Family for the Holidays

By KDlovebug

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Cheesy, cliche and hopefully funny book with a few twitterpated characters. I take a shot at a holiday story... More

Chapter two! Two days until thanksgiving...
Chapter 3
Chapter 4. cuteness
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Samuels pov
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

A Holiday Without Family

23 4 5
By KDlovebug

A Holiday Without Family

The warm and busy voices of my family slowly broke me from my sleep causing a soft smile to grace my lips as I laid in my bed trying to determine who was awake, it’s a game I’ve played since I was a kid and when my sister is home we sometimes lay quietly side by side as we make our guesses.

My family is abnormally large- at least that’s what I’ve been told I don’t know any different. I am the youngest of eight children

The oldest and the bossiest is Abigail, at age twenty-nine she is married to high school sweetheart Luke with three kids and a fourth on the way she still finds time to manage a small baking business.
Next up is Ryan, a cop at age twenty-seven he is married and has twin two year old daughters,
Then the twins, Rose and Clara, twenty-five Rose is a full time mom having five kids, while Clara is a traveling photographer for a magazine.
Now the triplets Troy, Leo, and Nick. Still living at home you’ll get to know them as you’ll see them a lot more.
Then me coming up in last place at age nineteen.

Finally pulling myself out of bed I stumble down the stairs.

“There she is! I was just about to come wake you up!” My mom hollered from the kitchen clearly using her mom hearing, it’s an unfair advantage at times.

“Morning mommy” I grumbled back as I reached the first floor and the noises of the house became clearer.

“Hurry up I’m starving!” Leo whined

“Oh yeah, you are all skin and bones,” his girlfriend Charlie retorted making me smile.

“I am.” I rolled my eyes as I stepped into the crowded kitchen.

“She was being sarcastic, I haven’t even had coffee yet and I can clearly tell.” I smirked at my brother who was sitting on the counter watching his girlfriend cook. “Good Morning Charlie,” I chirped,

“Hey lu-lu, I made your coffee it’s on the table.”

“Leo how did you get such a cool girlfriend?”

“She took pity on me.” He said as he aimed his big brown puppy eyes at her.

“Its true.” She sighed dramatically as she finished the omelet and dropped it on a plate.

I sat at the table taking a sip of my coffee and watching Troy trying to keep his drooping eyes open and his nodding head up right as one hand held a fork poised half why to his mouth.

“TROY THERES A SPIDER ON YOU!” Leo screeched as he thumped the table causing me to jolt and spill some of my coffee.

Troy abruptly stood, dropping his fork, chair falling back, and screaming as his hands frantically slapped his already messy bed head.

Leo’s laughter was something I’ve never been able to resist he was childish and found joy in simple things and even though I spilled some of my precious coffee I couldn't hold the scowl on my face.

“Leo, you are lucky that was entertaining because you made me spill my coffee.” I glared but he only smiled proudly.

“You’re such a jerk Leo!” Our brother shouted Before storming out of the room leaving a plate of eggs just begging to be eaten.

“So last day of classes before break, you excited?” mom snuck up behind making all three of us jump.

“No, I still have to work next week.” Leo grumbled stuffing food in his mouth.

“What about you Charlie?”

“I’ve got Monday and Thursday off.” She shrugged not looking at all excited

“Thanksgiving, are you going to be spending it with your family?” My mom’s voice was softer and hopeful.

Charlie looked down at her food and my brother took her hand letting her know he was there giving her the strength to respond.

“Actually I was hoping to spend it with your family if that’s okay?” She sounded sad and cautious as though we’d actually say no.

“Of course it’s okay! You know my rules! The doors are always open. But we won’t be celebrating it on Thursday because Ryan and Luke took the holiday shifts and Nick will be on call. So we moved the festivities to Saturday can you make it? We could always do Sunday…” she trailed off thoughtfully.

“No that’s perfect, do you need any help preparing the food?” Charlie asked now looking like her usual up beat self.

You see the thing with Charlie is she didn’t want to become a lawyer she wants to be a teacher and her parents weren’t very open to that. They kicked her out of the house and even though they didn’t ban her from family functions Leo told me the few she went to last year went terribly and sent her into a depression. My parents took her in without even being asked, practically demanded it. She has her own bedroom though usually falls asleep watching movies in Leo's room.

“Hey Lu-lu!” Troy came in looking awake and ready for the day with his fluffy hair carefully styled in a flip, wearing jeans and a grey button up. “if you want a ride be ready to go in ten.”

