A Half Step Towards Victory

By Writuu

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Long ago, around a conquered era, stood the Twelve superiority seals. The strongest in the martial world, eac... More

❝Wake up❞
❝Dazzling Sky❞
❝Supreme Master❞
❝Desirable Freedom❞
❝Zongse Of The East❞
❝The Will To Fight❞
❝Kind hearted❞
❝A Worthy Opponent❞
❝Friend or Foe?❞
❝Beyond The Mountain❞
❝Shining Novice❞
❝Serpents Attack❞
❝Critical Situation❞
❝Rush To The Top❞

❝A Man On A Mission❞

88 4 15
By Writuu

Chapter 12

Finally after the long journey. A long road filled with dangers and hardships was finally over.
Colorful hummingbirds were as brilliant rays from wind-dappled sea-water; their brightness amid otherwise radiant and captivating.
Sky painted blue, beautiful monuments of such a lively town, workers transporting, from one spit to another ought to make living. The movement of the lively town in such a fine day, something nobody could ever ignore. Yet… nothing remains the same forever.

“Yes… Hahahaha!! Screw this shortcut! Screw them demons, I have arrived at last!” Zuojia, Zongse and Kaijin  entered from the main gate of the town, while Zuojia went on his knees, with mad laughter, he couldn't believe that they finally mad it to their destination.

However, Zuojia started laughing hysterically as he seemed to be covered in dust and dirt. The same went for both of Zongse and Kaijin who stood behind him, in disappointment. People were passing by and they continued watching Zuojia act as a crazy individual, which made whisper to each other.

“Oh dear. . .another crazy hobo.”

“let's just leave.”

Kaijin and Zongse stood behind Zuojia with disappointed faces. Suddenly, Kaijin sent a direct kick toward Zuojia's face, silencing him and preventing him from causing them any more embarrassment by attracting people's gazes, on him.

“DUMPLING- GAH!”  Zuojia panicked as  he let out the word ‘dumpling’ before falling back.

“This is all your fault, Brainless Nitwit!” Said Kaijin.

“I haven't had any food for a whole day. . .”

Zongse sat on the ground with his eyes widened, hugging both of his knees. The poor man seemed to have gone crazy already, even Zongse snapped because of the long road they crossed.

“You were the one who wanted to come here… Now what?!”

Kaijin grabbed Zuojia by his clothes as he started shaking him angrily.

“I haven't had any food for a whole day. .!”

Said Zongse again while swinging his body backward and forwards while hugging his knees.

“Ah… the angels, they have come to take fetch me out of this ordeal… it's finally time Kaijin, VIOLENCE!” Zuojia said while looking at the sky right behind Kaijin. His face seemed relieved, yet completely was out of his mind before cracking again, and yelling nonsense just like earlier.

“. . . ?!” Zongse looked at Zuojia with narrowed eyes before he ran up to him as he started stomping at Zuojia when he was laying on the ground.

“FOOD?! you ate all the food! BONEHEAD I’M STARVING!” said Zongse with an angry look on his face as well.

“Ack! You are a rich and spoiled! You have a lot of money, use your handsome face to get some!” Said Zuojia while covering his face with his arms, while Zongse continued hitting him.

“Damn you this is all the food I had… I'm human dammit.. Die! Die! Die!” Said Zongse, before slamming both of his clenched fists at Zuojia, Madly like a maniac.

Zuojia stood up quickly attempting to run, sadly his sneaky decision was hindered. Kaijin grabbed his leg which made Zuojia fall over his face again painfully.

“Where are you going huh?!” Kaijin asked while hugging Zuojia's legs tightly as he refrained from letting go of him.

Zuojia rose his head up, while his face seemed a little reddish from the impact with the ground.

“I want to go home!” Zuojia yelled in a childlike manner.  Struggling and using both of his hands, trying to creep on the ground by using them while dragging Kaijin behind him.

“You have no home. You hobo!” Said Kaijin.

“I have the heavens! They are calling for me… VIOLENCE!” Zuojia continued with his nonsense while moving further from Zongse, dragging Kaijin along since he refused to let go of his legs.

“Give me back my food Zuojia… spit spit!” Suddenly Zongse started stepping on Zuojia's back stopping him from moving any further.

