Pushing Onwards

Por KapUnivers

311K 6.5K 3.9K

Despite working his entire life so he can become a hero Izuku Midoriya is still told to give up by his idol... Más

A new promise
Ten times harder
An encouraging encounter
Giving your all
The first day
Combat training
The symbol of peace
A race to remember
The cavalry battle
The quirkless and the gifted
The aftermath of the sports festival
1K reads!
A battle of ideals
Back to school
Final exams
Sins of the past
Christmas Update
Summer Camp
My hero Dekiru
Through hell and back
Moving into the dorms
Ultimate moves
Extreme dodgeball
What lies ahead
Some information
The big three
Passing down the torch
The Rise of Dekiru
Pushing Onwards
Authors note + preview
New book

The battle tournaments

9.1K 211 192
Por KapUnivers

All the students from the cavalry battle gathered around the podium so they could get the results. "IN FIRST PLACE WE HAVE TEAM MIDORIYA! IN SECOND PLACE, TEAM TODOROKI! IN THIRD PLACE TEAM BAKUGO AND IN FOURTH PLACE TEAM TETSUTETSU!" Present Mic announced in his loud obnoxious voice. "For the final event we will have a 1v1 battle tournament, and here is the first round of matches" Midnight said, and the student's attention was dragged toward a screen showing the matches.

Midoriya vs Kirishima

Shinso vs Ashido

Sero vs Todoroki

Iida vs Hatsume

Tokoyami vs Yaoyorozu

Kaminari vs Shiozaki

Aoyama vs Bakugo

Uraraka vs Tetsutetsu

"But first we will have a lunch break and after that recreational games for those who didn't make it through the previous events" Midnight said after people had gotten time to see who they would be fighting. They then headed towards the lunch hall so that they could get some food. Nothing much happened during lunch. Most of the girls used the time during the recreational games to chase after Mineta and Kaminari after they tricked them into usig cheerleader uniforms. Meanwhile the 16 people that made it into the final event used the free time to prepare themselves for the battles to come. Either trying to calm down their nerves, train or in Izuku's case, memorize the quirks and weaknesses of his potential opponents. Eventually the tome had come for the first battle.

"FROM CLASS 1-A OF THE HERO COURSE! THE QUIRKLESS KID WHO HAS GONE BEYOND ANY EXPECTATIONS, IZUKU MIDORIYA!" Present Mic shouted as Izuku entered the arena and walked up the stairs to the concrete platform in the middle. "AND IN THE OTHER END, ALSO FROM CLASS 1-A. HE IS HARD AND TOUGH, EIJIRO KIRISHIMA!" The loud commentator announced as Kirishima walked up on the other side of the platform ready for a fight. "If you go out of bounds, is restrained or knocked unconscious you loose" Midnight said and the two opponents got ready to fight "START!" She yelled and the two ran at eachother.

Izuku threw a flashbang, blinding his opponent. He then proceeded to shoot a tether and fly across the ground over to his opponent ready to strike him with his staff. Kirishima hardened his entire body, expecting an attack. He was struck by a staff in his abdomen, but wasn't hurt due to his quirk. 'So electricity doesn't affect him and my attacks are inefective. Guess I will have to wear him down' Izuku thought to himself as he dodged a fist heading for his face. For the next few minutes they kept on fighting, Izuku dodging and hit his opponents when possible and Kirishima trying to attack his. Menwhile Present Mic kept being excited over the fight and speculating how it would go.

