EXO Imagines

By EngyXoXo

109K 2.5K 199

Wether You Like Kai The flaming Charisma, Lay the pure dancing Prince, Chen The high noted troller , Luhan th... More

EXO Imagines «Kai»
EXO Imagines I «Kris»
EXO Imagines II «BaekHyun»
EXO Imagines III «ChanYeol»
EXO Imagines IV «$uho»
EXO Imagines V «TheHun»
EXO Imagines VI «LuHan»
EXO Imagines VII «Cheer Up MinSeok»
EXO Imagines VIII «KyungSoo»
Special Requests <Baekhyun>
Special Requests <Xiumin>
Special Requests <Sehun>
Special Requests <Tao>
EXO Imagines IX <Kajima kris>

EXO Imagines X <Chen>

3.2K 101 8
By EngyXoXo

"ommaaa, I dont want to go on a blind date again, jepal" You said, pouting.

"No, You have to find a partner and live your life like any other normal person"

Your mom exclaimed.

She was right, partially right. Since You've got into college,  You only cared about studying and getting high grades. you went on blind dates just to please ur mom, and though you hated that kind of dates, you only met people once.

That blind date was to take place next day, You woke up getting ready for another tiring day in college,  you dressed in high heels and a floral blouse tucked in a short high waist skirt. There,  you noticed the new transfer student who came that day.

"Annyeonghaseyo, This is Jongdae, I'm the new transfer student, I'll try my best, thank you" He bowed and smiled showing the flawless corner of his mouth.

You glanced at him, when both of your eyes met, you looked away quickly pretending to look from the window just beside your seat.

As soon as you arrived home, you took off your college outfit and prepared for the blind date, your mom insisted that you should wear your dark blue short dress with the creamy heels, and she curled your hair for you.

"Mom, I'm really pissed, Do I really have to keep going on blind dates?" You frowned.

"Yes, You only meet people for one date and then dump them,  its your fault"

"Thats because I hate meenting people in blind dates"

"Just try this one, I promise,  I wont force you any more"

I nodded slowly in agreement.

There, at a fancy restaurant you asked the waiteress for the table and she pointed to one with a guy sitting on it, you only saw his back.

"Annyeong, My name is ___, Nice to meet- Omo"

"Hi, this is Chen" he giggled.

"My gosh,  you look so similar to a transfer student that came today, If your name wasnt Chen, I'd have believed that you're him"

He burst out into laughter.

"Are you sure you dont have a twin or something?" You wondered.

"Yup, Im my parents' only child" he smirked.

"So,  Chen? are you chinese?"

"No, Im korean" He smiled showing his teeth, his cheek bones made the smile even more stunning, you froze as he looked at you.


" Nothing its just.."

"Just what?!" You half smiled and placed your chin over your hands.

"You're beautiful" He said, making you startled and blushy.

After you finished your meal, He wanted to walk you home.

"So you said,  I looked like someone at your college?" He laughed.

"What are you laughing about, you two look exactly the same."

"So is he as good looking as me?" He smirked jokingly.

"Yes, he's so handsome" I stated, He was supposed to feel uncomfortable but he smiled genuinely instead.

"Dont you go to college too?"

"I do"

"Which college"

"Ermm, I think I'll tell you later" He smiled.

You didnt get it, whats wrong with telling the name of his college,  Is it some low class college and he's embarrassed or something?. You were too slow to understand.

The next day, after you had finished your sessions,  it was lunch time,  at the restaurant you saw Jongdae,  he glanced at you for a moment then when your eyes met,  he looked away.

"he looks exactly like Chen, but chen is so much more cuter " You mumbled as you pulled your chair to sit.

"Whose that Chen, that looks like me?" A sound from behind pierced your ears.

"What?!! how did you know i was talking about you?" you wondered,  as chen took the seat beside you.

"You're eyes were set on me the whole time that I couldnt concentrate" he smirked,  jokingly.