“Wait. . .” Zongse stopped hitting Zuojia when he remembered something, then he started  gazing at Kaijin.

“You too ate my food- Damn brat!”

Zongse grabbed Kaijin by his clothes as he rose him up.

“This is my chance. . .!” Zuojia thought to himself, before standing up attempting to run, and escape epically when he had seen the perfect opening. However, it wss too late, as Zongse grabbed him before running away, pulling him back.

“Dammit let me go!” The three of them started fighting, pulling each other's from their clothes, sending hits to  each other, the scene seemed awfully ironic to passengers, which attracted more attention.

“Look dear there is more of them now!”

“Let's leave before they notice us hon… those mad beggars”

A man and his wife started talking to each other in a low voice. Apparently, Zuojia, Zongse, and Kaijin heard them pretty well, which made them stop fighting for a moment. Zongse and Kaijin looked down at the ground with narrowed eyes.

“Haha. . .they called you guys beggars… Ouch!” Zuojia said while bluffing and making fun of both Zongse and Kaijin. But before being able to continue his sentence. Zongse threw a punch at Zuojia's face which made them go back to fighting again.

“Now look what you have done!” Zongse said!

“Oh dear. . .younglings are so loud nowadays” A short old man who wore an old bamboo hat, over his head said to himself silently. Before he decided to walk up to the noisy group.

“I wanna go home!” Zuojia said while panicking.

“You could've just spared me some food!” Zongse exclaimed humorously.

“I came all the way here, hoping that you would teach me something useful, and all i get was getting myself wet several times?!” Kaijin continued complaining.

“Excuse me young ones… are you travelers?”

The old man's voice penetrated their silly fight, which made them stop fighting and proceeding any further in that, useless fight.

“Oh dear..! yes sir, we are indeed. We came from the capital of Shingoko” Zongse said as he let go of both Zuojia and Kaijin then he started brushing the dust off his clothes.

“Good god… it seems that you younglings have been walking in a long hard path, it takes days to travel from the capital to Jeihong town...” Said the old man.

“We actually took the shortcut path. I think we have managed to arrive here safely after all” Zongse said.

Apparently, the old man felt surprised yet speechless at the same time. However, none of them was able to see his factual expressions under the shadows of the hat.

“You Young ones. You have the luck of Buddha… what a relief, you are still alive to this moment.” Said the old man.

Zongse laughed slightly before replying. “It was a long road. but sir this may be rude of me but, could you help us find a place that can afford us some food and some rest for a short while? you see it's been a long and a tiring trip for us, we lost all of our belongings on the way, we only have a few coins so it would be better if you guide us to an inn… which can accept this little amount of coins”

Said Zongse, as he seemed a little bit embarrassed, while asking the old man this question, hoping to receive the answer he wanted to hear.

The old man moved his hand slowly into his sleeves then he took out a few gold coins, as he extended his hand towards Zongse.

“Needless to say young one. I am aware of the unfavorable conditions you have gone through. However, I do not think there is an inn that would take any less than that. Please accept this, it should be enough to help you for now.” Said the old man.

However, this made Zongse happy yet look a little bit more embarrassed so he moved his hand towards the old man to return back the coins.

“But sir I cannot, this is really too-”

“Thanks a lot, geezer, we will take them.”

Suddenly Zuojia snatched the coins from the old man's hands as he started counting them, before putting them in his pocket.

“How many coins are they?” Kaijin asked.

“Twelve coins,” Zuojia said.

“Pass some"

“No, go away”

Zongse looked at both of them with an irritated expression, since this made the situation more embarrassing and more complicated for him.

The old man narrowed his eyes while looking at Zuojia. before bursting into laughter.

“Eh. . .?”

Zongse looked at the old man as he started laughing.

“There is no way you can return them to me now young one. Please use them wisely” Said the old man after he was finished laughing.

“i guess I have no choice, thank you for your generosity sir” Zongse expressed his gratitude to the old man for his kindness.

“Buddha himself would help out anyone in need, even the worst person living on this earth needs some sort of help, how can I refuse to help out? Especially after the hard trip you had”

The old man said in a kind tone before speaking once more.

“But I do have a small question, what brought you here from the capital to Jeihong town?”

Suddenly Zuojia interfered, taking part in the conversation after hearing the old man's question carefully.

