Broken Things (Broken Book 1)

By IceQueenofMitera

76.4K 1.5K 405

Derek Hale's life hasn't been easy. Between dealing with the deaths of his family and most of his pack, Derek... More

1: La Loba
3: Healer
4: Supernatural
5: More Questions No Answers
6: Hunter and Hunted
7: Choices
8: Innocence
9: Visions
10: The Connection
11: Trapped
12: Search Party
13: Miracle
14: Battleground
15: Valkyrie
16: Ambush
17: Desperate Measures
18: Know Thy Enemy
19: Life Saver

2: Party Crasher

7.6K 132 41
By IceQueenofMitera

"A what?" Stiles asked. "A werejaguar?"

"Yes, a werejaguar," Deaton replied.

"How is that even possible? How does a werewolf make a werejaguar?"

"The same way a werewolf makes a kanima," Derek said.

"What is with you two making non-werewolves? Is it a Hale thing?"

Derek and Peter glared at Stiles.

"I haven't seen the 'I'm going to kill you slowly and painfully' look from Derek for a while. Kinda missed it."



"Shut up."

"And the sour wolf is back."

"I'm with Derek on this," Peter added. "Shut up."

Kira and Malia were looking completely lost at this point.

"You two have no idea who we're talking about, do you?" Stiles asked.

"Nope," Malia answered.

"Kate Argent is Chris' sister," Derek started to explain.

"And Derek's psychotic ex-girlfriend who set a fire that burned eight people to death," Peter chimed in. Derek looked like he was ready to set fire to Peter again.

Scott's eyebrows shot up. "Ex-girlfriend? You two dated?"

Derek avoided the question. Obviously, Stiles had kept that secret. Derek didn't know how Stiles knew about his relationship with Kate, but it seemed that he had never mentioned it to Scott. "Long story short, she murdered most of our family by setting fire to our house and making it look like an electrical short. The Argents, at the time, had a code of hunting only adult werewolves that they had undeniable proof of them killing a human. Kate threw that away when she set that fire and tried to kill me several times over the next six years."

"You dated a werewolf hunter?" Malia asked.

"So did I," Scott added. "And you didn't answer my question."

"Yes, we dated," Derek sighed, seeing that Scott wasn't going to drop the subject. "A long time ago. Kate used me to get to my family. Peter killed her by ripping out her throat. At least we thought she was dead."

"I don't get it," Kira said. "If Peter killed her, how did she become a jaguar?"

"The shape you take reflects the person you are," Derek and Scott said at the same time. Malia looked amused.

"Okay, that's not unnerving at all," Peter said. "You two have spent way too much time around one another."

Deaton smiled. "But they are correct. Peter was also an Alpha at the time as well. Only Alphas can make new werewolves. This can be achieved by a bite or a deep enough scratch."

"What about the rainwater from a werewolf's footprint?" Stiles asked.

"Where did you hear that load of crap?" Peter asked.

"That answers that."

"The scratch obviously didn't kill her," Scott said.

"Then who is buried in her grave?" Lydia asked the question they were all thinking.

"That sounds like a job for the Banshee," Peter stated.

"I'm not digging up a body."

"You don't have to, sweetheart." He gave her one of his smiles. "All you have to do is listen."


The man dropped into Derek's loft, tucking his black wings behind him. He was shirtless, showing off a chiseled physique. He had dark hair that framed his face. Four more, three men and a woman, dropped down behind him. All four had black wings like him. The men were shirtless and the woman had on a halter top.

The man looked up, his eyes glowing a bright green. "She was here. Her scent is strong."

"Others were here as well," one of the men started.

The woman crouched, touching her fingers to the floor. When she lifted them back up, they were stained with something black. "A wolf," she said, inhaling through her nose. "Hunters must have found them. I smell wolfsbane."

"And a jaguar. There was a fight here."

"She must have come looking for the Hale Pack," their leader said. "They will regret harboring her. I will tear the pack apart until they give her to me." He turned to them. Varying degrees of green looked back at him. "We will keep looking. She will regret refusing to join me." He took flight, flying out of the broken skylight, the others following.


Chris and Sheriff Noah Stilinski watched the backhoe dig into the grave. "Thanks for doing this," Chris said.

"When you told me what happened at Derek's and his claim of seeing your sister, I had to see for myself, too," Stilinski responded.

"What excuse did you use?"

"I received a tip that Kate may have been murdered by another accomplice to the arson and that they made it look like an animal attack."