Knowing he wasn’t kidding, he's a freaking time Natzi, I chugged my remaining coffee and bolted to my room. Tossing my hair in a messy bun and slipping into a pair of leggings and a large sweater before brushing my teeth and grabbing my bag I shouted goodbye to the house just in time to run out to my brothers car.

“You forgot shoes.”

Of course he told me this as he turned out of our street.

“Thanks so glad you told me before it was too late.” I scoffed only getting a shrug in response, “You’re lucky I prepare for these things.” I said digging out the slipper-ons I keep in my bag.

“You mean you are lucky, this doesn’t effect me at all.” And with those kind words he turned on the stereo filling the car with queen.

When we turned onto the street of the school I broke the number one rule and changed the station. Barely two chords had played when he switched it back.

“No way are we listening to Shawn Mendes.”

“I know you’re good but you couldn’t possi-"

“it was life of the party, you want to put money on it?”

My fist clenched at my side, part of me wanted to challenge him but I knew him well enough to know not to bet against him when it comes to music.

“No way.” He smirked at me as he flipped it back and sure enough he was right.

“How do you do that, you freak?”

We started arguing over who was better Shawn Mendez or Sam Smith. He was getting frustrated with me, saying Shawn isn’t even on the same level. I didn’t really care who was better I just found small joy in the light bickering. It’s better than his usual brooding quietness.

Walking up the campus steps our bickering was cut short when someone gripped my side’s and carried me up to the top. Troy tensed up but quickly relaxed telling me exactly who the culprit was.

“Lucy Goosey!” Paul shouted the awful nickname even though he was right next to me.

“Oh God, I thought you were leaving early to see family in Idaho.” I groaned.

“I’m leaving tonight. I can’t leave you to wander campus alone!”

“My classes get done late today so either find a ride or wait in the library.” Troy demanded, “text me either way.”

“Will do, have a great day bro, love you.” I said sweetly not at all offended by the eye roll.

“Keep an eye on her.” He said to Paul before turning and walking away. That was his way of saying he loves me and I’m fine with that.

“Will do! We’re just going to hang out, ditch class, have a few beers and party! See ya!” Paul shouted at him then laughing at the middle finger Troy held up in response.

“Party?! Yes! My first college party, hot boys here I come!” I declared loudly though shied slightly when I spotted weird looks sent my way.

“This is why you don’t get invited to any parties.” Paul teased poking me in the sides.

“I thought it was because you and my brothers are intimidating.”

“Okay it’s one of the reasons. Come on let’s get to class, get this day over with.” He said as he wrapped me in a head lock gently leading me to our class.

I’ve known Paul since I was fourteen, he is friends with Leo and Nick and coincidently is in most of my college classes. He annoys me most of the time but I still consider him a friend.

“Where have Leo and Nick been? I swear they’ve been avoiding me.”

“You were just hanging out with them on Wednesday.” I laughed trying to get free from the headlock.

Thankfully I was short so he could do it without forcing me to hunch awkwardly.

“Yeah but I haven’t talked to them since.”

Everyone buzzing with excitement about the holiday our classes seemed to fly by. Walking out of my writing class I immediately looked for Paul’s large build and blonde mess of hair. It was one class he wasn’t in but he always met me just outside.
Not paying attention I bumped into someone and fell painfully to the ground as the large person walked on without a care.

“What are you doing on the ground you idiot, you might get trampled.” My friend easily lifted me to my feet.

“But you know how much I love sitting on the disgusting floor.” I spat sarcastically.

“Someone push you?” He guessed as I scowled “And let me guess you just took it silently.” Now I frowned knowing where he was going with this but to my surprise he just nodded his head and lead the way out. “I would take you home but I have to pick up my mom then hit the road. Will you be okay on your own until Troy gets out?”

“yeah,” he gave me an uncertain look. “I’ll be fine, just leave me under a tree with a book and some water.”

“Don’t talk to anyone, don’t leave campus for any reason and do not get kidnapped.”

“Dude you totally just ruined my weekend plans!”

He tickled my side’s until I agreed then left me with a book, water and a trail mix he got from a vending machine. I don’t have many- well any, friends at school, the few I had from high school left for out of state colleges. I’m a book worm and not one to initiate conversations.

“Lu-lu, let’s go, I’ve got work in one hour!” jolted from my fantasy world I quickly caught up to my brother.

