eleMental: The Gifted

By lilid1223

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Dylan Harper was raised to hate and fear mutants. Her parents taught her from a young age that mutants threat... More

Chapter 1: Manifesting
Chapter 2: Welcome to the Mutant Underground
Chapter 3: Apologies are Hard
Chapter 4: Finding Marcos and Getting Chased
Chapter 5: Itchy Collars and Isolation
Chapter 6: Breaking Out and Something UneXpected
Chapter 7: Reunions and Reminiscing
Chapter 8: Training and First Kisses
Chapter 9: Missions and Armed Goons
Chapter 10: Disappointment and Loss
Chapter 11: Rescue Missions and Unexpected Reunions
Chapter 12: Traffic Violations and A Kidnapping
Chapter 13: Revenge and Family
Chapter 14: Dancing and Teenagers
Chapter 15: Lies and Broken Hearts
Chapter 16: Making Up and Collateral Damage
Chapter 17: Spies and Lost Loves
Chapter 18: Deceit and Capture
Chapter 19: Trask Industries and Meeting the Frosts
Chapter 21: Summits and Betrayals
Book 2 IS UP!!!!

Chapter 20: The Frosts and New Beginnings

1K 29 5
By lilid1223

          Everyone was gathered in the common room to discuss our plan for the Frost sisters. Were we going to work with them? I really don't want to.

"The Frost sisters will be here soon. We need to decide what to do." John said.

"If we work with them, we are doing exactly what they want us to do. They've manipulated us from the start." I said bitterly.

"They saved us." Clarice said.

"Yeah, well, some people are just really good at deceiving you." I shrugged.

"Far as I'm concerned, the psychics are a nonstarter." Marcos said with his arms crossed.

"Because their tactics make you uncomfortable?" Lorna asked.

"Uncomfortable? They murdered a dozen people without even blinking. We don't know the first thing about them." Marcos said getting a little angry.

"We never let murderers into the Underground before. Why should we start now?" I asked.

"We're at war now. We need all the help we can get." Lorna said angrily.

"We do know one thing about them. They saved our asses." Clarice added.

"They saved themselves, and pulled us right into an all-out war with Sentinel Services." Marcos said obviously annoyed people were considering working with them.

"Congress could declare martial law." John said agreeing with Marcos.

"So? They didn't need martial law - when they killed my foster parents." Clarice said.

"Exactly. Why should we fight with one hand tied behind our backs? We need all the allies we can get. Do you want to cling to your ideals or do you want to survive?" Lorna asked passionately.

"We can't just chuck our principles because it's convenient. No, the X-Men chose us for a reason, and it's not 'cause we can kill. If we wanted to kill people, we would've done it a thousand times already, but we didn't. We have to be better than that. Now, we need to take out the Hound program, and we will, Lorna. But we have to do it our way." Marcos said clinging to the ideals we built this place on.

"Listen up. I just got word over the police radio. Something big is about to go down." Sage said entering the room.

"Where?" John asked concerned.


We got word that Fairburn Station was getting hit by Sentinel Services so we piled in a car and were headed there to help.

"Reed, We're on our way, less than five minutes out. What's going on?" John said on speaker phone with Reed.

"We're hiding out at the south end of the building, but we can't get to an exit." Reed explained with a lot of background noise.

"How many people are with you?" John asked.

"Uh, just us and Wes. Uh, most of the refugees have already surrendered. Uh, Andy's hurt." Reed said.

"How bad?" John asked concerned.

"He's unconscious, but Cait is afraid to move him. Wes has put up a mirage to hide us. I don't think he can hold on forever." Reed said.

"All right, we're almost there. Just hold on. We'll portal in, get you out of there." John said loudly as we sped faster toward the station. We got to the station and pulled in around the back. We got out of the car trying to find a window for Clarice to portal to. John used his abilities to see what Sentinel Service's plans were.

"Sentinel Services is setting up around the building." John said.

"Wow and I thought for once, maybe this would be easy." I said sarcastically. 

"Can you get us in?" Marcos asked Clarice.

"Yeah, I think so." Clarice said looking for an entry point. Then there was an explosion.

"What the hell was that?" Lorna asked.

"I'm pretty sure we're gonna find out." Marcos said.

"John, where are they?" Lorna yelled over the various explosions.

"Go! Down the hall!" John yelled as doors were exploding open all around us.

"This way, come on! Come on!" John said as we entered the room where Andy, Lauren, Reed, Caitlin, and Wes were.

"Hey, come on, we got to go." Marcos said helping Lauren get Wes on his feet.

"Come on.vWe'll cover you!" I said following everyone. Another blast came through the building I hit a wall and Lorna went flying. John caught her and Marcos panicked.

"Lorna!" He yelled.

"I'm okay." She reassured him.