"It's a bit scary how good you are getting at this in such a short time."

"I'm still completely confused by all of this, to be completely honest."

Chris chuckled. "You don't show it," He glanced over his shoulder. "Is there a reason Stiles and Lydia are hiding behind a statue?"

"No telling. Stiles was probably eavesdropping again. Scott with him?"

"I just saw those two. How is Stiles doing, by the way?"

"He's mostly back to normal. His friends, Melissa and Dr. Deaton have really been helping him get there."

"I never apologized for contemplating killing him."

"You were only doing what you thought was right. But that would be appreciated."

"I wouldn't have shot him. Allison took the firing pin out of the gun."

"Smart girl."

"In our family, the women are the leaders. They make all the hard decisions," Chris sighed. "At least they did."

"I can't imagine what it's like to lose everything."

"You nearly did."

The backhoe hit the casket.

"Bring it up!" Slowly the casket was lifted up and set back down on the ground and Stilinski and Chris approached it. "Are you sure about this, Chris?"

The former Hunter nodded. "Open it."

Jordan Parrish and another deputy opened the casket. "What the hell?" Parrish exclaimed. "Sheriff, you need to see this."

Chris and Stilinski exchanged looks before approaching the casket. There was a body in the casket, but it wasn't Kate.

"Ah, crap," Stilinski muttered. "Who the hell is that?"

Inside was the body of a young blond-haired woman that looked nothing like Kate.

"Parrish, call in the EMTs. We'll need dental records to identify her."

"Right away." Deputy Parrish knew that Beacon Hills wasn't a normal town. He hadn't cared either or asked questions and had even faced off with a couple of the Oni to protect his Sheriff as if that were a normal day at work.

"She had to have put her in there the night before the funeral," Chris theorized.

"Will you hunt your own sister?"

"If I have to, I will. If Kate decides to go after Scott and Derek, I may have no choice."

Stilinski looked amused. "Peter's on his own, I take it?"

"I haven't decided yet. This is his doing after all."

"It is?"

"A deep enough scratch from an Alpha will do the trick."

"So Peter was an Alpha? I thought it was Derek."

"Peter bit Scott and turned him into a werewolf. Derek killed Peter and became the Alpha. Somehow Peter used a Banshee to resurrect himself. From what I understand Derek sacrificed his Alpha status and Scott became the Alpha through his moral character. Deaton told me it only happens once every hundred years and is very rare."

"How do you guys keep all this straight?"

Chris gave a small laugh and a half-smile. "I wonder that myself sometimes."


Derek didn't have the slightest idea why Peter wanted to meet him in downtown Beacon Hills. He had an apartment there, but Peter had asked to meet in one of the sidewalk cafes. He walked briskly, his hands in the pockets of his black leather jacket. A woman suddenly stood and stepped into his path, bumping into him. His supernatural reflexes kept her from falling.

"Oh, my God!" she cried. "I'm so sorry."

Derek then saw who it was. "Isabel?"

Isabel smiled. "Hi, Derek." He returned the smile. "Wasn't expecting to literally run into you here."

"Neither was I."

"What are you doing here? Stalking her?"

Derek's smile disappeared, knowing that voice and scent well. "Michelle."

"It wasn't his fault, Michelle," Isabel said. "I ran into him. Besides I doubt he knew I was here."

"I'm sure he didn't."

"Glad to see you still loathe me," Derek said, dryly.

"Actually surprised they didn't lock your ass up after all those murders."

"Because I was innocent. I wasn't involved."

"Sure, just like you weren't involved with Paige's death."

Derek didn't respond. Even after all those years, the mention of Paige still caused a pang of hurt and guilt. "Nice to see you again, Isabel," he said instead. He turned and started to walk away.

Isabel opened her mouth to say something but Michelle took her arm and led her away. "Why did you have to say that to him?" Isabel asked. Derek stopped and turned to watch them walk away. "Haven't you stopped to think her death hurt him too?"

"I can see he's heartbroken," Michelle's voice was full of sarcasm.

Isabel looked over her shoulder at him and saw he was watching. She gave him a reassuring smile before she looked ahead again. Derek turned and went to meet Peter.

"New girlfriend?" Peter asked when he sat down.

"What do you want, Peter?"

"Do you have any idea why Talia would want to keep the fact that you have a cousin from the two of us?"

"What the hell are you going on about now?"

"Did you know?"

"You wanted to meet me in a café to ask me if I knew you were a father? You have got to be kidding me. Who'd want to have a child with you anyway?"