“How was class?”


“Yeah? Just fine?” I asked not bothering to hide my teasing smile.

“Yes, the classes were just fine.”

“And the people in the classes the ones with curly blonde hair, how were they?” I had to bite my lips to hold back from laughing at the blush rising to his cheeks.

“Might see them on break.” He replied vaguely though it was enough to make me cheer loudly.

“Look at you-" he cut me off by blasting music but it was enough.

Troy was quiet, more of an observer only talking when it was something he saw as important so when he started talking about a girl he was partnered with for a project I paid close attention to every detail.

Bursting through the front door I let out a long sigh my entire body relaxing in the safety of home. Troy ran to get ready for work and I followed the wonderful smell of marinara sauce to the warm kitchen.

“How was school?”

“The usual.” I hopped onto the counter and watched my mom layer the lasagna.

“So you did okay without Paul there to walk you to class?”

“He actually showed up, said he was leaving after.”

“Well that was very sweet and thoughtful of him.” I felt the weight behind her words.

“Not happening mom,” I chided hoping to end this topic of conversation

“But your brothers love him,” 

“Please don’t start this you know how this conversation ends.”

“Fine, I’ll drop it… for the moment.”

“Drop what?” Troy asked as he pulled his work lunch from the fridge.

“Moms trying to convince me that Paul and I would be a good couple.”

“Ewe, stop it mom, Lucy isn’t going to date anyone.”

“Thank yo- hey!”

“But Paul is a good boy! He’s already got your brothers approval and his family is involved with the Church!”

“Yeah he’s a good guy, but have you ever witnessed what happens after the two of them are exposed to each other for too long?” I nodded along to my brothers words, he had a very good point.

Paul knew which buttons to press and exactly how to do it with the least amount of effort. And I knew his biggest insecurities and never pulled any punches.

“I guess you have a point, I wouldn’t want to see him poisoned and my youngest in prison.”

“You are assuming I’d be caught.”

“Ryan would be very disappointed if you were.” She replied jokingly.

Troy kissed her cheek and I waited for the sound of the front door before talking again.

“Remember the girl I told you about?” I said barely containing my excitement.

“Troy’s girl?!” closing the oven she gave me her full attention

“Yeah, he’s planning on seeing her during the break!”

“Awe! See doesn’t that make you want someone?!”

My excitement deflated, she always went right back to that same topic.

“I promised to call Clara,” I excused myself hopping off the counter and ignoring my mom’s giggles as I left.

It took an hour to catch my sister up on everything and listening to her talk about her adventures. We tried to video chat twice a week and text whenever possible. We were close and she could tell something was bothering me, but she knew better than to ask. So she just distracted me knowing I’d tell her when I could put it into the right words. She had to go since she was nine hours ahead and had to sleep.

At six o’clock my dad and Charlie returned home and mom served dinner. We gathered in the family room with tv trays and a comedy. Mom and dad sitting side by side and Charlie sat with me as we all joked and talked about our day not even paying attention to the movie.

Eventually Leo and Nick came home and despite looking worn out they sat down to catch up with us after showering.

“Hey Lu-lu, how did everything go today?” Leo asked with a worrying furrowed brow.

“Fine..” I dragged out suspiciously “Why?”

“First day without Paul, no one messed with you right?” He and Nick were giving me the same look.

“Oh,” mom piped in oh so innocently, “He did go! He put off leaving until after so she wouldn't be alone.”

“Mom,” I warned receiving only an eye roll. “Dad can you please control her?” I begged

“Princess if I thought I could control her we wouldn't have made it through thirty years of marriage.” I couldn’t fight my smile as my mom kissed his cheek.

“How do you expect me to find a guy when you set this high standard? Honestly it’s your fault.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize how much respecting your mother affected you. It’s selfish thinking really.”

“Hey I’m good with it,” I conceded “just want you to know who’s fault it is when I become nothing but a single and lonely aunty.”

SATURDAY- I didn’t bother leaving my room, my head was working overtime on a problem I’d been spending more and more time dwelling on.

At my age everyone in my family had some notion of what they wanted in their future. Actually at nineteen my sister Rose had gotten married and was ready to start a family just like our mom. I don’t know what I want to do or even what I want in a life partner.

It was afternoon when I finally called Clara.

“You ready to talk?” She answered after two rings. I wasn’t brave enough to video call she could read me too well.

