The Rose and The Flame : A Da...

By TheOmbreEssence

85K 2.4K 680

"Believe what you want. I'm right and you know it" you didn't have a chance to process anything when he grabb... More

Character Description!
[Chapter 1]
[Chapter 2]
[Chapter 3]
[Chapter 5]
So here's the tea...
[Chapter 6]
[Chapter 7]
[Chapter 8]
Merry Christmas to all!
[Chapter 9]
[Chapter 10]
[Chapter 11]
[Chapter 12]
Taking a break...
[Chapter 13]
[Chapter 14]
~Movie Night~
[Chapter 15]
[Chapter 16]
[Chapter 17]
Just to clear up some of the bullshit...
[Chapter 18]
[Chapter 19]
[Chapter 20]
Quick update
Book 2 is out now!

[Chapter 4]

4.4K 123 28
By TheOmbreEssence

USJ, otherwise known as the Unforeseen Simulation Joint was a massive training facility to teach upcoming heroes how to deal with disasters. Truth be told you were a little excited. You folded your arms to take a look around and finally up at the blue sky as the other students unloaded off of the bus before heading into the building. Something was bothering you—hanging over you like a pesky cloud, you just weren't sure what it was but you shooed it from your mind and headed inside.

Thirteen was nothing how you expected them to be. Sure you'd seen them on television and saw photos of them in magazines but it didn't compare to meeting them in person.

"In our superhuman society, personal quirks have been legally certified and strictly regulated. Do not forget that there are many quirks that can kill with one wrong move" you knew that possibility was common among children who were just grasping how to control their quirks. It almost reminded you of yourself at one point and time. "You will learn to use your quirks in order to save lives. You don't have them to harm others, but to help instead. I hope you all have the realization upon leaving here today" you were stationed near Shouto during Thirteen's speech. This was the next chapter towards becoming a hero. You couldn't wait. "That is all. Thank you for listening" you along with most of your classmates gave Thirteen a thunderous applaud.

"All right then," Aizawa started in his usual tone of voice as he led the students towards the plaza. "First we'll—" the lighting around the facility flickered before it was completely dark. Aizawa was startled but got his bearings straight. You had that same feeling hanging over you before entering the facility, and it felt worse now. Not far from the group of students, a purple vortex appeared in front of the fountain. A strange man with dismembered hands emerged from inside.

Who the hell is he?

"HUDDLE TOGETHER AND DON'T MOVE!" Aizawa yelled and everyone did what he asked unquestionably. "THIRTEEN, PROTECT THE STUDENTS"

"What is that?! Is this like the pattern at the entrance exam?" Kirishima asked but you knew better. Aizawa seemed on the defensive but he was serious about what he said.

"Don't move!" He quickly pulled his goggles over his eyes. "Those are villains!"

"Eraserhead and Thirteen... according to the curriculum we procured yesterday, All-Might was to be here yet...."

"Mr Aizawa!" Yaoyorozu got their teacher's attention as the villains spoke amongst themselves. "What about the intruder alarms?"

"We have them but..." Thirteen started.

"So someone disabled them?" Todoroki stepped up from behind the group.

"This is an isolated facility away from the school. They picked when to come because they knew we'd be here. They have a solid motive"

"Alright fine! Thirteen do the evacuation procedure. They obviously know how to get around the sensors" Aizawa glanced back toward the group. "Kaminari, try contacting the school with your quirk"

"And you're gonna fight them alone?" Your teacher glanced back at you with a smirk evident on his face. You knew his expression meant hell yes so you settled with that.

"Aizawa is entirely capable of handling them. Right now, we need to go" Iida muttered—a hand on your shoulder. You turned your attention between the two before giving in to leaving. Aizawa definitely knew how to use his quirk to his advantage. It amazed you above all things. "Y/N we have to go" nodding, you followed the rest of the group until another vortex formed in your path.

"We are the League of Villains. Drastically sorry for the presumption but we saw fit to enter UA—base of heroes to engage with All-Might, the symbol of peace. We were only wondering if we'd be allowed to exterminate him, you understand." Before you could move, Kirishima and Bakugou took it upon themselves to strike the villain before you could raise a finger to do so yourself.

"Don't you two!" Thirteen pleaded but it was too late for that. Their miasma shot in all directions, practically consumed the student by means of separating them.


What happened?