"You're hilarious."

"That's why you wanted my mother's claws, wasn't it? To find out what memories she had taken."

"I knew she took away a memory. I just wanted to know what that memory was."

"Why would she take away that memory?"

"I don't know. I was actually hoping you would."

"How the hell would I know?"

"You knew where her claws were hidden."

"Doesn't mean I know what she did. May I remind you that Laura was the one who became Alpha after she died. And then you lured her back home and killed her."

"I told you—"

"Don't give me that bull about you didn't know what you were doing. We both know you and your psychotic nurse used the spiral on the deer to lure her here so you could kill her and become the Alpha so you could kill everyone involved in the fire. Congratulations, between you and Jennifer, or Julia, whatever her name was, you succeeded."

"You did stop me from killing that chemistry teacher. Wasn't my fault that Jennifer decided to use him as one of her sacrifices."

"We're done here." Derek stood.

"Oh come on, Derek."

"She was probably protecting them from your psychotic ass." Derek walked away.

"That hurts, nephew," Peter called after him. "That really does."


Isabel had been appalled at what Michelle had said to Derek. All day at work, she thought about finding out where he lived so she could apologize to him. But would that only make things worse? What if Michelle had ruined any chance of at least a friendship? Scott was always asking Dr. Deaton for advice and what she overheard him telling his clients, he was a wise man that gave sound advice. Michelle had told her the Deatons were one of the few families that went back generations in Beacon Hills. It wouldn't have surprised her if his family had been one of the original families, like the Hales had been.

"Thanks for the help today, Isabel," Dr. Deaton said in his usual upbeat way.

"Doc? Can I ask you something?"


"I ran into Derek the other day and my roommate said some hurtful things to him. I don't know if I should apologize to him on her behalf. I would like to be friends with him and I don't want her loathing of him to ruin it."

Dr. Deaton smiled. "Derek hasn't had a very easy life. He doesn't trust easily either. He's an angry young man, to be honest, but with what life has thrown him, I really can't blame him."

"I guess losing a girlfriend to a wild animal attack and then your family to a fire would make anyone angry."

"Indeed. Perhaps next time you see him, you should talk to him. Just to let him know you don't share Michelle's views."

"I can't share her views. I barely know him."

"But you would like to."

Isabel nodded. "Yes, I would. Thanks, Doc. Goodnight."

Isabel left and Deaton locked the door. "I take it you heard all that?"

Derek's reflection appeared in the glass door. "Yeah. You shouldn't encourage her. You know everyone who gets close to me gets hurt or killed."

"You still blame yourself for Erica and Boyd, don't you?"

"Erica was my responsibility and my Beta. I should have protected her. And it was my claws that killed Boyd."

"But not on your own accord."

"I don't want her to get hurt because of me."

"I know you're not here to talk about Isabel." Deaton shut the light off and motioned for Derek to follow him to the back.

"Peter told me that my mother stole a memory from him. He somehow discovered from her claws that he's a father and that his sister took away that memory. Is it true? Or is it just another one of his games?"

"It is true, Derek. Peter is a father. Although I only became aware of it recently."

"Why recently? I thought my mother went to you for everything."

"Not in this. She didn't share everything with me, as her friend or as her Emissary." Derek waited. He had become far too used to the way Deaton explained things. "Talia never told me about Peter's child or her mother. It was Lydia and Allison who came to me about it."

"Lydia and Allison?" Derek asked, surprised. "How did they know about Peter's child?"

"When you allowed Peter to have his sister's claws, his intent was to discover the memory Talia took from him. And he knew only one person that could help him."


"Precisely. You remember when Stiles started sleepwalking?"

"Yes. Lydia was positive that he was in the basement of Eichen House. He turned out to be in Malia's coyote den."

Deaton nodded. "She doubted her abilities after that. Peter used that to his advantage. By saying he could help her in exchange for her listening to Talia's claws. She found what Peter wanted but didn't give him details."

"But she gave you the details."

"She did. But she was only able to glean his daughter. Nothing about her mother."

"He has a daughter?"

"She's close to Scott's age right now."

Derek thought a moment, wondering if she even knew who she was. Malia suddenly came to mind. The werecoyote had transformed on a full moon, killing her mother and sister, and had stayed in full coyote form for eight years until Scott's Alpha roar forced her back into human form. A talent that seemed to run in the Hale family. Now that he thought of it, she had the Hale features. "Malia Tate."

"She actually looks a lot like Talia when she was her age."