“Do you want to get married?”

“I wasn’t sure a few years ago, but now? Ever since I started dating Julian I became open to the idea.”

“Do you want kids?”

“I’m not opposed to the idea and Julian and I have had many talks about future plans, and how we’d settle down with our jobs.” She went quiet and I was grateful I hadn’t used the camera because she would be reading me right now.

“Before you met him did you have an idea of what you wanted him to be like?”

“I had a list of things I saw as deal breakers and I knew I wanted someone active and adventurous. But once we started dating some of those deal breakers somehow didn’t seem so bad.” I fell onto my bed listening to her whimsical voice as she thought of him.

Feeling a small pang of jealousy I remained silent, only a small longing sigh escaping that I thought was too soft to be heard. But like I said she knew me, she could read me and she was a pro at identifying my every emotion like she could feel it on the other side of the world.

“Alright, start talking or I’m going to call Abby and have her talk to you.” Abby was like a CIA interrogator she could get anything out of anyone and when it came to her siblings she was fierce.

“I feel like a disappointment, a complete waste and leach.”

“What? Why? Did somebody say something to you?! I swear I know people and-"

“No, nobody as said anything to make me feel this way I just feel stuck. I’m going to school but have no real plan for my life and I don’t know what I want.” She stayed quiet letting me work through it. “I don’t know if I want a career, to get married, I don’t even know if I want to have my own children.”

“You love kids Luce.” I could practically hear the eye roll as though I was dumb for not thinking of that.

“Yes, of course I do, but I can't see myself raising my own, there are plenty out there.”

“So you want to adopt? That’s a good-"

“But that is the clearest part I can see in my future. I don’t know if I want to be married or to work.”

“All of that will fall into place, you have time Lu-lu, no one expects you to wake up tomorrow and have it all laid out. Family is forever, there is no expiration date telling you to be ready to face it on your own. Pace yourself. Go to school, make a new friend, hell go on a god awful date with the wrong guy. Figure out what you don’t want then you’ll have a better picture of what you do.”

“Where were you this morning when I couldn’t eat because of these thoughts?”

“Right here eating a chocolate croissant waiting for you to call.”

“Any chance you’ll be home for thanksgiving?”

“Three more weeks and I swear I’ll be home!”

On Sunday I was helping in the church nursery when Mrs. Bradley came by and asked for help with a thanksgiving charity. Mom had told her we wouldn't be celebrating on the day and to ask me since I always loved volunteer work.

After church my entire family gathered at the house for a few hours. I spent those hours playing soccer with the older kids, Abigale’s sons Jamie age six and Grey age five, Rose’s daughter Annie age five and her son Sam age four. This is the reason Sundays are my favorite. Ryan had to work but his wife Amanda brought Lilly and Alex, they stayed for dinner since Amanda doesn’t like being alone at their house and we are perfectly fine with that.

Before going to bed I asked my mom to make sure I woke up since I have a tendency to sleep right through my alarm. Growing up in a noisy house I became a very heavy sleeper.

Wearing simple black jeans and a navy blue hoodie I pulled my hair into a pony tail and put on my purple glasses.

Mrs. Bradley picked me up just a little after seven and drove me to a large intimidating warehouse. There were only and handful of volunteers groups of two working different jobs. The supervisor quickly put me to work directing me to the back corner where I would be helping to make a registry of how much we have of each item so we can evenly distribute.

“Hello,” I greeted the boy I would be working with. “I’m Lucy,”

He mumbled a hey, keeping his head down and eyes on the papers as he slid a clip board and stack of papers in front of my seat. For a moment I looked him over, his clothes were nothing special he was dressed much like me in a grey hoodie and dark jeans, his hair was thick, a bit long and lush, the color a beautiful golden brown. I followed one of those golden locks down to his jaw and along it’s sharp edge to his square chin.

I couldn't see any other details and I didn't let myself look long before getting to work.

We worked in silence typing away on our phones calculators, I forgot my earphones otherwise I would be listening to music right now. Is it too early for Christmas music? I don’t think so. What would I listen to? Santa baby? Maybe. No I know!
I really can’t stay… hm hm hmm hmmm…

My inner song was cut off by my phone chirping.

Paul: “I am soo bored, your brothers won’t talk to me and my aunt Mil wants to talk about my girlfriend so I’m hiding in the bathroom.”

Me: “You have a girlfriend? Why didn’t I know this?”

