Feels like Christmas

By FrankieFame

180 14 0

'cause it feels like Christmas, nearly every day ~! ∆ drabbles for December ∆ Includes: Peterick, Petekey, Fr... More

i. Santa, baby
iii. Let it snow
iv. Tangled
v. Hospital beds
vi. A carol for my love
vii. 'cause it's too cold
viii. Change me, make me yours
ix. Little kisses with a cherry on top
x. If magic is wonder, then you're my wizard
xi. A kiss and I will surrender
xii. A chemical reaction for me to say
xiii. Sugar sweet baby, my only one
xiv. Stars
xv. Cold winter's smile that brought warmth
xvi. So I sing: "Sahlo Folina"
xvii. Let them know it's Christmas

ii. Every snowflake

13 1 0
By FrankieFame

Patrick sipped on his coffee, watching small white wonders fall from the sky. It was currently six in the morning, but he didn't care. After all, snow was falling and he felt like a child all over again as he watched it fall. Pete was still asleep, which meant he had some alone time. He loved Pete, but sometimes, he appreciated being alone.

He removed his gaze from the window to the book he was reading, finishing the page and moving to flip the page. He smiled as he saw the characters were having a fluffy moment. So, he spent reading this in a dimly lit study room with snow falling outside. He enjoyed it, he was happy.  He couldn't wait for Pete to wake up to give him a coffee mug so they could watch the snow fall.

Soon, it was about nine am, and Patrick heard footsteps coming to the study. This was Pete's habbit, knowing Patrick would be there first thing in the morning. And this morning, as all others, he wasn't wrong. Once he gingerly and tiredly opened the wooden door, he was saw the face of his lover, making him smile automatically upon seeing him. An empty coffee mug stood on the desk, as Patrick's small frame was on a red velvet couch, laying down, asleep. He hummed to himself, then looked through the window that was above the couch.

"No wonder why he is asleep." he mused, leaving to fetch himself a cup of coffee to start his day. That is, after taking a shower.

Around noon, Patrick shot awake, then found himself groaning because he fell asleep on the couch yet once again. He looked outside and the snow had stopped falling. A bright smile shot up on his face, and Patrick jumped as he saw the world of white outside. He could practically hear children laughing as they were making snowmen and throwing snowballs. Immediately, he got up, and went downstairs.

And once he came downstairs, he saw Pete in the kitchen, probably trying to cook lunch. He giggled and went to help him out with the lunch. "Morning." he said, kissing the taller man's cheek as he checked on what he was doing. Pete looked at Patrick and his eyes started shining. He had a smile that could match the Christmas lights.

"'Trick! I was making some pasta -" he started, only to be cut off by a kiss. He grinned like a dork, and Patrick shook his head. "Thanks." the fedora man answered, and they made lunch together.

Around four pm that day, they both went backyard to build a snowman, because, let's face it, they're both children in their hearts despite the pain that evolves them. But in the process of making the snowman, Patrick threw a snowball at Pete and that's how their snowball war began. It was a fun day, and somehow, Pete and Patrick ended up laying down in the snow, giggling at silly things. Pete shot up, smiling at Patrick. "Hey 'Trick?"

"Yeah?" Patrick answered, his eyes sparkling at the man besides him. He was genuinely happy to be with him, he just loved him, that's allm he couldn't describe it, and maybe, just maybe, he would get his chance at proving it sokn enough. He just needed to wait until Christmas.

"Every snowflake is different just like you." Pete smiled, dropping an amount of snow gently on Patrick, making the shorter grin. He let out a laugh, pushing his glasses up as he did the same to Pete, smiling brightly at him.

"You dork, you hangout with Mikey too much."

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