Eventually Izuku got in a hit that made Kirishima flinch "Quirks are like muscles, aren't they? That means there is a limit to your hardening, I just need to find it!" Izuku shouted seeing that his strategy worked as well as changing to a much more aggressive fighting style. "MIDORIYA'S ATTACKS SEEMS TO HAVE HAD AN EFFECT! KIRISHIMA IS EXHAUSTED!" Present Mic announced in excitement. Kirishima on the other hand couldn't keep up with Izuku and the speed of his relentless attacks. he then felt his arm being grabbed before being flipped over and out of bounds. "Kirishima is out of bounds! Midoriya proceeds to the second round!" Midnight announced. "Are you okay? Did I go to far?" Izuku asked his defeated opponent with a concerned voice. "No not at all" Kirishima said and stood up "You have managed to best the majority of us and you still make sure we are all right. Thats so MANLY!" He stated and took his fist over his chest, where his heart was. Kirishima went to recovery girl afterwards to make sure he was alright while Izuku went to 1-A's booth to watch the rest of the matches.

Next match was Shinso vs Ashido. Ashido ran towards Shinso, using her acid to boost her speed. "You really are confident, aren't you?" Shinso said, calmly standing in place. "Of course I inte-" Mina tried to say, but was taken over by the brainwashing quirk. "Walk out of bounds" Shinso ordered and she immediately started her walk, and eventually reaching the white line and stepping over it. "Ashido is out of bounds! Shinso proceeds to the next round!" When Midnight said this Mina was released from the grasp of Shinso's quirk looking around confused before it dawned on her what had happened. When she came back to join her class she wasn't to happy.

The fight between Sero and Todoroki was also really a really short one. Before any commentary about the fight could be made a glacier of ice shot out from Todoroki and covered half the arena. Sero being left unable to move lost the match, making Todoroki the winner. The audience was stunned by his power and was sure he would make it to the final battle. Meanwhile Izuku had only one thought on his mind 'I have to fight that!'

Iida's fight with Hatsume was, if possible, even more humiliating than Mina's fight with Shinso. At first he was allowed to use some of Mei'sgear in their fight, which seemed fair. Then Mei decided to turn the entire battle into a commercial for her support gear. At the end of the 15 minute long presentation Iida was completely and utterly humiliated, having being used as a tool the entire time. To top it all of she ended the fight by stepping out of bounds, giving the victory to Iida. He wasn't in his best mood afterwards.

The fight between Tokoyami and Yaoyorozu was a one sided one. He kept using Dark shadow to push Momo towards the boundary, while she kept on trying to desperatly defending herself by making shields. Eventually she was pushed out of bounds without the chance to fight back. The same could be said for the next fight. Kaminari tried an all out attack, short circuiting his brain. Shiozaki blocked it all with wall of vines and throwing the now significantly dumber Kaminari out of bounds. He had to be carried away while holding his thumbs up with a stupid smile.

Aoyama was unfortunate to face Bakugo in the first round, not standing a chance. Bakugo kept using his explosion to dodge the lasers. Entually he just blew his opponent out of bounds when he got a stomach ache from overuse of his quirk. Many people believed Tetsutetsu would win the next fight with ease. It din't turn out that way however. Uraraka managed to dodge the oncoming attacks well enough, just gaining a few bruises. Eventualy the steel quirk user made a mistake and Uraraka managed to cancell out his gravity. He was completely unable to fight without gravity, making Uraraka the last person to move into the second round. She was also the next person to fight Bakugo. "THAT WAS THE END OF THE FIRST ROUND LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! WE HAVE SEEN SOME VERY INTERESTING CANDIDATES FOR THE NEXT FIGHTS. WE WILL HAVE A SHORT BREAK BEFORE WE BEGIN THE SECOND ROUND" Present Mic announced, ending the first round.

Izuku and Shinso walked up to the fighting arena to face eachother, Shinso getting a slightly more impressive intro than last time. "Start!" Midnight yelled, but none of the two teens moved. Midoriya shot his tethers down into the ground and pressed a couple buttons. "What are you even doing here? Do you really a quirkless loser like you can become a hero?" Shinso said trying to get a response. "Nice weather to day, isn't it?" Izuku said, completly off topic. Shinso became very confused at this response in addition of his quirk not kicking into effect. "Interesting, it seems it has to be a direct response to something he said" Izuku continued "The combination of quirkless and watching every hero fight possible has made me quite good at analyzing quirks" he said talking to himself while making sure Shinso heard him. "Come on! Take this seriously and fight me!" Shinso yelled, angered by the fact someone found a weakness he had never considered. "Of course" Izuku said as his eyes turning white when the brainwashing quirk took over. "Step out of bounds" the purple haired teen said with a smile on his face.

