Luna Mortem

By 2-Lett2304

8.3K 156 138

(Based on Death Note the Musical with Moon Varian from Ghosta-r from Tumblr) Varian Corona was just your aver... More

Mind Brand
Where is the Justice?
They're Only Human
I'm Ready
We all need a Hero
The Game Begins
There are Lines
Secrets and Lies
Mortals and Fools
I'll Only Love You More
Playing his Game
Borrowed Time
When Love Comes

The Way It Ends

292 7 5
By 2-Lett2304

(The two landed and hit the wall. They push apart, they glare at each other. The glow in Varian return.)

W: I was right, you are Gealach! Harley is the second Gealach.

Varian: Not anymore, all her powers is taken. She can't be in any use anymore. I may not have her to tell me your name, but that doesn't mean I can't fight you!!

(Then, they fight in hand to Hand combat. But W is tougher than Varian. He grab his collar shirt and throw him against the wall. Varian grab his arms, and kick him on the middle. Allah and Arinna watch in concerns. Varian punch W in the face, then W headbutt him to the wall again. Varian fell to the floor, beaten and bloody. W raise his foot to stump on his head, till Allah and Arinna use their powers to brighten the warehouse, blinding W. Allah grab Varian and take him somewhere safe and unheard. In the warehouse office, Varian catch his breath.)

Varian: (panting) It's no use..(panting) He's too strong.

Allah: And to make matters worse, he now know about your powers! He will exposed you to the public!!

Varian: And my life goes down the drain. Dad will be really pissed at me, my friends will hate me and I'll never see Judy's face again. How can I stop him when I don't know his own goddamn name?!

Arinna: I heard a first name from his mother, Helena Borodere.

Varian: The detective my dad works with?

Arinna: Yes, but you must do it before the sunrise. Night is almost over.

Varian: (get up) Just...whisper it to me. (Look at the marks and got a idea) Allah, I think now today, is a good time to take my powers away.

Allah: What do you mean?

Varian: Gealach have black magic right? And I need to prove that I am not Gealach anymore.

Allah: If you do that, you'll die.

Varian: I rather die than be hated as a monster. Now gather around, here's the plan.

(The two gods come close as Varian whisper his plan to stop W's madness. After that, Varian walk with a limp on his legs down the stairs and head to W waiting on a table. He smirk when Varian came.)

W: finally decide to show your face, you monster.

Varian: Maybe, but you're the real monster here. I may have kill the law to cover my track, but you hurt innocent toon's to lure me in. Rivar, Harley and now Judy. You have a choice, leave and never speak of what you seen, or face your death.

W: How? You don't know my real name.

Varian: That doesn't stopped a little birds telling me.

(W roll his eyes of this, lean on the table. He get up and circle around the table in deep thought.)

W: (sing) I'm sitting down and pouring tea

As if I do it everyday

Go through the motion

Like a hand upon a clock

(He look at Varian.)

W: (sing) Through it feels right, a part of me

Knows that it's wrong

As if another's will had moved me

(He stopped, facing down.)

W: (sing) It's like I'm hitting all my marks

As if I'm acting in a play

So out of character, yet somehow not a shock

(He sighed.)

W: (sing) I'm like a software program

Caught inside an endless loop

Just bad codes that keeps repeating

(Then he face him.)

W: (sing) Is this the way it ends now?

How could I not see this coming?

My camera's cloudy lens now

Takes much darker pictures than before

(Varian walk limply at him. W just laugh)

W: Go ahead, guess. You'll just end up killing more innocent lives.

Varian: I don't need to. And I don't need a special eye to see that. I just need to stop you and transfer my powers to you.

W: What?

(Varian smirk of this, knowing he have him cornered. He lumpy walk and then rested on a crate.)

Varian: (sing) I know by now you understand

You're but a pawn upon a board

I've won the game but never

Gave up half my years

(He grab each crate, still walking)

Varian: (sing) Life will continue just the way

I've always planned

Let the cold, hard justice crash the system

(He panted through the pain, but stay strong.)

Varian: (sing) I've always stayed a step ahead

But you were with me all the way

Until I played upon a old god's fear

(He look at W.)

Varian: (sing) For Harley's love, she told your name

Then left upon a breeze

Into the sand of dust and darkness

(He stand tall and steady.)