"Huh? pffft? In your dreams" You blushed,  it was a lie,  you did gaze at him the whole session.

After you finished your lunch, he asked you to take him on a tour inside the college and you gladly agreed. You showed him the basketball field, the swimming pool, the staff rooms, all the halls in the college.

"Isnt there a football stadium in this vast college?"

"There is, why?"

"Just, I love to sit there when it's empty" He smiled and you followed his strange request.

As soon as you arrived there, he patted the seat next to him for you to sit.

"Lets play, rock,  scissor, paper and the loser should grant the winner's wish"

"Okaayy,, rocksccissorpaper" you said it too quickly and you made a rock he made a scissor.

"Woow, I won, okay,  uhmm, tell me two things about yourself"

He smiled at your unexpected excitement.

"I like singing,  and I've had only one girlfriend"

"You're too random, nowww,  rocksccissorpaper " He poped in surprise as you were too quick, you made a paper, he made a rock.

"Im so lucky today thou" you smirked. "Sing a song"

He looked at you shyly,  before he started to sing 'Nothing better' he closed his eyes as he was singing perfectly and his harmonic voice that made you breathless for a moment,  you gazed at him and felt your heart beating with every word he sang.

When he stopped singing,  you blinked a couple of times to return to reality, the he gestured for you to play the last round, you made paper and he made scissor.

"Okay now, Close your eyes"

"Just that?"  "Mmmm"

As soon as you closed your eyes,  you felt his lips over your left cheek,  as you started to open your eyes, he was leaning backwards. your cheeks blushed like they were on fire and then you excused yourself to leave.. your heart was jumping in happiness,  but then you remembered Chen, you still liked him, he and Jongdae,  looked alike that you fell for both of them.

Two days later,  you were supposed to meet Chen,  at a cafe,  you wore your hot short jeans amd tucked in a blue shirt with a gold necklace.

"Chen you're here already!"

"Yes, how have you been?" he met you with a smile crossing his face.


After you drank some coffee, he looked at you straight in the eyes.

"(y/n) is something wrong with you? you're not yourself"

You looked at your cup for a second,  then you faced him.

"Mmm, Chen, there's something I must tell you" you pursed your lips anxiously "You may not want to see me again,  but I have to be honest with you"

"Okay" He smirked secretly knowing what you were about to say.

"Jongdae, that one that looked exactly like you, he kissed me, o-on my cheek" You looked down at your hands. "I..I think that was because may be I had the same feeling when I was with him,  u know,  he's your look alike"

"That was when you were in the football stadium,  playing rock paper scissor"

"What? I dont get it, how can you know abou-"  "You're so cute" he burst out into laughter.

"I am Jongdae papo, Jongdae is Chen, thats why when you have feelings for one, you have them for both" he placed your soft hand over his.

"Why did you do it?" you slipped your hand from his, but he held it again.

"I wanted to test you, and you know what,  that was the best feeling ever, right now I have the most innocent,  honest and pretty person infront of me"

You blushed at his words.

you left the place for a walk,  at night,  beside the han river.

"Now that we were on a blind date and we're in the same college besides, you have been kissed on the cheek by me, now should we just date officially?" he smiled sincerely.

"Mmmm" you nodded in agreement.

"Jongdae kissed you on ur cheek, now Chen is going to put it right in its place"

He leaned towards you,  lifted your chen up to reach his level and planted a kiss on your lips, you closed your eyes enjoying every second, he cupped your face while his lips brushing with yours...

When you arrived home,  you walked in stumbling like a drunk and smiling to yourself, you jumped over your bed,  wanting to wake up quickly as to meet Jongdae tomorrow... in college.


hellooo, i know i've not updated for ages, sorry. I was busy with my fanfic. And Im sorry for the requests that ihavent made, there're too many and i'll try to do some of them every while... Hope you enjoyed my imagine ^^ Vote and comment

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