Izuku started to move, but was stopped by the theters that was stuck in the ground. He tried to turn and pull them out, but they were stuck. Shinso's smile was now replaced with a angered face, as he realized what Izuku had planned. He ran over to Izuku and mustered all his force into a single punch, trying to knock his opponent out with a single punch. The punch was powerful and made Izuku's nose bleed, but it didn't have the desired effect. Instead it removed the effects of the brainwashing. Izuku immediatly kicked into action, not giving his opponent time to think. He flew across the ground with his odm-gear and before Shinso could even turn around he was kicked out of bounds. "Shinso is out of bounds! Midoriya proceeds to the third round!" Midnight announced. "You may not have won this time, but you won't get anywhere by giving up" Izuku said walking over to his defeated opponent and offering his hand "If the is one thing I have learned is that you just have to keep pushing onwards, even if it seems impossible. If can make it into the hero course, then anyone can!" Shinso looked up at the hand offered to him and seemed hesitant, but took it and stood up. "Thank you. I will keep trying, I promise" he said and walked of towards the exit. Before he went out of the arena some of his classmates complimented him and cheered on him.

The next fight was between Iida and Todoroki. Todoroki started off by shooting off a wall of ice, not as big as the previous one. Iida managed to dodge it by using the engines in his legs and started to head towards his opponent. Todoroki made another wall, limiting the area in which Iida could move and which direction he could attack from. Iida fired up his Recipro Burst and came at Todoroki with immence speed. Todoroki couldn't react ine time and got a powerful kick to his chest. Iida was about to run at Todoroki when he noticed that his exhaust pipes was covered in ice, making his quirk unusable. The white and red haired teen encased Iida in ice making him the winner.

While Uraraka went to comfort Iida, Izuku decided to have a talk with Todoroki. "What do you want to tak about? Is it about our upcoming fight?" Todoroki asked "Yes I want you to go all out. Anything else would be an insult" Izuku said in a serious voice, catching of guard "I always go all out, you will be-" "I mean ALL out. I want to see your fire" Todoroki fell silent when he realised what Izuku wanted him to do "Have you heard of quirk marriages?" Todoroki asked "Yes, marrying based on quirks. It was a problem common during the second and third generation of quirks" Izuku responded "My father Endeavor has always wanted to be number one, but I think he realised it wasn't possible. So he wanted to make a 'perfect' hero to take that spot for him. He bought up my mothers family and married her. Let's just say he isn't a family man, he even drove my mother into the mental hospital. Thats why I don't want to use his fire power, so that I can climb to the top while completely ignoring him"

Todoroki was about the leave when Izuku stopped him "I may not know how it is to have such a father, but at least you was told you could become a hero. Ever since I was labeled as quirkless I have been bullied and dicouraged. Only my mother ever supported me, but it was like a rock trying to stop a river. If you think having your childhood friend turn on you and being shunned was bad well, I got news, it gets worse. All Might, my former idol, the one I thought could stop the river, he was the one to almost break me. I asked him eleven months ago if I could become a hero and he said no. Two weeks ago he wanted to talk to me trying to apologize, but he still didn't believe in me" Todoroki was shocked to hear that the symbol of peace, a hero he also looked up to had almost broken a quirkless kid trying to do good. "I can't prove him wrong if I fight someone at half their strength. Remember it is YOUR power that you have been blessed with, and seeing you not use it beacuse of a grudge is slightly infuriating. I WILL make you use your fire, then I will win" Izuku said before leaving to see how Iida was doing.