Paul: “because I made her up to stop my aunt from trying to set me up with boys from her church.”

I couldn’t help laughing

Me: “why would you do that she could have set you up with a nice young man.”

Paul: “don’t make me regret texting you.”

Me: “Oh no please don’t stop talking to me what should I do with myself?”

Paul: “Fine, but you need to help me create my girlfriend.”

Clearly my sarcasm didn't translate.

Me: “Okay but she has to be believable meaning no models, she’s got to be realistically in your league.”

I couldn’t help laughing at my own joke as I quickly added up the items on the paper and moving to the next one before my partner could get upset with my texting.

“Boyfriend upset you aren’t spending your vacation with him.”

My head snapped up in surprise, his voice was surprisingly soft compared to his rough exterior.

“No boyfriend, just a friend.”

“If you want music I won’t mind.” My shock must have been clear because I caught a small smirk on his thin lips “You were humming a minute ago.”

“Oh…” my cheeks flamed and I started regretting putting my hair up because I had no way of covering the blush. “I’m sorry,”

“it’s fine, and your blush isn’t bad either.” Oh god, he is going to turn me into a tomato.

I bit my lip in an attempt to stop the heat rising in my face but it was useless.

“And here I was thinking you were shy,” I grumbled trying to focus all my attention on my work and not my own embarrassment.

“Nah, I’m just a selective talker, and you seem worth the effort.” I could practically hear the smirk as he spoke.

“Now you are trying to make my blush worse.”

“Yes I am, but it doesn’t mean I’m not being honest.”

Needing to end this torture I frantically tried to turn on my music app, ignoring the three messages from Paul.

The song elevate my love came on which is one I just can’t not sing along to.

“I’m twitterpated by your touch, captivated your too much, elevated by this Christmas kind of love.”

My song got disrupted momentarily by a continuous ding of a messages so I quickly turned the ringer off. Sorry Paul but no one gets between me an this song.

“twitterpated by me already,” he cut me off mid song and I made the mistake of looking up to glare at him but that just gave him a clear view of my darkening cheeks.

“Is it your goal to turn me into a tomato?” I accused

“I was aiming for a delectable dark cherry” the word delectable rolling off his tongue in a way that added butterflies to my already flustered state.

“I don’t think I’m comfortable letting someone I don’t know the name of to tease me.”

“So you’re saying if I give you my name I can continue my new hobby.”

“Just get back to work, Charming.” Rolling my eyes I distracted myself by I opening the messages from Paul.

Paul: “gotcha so we should say SUPERmodels.”
Paul: “that was a joke, please help me!”
Paul: “What should I say she’s studying?”
Paul: “wow, first your brothers and now your ghosting me! Feeling the love here.”
Paul: “my brother just sold me out now everyone is giving me advice.”

Me: “sorry my partner sidetracked me. But that’s all I am sorry for. All I heard this weekend was how great and sweet you are. so I’m not very sympathetic”

Taylor swift Christmas track played on and for a few minutes it was peaceful.

“Did you know canned cheese burgers were a thing?”

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” My head snapped up fast enough to give me whiplash.

“No, I’m totally serious and it appears we are well stalked with it.” I smacked my pencil down shocking him a bit, his shoulders tensed then relaxed but he still kept his focus on the paper as I stared him down with complete seriousness.

“Where?” keeping his eyes focused on the page he pointed to the row of shelves on the other side of the warehouse where the canned goods were organized in groups waiting to me numbered and evenly dispersed.

“Row five, second shelf from the bottom section D.”

Halting Taylor’s music I tucked my phone into my sweatshirt pocket and pulled on my hood getting into stealth mode. I crept behind a cart filled with boxes and was about to make a brake for it when I realized the boy was still at our table staring at me oddly. Rolling my eyes I ran back to him grabbing his arm and tugging him behind me.

“What are you doing?”

“We are going to check out those cans of cheese burgers.”

“Why are you acting suspiciously?”

“I think you mean inconspicuously, and because pretending to be a spy makes this boring task fun.”

He chuckled at me and when I spun around to confront him I froze as I met his eyes for the first time. Blue with a golden ring around the pupil. It looked like a sunflower in the center of his eye. I couldn’t help but smile, his eyes were beautiful. My favorite color and the cheeriest flower.

“what?” He asked narrowing his eyes slightly raising an eyebrow.

