Smalltown {h.s.}

By stealinstyles

203 27 6

Sophia Lynn Morris is just a girl from a small town with big dreams. When her dad gets a new job that uproots... More



18 3 1
By stealinstyles


"Now can someone please take me home?" She asks. Why is she being so difficult? She's way too stubborn for her own good.

"Sophia, wait. I think if we let this go it'll only snowball into a bigger problem. You're getting real threats. We have to come up with something." Rachel tries to argue.

"I'm going home." Sophia snaps. She's feisty alright.

"I'll take you" I agree to drive her home. Maybe I can talk some sense into her on the way.

When we get to my car I open the passenger door for her to step in. Once I am in the vehicle, I turn to her and open my mouth to speak but she cuts me off.

"I'm sorry, but I am not going to have people thinking I'm dating you. Or that I'm using you to get ahead in my career. We can just ride this out until people are over it." She states making the decision for everyone involved.

"If that's what you want, Sophia," I reply slightly frustrated with her. She's not the only one being affected by this. I wish she could see that.

"That's what I want."

"You didn't have to be so rude in there though. Everyone is just trying to help you."

"Help me? You're trying to use me to make yourself look better. I don't want to be the subject of magazine headlines. Not like this and not with you." She really does not hold anything back. Now I'm really getting frustrated. She's being so selfish.

"You think I want to be a part of this? To have to lie and pretend in front of cameras? Especially when the one I would have to pretend with thinks she's too good for this! You're not the only one involved, Sophia. We're all being impacted by the situation." I state, my voice rising slightly from frustration. She just stares at me with wide eyes.

"Take me home," she says flatly. She's clearly done with the conversation. I put the car in drive and pull out of the parking spot. The tension was so thick that I had to roll down the window just to breathe. About 10 minutes into the car ride she speaks again, calmer this time.

"You guys are used to being in the spot light all the time. I'm not and it's really difficult. All the mean comments and messages I'm getting are just too much for me."

"I understand that. I really do. But didn't you say you would only have this career with your friend? If you guys did that, you would be in the spotlight then. The hate and the mean comments come with the job. If this is the kind of career the two of you want to have; you're going to have to develop a thicker skin." I tell her truthfully. This job can be hard at times and people can be really mean.

We stayed quiet for the rest of the drive. Me focusing on the road and her staring out the window, occasionally humming along to the radio. I drop her off outside of her house. She gets out and goes inside without saying a word and I drive off once she is inside.


On Tuesday, my parents forced me to go back to school. The stares continued. I could hear two girls behind me in the lunch line whispering about me, calling me a liar. My friends all hit me with a million questions at the lunch table. The rest of the week went this way as well. I was glad when it was finally over. Finally the weekend again when I could lock myself away in my room.

I spent the week thinking about what Harry had said to me in his car. Replaying it over and over again in my head. Maybe he had a point. If Briana and I wanted to eventually make a career out of our talents then I would absolutely have to develop a thicker skin. But would this be the way to do it? Lying to people about being in a relationship or even about being friends with Harry Styles. Especially after I put that video out there denying everything. What would people think and say about me going back on what I had said before. But I guess that's where the thicker skin would come into play?

I just keep going back and forth with myself. On one hand, it would be great practice in developing a thicker skin. But on the other hand, I don't know if I'm comfortable with the situation. Pretending and lying are not things that I am used to doing and I don't know if I want to start now. Plus I am way to worried about what people are going to think and say about me. Which goes under both the pros and cons lists. It's just another reason to work on my skin thickness and also a reason not to participate in this at all. I'm torn right down the middle.

I need a tie breaker. Something to make one decision seem like more of a right decision. So I call Briana. She's always been the more levelheaded half of our little duo. She picks up on the second ring.

"Sophia! How is everything going? Was school any better today?" She asks.

"It was pretty much the same. But I need your help"

"Of course, boo. What's up?"

I explain the situation to her and tell her my two options. I give her my very short pro and con lists and ask for her opinion. She ponders for a few moments before she speaks again.

"So wait, do they want you to fake date him or just hang out with them as like friends? Cause the friends thing doesn't sound so bad."

"I think just friends but I'm not entirely sure. I hope so though because I'm pretty sure everyone thinking I'm dating Harry is what is making these girls want to tear me apart." I say laughing a little.

"I think you're probably right. So I say give it a shot. I mean we do want this career eventually and you have always needed a thicker skin. You care about people's opinions too much. Maybe these guys could help you through all of that. Y'all could become real friends. And hey, maybe this could be the jumpstart we need to get that career. I know you said you don't want to use them to get there but if opportunity knocks you gotta answer that shit babygirl!!"

"Really, Bri?" I say dying laughing.

"Come on. Do it for us. But more importantly, do it for you. You know you want to." She says with that sassy tone of voice she always gets when she knows she's right.

We say our good byes and hang up the phone. Then I decide to do something I never thought I would do again. I get on twitter and message Harry.


Hey y'all! I finally got to finish this chapter. I hope y'all enjoy it. If you have any tips or suggestions please comment those and don't forget to vote. Thank you for reading!! ✌🏼

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