Me and you always|| Lara Jean...

By EmareeH

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This is my own version of To All The Boys I've Loved Before... after the ski trip. This story instantly star... More

1~ Sisters Help
3~ Bad Day
3~ Peters POV
4~ Worried
5~ When Checking up on you... (pt.1)
5.5~ Turns into fighting... (pt.2)
6~ Parental Advice
7~ Rumors
7.5~ Rumors (pt.2)

2~ Lunch with...

3.2K 28 8
By EmareeH

"Lara Jean, Lara jeaaan, LARA JEAN!!" I wake up to Kitty jumping up and down on my bed yelling my name. "Ugh! what do you want Kitty, I'm trying to sleep." I say as I turn over, away from her. "Come downstairs dad made lunch for everyone." I turn towards her with my eyes wide open, "Wait did you say he made lunch, Kitty what time is it!?" "It's 12:48." She tells me as she's about to walk out of my room but stop at the door. "Wow I can't believe I slept in that late, but I'll be down in a little bit okay?" "Okay and when I say dad made lunch I really mean Margot made lunch." She said as she walk downstairs. I laugh a little and lay in bed a little longer until I hear Margot yell my name, telling me to come downstairs. So I finally get up out of bed, get dressed, throw my hair up in a high ponytail and walk down the stairs, but something off because everyone is waiting form me at the bottom of the steps but they don't notice me because their all whisper yelling to each other and they don't stop until they notice me. Once they notice I'm making my way down they all go quiet and just stare at me and smile, until I get to the bottom of the steps. Then I get a "Good morning sweetheart" and a kiss from daddy, "You slept in pretty late this morning Lj" from Margot and "it's about time Lara Jean, you're lucky your food isn't cold" from kitty of course. But after kitty said that their was a laugh, a boys laugh, and I know it wasn't daddy's, then I heard someone clear their throat and a quite but really sweet toned "Hey Covey" from behind me.
My stomach drops and I instantly know who's behind me... Peter Kavinsky, I always get butterflies whenever he's around me. I try and convince myself that it's Josh, but Josh's voice sounds nowhere near Peter's and he doesn't call me Covey, no one calls me Covey except for Peter, it's kinda like a special nickname I only allow certain people to call me by, and Peter is one of those people.

I don't want to turn around and face him but I know I have to at some point or this is just going to get even more awkward than it already has, so I start to turn but before I face him, I see both Margot and kitty grinning at me while daddy looks like he doesn't know what to do. When I'm finally facing Peter I say "Heyyyy Kavinsky...what are you doing here?" In a surprised but also shocked tone. He's about to explain why when we both hear daddy say "we'll umm give you two some privacy, we'll be in the kitchen if you need us." I turn to see daddy practically shoving Margot and kitty into the kitchen and I instantly knew they did this. I then turn back to Peter and before he can say anything I tell him that we should go outside on the porch to talk because I don't want Gogo and kitty to be listening in on our conversation.

As we step outside on the porch, I shut the front door and whisper "Peter Kavinsky what are you doing here!?" As soon as those words left my mouth I instantly regretted saying them because I can tell that they hurt him. But why should I care if I hurt him, after all he did hurt me. His back is facing me and he's quiet for a minute before he turns around and says "Well 1) Your sisters invited me okay! I told them that it wasn't a good idea but they wouldn't exactly take no for and answer, and 2) I wanted to see you Covey, after the way we left things last week, I was hoping we could talk and at least try and work things out because everything has me messed up and I haven't been able to enjoy anything since our fight!" What he said took me by surprise, I mean why hasn't he been able to enjoy anything? I thought he would've been happy and back with Genevieve when our "relationship" ended. "Please just let me explain Lara Jean." "Fine, but let's start with-" we're just about to talk when the front door opens and Kitty appears and  both look at her "Margot told me to come get you guys and tell you that lunch is ready." She tells us as she stands inside the door frame watching us. "Okay thank you Kitty, we'll be inside in a moment." I say to her as she leaves the door wide open and walks back to the kitchen. I look back to Peter, "We'll have to talk later when we're done eating lunch." He gives me a nod and smiles as we both walk back in the house, him close behind me.

