Humanity 2 "The Betrayal"

By Fiveboyfriends

125K 3K 556

"My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together." ~Desmond Tutu SEQUAL TO~HUMANITY 1 "TH... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 4

6K 131 45
By Fiveboyfriends

I’m walking through a long dark hallway and I can hear voices from the end of it. As I continue walking, I begin to recognize the hallway.

It’s my upstairs hallway at my old house.

Why the hell am I here?

“We can’t tell her.” I hear a male voice.

“We have to, Steve, she’s our daughter.” I hear a female voice and I realize that it’s my mom’s. She’s talking to my dad.

I pick up my pace and hurry down the hallway, but as I run, the hallway gets longer and longer and I don’t get any closer to the door at the end of the hallway.

“Mary, if we tell her, it could put her life in danger.” My dad says and his voice sounds different, demonic.

“MOM! DAD!” I yell as the walls begin closing in.

“Ashley?!” The male voice calls to me and I try to reach it.

“DAD!” I keep running until I trip…everything goes black but I still hear the voice.


“Ashley!” My shoulders are being shaken and my eyes fly open.

“Ryan?” I ask as I look up at him, his face filled with concern.

It was all a dream. My parents weren’t there. They’re dead. It was a dream.

“Hey, are you okay?” Ryan asks as I stare off into space and I nod weakly. “It’s okay, it was just a dream.” He tells me, even though I know.

I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I think between my parents, that box of my dad’s stuff and this Melanie person, my mind is all over the place.

“I’m okay, Ryan.” I reassure him as I sit up.

“Alright, I’m gonna go to work.” He says as he starts to walk out but I jump out of bed.

He hasn’t been to work since I told him everything. For crying out loud, he works with a bunch of nerds who study vampires.

“Ryan.” I stand in front of him and place my hands on his shoulder. “You have to promise that you won’t say anything about…you know…vampires.” I whisper and he presses his lips into a firm line.

He takes a deep breath and pulls me to his chest.

“I won’t. You haven’t given me reason not to trust you. Just promise me that you’ll be careful and your secret will be safe with me.” He says as I pull away.

“I promise.” I smile at him and he returns it before walking out of the room.

As soon as I hear the front door close, I hurry to get dressed.

I need to go clear my head before I dive into a box of old family history.


I wake up from a horrible dream where Elena was with Damon and I was with Katherine and I don’t know what the hell is going on.

I’m relieved when I see Elena resting her head on my chest.

“Hey, are you okay?” She asks, looking up at me.

“Yeah. Yes, bad dream. Get back to sleep.” I tell her and she smiles.

I knew it. I jump from the bed and slam my back against the wall.

“Katherine.” I say quietly and she sits up, smiling at me.

“You have to admit I am getting better at this. It was easy to get inside of your head. Have you completely forsaken your nature?” She teases and I rush towards her.

Her reactions are quick and she pushes me to the ground.

“Are we really gonna do this again? You and I both know I could rip you to shreds and do my nails at the same time.” She taunts.

“What do you want?” I growl, standing up.

“I wanted to see you. I missed you, Stefan. Indulge me for a little while, please?”

“Why are you back in town?” I ignore her flirting.

“3 reasons; you, you, and you.”

“You see, I can’t quite get that down. Just kind of…gets stuck in my throat.” I say, pretending to gag at her.

“Well, you know, it’s the truth. Deep down inside that gorgeous body of your, there’s the Stefan that fell in love with me too.”

I can’t believe that she’s here saying this right now. I need to do something with her before Elena finds out…or Damon.


I’m sitting at the Grill eating a nice waffle. I can’t remember the last time I had a nice meal. Elena just texted me and said that Jenna is having a barbecue tonight and Ryan and I are both invited which is actually perfect.

For one thing, it would be nice to do something normal and social with my brother to loosen all of this tension.

For another thing, it’s vampires, all the time, and I need a little break.

My break ends quickly when Damon enters the restaurant and walks straight over to me, sitting across from me. So much for clearing my head.

