
By lilchay13

171K 9.6K 2.1K

I struggled against the chains, ignoring the smell of my burning flesh. Crimson glanced at me and she had a l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71 - Epilogue

Chapter 40

2K 98 31
By lilchay13

The four letter word seemed to echo in my head and I looked at each of them. Prospero and Crimson gazed at me, waiting for an answer while Turner just stared at the demon.

"Hell? As in, Lucifer and demons Hell?" Turner questioned. They both nodded and I blew out a breath, catching their serious looks.

"You aren't joking either," I mumbled. Prospero scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"There are various doors in Hell that lead to different parts of the world. It will be an easier and faster solution." He said. I glanced down at Crimson.

Her eyes held determination and I knew that she would go through with this, with or without me.

'Are we actually considering this? I mean, Paxton, this is Hell they're talking about!' Leo exclaimed. I could see his tail going back and forth in my head.

'If it means that it will get us to Harold faster, then I have to do it.' I retorted.

With a heavy sigh, I nodded.

"Fine. Let's do it." I said. Crimson raised a brow.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"If I don't go with you, you'll just go without me," I said. She nodded, walking towards the door.

"You're right, but first I need to talk to Geneva. I believe she has more info that could be helpful." She said. Her hand was on the doorknob when the vamp stopped her.

"Um, Crimson..." Turner trailed off. She turned around.

"Are you going to wash off first?" He asked. My eyes trailed down her body, dry dirt and blood covering her caramel skin. She shrugged.

"I'm just going to get bloodier than this when we get in Hell. Believe me." She said, a wicked glint in her eyes. The statement sent a chill down my spine.

What can I even expect to happen in Hell?

Her hand pulled open the door and she turned to us once again.

"Is... I know he's going to be down there, but is there a way we can avoid him?" She was looking directly at the demon. I cast a look between them.

"He's the ruler of Hell. Of course, we're going to see him. As soon as you arrive, he'll most definitely be on his way to say hello." He said bitterly. She scoffed.

'Lucifer?' Leo questioned.

'I would think so.'

"Hello, my ass." She muttered. She blew out a breath, shaking her head.

"Never mind that. Turner, stick to the plan. Don't disappoint me, and don't tell Ophena about our little trip. If she finds out we're heading to Harold, she'll just want to come and get in the way." He gave her a stiff nod.

"Paxton and Prospero, you guys are with me for a prison visit then we'll head out. Okay?" Her face turned serious as she glanced at Prospero and me.

"Let's get a move on." She left out the door, and the three of us followed.

"I half expected for you to freak out about Hell, Thornhill. I have to say, I'm impressed." I grunted at the demon's statement.

"Yeah? Well, being around Crimson has opened my mind to insane and irrational ideas." I mumbled. He chuckled, moving to walk in front of me.

"That is one of her many charms."

The way his voice dropped as he said that made my eyebrows creased. There was a hint of sadness, but also... longing.

"Um, Crimson—" I heard Jericho begin to say.

"Don't say it. Where I'm going, blood will be the least of my problems."

"So, your aunt is being held by Harold?" I heard Ophena ask as I descended the stairs behind Prospero. May sat in between Jericho and my sister, her small fingers playing with her dress.

"Yes. Before, she told me this would happen. She told me he would come... because of her." Everyone's eyes moved to Crimson and I could feel the awkwardness enter the room.

"Of course it's me. It wouldn't be right if it wasn't." She muttered, moving around the couch. May stood to her feet, turning to Crimson.


Crimson's body froze and I stared at the girl. She had a glare on her face. My eyebrows knitted together.

"Isabelle is my aunt." She said. Crimson turned slowly, an unfamiliar look in her eye.

"The healer, Isabelle?" I asked. May nodded, crossing her arms over her chest.

"From the look on your face, I guess you know her."

Crimson cleared her throat, blinking rapidly. Her demeanor had completely changed. She looked nervous. Unhinged, like. As if she didn't know what was about to happen next.

"Yeah. I-I know her. Isabelle Lone. Nice woman. Mean right hook. Wonder how she got caught though. That woman could fight her ass off." A weary chuckle slipped past her lips, but no one found her small joke humorous.

"She mentioned your name. That you were the reason everyone was getting kidnapped."

It was then when I remembered the conversation we had over the phone.

I had met Crimson once. She let me live. With a price of course. She wanted to know the same as you.

"I was talking to her moments before she got kidnapped," I said. May turned to me along with Crimson. Surprise appeared on May's face, while Crimson sported a look of alarm.

"You were?" They both asked. I nodded.

"Why were you talking to Isabelle?" Crimson asked. Her tone sounded cautious.

"It was when I had just met you, and I was trying to figure out what you really were. I knew she would most likely know." Her eyes went wide for a split second before narrowing.

"What did she tell you? Did she tell you anything specific?" She rushed out.

She's more advanced... most likely diffuse a bomb that wasn't meant to stop... muscle tissue is thicker, giving her strength...

"She told me you were more advanced than regular humans. Very intelligent. Strong." I said slowly, remembering pieces of the conversation.