“You have the most amazing eyes I have ever seen, I love them.” I admitted honestly seeming to take him by surprise as he widened them. “Now be quiet or I won’t bring you on my next mission.” I teased as I spun back around and ran to the first row of shelves and ducking out of sight of passer-bys.

“Row five, remember?” My body tensed, he was leaning down to whisper in my ear taking me by surprise.

“I remember, I’m just checking that the coast is clear.”

He took my hand leading the way through the aisles, excitement bubbling up in me as I ran with him. We came to the section far to soon in my opinion. I wouldn’t have minded if we took a wrong turn but he easily led us to the destination.

“Here it is,” he handed me a can with a picture of a delicious looking cheese burger.

“Why do I suspect false advertisement?” I joked as I inspected the can.

“Because you are clearly a very distrusting person. This is obviously good quality burger.” I couldn’t stop the loud laugh but he did. He covered my mouth with one hand while bringing the other to his thin pink lips shushing me with seriousness. “and you said I was a bad spy.”

My overactive blush sparking up again I trying to play it off rolling my eyes dramatically since I couldn’t speak. I pulled out my phone opening the camera. He released me but only to wrap his arm over my shoulders pulling me to his side taking my phone with the other. I held the can up and we made silly faces for the picture, me with a look of disgust and him looking hungrily down licking his lips.

“You happy now?” He asked keeping his arm around me.

“Very, and also hungry.”

“For burgers?”

“How did you know?!” I gasped to which he shook his head before dragging me out of the aisle casually.

Sitting back at our table I sent the picture to my brothers then went back to the endless papers. Three hours and various music playlists ranging from boyslikegirls love drunk to Garth Brooks. We finally felt like we made a dent in the piles of paper and someone came by to send us to lunch.

“Any response to the picture?” We sat at a table with provided sandwiches, chips and sodas.

“Lets see,” I opened my phone going to the group text. “Leo, claims it is blasphemy.”


“Nick is offering me money if I eat the entire can.”

“Oh how much?”

“Ten bucks, not worth it.”

“Tell him I’ll do it for thirty.”

“Troy wants to know who the creep with his arm around me is.” I breezed quickly past him “and Paul insists it would be better than the food his aunt is feeding him.”

“Is there a reason these are all guys?”

“Yeah my big brothers are very entertaining.”

“You have four older brothers.”

“well technically yes, Leo, troy and Nick are triplets then we have Ryan. But Paul is just their friend.”

“Wow you kind of make sense now.”

“Oh please you’ve barely breached the surface of my awesomeness."

“Well I’m very eager to know more.” I was not prepared for the intensity he put behind those words and in those incredible eyes.

I had to break eye contract looking away as the heat rose in my cheeks. “You really need to reign it in Charming.”

“I’m in a freezing cold warehouse and you are my only form of entertainment. And by the way Cupcake, my name is Samuel.”

After lunch we were split up, he went with a group to help move the heavy boxes of canned goods while I was put in charge of finishing and distributing the list of items to go in each box for the families in need.

Mrs. Bradley paid me a visit to give me the bad news that she was needed somewhere else and wouldn't be able to give me the promised ride home. Thankfully with my large family there was always someone close by and willing to come. However I did not expect that person to be Troy, let alone that he would offer without being asked. He wasn't usually one to volunteer, he wouldn't say no but he would wait until it was confirmed that no one else was capable.

When four o'clock came around everyone was dismissed and ushered out of the building. I was sitting on the pavement, back against a wall and facing the entrance to the parking lot when a large body dropped down beside me causing me to jump and squeak out of surprise.

"That was adorable." Samuel teased flashing me a charming smile.

"Oh good," I glared placing a hand over my racing heart "I was afraid I would get out of here without anymore teasing." I had to look away as my cheeks heated "and blushing" I mumbled, rolling my eyes when he laughed at me.

"I know, how will you survive without me after today." My heart dropped at the thought I wouldn't be seeing him again.

"Will you not be volunteering any other days this week?" I was sure the disappointment was clear in my face as I looked to him if that blush inducing smirk and those sparks of amusement in his eyes were any indication.

"Well now, I think that depends on whether or not you will be?"

I was way out of my element here, I'm that shy bookish girl I am not use to this type of teasing and attention. I don't think I've ever blushed so much in one day before.

