Luna Mortem

By 2-Lett2304

8.3K 156 138

(Based on Death Note the Musical with Moon Varian from Ghosta-r from Tumblr) Varian Corona was just your aver... More

Mind Brand
Where is the Justice?
They're Only Human
I'm Ready
We all need a Hero
The Game Begins
There are Lines
Secrets and Lies
Mortals and Fools
I'll Only Love You More
Playing his Game
Borrowed Time
The Way It Ends

When Love Comes

328 7 13
By 2-Lett2304

(W gridded his teeth. he slam his fist on the window. rage and jealousy is killing his mind.)

W: She won't talk, and it's almost night time! My lovely is probably with Varian!! I want him gone!

Helena: Honey, so what if she choose him over you? you can't change her mind.

W: I will if I have to! The lord choose me to be with her!! I want her!!

(He walk away, with a plan to get all officers to go to the carnival. Harley and Arinna heard him. Harley froze.)

Harley: A girl? With Varian? Arinna? Is this true?

Arinna: (sigh) Yes. Miss Judy Pot is her name. a high schooler like Varian, daughter of the singer of Gorillaz and is a real sweetheart. Varian promise Judy that he won't kill anyone so she can feel safe with him.

Harley: But I feel safe with him!

Arinna: Harley, he's just a child. he need to be with someone his age.

(Harley frown as she lean on the table. Arinna can feel this hurts her, but it's nothing she can change. She let out a sigh.)

Arinna: I can take away your marks along with your powers.

Harley: You can?

Arinna: Yes. do you want to forget about it?

Harley: Yes.

(Arinna let out a nod. She reach out her and glow bright. Pollens from Harley's body, drain out of her, along with the memories of Varian and him being Gealach. Arinna frown of this, knowing it's for Harley's sanity. At Judy's house, she try to look presentable for Varian. She feel nervous and at the same time happy. She never thought it come to her about this. Dating a boy she only knew for weeks, but it feels like a year for her. She let out a smile.)

Judy: (sing) People's always talk about it

I have always lived without it

Never understood it's magic spell

(She grab her jacket, smiling softly.)

Judy: (sing) It can take your breath away or

So that's what the poet say

Guess they outta know but who can tell

(She trial around, holding her jacket.)

Judy: (sing) Never believed that anything could feel this true

Don't see it coming till it's standing right in front of you

(She let out a smile.)

Judy: (sing) When love comes

It takes you by surprise

You see things

Through someone else's eyes

When love comes

You'll never be the same

It's scares you

Still you hope it stays forever

When love comes

(Odette grab Judy's purse with her beak. Judy grab it. Then she spin around in a joy manner.)

Judy: (sing) Finally there's someone to cry for

Someone I will gladly die for

Someone who is all the way alive

(She lean to kiss Oette on the forehead.)

Judy: (sing) Can't believe the peace I'm feeling

Almost like it can't be real

Even if I die, love will survive

(She stare at her window, looking at the moonlight sky with stars.)

Judy: (sing) Funny the things the heart will put you through

Don't see it coming till it's standing right in front of you

(She lean in on the window, smiling.)

Judy: (sing) When love comes

It catches you off-guard

So easy

Don't notice it's alive

When love comes

It happens way too fast

You hope you make the moment last forever

When love comes

(Judy let out a sigh, thinking about Varian and all he done for her.)

Judy: (sing) You're the only part of me I'm certain will live on

All I ask of you is to remember love is never gone

(She put on her jacket and spin around and grab Odette and spin with her.)

Judy: (sing) When love comes

Don't let it slip away

Just hold on

And treasure everyday

When love comes

It struggles to belong

Don't fight it

Share a kiss and then surrender

When love comes

2D: Judy! Varian's here!

Judy: (sing) When love comes

(She run downstairs, stop by the stairs and see Varian by the door, smiling at her. She smile back with a blush.)

Varian: Ready to go?

Judy: (nodded)

(She walk out, then the two teenagers walk off to the carnival.)

Scarlett: Have fun you two!

2D: Be back before midnight!

(At the carnival, toon's are enjoying a great time. There's games, food, prizes and rides. As for the two teens, they are having a blast.)

Judy: Oh! Let's try winning a prize!!

(She grab Varian hand and drag him to the balloon popping game with rows of stuff cats in black and white.)

Judy: Wanna bet one of us can beat for a cat?

Varian: Oh you're on m'lady.

(The two throw darts at the balloons. Judy pop more than Varian did, which make her the winner. The prizer give her a stuff white cat with blue eyes and a pink ribbon.)

Judy: I win!

Varian: Lucky shot.

Judy: Lucky? We still got the whole night to spend! On to the next game!!

(She went off with her cat. Varian let out a soft smile, he really love her. With W, he have police officers even Quirin head straight to the carnival. He look mad and furious.)

W: Faster! Damn it faster!!

(With Judy and Varian, they try every game, trying to beat one another. After that, they stopped at the snack bars and have a snack. Judy have a blue Cotton candy while Varian snack on a chocolate bar. Judy stick her tongue out, to show a blue tongue.)

Varian: (laugh) Gross.

Judy: Chicken. Try it.

(He roll his eyes, took a bit of the candy and eat. He stick his tongue, show it's blue as well. The two laugh, feeling very silly. Allah watch from a Ferris wheel, watching the teens enjoying a great time and looking at the toon's. With W, a police car almost crash another car. Earl grab his radio and turn it on.)