"They're too powerful! Get us out of here now!" John screamed for Clarice. Clarice got everyone to the woods surrounding the station, but it was filled with Sentinel Service agents.

"We have to get out of here." Lorna whispered.

"Yeah. We can't take on those Hounds. We'll never make it if they see us." Marcos whispered back.

"Ugh, they're all through the woods. The car's blown. They'll be on us soon." John whispered not knowing what to do.

"I can make a distraction. You guys go towards the road I lead them away from you guys." I whispered trying to think of a plan.

"How would you get out?" John asked.

"I would find a way." I said.

"No, it's not happening. We don't sacrifice ourselves for each other." John said, but then Andy started walking.

"Andy, what is it?" Caitlin asked.

"We go that way." Andy said.

"The woods are full of agents." Reed said panicked.

"They said it was safe." Andy said with energy that he didn't have before.

"Who said it was safe?" Lauren asked.

"I know how to get out of here, okay? Just follow me." Andy said running through the woods.

"Andy, wait! - Andy!" Caitlin said following him. We all decided to follow him to try stopping him before he got caught.

"This way. This way." Andy said as he led us to a road with two big black Range Rovers.

"Ugh! Help!" We heard screams from Sentinel Service agents.

"Let's go." One of the Frost sisters said.

"What are you doing to them?" Reed asked.

"We're just giving them something to think about. I know you're squeamish about killing." They said together.

"More agents coming this way. Too many for us to handle." John said panicking.

"Well, then, I guess you better get in." The Frost sisters said together.

"Come on!" Reed said quickly getting into one of the cars. I got into the car and John gave me a look saying that he was annoyed with me.


We got back to headquarters and immediately got into a discussion with the Frosts.

"How did you even find us?" Marcos asked.

"We told you. We have sources." One of them said.

"That explains everything." I scoffed not liking them being in my home. Lorna gave me an annoyed look.

"So the mutants that were attacking us, that's what you were warning us about? That's what Campbell's been working on at Trask?" John asked with a deep voice.

"That was just the start. It's going to get worse. Much worse. That's why we need your help." They all fired one after the other.

"Okay. And you can get us to Campbell? We can end this?" Lorna asked.

"We wouldn't be here if we couldn't." They answered. Lorna was happy with the answer and her reaction got me worried. Was she really willing to trust them?

"So? - What's it going to be?" They asked. John looked conflicted, but ultimately agreed.


I walked away angrily. As soon as I was at my bedroom door, John grabbed my arm. 

"What the hell was that?" John asked angrily.

"What was what? I told you from the beginning not to trust them, but you keep trusting them." I said scoffing.

"They saved us not once, but twice." John said. 

"Yeah and the first time, twelve people died. Do you want that to be us? Because it will be if we keep working with them." I said walking into my room. John followed me. 

"Dylan, sometimes you have to work with people you don't agree with. Especially when you're on the other side of the law." John said.

"Well, I don't like it. They scare me, ok. The way they can just get into people's heads and control them." I said. 

"It's gonna be ok. We're helping them stop the hound program, not inviting them to stay." He said. 

"Yeah." I said and we fell into silence. 

"Why are you always so quick to sacrifice yourself?" John asked.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Back in the woods with the Sentinel Service agents. You were about to give yourself up. Why?" John asked.

"You're really asking about why I would sacrifice myself for you guys?" I asked.

"You're always putting yourself in danger. Acting like you're bulletproof, but I'm the only one that's bulletproof here." John said.

"Listen, the Frosts said that Campbell wanted me, right? So, I thought if they got me, they'd leave you guys alone. I'm trying to protect this place and everyone in it." I said.

"Well, people here want to protect you too, but they can't do that if you're always willing to sacrifice yourself." John said frustrated.

"Why are you so angry about this?" I asked curiously.

"Because... I... I care about you, ok." He said.

"I care about you too, but you can't protect me from everything." I said.

"I can try." He said maintaining eye contact. We drifted closer together and eventually his lips were on mine. We moved perfectly in sync and there was so much passion behind it. John pushed me back to my bed and we continued our heated make out session. 

"We should stop." John said against my lips.

"No we shouldn't. We could die tomorrow. Let's live today." I said kissing him again. I took my shirt off and he followed. 

"Are you sure about this?" John asked.

"Yes." I said taking charge.


I woke up the next morning to rustling in my bedroom. I opened my eyes and realized it was John putting his clothes back on.

"Hey." I said with my tired voice.

"Hey, um sorry, I didn't want to wake you." He said sheepishly.

"It's ok. I'm a light sleeper." I said.

"Listen, about last night. I'm sorry. It was a mistake." He said.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"It was a moment of weakness." He explained.

"A moment of... John, last night was the best night I've had in a long time. Why can't you let yourself be happy?" I asked.

"I'm sorry." John said exiting my room leaving me alone.

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