As we walk in the kitchen, Margot and Kitty are already sitting at the table while daddy is getting the food ready to bring over. Peter and I walk over to the table and sit down, him sitting at the end next to Kitty, and me sitting at the end next to Margot but across from Peter. A minute or so later daddy walks over to the table and sets the food down and tells us to dig in. After everyone has their gotten food, there's a very uncomfortable silence so daddy breaks the ice by asking Peter how his break has been. He shoots me a quick look, chuckles a little and replies with "it's been okay but I'm just ready to going back to school." Daddy nods and says "Wow, really? The girls are the exact opposite! I mean they would rather just stay home all day and do nothing." We three Covey girls look at him and yell "THAT'S NOT TRUE DADDY!" He and Peter laugh and he shoots back with "I'm sorry, what I meant to say was that Kitty would rather watch tv all day, while Lara Jean would read, when she should actually clean that messy room of hers and Margot would probably just clean when she should really be getting ready to go back to Scotland." We all three look at each other and say nothing because we know what he said is true.


Lunch actually didn't go as bad as I thought it would but it was a little wired and awkward at times. I say that because neither Peter or myself would start any conversations, so it was up to daddy, Margot and Kitty to keep us talking. There were also a few times where I would look up and see Peter staring and smiling at me, I smiled back of course even though I'm still mad because I don't want to be rude but there's just something about that boy that makes me happy, even when I'm angry. I'm sure everyone noticed us staring at each other too because whenever we were gazing at one another there was a little giggle from Kitty. We ate lunch about two and a half hours ago and Peter and I still haven't had a chance to talk yet. We were going to talk after lunch but then daddy needed help with putting the food away  and doing the dishes and being the guy Peter is of course he offered to help him. That didn't take him long but right as he walked over to me, Kitty came out of nowhere and asked him to play a game with her and Peter can never say no to Kitty but THAT WAS LIKE THREE HOURS AGO and I'm starting to get impatient. But I would never take Peter away from Kitty just because I want to talk and besides I know how much he means to her. He's like the big  brother she's never had, well since Josh anyway.

I'm sitting on my bed in my room reading when there's a little knock on my door, I look up to see Peter standing in my doorway smiling at me. I blush and return the smile, "What?" "Oh nothing, just admiring how cute you look when you read." I say thanks as he comes over and sits on my bed with me, "So are we gonna talk now?" I ask him. "Actually, I have to leave, it's past 7:30 pm and my mom wants me home before 8." "Okay" I say while looking at him. "I'm sorry I know you're still mad at me and we should've talked earlier but your dad needed help and then Kitty wanted me to play her game and you know I can't let the kid down." He say while going on a mini rant. I laugh, "Peter it's fine, we can just talk 2 days from now when school starts again, okay?" "Okay then I'll see you Monday, and I promise that I will explain everything to you Covey. I want you to forgive me and I want to move past this." He gives me a serious look and I give him a nod, then he did something, something I didn't expect him to do... He kissed me, walked to my door, said goodbye and left.
After that I couldn't concentrate, all I could think about was Peter, Peter Kavinsky. The effect that boy has on me scares me because he was here pretty much all day and I only spent a total of 1 or 2 hours with him, but almost the whole time I was with him I wasn't mad at him for what he did, well what I think he did anyway, even now. He's not even with me but I'm not mad at him, I feel like I could forget and forgive what he did right now even if he didn't explain anything. Crazy right? And with that thought I went to bed scared that my feelings for Peter Kavinsky would block my judgement.

Sorry if this chapter is bad but I was a little stuck and didn't know what to write so I kinda just went with what though.

Please let me know what you think....😊

P.s. I'm gonna try and make the next chapter better. I promise😭🤷🏻‍♀️

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