Borrowed Time

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(The next day, Judy stand outside looking down. She thought of her decision. Varian or W? She thought of her time with them. Varian always been there for her, and W just shows off. As she think of her choice, W came.)

W: Judy, my lovely. Have you thought of your answer?

Judy: (breathe) I think I have.

W: So? Dinner at my place?

Judy: No, I'm going to the carnival with Varian tonight.

W: W-What?!

Judy: These past weeks, he been a real friend to me. And..I think I have fallen for him. I'm sorry W, but it's my choice.

(W stand there with a look that is morphing to a angry face. Before he can take a step, Harley Quinn came in and tap on Judy's shoulder.)

Harley: Hello? Do you know where Varian is?

Judy: Miss Quinn? What do you want with Varian?

Harley: To see him of course, Judy Pot.

Judy: Oh, I think he's in class with Rapunzel at art class. It's at the culture building at the right side of school. Wish I can help, but need to get to class. Bye. (Walk off)

Harley; Bye! Such a nice girl.(turn to W) Oh, hello there.

W: Miss Harley Quinn. I heard so much that you adore Gealach.

Harley: Of course, after all he done to save our land. And you must be W.

W: Indeed.

Harley: But that's not your real name, is it?

W: What are you getting at Ms. Quinn?

(Before Harley can answer. A fan saw her.)

Chloe: Harley Quinn!

Rose: Sign my drawings!!

(Harley make a run for it as the fans chase her. W look at the diraction Harley ran, then glare with a nasty look. In the art class, Varian did nothing but draw circles on his paper, looking so sad. Rapunzel see this while painting a portrait. She stop and head to him.)

Rapunzel: Varian? What's wrong?

Varian: (sigh) If you can have any power to fix everything with a snap of a finger, can it really make a difference?

Rapunzel: Varian, there's no special abilities or special powers that can just make things better the way you wanted. That's not how life works. Why would you ask yourself that?

Varian: Well..I finally got Judy to like me even more, but at the coast of losing my friends and losing my dad's trust. I don't know what to do, I feel so helpless.

Rapunzel: You can start by apologizing to the boys for your behavior. And try talking to Uncle Quirin about this. Cause in life, everyone deserves a second chance to redeem themselves. Do you understand?

(Varian look down, staring at the gloves covering his marks. Rapunzel is right, everyone deserves a second chances, even himself. He look at Rapunzel with a smile.)

Varian: I think I finally get it. Thank you Raps.

Rapunzel: It's what I'm here for.

(The two hug each other's, just as the bell ring for school out. The students gather their bags and head out the building. W see Varian leaving, he smile evil as he walk to him. He tap him in the shoulder, Varian turn to see him.)

Varian: (nasty look) Can I help you with something?

W: No, not a all. It's just that, this afternoon, Miss Harley Quinn came to me and ask where you were.

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