Amnesia/ Larry Stylinson

By AlwaysInMyHeartL

9.9K 169 20

What happens when the person you love forgets you?? What would you do?! What should you feel? What should you... More

Amnesia/ Larry Stylinson
Capture 1
Capture 2
Capture 3
Capture 4
Capture 5
Capture Six
Capture Seven
Capture Eight
Capture Nine
Capture 10
Capture 11
Capture 12
Capture 13
Captur 14
Capture 15
Capture 16
Capture 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
No chapter- Please read it though
Chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28- THE END

chapter 20

273 7 0
By AlwaysInMyHeartL

Louis PoV

The next two days go by fast. Nothing happens, basically. Waking up. Getting my pills. Cuddling the whole day with Harry. (Considering that as nothing was stupid, sorry bout that ..) Then going to bed.

Being in that hospital is getting on my nerves lately. I want to go out and feel the sun on me. Or the rain drops, whatever. But I were too long here. I don't wanna know how long. It would make me more sad, because I need to stay in that stupid bed.

I sigh. Harry is still asleep. But he's in my bed, like the other days too. His head is on my breast, right over my heart. I smile. Okay. Maybe being here isn't that bad. Harry is here. And not one single fan tried to come in, paparazzis didn't try it either. I hug Harry lightly. I want to have him as near as possible. Even though he's basically in me, I don't know, I just wanna feel him. Only him. I look on my hands and smile as I see the engagement ring. I'm glad I still have it and didn't lose it or something like that. Harry's going to be Mr. Harry Tomlinson and my husband. My man. Such a beautiful thought, isn't it.

A light knock on the door wakes Harry up and he literally jumps out of the bed and to the door. Watching the clock on the wall before asking who it is.

"Mr. Smith. Like always on 9 o'clock."

Harry opens the door and the doctor walks in. Greeting us both with a smile.

"How are you, Louis?"

"'M great, thanks.."

"Good.. Good.. We need you to make some check-ups today.. For your brain and some other organs.. But first you'll get your daily pill and your breakfast okay!?"

I nod. Harry sitting now on his bed eyes the doctor worried.

"Is everything okay!?! "

"Yeah, of course.. We just need to look if the surgery was good and some things.. You know, we just want to know if Louis still needs this pills or another, when he could leave etc..."

He nods but I can feel that he's still worried about me and my health. The doc hands me my yellow pill and I swallow I with a cup of water.

"Your breakfast will come in ten minutes, like always.. Mr. Styles, you will look that he has finished at 10 am."

He nods and the doctor is outside again, living us alone. Harry didn't lock the door because the lunch lady would come in about 10 minutes and he's to lazy to stand up twice in that time. He lays down next to me again and kisses me.

"Morning, babe"

He's voice is still rough and god I'm smelting from it. Even though I hear it every morning. But who could get enough of Harry?!

"Morning, love"

"You sure, that you're alright!?! I want you to be fine, you know?! You have to tell me when you aren't feeling good.."

I nod and hug him as tight as possible.

"I would have told you already if I wasn't feeling okay! "


He kisses me again and it's like the time stopped. It's just me and him. Harry now laying on me, his lips on mine. There's no place I would rather be, nothing I would rather do. I only need Harry. Without him I couldn't be happy. He's the one thing of my heart that is missing and I needed to find. I'm so glad I found it years ago.

He stops the kiss and lays his head on my breast.

"I love your heart beat, Louis. It's beautiful."

"Awww, so my heart beat gets your love?!"


I hold on my breath and breath out. Coughing so he looks up.

"You love that tiny thing of me but not me?!"

"Never said that.."

I shake my head and try to be serious but that little dork is making it not easy. Giggling like a little school girl.

"I love you, Harry. More than I ever did any one else!"

"Love you more, Louis."

He kisses my nose softly. A little knock and a "Breakfast here" stops us. Harry stands up and gets it. He thanks her and closes the door. He comes to me with silver colored tablet. On it are a tea and some bread with butter. I pout.

"When it is going on with that diet I'm gonna starve!! I want ham and eggs!!"

"I will make you some ham and eggs when we are at home, ok!?"

"But that will be in like a century!! Harry!! I'm fucking starving!!"

"That's going to be in not more than two weeks, okay!? Calm down!! I will get you something today while you have your check-ups! "

I smile and kiss his cheek.

"Okay. "

"But first you have to eat it!"

I sigh and eat that bread and drink the tea. Not much later the doctor knocks again, saying that "he's ready ". Harry unlocks the door and the doctor and two nurses coming in. They get my bed and bring me to the checkups.

Harry PoV

No kiss. He went to the checkup without giving me a kiss! I pout a little before I leave the hospital. I have to get out. I don't really know anymore how long the checkups will take so I'll return to the hospital in two or three hours, just in case. The first place where I'm heading to is to Niall.

I knock on his door and all three lads are hugging me immediately.


I smile at them and entry the house.

"Where's Louis!? Since when do YOU leave your 'baby' alone?!"

I give Liam the darkest look like I'd like to kill him but smile at him after a few seconds.

"He has some checkups where I'm not allowed to be and I thought I needed to go out of the hospital. Plus I need to get Louis something to eat."

I chuckle and sit down on the couch.

"Oh.. "

"What are you guys planning to do today!?"

The door opens and one of our mangers entries.

"They will have an interview and as you seem to have some time now"

He gives me an pissed look. Even though I didn't do anything wrong. Well, okay, they are always pissed at me and Louis. I got used to it now- more or less.

"You will be able to join them. We will have to change the theme of the interview but I think your appearance will be good.. Now , get in the car!!"

The boys give me a look telling me how sorry they are. They don't have to! I shrug and follow them.