Varian: (sing) This is the way it ends now

See it flicker, hear it humming

My power just extends now

Arinna has spoken, you will write no more

W: (sing) I've seen through you right from the start

Varian: (sing) I simply let you play your part

W: (sing) You'll never, ever get away

Varian: (sing) Don't you see that you will die today?!

W: (sing) Is this the what it ends now?

How could I not see this coming?

The message that it send now

Sound exactly like a closing door

Varian: (sing) This is the way it ends now

See it blazing, hear it drumming (W: Like a closing door)

Feel how a minute spends now

When you wish you has a minute more

W: (sing) Like a closing door

Varian: (sing) A minute more

(W gridded his teeth, he walk to Varian. Then his hair and eyes, freckle and marks glow. He stare at W, with no mercy in his eyes.)

Varian: I'm sorry, William Borodere. But it must be done.

(William eyes widen, he said his real name. Then the ground shake, everything in the warehouse shake. Then the black rocks came and head to William. William run out of the way, but the rocks follow him. He pull out his gun and aim at Varian.)

William: If I die, I'm taking you with me.

Varian: (sigh) (look at the marks leaving him as the pollens in him suck away and go to William) I'm sorry Judy. I love you.

(The pollen surrounded William, he try to wave it away, but he inhale it and he feel great pain. The marks crave in his skin, and soon his marks, hair and eyes glow. The rock stopped and head to Varian. He close his eyes for the pain, and he feels rock impale him near his heart. He cough out blood and fell on the ground. William try to wipe the marks off him, just as Judy came. She see William rubbing his hand to wipe the marks away. Then her heart froze when she see Varian laying on the floor bleeding. She run to him, sat by him and set his head on her lap.)

Judy: Varian. What happen? I thought-

Varian: I- (cough) I have to prove I'm not Gealach anymore. Even..if it means I have to die..

Judy: No!No!No!NO!! I won't let that happen!! Please! I just had you! I can't risk losing you again!! Please don't die! I need you!! I love you!!

Varian: you..too...

(Then he fell limb. Judy let out the most heart wrenching sob that echoes on the warehouse. Arinna see the sun rising, and turn to a sobbing Judy holding Varian. She come up with a idea. She release some of her pollen to Judy, who inhale and cry in pain from both a heartbreak and the mark of the sun crave on her. She look at her hand and see the marks. She look up and see Arinna looking down at her.)

Arinna: Don't be frightened dear. You can heal him, just say his name.)

Judy: You're..Arinna.

Arinna: (to her) I heard a lot about you from him. He really truly love you. It would break my heart to see you two be apart again. Now go. Heal him.

(Judy look at Varian. Then to Arinna. She press her hands near his heart. Her hair and eyes glow and the marks glow a bright yellow. She close her eyes.)

Judy: Please, bring back my Varian Corona. I need him.

(The glow surround the wound and a bright glow seal it. Judy open her eyes as her hair and eyes return to their shade. Varian is still motionless, and cold. Judy let out a sob, Arinna frown and watch Judy cry in Varian's chest. William turn and see Judy crying on Varian's lifeless chest. He growl in anger. He head to her, grab her by the wrist and pull her away. She punch him in the jaws, but he grab her fist.)

William: Stop fighting me!! I win!

Judy: This is not a game anymore!! You murder Varian!! You monster!!

William: He tricked me! Allah must have drain all his powers and transfer them to me so I can take the blame!! So he can take you away from me!

Judy: (snarl) Is that all I am to you? A prize to gloat about?

William: My lovely-

Judy: (hair and eyes glow with the marks) Let me tell you something William Borodere, I am not a prize to be won over!!

(Then the ground shake and vines of plants come out of the floor and trapped William inside the vines, crushing his bones as he let out a blood curdling scream, then silence. Judy back away in horror of what she done, she murder a toon out of anger. She fell to the floor and sob. Arinna came to her, place a comforting hand on her shoulder.)

Arinna: I'm so sorry. But it have to be this way.

Judy: I..I kill him..I..(cry)

(Arinna shush her and hug her like a mother comfort her child. They hear the police coming, Arinna turn to her.)

Arinna: Run, run out of here. Don't tell anyone what you see and did. Don't tell anyone of who Gealach is, tell them that he is dead. Become a new God of the new world.

(She use her powers to suck the pollens out of Judy and the marks fade away. Judy look up and doesn't see Arinna. She get and head out to leave, but she stopped when she remember something. She turn around only to see Varian is gone. She look around the warehouse.)

Judy: Varian!! Varian!!

Pete: I think I hear something there!!

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