“What do you want?” I snap at him.

“So, this is where you spend your time when you’re not stabbing people in the back.” He says and I roll my eyes.

“I tricked you into telling me the truth, that’s not stabbing you in the back. It’s using your own tactics against you.” I defend myself before standing up.

“Where are you going?” He asks.

“I made myself clear, Damon. I want nothing to do with you.”

He smirks at me and stands up. “Okay. See you at Jenna’s barbecue.”

“How did you know about Jenna’s barbecue?” I ask, glaring at him as he keeps a smile plastered on his face.

“It was my idea.” He shrugs. “Jenna went to high school with Mason Lockwood so I figured a social gathering would be a good way to get to know the guy. So I told Ric to tell Jenna and…”

I cut him off. “Does Jenna know that you’re going to be there because she’s not exactly a fan of yours.”

I’m interrupted when I woman comes up to us and hands Damon a box with some kind of desert in it.

“Perfect. Thank you.” Damon smiles and winks at the woman who is significantly older and I shake my head. “I’m hoping that this peach cobbler will pave the way.” He says and I nod.

“What are you up to?”

“I’m gonna put some silver into Mason Lockwood and prove he’s a werewolf. See you at the barbecue.” He smiles before walking away.

This is not going to end well.


“You shouldn’t read someone else's journal.” I scold Katherine as I walk into the living room to find her laying on the couch.

“I know. I’m sorry. It was just too tempting, all of your inner thoughts and feelings, lying there on your desk for me to read.” She smirks as I walk over and snatch the journal from her.

I feel a little bad for being mad so I walk over and pour her a glass of blood.

“Damon’s private stock.” I hand her the glass and she smiles.

“That’s right! You don’t do human, I read that. I also read about your recent werewolf sighting. That must have come as a surprise.” She says and I immediately know that she knows something.

“What do you know about werewolves?”

“I know not to pet one.” She stands up from the couch. “Their bites kill, Stefan. It’s best to stay clear of them during a full moon.”

I frown at her. “And…how do you know this?”

“Who do you think was responsible for ridding this town of vampires in 1864?” She asks and I’m confused.

“Founding families.”

“Spearheaded by?” She asks and it all makes sense.

“The Lockwoods.”

She nods, taking a sip of her blood before speaking. “You remember the Founder’s Ball, don’t you?”

I nod. “I was your escort.”

“That was before you and Damon knew about my little secret. From the moment I met George Lockwood, I knew he’d be a problem.”

“So you’re saying that all the Lockwoods are werewolves.” I try to conclude but she shakes her head.

“The werewolf gene runs in the Lockwood family. Not that they’re all werewolves.”

“How many werewolves are out there? I mean…is it just limited to the Lockwoods?” I ask, trying to get some information.

“No, there are others. Not many. They’re practically extinct. They mainly exist now in books and really bad movies.” She finishes the blood and places her glass on the table. “My turn to ask a question.”

I watch as she grabs my journal again and pulls her picture out of it.

“Why did you keep this picture? Why not burn it? Tear it up? You want to know why I came back? Well I have a better question. Why did you? For Elena? No. You came back here to fall in love with me all over again, didn’t you?”

The whole time she was talking, she moved closer and closer to me. I take a bold step towards her and stroke her cheek.

“What is it about you that makes me still care?” I tease and she presses her lips against mine.

I see my opportunity and I take it as I stab her in the back with a vervain dart.


I take her lifeless body down to the cellar and chain her to a chair. She begins to wake up so I stand in front of her with my arms folded across my chest.

Her eyes flutter open and I speak. “Now, where were we? That’s right. You were going to tell me why you came back to Mystic Falls, weren’t you?”

“You don’t have to do this.” She breathes heavily.

“Answer the question.”

“I came back for you.” She says firmly.

I roll my eyes at her. “We’re gonna play by my rules now.” I turn around and grab some gloves off of a shelf before takes a piece of vervain from the little garden.