You opened your eyes to get a visual around you. You weren't sure you knew what part of the facility you were in but you were definitely still there. Your head was throbbing as you tried pulling yourself to your feet but you couldn't manage. Every part of you ached from falling a far distance from the ground.

"Fuckin vortexes and portals..." you mumbled.

"My thoughts exactly. Are you alright?" A familiar voice asked. You glanced over a few feet to find Todoroki standing to his feet. He must've been thrown through with you. He trudged over to you to offer his assistance and you gratefully took it.

"I'm fine. Where the hell are we?"

"Somewhere in the facility. Although I have no idea where" you sighed spinning in a full 360 before throwing your hands up in defeat. That feeling you had earlier was gone now, but you felt partially responsible for all of this.

"So we take our chances and guess our way back? I mean who the hell were they? The man with dismembered hands attached to him? The ugly creature with the beak? What did they want with All-Might?" In some way you were panicking from partial guilt. Todoroki put a reassuring hand on your shoulder.

"We'll have time for all of those questions later. Let's focus on getting back to the group now" his stoic expression never changed but you could tell by his sincerity. "Besides, you almost used your quirk back there. I thought you were so keen on keeping it a secret"

You scoffed and brushed past him.

"Says the guy who won't use his left side"

"You know my reasons..." he stated as he followed behind you—hands shoved into his pockets. "Why did you want to keep it a secret" you stopped in your tracks and turned to face him.

"If you had a quirk that could kill someone because you couldn't control your emotions, would you use it?" He thought about it and decided it was best not to mention it again. You took that silence and continued pacing ahead. That is until Todoroki stopped; not moving an inch. "What are you—?!" Before you knew it, he had cupped a hand over your mouth and pulled you behind a tree.

"Shh, it doesn't help that you're loud..." you rolled your eyes as you regulated your breathing and you could feel his heart beat on your back. Two villains you'd seen earlier were scouting through the woods in search of more of your classmates.

"I don't even wanna be here. These little brats can die out here for all I care. Why'd we have to persue em?"

"Boss wants us to kill them after he separated them. Makes for a quick dispatch. Now move your ass" Todoroki kept quiet as they passed by.

"We'll take them out. Use your surroundings to get the one on the left and I'll take the one on the right" you smirked before ducking into some shrubbery.

"Just like old times?"

"I suppose so" he grinned and stayed hidden while you did the work. Silently creeping up behind one of them, you kicked his legs out from under him and put a hand over his mouth. Your e/c eyes glowed a slight red and he quickly lost consciousness. The audible thud was enough to make his partner turn around. Luckily, Shouto had that covered—binding the villain's body in a sheet of ice, excluding his head. You both walked up to him; ready to question his motives.

"Why are you here and who do you work for?" Shouto asked first; a hand already hovering over his face—threatening to freeze his head if he didn't comply.

"Like I'd tell some brats like you!" Todoroki's brows furrowed as a slow layer of ice moved towards his face. You, however, stepped a little closer to the man.

"You know," Your hands were covered in a red colored aura now. "Unless you want to die by hypothermia, I think you should tell us what we wanna know. I'll warn you..." beads of sweat began to run down his face—it was as if the air pressure had changed and he couldn't breathe. It was like he was looking into the eyes of a demon, and he had every right to think so. Your eyes glowed the same red from earlier as you stared him down. "I'm not as nice as he is"

"T-the creature...they believe it will kill All-Might" you huffed and glanced at your friend—lowering your hand back underneath the long red scarf hanging from your shoulder and dissipating your quirk to revert back to your normal looks. Your eyes nor hands were no long dripping with that cursed color.

"Damn I knew it..." You waved a hand over the villains face and he swiftly passed out. "We need to get back to the others"

"What about them?"

"They'll be unconscious until the authorities get here. Unfreeze this guy and let's get moving" Shouto shrugged.

"Absolutely. If I didn't know any better I'd say you were in control of your quirk just now" You refused to respond and continued to locate everyone with haste.

That's it for this chapter! Hopefully you like it, wasn't sure if they had their costumes at this point but I'm fairly sure they did. So I did some searching and settled on a costume that I think pairs well with the reader's quirk! Let me know if y'all like this costume or not and maybe I'll do a short look book chapter of costumes so you guys can pick! 😁

Anyways thanks for reading and till next chapter!

Bye guys! ✍🏾💋

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