At studios we get dressed into black pants and white shirts. They put us some makeup , what i hate so much. First I can put makeup on on myself. Secondly I don't like that makeup. Also I want to go to the hospital again. I didn't get something for Louis and I don't know how long that interview will take. I sigh. Right in this moment Niall hugs me from the back.

"Everything okay?!"

"Yeah, of course.."

I fake a smile but Niall turns to sit in the chair in front of me.

"I'm your best friend! Tell me! You don't look ok !"

"I- I .. It's nothing.."

I shrug but he gives me the say-it-or-I-will-kill-you-face .

"I don't want to do this! I don't want anybody to know more about that accident! They know enough to hurt Louis on twitter. He doesn't say that it hurts him but since the one time I gave him his phone and he went on twitter he didn't touch. "

I try to breath.

"The haters shouldn't get to know about Louis' state.. I mean he's okay but I don't know when Louis' will be allowed to tour, etc.."

He hugs me again.

"Harry! You don't have to say anything! Just give one time not a single fuck about what management says. If it gets to private then don't talk about it!!"

A voice - much likely from a young woman- shouts through the room that the interview will start in 3 minutes and that we have to get on the couch etc..

"I try, Niall.."

"We will help you, ok!?"

He smiles and goes with me to the couch for the interview. Liam and Zayn are already there and in quite a discussion as they don't notice us or anything.

We hit them once and then they realise that the interviews gotta start in a few seconds. They laugh shortly and sit up straight.

"Here we are again, but I'm not alone."

A blonde woman smiles firstly at the camera and then gestures to us.

"We have some special guests here. 4 boys of One Direction. Welcome."

We nod and fake her a smile. The camera gets a little wave.

"So, to be honest, I didn't know that Harry would be here.. So applause for Harry for taking his time.."

She looks me in the eyes with some sorrow.

"I heard of the accident one of your lads had, how's Louis?!"

"He's good at the mood"

I can't smile. I don't want to. Even though I'm happy he's fine but it's nothing all those idiots all over the world should get to know.

"You are the only one who spent all day and all night with him, am I right!?"

I nod.

"So, where the complications!?"

I start playing with my hands. Niall notices and talks for me.

"I don't think we should talk about the accident.. or anything about Louis' health without him being here, right?!"

She shrugs.

"Yeah, but one single question to Harry.. You and Louis must have a good bond to each other, haven't you?!"

"We have it since the start- since X-Factor."

She looks at me a bit furious. Did I say to less for that bitch of what?! It's my life. Louis' and my story, and nothing any one except us should be concerned about.

"You guys will have a tour next year right!? The whole year!?? Isn't that a bit much- especially for Louis?!"

My mouth opens. What!? Whaaaaat?! I close it but still in disbelief.

Liam smiled at her.

"Yeah, but we had to cancel our European and North American leg. So we thought we make a complete new tour and visit some new places too. The tickets everyone got for the concerts of this year will be the ones for the next year. Almost same date. Only the year wrong. "

"wow.. You must really love your fans,huh.."

And so on goes the interview. I don't talk anymore. Without Louis it isn't an interview I'd like to be in. And it's gonna be the last without him.

"One single question and you're free.. Who of you is taken!?"

Only Zayn rises his hand. I almost did it too but I saw management looking at me furiously. So I didn't.

"Only you. But you and your misses are engaged , right!? Thats wonderful!!"

Zayn nods and smiles.

"What about you Harry!? Any girl you're interested in?!"

I shake my head. Nope. No single girl could me turn straight. I love Louis for fucks sake. But that's none of her business.

"Is it because of the time you spent in the hospital?! There must be pretty girls too, you know.."

"The time I'm in hospital is only for Louis. Not any girl could make change that."

"Alright! Wait.. I missed one question.."

She laughs a bit and looks at me again. Oh no. Shut the fuck up, please.

"Is that rumor true that Louis broke up with Eleanor!?"

"They were never together.."

Our manager almost jumped here but he didn't. I only got a really furious look.

"So you say your management put that up!? Why!?"

"It isn't .. I- I was joking.. Of course they were together.. I'm just a little angry on here.. Because she hurt Louis really much.."

With hurt I mean mentally, obviously, as we are together. I refer to her and her bodyguards or however to call those guys hurting him physically.

"So Louis is still hurt because of the break up!?"

"His pain got less.."

I swallow. I hope he doesn't see the interview. Well, I will have to show him as I don't wanna hide anything from him or lie to him.

"Yeah, and that was One Direction."

She says her goodbyes and I immediately leave the studio. I head to a market and get some sweets and even a cake. I hope Louis' doctor won't kill me for that. Then I take the next cab that drives by.

As I am in Louis' room he's already there and watches me interested.

"Harold!!! Here you are! I missed you! Where were you, young man!?"

I chuckle to lighten up his mood.

"I had to make an interview and got you some things to eat"

I show him the plastic bag and he immediately smiles.

"I hope you have some chocolate for me!"

"Of course I have! How went your checkup!?"

He smiles and takes the chocolate. Giving me a kiss as thank you.

"Well, pretty good. If I take some higher doses pills , I will be able to leave tomorrow."


He smiles, giving me more kisses.

"But I'm not allowed to do much. No interviews, no concert. For a little while.. Unfortunately.."

"Why!? You are fine, aren't you!?"

"But it could get worse and I promised it the doc. "

"If you say so.. But oh my god!! We'll be able to sleep in our own bed tomorrow!! I love you so much!!"

"Awwwh Harry, love you more."

Immediately I get out my phone and send the boys messages. They have to tidy up our house and make some cake, etc for a little welcome home party. Only for us five but though. We have to celebrate this.

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