"I'll be here all week." I whispered shyly

"Then it seems I have a busy week ahead of me." He gave me an honest non-teasing smile that was pure beauty and practically forced you to smile back. "Though I'm not looking forward to lifting more boxes, I'm sore." He grumbled.

I hopelessly gawked at him as he let out a grunt while stretching his arms above his head then to the sides, his defined muscles in full view thanks to his hoodie now tied around his waist.

A familiar whistle snapped me back to sanity before he could catch me, or so I hoped, I easily found my brother leaning against his blue car calling me over the way all the boys in my family do with the same low whistle.

"Um, t-that's my brother." I stuttered standing, "I'll see you tomorrow?" My voice hopeful as I met those sunflower eyes.

"I'll be here Cupcake." He winked then laughed as he succeeded in lighting my face up in flame.

"Whatever Charming." I rolled my eyes then jogged off to my brothers car.

"Are you blushing?" He accused once we both settled in the car.

"No," I scoffed "My cheeks are just chapped from the cold weather."

"Wow, that is the lamest excuse ever, never try to lie, you suck at it. Now tell me who the creep you were talking to was so I can go have a talk with him."

"He is just another volunteer, please don't make a big deal of this."

"Clearly he's a volunteer, I want to know who he thinks he is talking to my baby sister. What did he do? I can go kick his butt if I need to, he won't bother you again." He hadn't buckled and his hand rested on the doors handle telling me he was honestly ready to go give Samuel an earful.

Suddenly everything made sense, "Oh my God, is he why you were so willing to come get me?!" I accused remembering the picture I sent before lunch.

"No," his body slumped and his eyes flicked away from me. "I was just close by and thought I'd be nice." He dropped his hand from the handle a he finally buckled.

"Wow crappy liars must be a family trait." I said smugly as we both stared out the windshield.

The drive home was filled with silence and odd stares on my brothers part. He was angry with me for some reason and it was made even more apparent went he jumped out of the car, ran up the driveway and through the front door before I could even process that the car had turned off.

A few minutes later I stumbled into the house, exhaustion hitting me at once I dragged my feet as I slowly made my way to the living room and fell onto the couch. Closing my eyes and breathing deeply my brain started to work properly again noticing how eerily quiet the usually busy home was.

In the kitchen I found a note on the fridge saying she and Charlie went shopping for Saturday. The others were probably still at work making this the perfect time to call my sister and tell her everything about Samuel.

Half an hour later and a lot of embarrassment over my sister's excitement she was mostly caught up.

"So what are you going t wear tomorrow?"

"Um.. jeans and a hoodie?"

"What?!" I nearly dropped my phone as she screamed in my ear. "No way! We need to find you something cute!"

"I'm going to be lugging boxes around a freezing, dirty, warehouse. I am not getting dressed up." Despite the conviction in my statement I found myself self-consciously tugging at the hoodie I had worn today.

"How about that purple sweater I bought you?" I could vividly imagine Clara biting her lip with her eyebrows drawn together as she plotted her evil plan. "and then on Wednesday you can wear those red pants with a tight long sleeved shirt and thu-"

"I regret saying anything." I grumbled loud enough for her to hear me.

"You do not! I could hear it in your voice that you loved reliving your day with him. Even though you are hopeless when it comes to flirting. Like you are painful to watch, remember when you tried to order ice cream from the cute guy in the shop by the beach and you stared at the counter like a weirdo mumbling to yourself."

"Of course I remember but thanks for checking, I wouldn't want to forget that whole traumatizing event."

"Well it's my job to remind you plus you deserve it for making it a law never to go to that ice cream shop and I loved it too."

She made her point, I was hopeless at flirting or even just talking to non-family was sometimes a challenge. How was I supposed to do either of those tomorrow when left alone with someone I may like.

Letting out a long and loud childish whine I face planted into my bed.

"Luce, get up." My sister demanded through the phone. "Come on, you'll be fine you pretended to be a normal and functioning human being today and I'm sure you'll somehow manage it tomorrow."

She was right, I didn't scare him off with my awkwardness today so maybe he won't run from me tomorrow either.

"So you think I should wear the purple sweater?"

Clara and I said our goodbyes after another half hour of talking. My mom had sent a text saying she and Charlie were don't shopping and headed home but dinner would be everyman for himself because she would be exhausted.

I made a sandwich for myself and Troy but he didn't come out so when Nick came jogging through the house, loudly singing out his greetings to the mostly empty house, the sandwich became forfeit and he wasted no time grabbing it up.