I stalk over to Katherine and run the vervain across her face as she screams in pain.

“Answer the question.” I repeat.

“You’re gonna torture me now?”

“I’ll do whatever it takes to get you to tell me the truth.” I smirk and she scowls at me.

Exactly the reaction I wanted from her.


I get home and unfortunately, Ryan is home which means that operation ‘find out more about my ancestors’ is going to have to wait.

I don’t want to lie to Ryan but now that he knows everything, I’d rather him not get too involved in all of it.

He has to take a shower so I decide to head over to Elena’s house to help them get food ready. When I get there, Elena is upstairs getting ready so I go to the kitchen to help Jenna.

“Thanks for inviting me. I could use a day of distraction.” I say as I walk into the kitchen and Jenna smiles at me.

“Well, you’re not the plus one I’m worried about. Why is Damon coming?” She asks, raising her eyebrow.

“Because Alaric is a pity taker. Come on Jenna, be nice.” I tell her, even though I agree.

“I’ll be nice when Damon learns to keep his paws off you.” She says and my head snaps up at her. She smiles and nods. “Yep. Elena keeps me in the loop.”

I laugh and shake my head. I bet Elena feels inclined to tell Jenna that kind of drama because she can’t tell her the other drama.

“Good news! I found the shot glasses!” I hear a voice behind me and I turn around to see Mason Lockwood walking into the kitchen.

“That would be my exit.” I say to Jenna and she stops me.

“Wait. Mason, this is Ashley, Elena’s friend. Ryan Scott’s little sister.” She says and he extends his hand.

He knows Ryan.

“Hi.” I smile at him, taking his hand. “Nice to meet you.”

“The pleasure’s mine.” He nods and I make an awkward exit.

I come around the corner and my body collides with Damon.

“Hey.” He says.

“Hey. Your wolf’s in there.” I tell him flatly and point to the kitchen.

I’m about to walk around him when he reaches out and grabs my arm.

“What?” I ask bitterly.

“You’re coming with me.”

“No. It’s awkward as hell for me.” I tell him and he rolls his eyes before forcefully pulling me towards the kitchen.

I sigh and walk with him so that he releases my arm.

“Hey.” He smiles to everyone and I notice that Ric has joined the party.

“Damon.” Jenna states and looks at me with concern.

I give her a small nod to reassure her.

“We were just doing shots. Let me give you a shot glass, buddy.” Ric smiles and is about to hand him a glass when Jenna speaks up.

“Here. Use mine.” She places her glass on the table and leaves the room.

Ric looks at all of us with a weak smile before following her. And then there were three.

“She doesn’t like me very much.” Damon says to Mason as I stand behind him.

“We haven’t met. Mason Lockwood.” He says, holding out his hand for Damon.

“Oh sure. Damon Salvatore.” Damon says politely.

“I know. I’ve heard great things about you.” Mason says and I frown, but try to hide it. The whole point of tonight is to be as nonchalant as possible.

“Really?” Damon asks, as surprised as I was. “That’s weird cause I’m a dick.” He says and I laugh.

“Mason Lockwood.” I hear a voice in the doorway and I turn to see Ryan walk in with his arms spread apart.

“Ryan Scott? No way.” He says, walking over to my brother.

As they exchange a bro hug, Ryan’s eyes meet Damon and I see his body tense up. Great.

“Damon.” Ryan nods to him after pulling away from Mason.

“Ryan. Nice to see you.” Damon says sarcastically and I roll my eyes.

“So, Ryan. I met your little sis, over there. You never told me you had a sister.” Mason says and I’m thankful that he took the attention away from that awkward conflict.

I feel bad leaving Ryan with Damon but I need to go find Elena. I excuse myself and walk out onto the front porch where Elena is sitting on the swing on the phone.

“Hey. Just checking in. Did you get my message about Jenna’s barbecue? Call me when you can.” She says before hanging up and smiling at me.

“Hey. Is that Stefan?” I ask and she nods.