“The bu-jing temple. We are looking for Yong Zhi” Said Zuojia with a serious expression on his face. Both of Zongse and Kaijin looked at Zuojia, the moment when he spoke the name of the person he was looking for. However, Zongse’s facial expressions exchanged into a surprised gaze, when he heard the name Zuojia had just mentioned.

The old man stayed silent for a moment before responding, as if he heard something unsettling, yet he didn't show hostility of any type.

“Oh! You are looking for the elder monk. Did you come with the princess Yue Xing's troop?” the old man asked

“Princess Yue Xing is here. . .?!” Zongse thought to himself, as he felt surprised after hearing what the old man had just said, Zongse turned back at Zuojia, muttering in his thoughts ; “Elder monk Yong Zhi and princess Yue Xing?! Zuojia what are you thinking?!”

“Who is tha- I mean no, but we do have business with Yong Zhi. Could you tell us how to meet him?” Said Zuojia while gazing deeply at the old man waiting for him to respond.

“I see… to meet the elder monk you must have his permission or at least one of the temple's high ranked students” Said the old man in a deep, calm tone.

Zuojia remained silent for a moment. Before thanking the old man for the information he had given him.

Zuojia, Zongse, and Kaijin attempted to leave after that as they walked their first steps forward until they passed the old man. But once again the old man called.

“Young lad.”

Zuojia stopped moving as he looked behind him at the old man.

“I suggest you be careful if you are willing to meet the elder monk today… do not interfere with princess Yue Xing or her troop. Its for the better good, i bid you farewell”

The old man said. Zuojia’s response was nothing but a slight smirk, before waving back to the old man bidding him farewell as he continued walking with both of Kaijin and Zongse.


[Meanwhile Somewhere in the town.]

“. . . .”

A man with a strong yet mighty appearance, he wore noble clothes which had armored bits attached to certain parts of his clothes. He appears to be laying on his back on top of a thick tree branch while deeply gazing into leaves shaking and rustling before his sight.

“Guang! Hey Guang, the princess wants to talk to you.” A feminine voice came from below the branch where this man was resting on. “Brother Guaang~ Gua-” the same female started calling him from below, apparently this annoyed the man. Which caused a grin to form on his face before releasing a slight shout at the female below him.

“I think I heard you, I'm not deaf!”

Said Guang.

“Geez… whatever.”

Said the female before leaving. Right after she left, Guang jumped off the tree branch. He landed on the ground safely then started walking towards a huge, tent surrounded by a few guards. And two guards were blocking the entrance of the tent. When they saw Guang approaching, they quickly moved away from the entrance. In order for him to enter the tent. Guang rose the curtain of the tent while stepping in the tent slowly. He stood before another semi-transparent curtain inside the tent. While the silhouette of a human figure can be seen from behind it slightly.

Guang kneeled before the person beyond the curtain while lowering his head.

“Your Highness… I'm here like you asked” Guang said as he waited for the princess to speak.

“Guang, didn't I tell you to drop the formality and talk to me normally?” Said a soft and a beautiful feminine voice.

“I'm sorry Your Highness, I'm afraid I can't do such thing, this is a disrespect to Your Royal Highness” Said Guang with a plane blanched expression on his face.

But then suddenly the princess rose the curtain up. A beautiful, yet an innocent face extended out from the curtain. She seems to have a pout on her face as she spoke. “Meanie!”

A grin was formed over Guang's face while looking down as he started sweating. Trying his best not to look at the princess before him.

“Well, whatever… you won't even listen to me, blockhead. Today we will be going to meet Master Yong Zhi.” Said the princess.

Guang rose his head as he looked straight at the princess with a worried expression.“But Your Highness! This is a very big risk, you know our situation especially with what you have with you. Master Yong Zhi can actually come here by himself and-”

The princess interrupted him.

“And what Guang… are you telling me that we should make an Elder Monk like master Yong Zhi come all the way here. While I'm the one who came here seeking his help? What kind of nonsense is that Guang?” Said the princess. Apparently what the princess said had put a load of shame over Guang's feelings and expressions. As he looked down with the shame on his face. But then he looked at the princess again with the same worried face.

“But. . .Your Highness, there is a big risk-”

“Guang... Why would I worry when you are going to accompany me. Didn't you promise that you will protect me?” Said the princess as a very beautiful smile gets drawn on her innocent face as she looked at Guang.