Iida had apperently left beacuse of familly matters and Tokoyami had won his fight with Shiozaki. Now it was time for the fight between Uraraka and Bakugo. Izuku had wanted to give some advice to Uraraka, but his talk with Todoroki had taken more time than he thought. Uraraka ran straigt towards Bakugo trying to touch her opponent with her quirk. Bakugo started with his usual right hook and blowing her away with a huge explosion. The explosion generated a lot of smoke, amking it hard to see. An UA gym outfit came out of the smoke and Bakugo got ready to attack it. However, it was just a distraction and Uraraka came behind him trying once again to make him float. He saw this and managed to dodge her hand and blow her away with another explosion.

This continued many times, with Uraraka charging at Bakugo and him blowing her away with an explosion. At some point a spectator thought that Bakugo was toying with her and the audience started to booing. In the commentator booth Aizawa grabbed the microphone "If you think he is toying with her then get out! You have no right to be here! He is acknowledging that his opponent is strong and is playing it carefully. So SHUT UP!" The mummified teacher said silencing the entire arena and many people in shame. The fighting started up once again and it seemed like it would be long and one sided. Then Uraraka stopped her endless attacks and just stood there. First now the audience noticed that all the explosions had made a lot of debri which was now floating above the arena. She released her quirk making the debri fall down towards Bakugo. She also began running towards Bakugo trying once again to use her quirk on him. Bakugo then aimed his fist uppwards and set of the biggest explosion yet, destroying all the debri and blowig his opponent back. Uraraka tried to get up, but couldn't and after a short while she lost consciousness, loosing the battle.

Izuku met up with Uraraka in the preperation room to see if she was doing all right. "Hi, Uraraka how are you do-" He stopped when he saw her face. The normally cheerfull and happy face that radiated happines was broken and the eyes were red from crying. Izuku went over and gave her a hug of comfort, perfectly aware of the feeling she felt right now. "I-it's all right I-izuku. I just need a-a moment" She stuttered, trying to hold back her tears. "No it's not all right. I know beacuse I have been in the same place before, twice actually" Uraraka got out of Izuku's hug and they sat down. "Really, you? You're always positive and never give up" she said, not thinking that her frien could ever have the feelings she had now. "Yes, I have been in the same place as you twice" He responded "First time was when I found out I was quirkless. I felt like my dreams, that had always seemed so attainable, dissapear out of my reach. It didn't help that Kacchan and the other kids bullied me and told me to give up. Only one voice of comfort got me through that time, my mom. She never stopped believing in me, so I couldn't stop believing in myself either. I got back on track, trained, made my inventions and bit by grueling bit managed to put my dream back thogether. Then 11 months ago I met All Might and he broke it again" Izuku's voice was filled with venom on the mention of All Might. "I thought if anyone could see my potential it would be him, but I was wrong. 'It's not possible kid' he said, breaking my dream and image of him in four words. In the end Aizawa was the first person after my mom to believe in me. We ran into eachother roughly two months ago. What I'm trying to say is, no one cane give you your dream. Instead, you will have to make it and take it. And if you fall along the way then you just have to learn from it and push onwards. I you do that, nothing is impossible" Uraraka started to tear up again, but it wasn't the sad tears of defeat from earlier. No, she was happy someone told her she still could reach the top and it was her best friend. "Thank you, Izuku" she said "Your welcome, Ochako. Anyways I will stay here since I'm supposed to be here for the my fight anyway" The duo sat there, enjoying the silence. Eventually Ochako went to the rest of the class, leaving Izuku to prepare for his fight. With Todoroki.

A/N: That was a long chapter, the longest one yet in fact. Next chapter we will have the fight between Izuku and Todoroki. Also remember, Izuku was allowed to bring four pieces of equipment and he has only used three so far. Also I have decided, we will have IzuOcha, but it will not be fast, but not as slow as in the show either. Anyways, hope you all have a wonderfull day, evening? (I'm tired) Goodbye.

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