“Yeah, he hasn’t called me back and I’m trying to decide if I should be worried.”

“I’m sure he’s fine.” I tell her, sitting on the bench next to her.

“Yeah, Ashley’s probably right.” Caroline chimes in as she walks up the porch steps. “Sorry, vampire hearing.” She smiles awkwardly.

“Hey Caroline.” Elena smiles as Caroline plops down next to us with a bag of chips that I’m assuming was meant for the barbecue but it looks like she’s eaten half of them.

“God! I cannot stop eating. Stefan says it’s a great way to sublimate the cravings. It’s horrible just fighting the urge for blood every minute of every day.” Caroline says.

“I know that Stefan really hates that part of himself.” Elena says quietly.

“Yeah and he hates that you’re a constant temptation.”

“Caroline.” I say firmly, not liking where this is going.

“He said that?” Elena asks and I can tell that her mood is dropping fast.

“The desire to rip out your jugular every time he’s with you? Trust me, it’s there. It’s why I had to break up with Matt.”

“Caroline!” I say louder this time.

“Hey!” Ric says from the front door. “Food’s ready, come get it.”

“Finally. I’m starving.” Caroline says before getting up and walking inside.

I turn to Elena who’s mind is somewhere else.

“You hungry?” I ask her as I stand up.

She nods but doesn't move. “I’ll be in a minute.” She says with a sigh and I decide it’s better to leave her alone now.


“You know, we can sit here as long as you want. And when you start to desiccate, there’s a tomb with your name on it.” I tell Katherine as she leans back in her chair.

“I’ve been doing all the talking, it’s your turn. Do you pretend to be human when you’re with Elena? Is that the appeal?” She asks and I tense up when she mentions Elena’s name.

“Actually, I don’t pretend to be anything when I’m with her. That’s the whole point. I get to just be myself.” I stay strong.

“Does she know that you love me?”

“I don’t.” I say back without hesitation.

“That’s where you’re wrong, Stefan. Don’t you remember bringing me home that night? Your family had taken me in.” She starts telling another story about our history together and I brace myself.

She tries to tell me that my love for her was real. That the time I confessed my love to her, I had never been compelled. I still don’t buy it.

“Go ahead, Stefan. Torture me, keep me captive, drain me of my blood until my body turns to dust. It’ll never change the truth. I never compelled your love. It was real and so was mine.” She says and I don’t want to believe it.


We’re playing pictionary. Don’t ask. It was Damon’s idea…of course.

I sit back and watch as he draws a wolf in a tutu. Very subtle.

“Dress!” Jenna calls out.

“Ballerina!” Ryan chimes in as Damon continues drawing.

“No, no.” He says in frustration.

“A puppy! A puppy with a tutu!” Caroline exclaims and Damon rolls his eyes.

“A dog! Hound dog!” Jenna tries again.

“Dances with wolves.” Mason says and my head snaps up.

“Mason wins…again.” Damon smirks. The past five times Damon has drawn, it has had something to do with a wolf and Mason has gotten it every time.

“How is that a wolf?” Jenna asks in frustration.

I shake my head before walking into the kitchen to help Elena with the pie that Damon so generously brought.

“Aunt Jenna is getting tipsy.” Damon tells us, walking into the kitchen.

“Will you stop supplying her with alcohol?” Elena asks as she grabs some plates.

“I want her to like me.” He says and I turn to him.

“How’s operation Lockwood?” I ask and he smiles.

“He’s my new BFF.”

I’m about to say something she Jenna walks in.

“There you are.” She says to Elena who missed the riveting game of pictionary. “Isn’t this fun?” She asks the three of us and I nod.

“Yes, thank you for inviting me.” Damon smiles at her.

“Did I have a choice?” She asks him and I laugh.

“I know what you must think about me.”

“No, no you don’t. You’ve never dated you. I’ve dated many you’s.” Jenna says, getting in his face and I look at Elena who’s smiling like me.

“I’m a work in progress.” Damon shrugs as Elena hands Jenna a knife for the pie.