"Hey Little Lucy-Lu, how are you?" his already cheerful smile widened as the rhyme tumble out.

Troy is the brooding one, Leo the trickster and Nick is the excited little puppy. Though just like a puppy he can be troublesome, especially when around Leo.

"Hello Nick, how was work?" I asked with a impolite full mouth, when he didn't answer I looked up at him across the table.

His smile replaced with a stern line of lips and flowering eyes, I quickly swallowed my bite. "What's wrong?"

"You tell me you asked me a question without answering mine which means you didn't want to answer."

"I'm not-" I cut off as his brow rose, "Troy is pissed at me again and I have no idea what I did." I haven't even realized I was worried about that but it was festering in the back of my mind.

Nick's smile popped back up and his honey brown eyes sparked with his returned happiness. "He's always pissy about something, it's nothing to stress over. Hey, you wanna take these to the tv room and race?"

"No no no!" I screamed as my brother double laps me "How are you even doing this?! I swear when I play on my own I'm always in first place!"

"Sure you are," he taunted dragging out the R. "You are like the invisible boy only invisible when no one is looking."

"Yes that's exactly it." I laughed at myself coming up in last place.

"Do you want to battle instead?" my smile was all the answer he needed.

I laughed maniacally as I hit my brother three times zooming past him and flipping around to go again.

"How in the heck are you so good at this?!" he cursed trying to dodge me but fell over the edge of the track.

"I play winner!" Leo shouted running into the room.

Startled by his entrance I looked away from the screen which gave Nicks the perfect opportunity to run me of the track.

"Yes!" He shouted jumping to his feet and wiggling around with an ear to ear grin.

"Don't get too cocky there is still one round, next person to die loses."

"Bring it Lucy-Lu."

I don't know how, but I lost. So now I'm watching my brothers race and childishly shove one another and use other tactics to mess the other up.

Lady GaGa's poker face faintly played soon joined by vibrations.

"Luce! That's my phone, it's in my backpack, get it!" rolling my eyes at how the boys always acted like the pause button didn't exist, I quickly made my way over to his bag.

I closed my eyes and said a silent prayer before reaching into his smelly pack. The ring tone got louder as I moved items around until my hand grasped the buzzing phone. The picture on the screen was of Paul making dramatic kissy lips.

"Hey Paul! You survived day one!" I cheered putting the phone on speaker.

"No thanks to you, you traitor. Falling for the first pretty boy to pass by and leaving me to the sharks without any bate to fed 'em!"

"You think he was pretty?" I taunted suggestively causing my brothers to laugh like hyenas.

"Shut up and put your brother on." He demanded grumpily.

"I'm right here moron, what do you want?!" Leo snapped at his friend.

"Well hello to you too, geez can't a pal just check in every n-"

"I'm hanging up." Leo threatened even though I was the one holding the phone on my lap sitting on couch.

"Fine, my douche cousin tried to drive my car without permission or knowing how to drive stick and totally screwed it up. I need you to walk me through the check."

Leo let out a few whines and complaints as he finished the game then he grabbed his phone and left the room still griping.

"Wooohoo! My turn!" I cheered while pushing off the couch sliding into Leo's spot. "I'm going to win this time I can feel it."

"Of course you will Lucy-Lu," Nick patronized me ruffling my hair causing whispies to loosen from the pony and fall in my eyes just as the game started. "green means go sis!"

I blew them out of my face with a huff and somehow falling into fifth place. Squealing gleefully I ran someone off the track earning a worried glance from my brother.

"You are terrifying... but you still won't win."

Snarling at him I nearly missed a turn, a curse fell from my lips without thought and suddenly the game was paused and Leo was magically back in the room joining Nick in staring at me.

"Baby sis where did you learn that language?!" I tried and failed to hold back an eye roll to which he responded with a pinch causing me to yelp in pain.

"What do you mean? You three use it all the time!"

"Its true," I jumped not expecting Paul's voice "sometimes you use several in the same sentence."

"Especially when you talked to or about your ex." I smirked at Nick

"That cheating-" he caught himself "woman.. she doesn't deserve kind words it's totally justified. You are an innocent baby so watch your language." He took my controller and passed it to Leo.

Soon they grew hungry and turned sad puppy eyes to me and I caved. We finished the night with a movie then I slipped off to my room feeling excitement and nervousness bubble up in me as I thought of a unique pair of eyes.

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