one..two.three one last big push!!" i pushed as hard as i could and then i heard her crying. i started to ball my eyes out. colby walked over to cut her cord and then i had to deliver the placenta. i had fallen asleep i guess because i woke up back in my hospital room "are you ready too see them?" the nurse asked "yes!!" i was so excited to see my babies and there they were

 i had fallen asleep i guess because i woke up back in my hospital room "are you ready too see them?" the nurse asked "yes!!" i was so excited to see my babies and there they were

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my babies were so cute i cried again "so what are you naming them?." the nurse asked "well for my baby boy his names Dexter Lee Brock, for my baby girl it's Naomi Michelle Brock" i answered "those are really cute names" the nurse smiled "did you want to try breastfeeding?" "yes please" she put Naomi back in the baby bed and helped me breast feed dexter he latched on quick.

•colby's p.o.v•
after my babies were born i walked out of the room i was in tears i was so happy i went out to the eating room where everyone was and i looked at them.

•sams p.o.v•
colby walked out crying my first thought was that they didn't make it... i got up and walked over to colby and hugged him "what happened??" i asked "they're here"he answered i looked at him "are they okay?" "they're perfect." colby smiled "oh my gosh how's y/n?" i asked "she's fine she's just asleep she's pretty exhausted." the nurse came out "y/n's awake breastfeeding you guys can go back if you'd like." i smiled widely "yea i'll show them to the room" colby answered

•your p.o.v•
i heard a knock on the door and i was still feeding Dexter "hey babe is it okay if everyone comes in?" colby asked "yes that's fine everyone has to get use to seeing this anyways." i said looking down at dexter. "okay guys be quiet" colby said as everyone slowly walked in. "hey y/n how are you feeling?" Devyn asked.. Devyn and i have gotten so close "i'm fine the babies are good i'm just so in love." i smiled. Naomi started to lightly cry "um could one of you hand me her and take dexter?" i asked "yea i'm prettt sure we all wanna hold them" colby chuckled and took Dexter so everyone could have a turn holding him while i fed Naomi. "oh my gosh he's so precious" Devyn smiled looking at Dexter. "i'm so in love with him" Devyn says, Corey just smiles. "thank you guys for being here it means a lot to me" i said looking at everyone "don't worry about it. we are all family"Corey smiles i had happy tears flowing out of my eyes i'm just so happy i have my family here with me blood or not. this is just a new start to my book.

hey guyssssss so Dexter and Naomi we're born on colby's birthday cheesy ik but i planned it hahaha any ways i'm so excited to continue the book haha thanks for reading love youuuu♥️

word count:770 words

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