"If Peter finds out who...?"

"I don't know if he'll try to convince her he's her real father or not. Mr. Tate and Malia have been through so much. To have Peter show up claiming paternity will be too much on both of them. Even if Mr. Tate is only her adoptive father."

"I'll find out what he knows. And I may need Scott's help."


"Why do I feel like such a creeper here?" Michelle shouted over the music. One of the high schoolers, a senior, was throwing a party at an abandoned warehouse.

"We're not the oldest ones here," Isabel shouted back. While it looked like the entire high school population was there, so were several adults. Isabel took a drink of her beer, as she leaned back against the bar.

"See anything you like?"

"Not yet."

Scott had invited her to come along in a gesture of friendship and she had agreed. Michelle naturally tagged along. Isabel was sure she was just here for Derek intervention. She caught sight of Scott and his girlfriend dancing. Scott was slightly taller than Kira. He had dark hair and a dark complexion, beautiful brown eyes, and a small scar on his cheek. She could see part of the tattoo on his left arm, a band that went around his bicep. Kira was Japanese, with long black hair, dark eyes, and a smile that brightened her features. Isabel thought they were cute together. Isabel continued to scan the room. To her surprise, she saw Derek standing at the far side of the room. He seemed to be looking for someone. He was wearing a tight grey shirt that accented his fit form and a black leather jacket over it. His face looked serious, a week's worth of dark beard covering his jaw and cheeks. Scott had said that he didn't smile much. Isabel was told he had gotten his dark hair and complexion from his mother. Michelle had even commented that he looked like her even.

"I'm going to dance," Isabel said.

Michelle was flirting with the bartender as she merged into the crowd, dancing her way towards Derek. He must have found who he was looking for because he, too, started moving through the crowd of dancers.

"I didn't think you were the party type," she shouted when she reached him.

"Not usually." He glanced around.

"She's flirting with the bartender. She doesn't even know you're here."

"I guess I don't have to worry about being accused of murder at the moment," he said with a smile. "I actually wasn't expecting to see you here."

"Scott invited me to come."

"Of course he did. He has a way with making friends."

Isabel laughed and touched his left arm. Derek looked at her hand and she realized too late that he might not like being touched. But he didn't move away and she moved her hand down his arm. "Would you like to dance?" Derek chuckled. "At least one."

"Alright." He took her hand and they, mostly Isabel, danced to the Pitbull song that was playing. Derek hadn't expected to meet Isabel here. But, if but for a moment, he was glad Michelle wasn't at her side at this meeting. She was wearing a dark blue halter top, blue jeans and black heels. When she spun around he saw matching wings tattooed on her back. "Nice tattoos," he said.

"Thanks," Isabel turned back around and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Oh, crap. Here comes the intervention."

"Thanks for the warning." He started to slip away. "I'll see you around." He disappeared into the crowd.

"Was that Derek?" Michelle asked.


"That you were just dancing with."

"You think Derek is the only hot guy around here that wears a leather jacket?"

"I told you to stay away from him."

"You are not my mother."

"I just don't want to see you get hurt or killed."

Isabel gave her a look. She suddenly felt something scratch her arm. She turned to see an ex-boyfriend standing right behind her and her breath caught and her heart nearly stopped. He pulled her close and away from Michelle while his friend took her arm and started dancing with her.

"Let go, Romero." She was surprised at how steady her voice was.

"Is that how you greet a friend?"

"That's how I greet an ex that betrayed me. Now let go."

"You should have known I'd find you." He leaned close to her ear and she winced as he dug his nails into her arm. "It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out you'd come here. To Supernatural Grand Central Station." Romero pulled her towards the exit.

"I said let go!"

Derek was suddenly blocking the path as if he'd just appeared out of thin air. "She obviously doesn't want to go with you."

"This doesn't concern you. Now back off."

"It does concern me." Isabel was surprised at how calm and collected Derek was. Romero was slightly bigger than Derek.

Romero looked at Isabel. "This your new boyfriend?"

"Yes! Yes, he is." She hoped the answer hadn't been too quick. Or her heart had the uptick that would out the lie. She knew Romero could hear her heartbeat.

"Perhaps you should try running off with someone else's girlfriend."

She was grateful that Derek went along with the lie. Romero growled and Isabel was suddenly afraid that he was going to hurt Derek. He suddenly let go and backed off. Derek immediately wrapped an arm protectively around Isabel and moved away, completing the ruse.

"This isn't over." Romero stormed out.

"Thanks for going along with that," Isabel said.