Earl: You two okay?

Cassandra: (over the radio) Yeah, just need to be careful with the speed limit.

W: Forget the limit!! I want Varian gone!! He is Gealach!! And sooner or later, he will kill Judy as well!!

(Back with the two, they are in the Ferris wheel. Watching the view from their seat. Judy lean close to Varian, he blush at this, but he look away before Judy notices. She look up at him.)

Judy: Hey Varian.

Varian: Yeah Jude?

Judy: It's funny how at first we were just strangers, now look at us. Funny huh?

Varian: Not at all. The weeks feel a lot like years.

Judy: (chuckle) Same here. I'm just so glad to be with you Varian.

Varian: Me too Judy, me too.

(They look at each other, lost in their eyes. The world around them slowly melt away, only focus on each other. Then Judy lean in, so did he. They close their eyes and pucker their lips. Before they can feel lips to lips, they hear the loud sound of police sirens. They pull away and look down, see the police force entering the carnival. Down below them, W hold a microphone, turn it on and speak through it.)

W: Come out Varian! I know you're here!! If you don't surround to the force, then we'll have to do this the hard way!

Judy: Varian?

Varian: But..I didn't do anything. I didn't do something to the force.

W: Come out and show yourself Varian!! This game of yours is far from over!!

Judy: Varian, what is he talking about?

Varian: I don't know. I didn't do anything to W.

Pete: Wait, I see them! On the Ferris wheel!

(Light shine on them. Judy cling to Varian's arm, and he held her close for comfort. W gridded his teeth.)

W: Judy Pot!! Stay away from that monster!!

(Judy cling closer, feeling scared once more. W narrow his eyes, not liking this. He walk to the control, kick the levers and that cause the Ferris wheel to stop working. But it cause Judy to fling forward and out of the seat, then Varian grab her, holding her arms.)

Judy: Varian!!

Varian: Hang on Judy!! I got you!!

Quirin: Varian!!

Helena: William!! Stop it!! There's a young girl there with him!! You could have hurt her!!

W: Shut the fuck up mother!! This is my case!! I handle this my way!!

(Varian grab her other arm and pull her up, trying to not let the seat knock him out. Allah and Arinna came and held the seat still, helping Varian pull Judy up. When she is safe and unharmed, he pull her into a hug. Below, Helena and Quirin see this.)

Helena: Seems I was wrong about that kid. He's not Gealach.

Quirin: I knew it.

W: Can't you see his trying to trick you!??! He'll attack a t any moment now!! (Through the microphone) Send the caper to get the two out and kill Varian!!

Cassandra: What?! No-

W: Now!!

(Cassandra flinch of this, W is getting off hand. In the seat, Judy hug Varian close. The moon shine on them, and Varian's hair, eyes and his freckle and the marks under his gloves glow. Judy see it, pull away to see.)

Judy: Varian, you're glowing.

Varian: Judy..I..

Judy: How is that possible?

Varian: Judy, the truth is... The truth is...(sigh) I am Gealach.

Judy: What?!

Varian: (took off his gloves and show the marks) I have the power of Allah, but it will only work during the moon and have to say their names out loud to work.

Judy: You use this power?! To kill criminals?! Varian! Why would you do that?!! You promise!!

Varian: I thought I was doing the right thing! For my dad, for Cartoonaroll, for you! But when you said you hate Gealach because you don't like the thought of killing, I...I thought about giving up this path, it's ruining my life. My friends, my dad! Judy, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! I know I'm a horrible person and I don't deserve you, but please forgive me for my crime.

(Judy stare at him, not sure what to say. Varian was Gealach all along? And he was thinking of quitting for her sake? She stares at his pleading face, she can see he mean everything. She give him a hug, that took him by surprise.)

Judy: I rather be with someone who would be stupid to impress me, even if he have to kill than some crazy loon after your head. I love you Vary.

Varian: (hug her back) I love you too my angel.

(Then they hear the sound of a copper. Varian's hair, eyes, freckles and marks stop glowing, when the copper came and Quirin is in with with Cassandra.)

Varian: Dad!

Quirin: Get in!

(Varian help Judy in, then get in himself. The copper fly down, and landed on the ground. Hiro, Tom and Miguel came and watch the copper open, Quirin, Cassandra and the teens came out. Hiro eyes widen, when he see Varian's hand and Judy's are holding and the gloves are off. He run to them.)

Hiro: Varian, your gloves!

Varian: She knows. And..she forgives me.

Hiro: (look at Judy, who is smiling nervously) (arms cross and a smirk) So in the end you got the girl.

Varian: (nervous chuckle) Yeah. Hiro, about yesterday. I am so sorry that I snap at you three, I-

Hiro: It's fine. You were so caught up on winning Judy, and we can understand that. You're still our best friend.

(Varian and Hiro fist bump. Varian turn to Judy, leaning in for a kiss. Till W grab Judy and held her close with a gun on his hand. Varian and the others back away.)

W: You may have win this round! But it's not over till I say it is!!

Varian: W, you're scaring her!

Judy: Let me go!! (Punch W on the face) (kick him hard)

W: (hold the gun near her forehead) Move, and you're done.

Varian: (growl) Leave her alone!!

(Then he pounce on him, then they roll down while fighting and roll to a abandoned warehouse by the carnival.)

Quirin, Judy, Hiro: Varian!!

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