I watch as Damon’s eyes trail over to the box of silver wear.

“These are fancy.” He says.

“Thanks. My mom’s silver set.” Jenna responds and goes to get the others for pie. 

I shake my head as Damon slides his hand into the box and places a knife under his shirt. Like I said before, this is going to end badly.


“Hearing the truth after a century and a half of denial must be overwhelming.” Katherine scoffs when I stay quiet. I’m not sure what to say.

“It wasn’t real, I remember you compelling me.” I finally speak up.

“Only after I showed you who I really was. You were so scared of me. I had to take away your fear.” She explains and for some reason the more she explains, the more I believe.

“Well, whatever feelings I had back then, they all turned to hate.”

“Love, hate, such a fine line. I can wait. Anyway, George Lockwood was causing all sorts of trouble. He used the vampires to cover up his own tracks. He told the founding families about us. But he was willing to strike a deal.”

“What kind of a deal?” I ask, fishing for more information.

“He gave me my freedom.” She says shortly and I think back to that night.

They captured her but someone let her out. George Lockwood.

“You knew that they were gonna burn the vampires in the church?” I ask in disbelief.

"I practically lit the match.” She says emotionlessly.

“They were your friends, they were your family and you just sold them out.”

“Without blinking.” She says and now I know that any feelings I had for her are nowhere near the surface.


“Mason, why don’t you start us off?” Damon slides the pie towards Mason with the silver pie knife facing him.

“Sure.” He smiles and scoops the pie up with his fingers. “I apologize. I’m an animal.” He smirks and I look at Damon who looks pissed.

“So Mason, you and Jenna never dated?” Ric asks, changing the subject.

“She was always lost in Logan Fell land.” Mason says.

“My first mistake. Mason was a catch. He had girls lining up.” Jenna smiles, reminiscing.

“You know who else was a catch?” Mason asks and looks over at me. “Ryan Scott.” He says and I want to throw up. I don’t want to think about my brother as a ‘catch’.

“Now that I believe.” Damon says to Ryan before turning to Mason. “But you. I always pegged you for a lone wolf.”

I shake my head and let out a breath, hoping no one will notice.

Mason smiles and looks Damon in the eyes. “I’m sure I wasn’t half the lady killer you were.” Damon keeps a smile but I know this is all killing him.

“How about a toast?” Ryan speaks up and Mason nods.

“To new friends.” Mason raises his glass and looks at Damon.

I can’t take this anymore so I walk into the living room where Elena and Caroline are sitting on the couch.

“Hey.” Elena smiles at me and stands up. “Would I be the worst friend in the world if I abandoned you guys and went to Stefan’s?”

I’m about to tell her it’s fine when Caroline’s neck snaps up. “You want to leave?” She asks.

“It’s just that he hasn’t gotten back to me and I’m starting to get this bad feeling.”

“Go ahead and go.” I tell her but Caroline jumps up from the couch.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” She says and I feel like something is up with her.

“I think Damon and Ashley have it under control here.” Elena tries to head towards the door but Caroline speaks again.

“Take it from me, there’s nothing worse than a clingy girlfriend.”

Elena looks at me and I shrug as she looks back at Caroline. “I’m not being clingy, I’m just concerned. You understand right, Ashley?” She asks and I nod.

“Caroline, I don’t see the big deal.” I defend Elena and Caroline looks around uncomfortably.

“How about I drive you?” She suggests and now I’m even more confused. One minute she doesn't want Elena to go and now she’s offering to drive her.

“Yeah, okay, that’ll be great, thanks.” Elena says and smiles awkwardly. “Ashley, is that okay?” She asks, grabbing her purse.

“Yeah, that’s fine. I’ll stay here and…help Damon.” I say and she gives me a sympathetic look before following Caroline out of the house.


“What did George Lockwood get in return for giving you your freedom?” I ask Katherine, still in shock after hearing that she sold out all those vampires so save herself.

“Something he wanted desperately.” She says cryptically.