"Anything else?" She asked frantically. Yellow flashed in her orbs before quickly disappearing. She blinked, shaking her head.

"Why?" Ophena stood up with suspicion on her face. She crossed her arms over her chest, and I could tell she had fully healed. The cuts and bruises from before were completely gone.

"You seem nervous. What does she know that we don't?" She asked. Crimson shot her a glare. I watched her closely.

"Well, she knows how to speak when only spoken to. Something you need to learn." She joked. Ophena growled, shooting her a dark look.

"Now, Paxton. What else did Isabelle say?"

I stared at her, sensing that she was reaching for something. There was panic in her eyes and she was fidgety.

"Nothing really. She was too occupied with someone breaking in." I said. I blinked, Isabelle's quick words floating through my head.

She has to kill, Paxton. I've seen what happens if she doesn't. She'll begin to go crazy.


My eyes narrowed at her, but I kept my mouth closed. I could tell she sensed I knew more by the way her eyes looked me up and down.

"I was just making sure." She said lowly. Her eyes never moved away from mine. Dread began to fill my lungs as if I was drowning in it. The realization of those previous words hit me.

The way she was at the regional gate was just a cake walk. I have yet to fully see her for who she truly is.

The fact that I knew that was true calmed and scared me. She obviously didn't want anyone to find out what she could really be like, which makes me think...

Is she worse than what she is now?

"Did you hear anything that might help with saving my aunt?" May asked, gaining my attention.

"No. I only heard someone trying to break in and something about her getting a warning of being taken. Our conversation was really based around trying to figure out what Crimson was. Sorry." I said.

Sadness filled her eyes and she sat back down on the couch. Jericho was quick to console her while Ophena stared down Crimson.

"Well," Crimson cleared her throat, rubbing her hand on her pants. The blood was beginning to look like a second skin, and it tainted her entire body.

"We're heading out. Jericho and May stay here with Turner, please. He'll help out with what he can, and Ophena you can do whatever the hell you want." She walked out the door quickly, jogging down the stairs.

"It's best if you all stay here," I said, directly following after her. My eyes looked around, searching for her. The cold air picked at my skin, but it didn't cool my heated flesh.

"Crimson," A short fog left my mouth as I spoke. My ears twitched at the sound of loud breathing, and I walked over to the side of the cabin.


Her back was turned to me and she was mumbling under her breath.

"Just... No. I can do it... Calm down."

"What was that in there? Does Isabelle really know something that we don't?" I asked. Her incoherent mumbling continued and I took a step towards her.

"Crimson, is everything okay?" I asked a little louder, placing my hands in my pockets. Her back straightened and she quickly turned to face me. Her face held no emotion and I took another step forward.

"Just needed some air. Not feeling well. You know, because I'm dying." I frowned at the statement.

"You're not going to die, Crimson. I won't let that happen." I said. She nodded, her face unchanging.

"Yeah. That's what you keep saying, but I have a feeling that is going to be proven wrong. Sooner than you think."

I didn't respond to what she said. Instead, I walked up to her and placed both of my hands on her face. Her hands latched onto each of my wrists, but I didn't move away.

"I am not going to let you die. Do you understand that?" She stared up at me with a heated glare.

"No, you don't understand. When I kill Harold, I'm still dying. It won't change anything. I'd still need to kill to survive and," she moved my hands from her face and stepped back.

"I won't be able to do that if you're holding me back." She finished. I stared at her, my irritation growing.

"We will find a way to keep you alive then. A solution that doesn't end with you killing innocents." I retorted. She scoffed.

"We both know that isn't going to work. You can't save me. Stop denying what's right in front of you, Paxton." She said angrily.

"What is in front of me? What am I denying? I barely know any more!" I growled out, frustrated.

"That I am evil!"

Her voice echoed throughout the woods and my breathing froze. Her eyes went wide and she took a step back. She looked surprised with herself and she sniffed.


"I'm a monster, and we both know it. Nothing is going to change after this, Paxton. It's either I die or I live. Both ways will end up with someone losing their life." She grumbled, rubbing her hand up and down her arms.

It was only then that I noticed her shivering body. Her teeth were chattering, and she blew out a breath.

"Are... are you cold?" I asked. I would have considered the question to be stupid if not for the information I gathered from Isabelle.

... able to withstand temperatures that average humans could not.

"Perks of dying. I have to say," a chuckle flowed from her lips.

"It's bittersweet." She whispered the last part to herself. I stepped towards her, careful not to upset her.

"How so?" Another step brought me just a couple of feet away from her.

"It's been a long time since I've felt like this. Hungry, cold. Sometimes a concern for others. Hell, fondness even." She mumbled, staring at the ground.

"Fondness?" I asked. She chuckled, shaking her head. For a split second, a look of regret showed on her face.

"Forget I said that. It doesn't matter anyway. I'll either be far away from here or dead. Most likely the latter if I stay with you."

I shook my head, not liking how lightly she was talking about dying.