This had shocked Guang for a moment before smirking as he lowered his head before the princess again. “Yes. . .Your Highness.”

“Yo Yue everything is ready and set, we can leave now”

“W-What the hell?!” Guang screams internally when he heard the voice of the same female, who was calling him enter the tent and not just that but, she was calling the princess by her name bluntly without any formality.

Guang directed his gaze right at that female as she stood beside him. He started gritting on his teeth.

“. . .Kuh!”

“Oh Brother Guang, you are here too.” Said the young female as she started giggling in a sneaky way. While he didn't blink his eyes while looking at her angrily still.

“Oh Ting, thank you! we will move to the Bu-Jing temple shortly.” The princess smiled without any problems. Normally without even commenting when Ting called her by her actual name instead of using formality.

“Tsk. . .i will be waiting for Your Highness outside.” Guang stood up as he excused himself before leaving the tent. Yet before leaving, he looked at Ting with an angry look over his face before leaving. Which made the princess Yue laugh innocently.

“Eiks… what’s up with him?” Said Ting, as she started wiping away the sweats drops over her forehead, when she realized that she is in trouble.

“Alright, we should be moving soon Ting. Let everyone know that I'm ready.” Said Princess Yue.

“As you wish My-”

“Hm? Say what?” Princess Yue interrupted Ting before she used the formality method.

“Ah… Sister Yue!” Ting stood there as she started laughing sarcastically before bowing before Princess Yue to leave the tent. The princess chuckled as she watched Ting leave slowly.

The princess slowly took a small shiny necklace out of her sleeves as she wore it around her neck. For some reason, the necklace seemed pretty valuable to her as she held it close by her carefully.


[Meanwhile in an inn around the town]

Zuojia, Zongse, and Kaijin were finally done eating as they were sitting and before them nearly a hundred of  empty plates.

“There you go Zongse. You had a good meal, you should thank me for taking the coins.” Said Zuojia while patting his own stomach while laughing loudly.

“Well I guess you are rig- You have embarrassed me! You and this toad!” Zongse quickly changed his mind when he was about to agree with Zuojia on the matter.

“Come on Zongy. . .the food was delicious.” Said Kaijin.

“Its Zongse. . .”

“Whatever, who was that Princess that the old man spoke of anyway?” Kaijin asked. The question itself dragged Zongse's attention to Kaijin. He narrowed his eyes before responding to Kaijin's question slowly.

“Princess Yue Xing, the daughter of one of the biggest generals in the Eastern Durian Sect. . .Her father, General Xing Liu died yet the reason is unknown to this day. However, the princess’s troop are her guardians. One of the strongest warriors in the Eastern Durian Sect. Maybe this is why the old man warned us not to mess with them or start any problems there.” Zongse said with a serious expression over his countenance. While both of  Zuojia and Kaijin were listening carefully while drinking water from the cups before them.

“Zongy. . .you sure know a lot of things.” Kaijin looked at Zongse admiringly.

“Zuojia, are we going to rest here and visit that monk tomorrow?”

“We should be moving soon. I didn't come here to rest. You can rest if you want.” Said Zuojia.

“I'm coming with you.” Said Kaijin enthusiastically.

“Zuojia… now that we are here. Tell me why do you want to meet Yong Zhi the elder monk himself. Do you know him?”

Zongse spoke as he had a serious gaze on his face.

Zuojia refusedd to answer Zongse's question. As he ignored him and keeping silence until a few minutes had passed. Zongse spoke again but this time angrily.

“Zuojia! I'm talking to you, don't give me that crap!”

Suddenly Zuojia interrupts Zongse in the middle of his anger, the situation had changed completely, Kaijin had realized that already which made him fret, seeing both of Zuojia and Zongse disagree like that was unusual.

“Zongse. . .you know fully well, that I did not ask you to accompany me, you were the one who asked to tag along.”

“This is absurd, you are making no sen-”

When Zongse attempted to speak again, he was cut off by Zuojia's Speech and sharp stare.

“If... you do have any objections you can leave, I have to do things my own way. If you want to come with me and keep on going then you have to wait. I'm not telling you to turn back and leave unless you choose to do so” Zuojia said. Then he grabbed a cup of water as he continued drinking the water into the cup.