I stand up from my chair and stand in front of her. “So, you sent 26 of your friends to their death, just to fake your own? No, you were running from something. What was it?” I ask knowing that with Katherine, there’s always more.

“Everyone has a past, Stefan. Mine needed to stay far far away but thanks to you my plan nearly failed before it even began. Once George told me that the round up was imminent, I made sure I could see you one last time, but your father used your love for me against you. He poisoned your blood. Then Damon, being Damon, nearly ruined everything.”

“We came for you. We tried to save you.” I tell her, remembering that night.

“I didn’t want to be saved.” She spits.

“So then Damon and I died for nothing! For nothing!” I raise my voice angrily.

She’s the reason that I’m like this and it was all for nothing.

“No, Stefan. You died for love!” She screams and I’m at a loss for words.


I’m in the kitchen, washing dishes for Jenna because I know that she isn’t in the mental state for it.

Damon comes in behind me and hands me a plate.


I quickly load Elena’s dishes into the dishwasher to get my mind off of everything. Cleaning has always been my go to. When I’m upset or stressed or angry, I clean.

“One more.” I hear a voice behind me and I turn around quickly to see Damon handing me a cup. I reach out to take it but it slips from my hand. He quickly catches it and I’m impressed. He’s reflexes are similar to Stefan’s.

“Nice save.” I say and he smiles at me.

“I like you. You know how to laugh and you’re a good friend to Stefan which is something he hasn’t had in a very long time.” Damon says and all of the sudden every sad thought about my parents that was in my head a minute ago is gone. How did he do that?

I turn back to the dishwasher. “Earlier, did you mean…Katherine?” I ask him.

“Yep.” He sits on a stool at the counter.

“How did she die?” I turn back around and lean against the sink.

“In a fire. Tragic fire.” 

“Recently?” I ask.

“It seems like it was yesterday.” This story is so bizarre and I feel bad for Stefan and Damon.

“What was she like?” I ask.

“She was beautiful. A lot like you in that department.” He says and I feel myself blush so I turn back the sink to ‘wash my hands.’ “She was also very complicated and selfish and at times not very kind, but very sexy and seductive.”


God I was really naive back then. Back then. It was only a couple months ago. That’s crazy. 

I didn’t know Damon or Stefan were vampires. I didn’t know that Katherine actually dated them over a century ago and I also didn’t know that she looked exactly like Elena. And she was coming back to create hell for everyone.

I smile at the memory as Damon helps me wash the dishes. He doesn’t say anything and I’m kind of glad because as we wash the dishes in silence, everything feels normal.

I feel like I’m back to a week ago when Damon and I were friends. When there wasn’t this awkward tension between us. When I thought I had feelings for him.

That’s all changed now.

“Jenna just brought out Guitar Hero.” Mason scoffs in the doorway, obviously not in the mood to play.

Damon spins around with a smile. “Well, I just happen to like Guitar Hero. So, you my friend, are barking up the wrong tree.”

“Okay.” Mason says and his smile fades. “Enough with the innuendos, you win, you’re hilarious.”

“Thank you.” Damon smirks as I finish the dishes and turn to face them both.

“Come on, man. You don’t think I know what this barbecue is about?” He asks and I get nervous. This wasn’t supposed to happen.

“How do you know about me? Your brother was completely clueless.” Damon says getting defensive.

“It doesn’t matter. I’m not your enemy, Damon.” Well, that’s a relief.

“You tried to kill my brother.” Damon says and I think back to when Damon and I were in Duke with Ric.

There was a full moon that night and Mason apparently tried to attack Caroline and Stefan while Stefan was trying to help her curve the cravings.

“That was a mistake.”

“Really?” Damon asks, taking a step closer.

“There was confusion. I couldn’t chain myself up in time. I have no control once I shift.” I believe what he’s saying but of course, Damon can’t just let it go.

“What, no obedience school?” He teases and I roll my eyes.

“I’m serious. Let’s not spark some age old feud that doesn’t apply to us.”