I moved to stand directly in front of her and I placed a hand under her chin. She stared up at me, curiosity shining bright in her eyes. Even though the sparks weren't there, our skin contact caused me to have a high feeling.

My flesh tingled where we touched and my heart was beating erratically in my chest. The feeling was overwhelming, and it was coming in waves. A thought crossed my mind and I felt myself finally admitting what I knew all along, but was just too afraid to admit: I like her. A lot, and I want to be with her.

Anytime I was around her and despite what she could be saying or doing, I felt it, and I knew that I would be feeling that for the rest of my life.

My emotions were skyrocketing and I placed one hand on the side of her neck, and the other on her right cheek. I hung my head down, looking her square in the eyes.

"I will not let you die. You are not a monster, Crimson. Despite what everyone has said— what I have said— you are not a monster. You are my mate. You are a fighter. You are a woman that does what she needs to do in order to stay alive. Now, you're going to have to trust me to do whatever it takes to keep you alive because..." I paused, taking a deep breath.

"I can't lose you, and no one is going to take you from me. Now, as I asked before, do you understand me?"

As I finished talking, I realized my voice had taken a harder tone. A short laugh left her lips as she gazed up at me. There was something else swirling in them.

"I understand." She breathed out. Her tongue ran across her lips, momentarily catching my attention.

"I have to say though," she leaned closer to me.

"That was kind of hot." My breath caught in my throat and I didn't stop myself from leaning down.

"How so?" I asked for the second time tonight.

Her eyes became hooded as she looked up at me. Her hand latched onto my shirt, the fabric practically screaming from how hard she was holding onto it. Crimson bit her lip, looking like she was fighting with herself on what to say.

There was no denying it. The attraction we had for one another was strong, and the mate bond didn't do anything except magnifying it.

"Your eyes shifted and I can see that you care. Caring is hot. Plus, your voice got deeper. Sensual. I wonder..." She trailed off, our lips centimeters apart.

"Ophena has agreed to stay with the others, so we can go ahead and— Oh."

I looked to my side. Prospero was looking between us before his gaze settled on Crimson. Her head landed on my chest and she blew out a breath. On their own, my eyes narrowed at the demon.

'I am going to lose it if this keeps happening.' Leo growled out.

"We should go talk to Geneva." She mumbled. I nodded, dropping my hands from her neck.

"Yeah. The sooner we get to Harold, the better." I said. She moved back from me and turned to face Prospero. It seemed like the air around us became colder as we separated.

"Ready?" His face was emotionless. She nodded.

"The wickedest witch of the prison, here we come." She joked, walking off. She went to pass him, but he grabbed her arm.

"Here," he pulled off his suit jacket and draped it around her. She gave him a curt nod and walked ahead. He trailed behind her and I followed beside him, watching Crimson.

'She's going to be smelling like another male.'

'Leo,' I said in a warning tone.

'Just pointing out a thought.' He replied swiftly. I grunted.

It became quiet as we headed towards the pack house. There was the occasional hoot of an owl or the cracking of the fallen branches in the surrounding woods. A heavy gust of wind blew against us, and I noticed Crimson pull the jacket tighter around herself.

I frowned.

"Look," Prospero started, "I can see how she feels about you. It's no secret, but if you ever hurt her, I will make it my priority to make your life a living hell."

I growled lowly, glancing at him. Is he threatening me?

"Oh, you mean how you hurt her?" I spat, returning my gaze to Crimson. She had slowed down a little and seemed to be in her own world.

"I did what I thought was best for her!" He exclaimed lowly. I shook my head.

"You erased her memories. You left her for dead when she was captured by Eleanor. That doesn't sound like something that could be best for her." I gritted out.

"And you would know what's best for her, huh?" He sneered. I bit my lip, not bothering in giving an answer.

"Besides, you don't know the whole story. None of you do, so you'll never understand." He said.

"Then enlighten me, and if not me, Crimson. You owe it to her." He blew out a breath, running a hand down his face.

"I can't tell her. She'll lose it. Completely." He whispered.

"If you don't tell her yourself and she still finds out, she's going to lose it even more."

I cleared my throat when I noticed Crimson looking back at us.

"You guys bonding?" She joked, turning back around. I chuckled dryly, sending Prospero a look.

"Just giving him some advice," I said. I looked over at him.

"If you ever threaten me again, I'll make sure that be the last thing you do," I growled lowly. A smirk appeared on his face.

"Oh yeah? What can a wolf do against a demon?" He taunted. The smirk seemed to slip off his face when I sported a grin.

"I know a few witches that could turn your body to ash if needed. Or maybe you could be exorcised to the brink of death. Over and over again. Whichever you choose."

His hand gripped my arm and we stopped, turning to each other. His eyes were no longer a dark violet. They were pitch black, making his features look more sinister.

"You better watch what you say, Thornhill. You should fear me. Aren't you scared of what I am able to do?" He asked darkly. I snatched my arm away from him, shrugging my shoulders.

I stared into his inhuman orbs with a heated glare to match his own. I could sense that me not cowering back from his presence irked him.

"Not at all, Prospero. Not at all."

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