Two Hearts

By siyasarasaga

285K 12.9K 3.5K

#38 in General fiction on 3.8.18 #36 in reality on 25.10.18 #33 in reality on 10.9.18 #26 in reality on 12.9... More

Sharma's Residence
Arjun returns and Sitara's details
author note
Annual Day 1
Annual day 2
Confessing the truth
First meet
Only friend....??
First date
Love vs Lust
Being loved
Thank you
Good start
New book
Found my love
Arjun's birthday
I can't live without you
Nothing comes easy
Back to myself
Being Brave
I Love being Loved
Clever plan
Speeding up
Roti 😏 Rowdy
Again SlapπŸ€”
When god is with us...
She is my wife
We are married
He knows better
Tied the knot
What is there to talk?
After you return
Love will bring him back
All is well
Entwined Souls
Love is in the air
Not an update
Important note
Beautiful beginning
Dreaded words


3.4K 201 67
By siyasarasaga


The pain if being separated from your loved ones...

If I get separated from you, there is no life for me in this world

Situ's pov

Vidyan stood from his seat with a hand in cupping his cheek....

'woah what a slap Situ good work'

I mentally patted my shoulder in order to appreciate.. I did the right thing...

"Why the hell did you slap me" Vidyan seethed....

"You deserved it first... So I slapped you"

"What did I do"

"Nah .... U didn't do anything .. I think you were a deaf and dumb few minutes ago... Don't you hear what he said"

"He spoke that, I didn't" Vidyan reasoned...

"Thank you for enlightening me" with that I slapped his friend's cheek hard...

If It was not a moving van, everyone would have stood and rushed by my side now... Luck is in my side...

We three, the giver 'myself' and the recipients 'Vidyan' and 'his beloved friend' were standing balanced with the help of handles...

"Sitara what are you doing... How dare you hit two men" devil yelled enraged....

"I have that much dare to slap you if you talk again... Just sit down before I spit bad words which I don't want to do for the sake of my pa... " I looked at my pa, his face expression was marvellous with mouth agape and eyes wide..

'only for pa... Or else her nose will be bleeding'

"Sitara now sit down quiet... We are going to temple you are behaving like anything... Shekar tell your daughter her mouth" so called mother of my dad yelled....

"See, I am just giving respect for your age.... U didn't find that we are going to temple when they spoke those bullshit things. U were dumb then, then for what hell you are asking me now.. please don't make me to speak more..." I spoke little bit more Words I Think so...

'pa, ma and Arjun wouldn't be happy with this'

I know that... But what to do they are pushing me to the cliff of anger...

"Answer me why the hell did you slap me and him???" Again this Vidyan

"Still now you can't n find that answer.... What kind of human being you are?"

"If I know that reason I wouldn't ask you"

"Haha..... Its not only that reason of this slap, you don't even know the reason for the birth of human beings"

"Yeah Miss. Mother Theresa... You are the one who knows reason for every creatures' birth.. got angry not because of what I said.... Its because of the person with whom I connected you, isn't it??" His friend shot back

"What do you mean" I pretended like I don't understand what he meant...

"If I told you sleep on the shoulder of your lover Arjun you would have been blushing right" he asked again

"Its not your business..... Mind your own work" I asked him...

"Telling truth makes everyone flare in anger" Vidyan remarked...

"Right now apologize " I crossed my arms over my chest balancing myself on my feet...

"Why should we" they spoke in unison...

'wow prison friendship'

"You spoke rubbish about me so ask your apologies to my parents"

"Whatttt... Are you out of your mind"

"If I am in of my mind or out of mind doesn't matter.. apologize to my parents if you want to stop this... Or just stop the van, we are leaving... "

As soon as I told the words 'we are leaving' their face become tensed... Then they are planning to do something for sure, I confirmed..

There was silence for few minutes...

"Come on apologize to them this instant or else stop the van.... Pa come, ma.." my words were cut off by devil's mom..

"Vidyan stop this now and ask sorry"

"Grandma.... Its not"

"I made myself clear I think so... You are apologising now...." Her eyes sent some silent message to him...after that, he sighed.... Not good🤔🤔

"Uncle we are sorry... "

"Ask sorry to my ma too.... "

"Au-Aunty we are sorry" he pressed the word 'aunty ' more.

"Situ now everything is clear na... Now sit back in your seat.... You too Vidyan"

I gave a sideway glance at Devil... Her face was priceless... Haha... I will make you apologize to me...

'Wait for the tables to be turned'

You will suffer for slapping me.... I huffed and sat in my seat...

Shit whatever I had had become waste... That stupid didn't tell the driver to stop the van... I thought it would help Arjun to reach soon... What am I going to do with his stupid apology...

'god help me to get some other plan'

After what seemed like few minutes for me, we reached the temple....

My mouth agaped letting a bunch of house fly to fly in and get out through my ears...

The temple is decorated so much as if there is a festival.. Today is not an auspicious day... Then why....

Wait wait, temple is not decorated, the mandap in front of the temple is only decorated... What is happening here ...

I should have forgot to move forward, I think so, because my ma gave my back a slight push as if reminding me step forward.... Till now, I had atleast 10% of positive thoughts, now after seeing things, I am going to get a panic attack...

"Ma what is happening here...." I whispered to my mom....

"Situ I also came with you only... How do I know what's happening here" why ma is so angry at me... I did it for good...

Cooling down ma is task for later... Now I have to find what is going to happen here...