Damon laughs. “You expect me to believe that you are in Mystic Falls planting peach trees?”

“Damon.” I state firmly and he snaps his head to look at me. “I think you can just drop it.”

He stares at me for a moment before giving me a slight nod and turning back to Mason. Mason looks past him and smiles at me, thanking me.

“I lost my brother, my nephew lost his father. I’m here for my family. Let’s be above this.” Mason says and holds his hand out.

Damon shakes his hand and Mason heads back into the other room.

I look at Damon before walking back into the living room just in time to see Mason saying goodbye.

“If any of you want to continue this, I’ll be at the Grill.” He smiles and turns to Jenna. “Thanks for having me, it was awesome. Ryan, catch that game next week?” He asks my brother who nods as Mason walks out.

“You know, we should probably go too.” Damon says and I realize that ‘we’ means me and him. He walks over and grabs Jenna’s hand. “Jenna, you are a wonderful hostess.”

“And you are a terrible artist.” She slurs.

“Is that the only thing that makes me terrible?”

“I’m still deciding.” Jenna says and I laugh.

“Good enough for me. Ryan, let’s not catch that game next week.” He says, smirking at my brother. “Ric, it was fun, as always.”

He turns to me and grabs my hand. “Thanks for having me Jenna.” I smile at her and she raises and eyebrow at my hand in Damon’s. “I’ll be home later, Ry.” I tell him and he and Ric both give me concerned looks.

I just smile at the before following Damon out the door.


I don’t question why Damon wants me to come with him. This is a regular occurrence. Well, it was until he killed my brother.

I’m not sure where we’re going but I assume it has something to do with Mason Lockwood. Damon’s nice act may have fooled him, but it did not fool me. He still doesn’t trust him.

We pull up at the Grill and when we get out, I see Mason walking towards us.

“Ashley?” He sees me first but the Damon steps into the streetlight. “Damon? What? More dog jokes?”

“Nah, those got old.” Damon says and I stand back because I’m really not sure what the plan is here.

Suddenly, Damon speeds in front of Mason and pulls the silver kitchen knife from under his shirt, stabbing Mason in the chest.

I gasp and cover my mouth so no one sees us. Mason smiles and stands up, removing the knife. What?

“You know, I think it was werewolves who started this whole silver myth. Probably for moments like this.”

“Dully noted.” Damon retorts, clearly pissed.

“I was really looking forward to last call. Now you made an enemy.” Mason says firmly before walking away.

Damon turns to me and I just shake my head at him. He walks over to me and we start walking back to his car when Elena appears.

“Bad day?” She asks and I can tell by the sass in her voice that it isn’t Elena.

Damon notices too. He tenses up and positions himself in front of me. Why is acting like everything is okay. It’s not…is it?

She rolls her eyes. “Relax, I’m not here to hurt your new little toy. What’s the matter? Jealous that I came back and saw Stefan first?”

She was with Stefan? That’s why Elena couldn't get a hold of him. But why wouldn’t Caroline let Elena go check on him. Unless Caroline is working with Katherine. No. There’s no way.

“I don’t do jealous. Not with you, not anymore.” Damon says, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the car.

“Then why so pouty?”

“I tried to kill a werewolf and failed. Now I feel like I’m not living up to my best self.” He pouts.

“Well, werewolves aren’t easy prey.”

“What do you know about werewolves?” Damon asks.

“Why don’t you ask your brother?” She looks past Damon and her eyes lock on me. “Don’t try to be a hero for her, Damon. You’ll end up dead.” She says and I stay strong by not moving my gaze from hers.

“Been there, done that. At least this time it’ll be worth it.” He smirks at her and leads me into the car.

I don’t know why Damon is acting like this. I think I’m still mad at him but after he said that, I don’t know what to think. Apparently, Katherine didn’t either because it shut her up.

So, now we have three problems. Mason Lockwood. Katherine Pierce…and Caroline Forbes.

***Author's Note***

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