"More like a huge freaking mistake."

"Everything alright?" Scott asked, obviously having seen the exchange.

"It is now. Thanks to Derek."

Michelle joined them. "What a freaking creep," she said. "Who was that guy?"

"An ex that looks like he followed me here," Isabel answered.

"Do you want me to walk you out to your car?" Derek asked.

"I'd feel a little bit safer."

For once, Michelle didn't protest. "Maybe follow us to make sure that loser doesn't follow us home."

Derek made a quick glance at her, then Scott. The teen gave a quick nod. "Alright."


Derek could hear the fear in Isabel's heartbeat. She was truly afraid of Romero. But Derek knew something more. He knew Romero was a werewolf, he could both smell and sense it. He wondered if that was the reason she'd been afraid of him.

"I'll be following in a silver Cruiser," he said when they reached Isabel's Mustang.

Her eyes suddenly widened. "Derek! Look out!"

Derek turned just in time to be punched in the jaw by Romero, the force breaking it. He immediately set it back in place and the healing process took over, instantly mending the break. "Get out of here!"

Derek tackled Romero as Isabel started the Mustang and peeled out of the parking lot.

"No one leaves me, Derek. Especially not for the likes of you."

He threw Derek into the side of the building. His eyes flashed bright blue and he roared. Romero laughed and let himself transform, his eyes glowing bright red. Derek instantly knew he would be no match for Isabel's ex. Romero was an Alpha. He roared, forcing Derek down.

"Especially not for a Beta." He stepped closer. "Or is it Omega now that your pack is dead."

Derek growled, drawing on the anger that Peter had taught him to use for control and he'd held onto since the day his family died that gave him added strength. He allowed the wolf to take over and attacked. Romero tossed him aside like a ragdoll, leaving four gashes across the left side of his chest.

"The lone wolf isn't as strong as an Alpha."

He kicked him hard, sending him into a car, the force leaving a dent. As Derek managed to rise as far as his hands and knees, the Alpha raked his claws down Derek's back and the Beta werewolf cried out in pain, collapsing again. Suddenly Romero tensed.

"He's not alone," Scott growled, tossing the outsider to the side.

"I'm an Alpha!"

Scott's eyes glowed bright red. "And I'm a True Alpha."

The two went at it, snarling. Pain shot through Derek's back when he tried to sit up. Stiles, having naturally followed Scott outside, knelt next to him, helping him into a sitting position as Derek returned to his human form.

"Dude, you really need to learn not to challenge an Alpha," he said.

"Thanks for the news flash. I sometimes forget I'm not one anymore." Sarcasm rolled out of Derek's mouth, despite the pain. A language Stiles knew well.

"Yep, you'll be fine."

A flash bang suddenly went off.

"Get Scott back into the building!"

The two Alphas staggered away from one another. A second flash bang went off, this time both Scott and Derek covered their eyes. Romero didn't. Scott retreated back to Derek and Stiles.

Derek peaked through the window of the car he was next to and saw the Calaveras. "It's the Hunters after La Loba. They know about me. I don't want them to go after you."

"What about you?" Scott asked.

"I'll be fine." Another flash bang. "Go!"

Stiles took off with a partially blind Scott in tow. Derek leaned against the car. He knew the Hunters would find him there but he was too weak to try to run. The unfortunate side effect of a Beta vs. Alpha fight. Judging by his overall strength, the Alpha had a good-sized pack behind him. All Derek had was Peter and Scott. Romero roared and then Derek heard the crackle of electricity. A howl sounded next followed by four quick gunshots. Then silence. Derek placed his right hand over the wounds on his chest as he heard the footsteps coming towards him. He was healing much too slowly.

"You look like you got the worst end of the fight," Araya said.

"Considering I no longer hear his heartbeat, I would say he did," Derek winced. "Planning on killing me, too?"

"I am willing to risk Christophe's wrath with one wolf, not two. And especially not with one he threatened me over. I will spare you tonight, lobito."

He gave her a puzzled look. He never thought Chris would threaten another Hunter. Not over a wolf anyway.

Araya crouched next to Derek and grabbed his chin. "But if you do not give me La Loba, I may have to risk it." She released him. "She is all I want."

Derek leaned his head against the car as she left. A moment later, Severio stuck his cattle prod to his side. Derek screamed and fell to his side, the electric currents going through his body.

"You're lucky that is all you're getting, lobo."

The second stun combined with the pain from Romero's claws caused him to lose consciousness.

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