"Why don't you both and Situ sit in the waiting room while the priest arranges for the pooja" one of Vidyan's sisters told...

"Preparing for pooja is the work of priest what is your work over there and why should we wait there.... " I asked her....

She thought for sometime, most probably thinking of some stupid reason....

"The-there will be oil, dirt etc na.. your dress will be spoiled.... So only I told you to wait here" she told like she really cared about my damn dress...

'this is the most stupidest reason anyone can tell'

"Oh so nice of you... But your saree looks more prettier than mine... Then why don't you sit here and for you general knowledge we three are dressed normally, not a clown mistook for your brother"

She was stunned by my response...

"No- not like that.... The priest told.... Hmm you here.... There " She stammered in loss of words...

"You stand here and stammer, we came here to worship god, not to wait in the room... So you go and continue your work, we are not kids needing someone to babysit... "

"I didn't tell that... Priest only told me to make you wait here" she told again blocking my way

"Why should follow his orders or instructions.... Just move away..."

I shoved her slightly and walked towards the temple..

I am shocked like I saw the hell would be an understatement....

There was a mandap in the temple... There was a priest and in front of him was agni...

Vidyan was sitting in one seat and most shockingly he was in traditional groom attire....

'oh my god.... I can't believe my eyes... I didn't expect he would take this much drastic step... Arjun where are you... I need you... Please Arjun...'

"Ma ..... See there... There have made arrangement for marriage ma....." I was in verge of tears...

"Situ Situ..... Don't panic... We can do something... We still have time.... Did you informed Arjun" my pa told.

I nodded my head... I can't open my mouth, it's just too much....

"Pa... Do Something..."

"Situ I can take you from here, but think about what we had planned earlier.... Handcuffing this Vidyan once for all.... To accomplish that, we had already taken few steps... Now only thing is Arjun should come with police and ending this right here..."

"Pa but how does he know that Vidyan had arranged for wedding and all.... I texted him only that something is fishy... Their over make up and costume... Then how will he come with police"

"Situ don't let nervousness to cross your thinking capability.... You told about abnormalities.... Then he would have become cautious... For example, If I shout here means, what would happen think Situ... This bastard has many people to work for him, they would catch us or something like that would take place... It will be worse than a fight scene in movies... So let's play along... Arjun will come soon... We too need some people Situ"

Pa is right... Already he has his friend with him and his sisters, devil, her mom etc... We are only 3 in number...They are quite huge physically and quite more in quantitative terms.... So 'play along' is the right thing to do.. but I should inform this setup to Arjun....

I saw devil nearing us when I was thinking about the way to info Arjun..

"Sitara did you like the surprise??" She asked in a chirpy tone making me to curse every single tooth in her mouth...

'what surprise, myyyyyyy foot'

I faked a smile and asked in my usual sarcastic tone, "which surprise.... What you had put only light make-up today,huh??"

Her face visibly turned to cold .... I will play along, but I won't let her be happy even for a minute...

"I meant this marriage surprise" she spilled it partially gritting her half-broken teeth...

"Don't grit too much half-broken would become full broken and soon you will need a tooth set to bite a bit of banana"

"Situ be quiet" my ma whispered...

Why should I....

"You won't give straight answers, would you" she asked annoyed...

'I am dancing inside my head.... But I should be sad... Arjun hadn't come yet'

"You know that I won't answer you, then why are you wasting my time" I smirked...

"Here make her to change into this saree, this is the wedding saree.... After wearing this sit there itself, they will come and bring you" she told pointing out Vidyan's sisters...

"This saree is awful and the blouse won't be fit" I made a disgusting face....

"Blouse is stitched for your size and it will fit" one of Vidyan's sisters told..

"How did you know mine"

"Just stole one of your old blouses from your house" she replied proudly as if she won the Bharat Ratna award...


Arjun's pov

"Pappa go fast please....."

"Arjun already way too over the speed limit... We have to save Situ from trouble, not getting ourselves into accident.... Stay quiet for sometime it will help your anxiety I guess so.."

"Pappa they would have reached by now... What if he had made something we would regret later.. what if he had married Situ.. what if" I ranted without no filters ....

"Arjun we can't do anything and we are not super human beings .... Like spider man... Flying from one to another... Only few things are in our hand, remaining is with god... Trust him without second thoughts... He would do what is good for all of us"

"Pappa but "

"Arjun let me drive.... Sit quiet for sometime"

Oh god this pappa is not understanding me.... Situ is also not replying to my message... What am gonna do now...

"Arjun see from here there are so many cuts.... How could we find wherethey turned" pappa told which made me more tensed...

Suddenly my mobile pinged notifying that I got a message...

"Arjun, this bastard and that devil had set up everything for wedding... Now they had send me to change saree for wedding.. come soon please Arjun... We took third left turn... It has one school logo.. I am trying my best to delay the things... I Love you Arjun"

"God is in our side pappa... Situ had messaged that they took third left turn.. and there will be school logo..."

"That's good"

We reached the temple within 20 minutes....

The sight I saw made my knees to weaken....


First of all I am sooo sooo sorry for super late.

Please do forgive me...

I was not feeling well and it took more than 10 days to get back to normal...

In between this I updated "The flame" and my new story "The Journey Of True Love"

How is this chapter??

I hope you all enjoyed it..

Please do vote⭐⭐, comment 📧📧📧and share📮📮📮📮...

With love

Yours Sowmitha🖋🖋🖋🖋

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