Zongse closed both of his eyes as he crossed both of his eyes while Kaijin seemed worried, he didn't expect such outcome.

Zuojia stood up. “We are moving now.” He placed the golden coins on the table before him as he went towards the exit of the inn with Kaijin following him.

But then Zuojia stopped for a moment. “Well, Zongse? Are you coming?” Zuojia turned his head slightly to look behind him at Zongse who was still sitting in his spot.

“Tsk, damn it Zuojia…  I guess I have no choice, lead the way partner” Zongse smirked before standing up when he seemed to have finally decide. To continue walking this path with both of Zuojia and Kaijin.

“Well, Zongse you see. . I don't know where the temple is so, maybe you should lead the way instead.” Zuojia said as he started rubbing both of his hands against each other while laughing sarcastically. Yet Kaijin looked at Zuojia with disappointed then he sighed.

After a while from walking, they arrived at the end of the town as they were approached by a mountain. On top of the mountain, there was a tall yet huge, temple. The temple seemed to contain more than one floor due to its height and width.

“Woah. . .so this is. . .the Bu-Jing temple?”

Kaijin stood as he looked up at the temple in amazement.

“Yes, I remember I came here with a group of traders before. But honestly, I didn't go any further than that.” Said Zongse.

“Well, let's move on now!” Said Zuojia.

The mountain wasn't pretty high, so they managed to climb it easily through the stairs path, that was built so people can easily climb up and down the mountain.

“I'm dying. . .hell. .this is hell, I won't climb those stairs again-”

Zuojia started taking his breath heavily, once they had finally arrived at the gates of the temple. But the way wasn't too long up.

“Zuojia, we are here.” Kaijin said.

“Oh alright,” Zuojia replied normally as if he wasn't feeling tired or anything problematic. The three of them were approached by the gate of the temple and two guard monks were standing before the gate while holding double-edged spears as they stood looking at Zuojia, Zongse, and Kaijin approach.

“Leave it to me I got this.” Zuojia said as he rose his thumb up towards Zongse and Kaijin.

Zuojia slowly walked towards them while approaching them slowly, he rose his hand before them.

“Yo, there baldies-” Suddenly the two guard monks crossed their spears before Zuojia. Preventing him from taking any step forward.

“Wh. . .What the hell did he just say?!”

Both of Kaijin and Zongse panicked when they saw the guards cross their spears before Zuojia, they quickly ran up to Zuojia then they grabbed him. While dragging him away.

“We are sorry. . .haha!”

“Are you out of your damned mind Zuojia?! Those guys are monks! You will ruin everything” Zongse said angrily as he looked at Zuojia.

“Tsk. . .” Zuojia gave out a pout-like expression to Zongse.

“I Know how we can enter!” Kaijin said.

“There look at this kid, he knows what he is doing-”

“Do you guys have to go bald and eat boiled vegetables all the time? I mean that's a very cool tradition” Said Kaijin while standing before the guards.

“HAAAAAAA!” Zongse panicked.

Apparently, they got irritated by what the boy just said. Before they attempted to hit the boy. Zuojia spoke from behind Kaijin in a loud voice.

“We came with Princess Yue Xing. We are her followers.” Said Zuojia.

Zongse was completely speechless as he watched what was happening before his eyes since he was shocked after hearing what Zuojia said.

The guards started at them in amazement. They bowed before them before opening the gates.

“Okay… this is it, I'm just going to jump off this mountain and end my life, nothing will happen after that. No more troubles. Inhale… and exha-” Zongse said as he got dragged from his clothes by Zuojia.

“Aw come on zongy don't be silly now.” Said Zuojia as he started laughing sarcastically. Yet Kaijin stood before the gate as he noticed some odd movement on one of the roofs of the temple.

“Let's go Kaijin.” Said Zuojia.

“Oh. Right!” Kaijin looked away as he followed Zuojia and Zongse being dragged by him until they went inside the temple.


[Meanwhile At the Uknown palace.]

“My lord. . .”

Shaō ming appears to be kneeling down before the same mysterious man as he sat on his throne.

“Well if it isn't Shaō Ming...” The man asked.

“Xingfu asked me to leave. She refused the offer, my lord… I'm afraid that I wasn't able to convince her, my lord”

Shaō ming said as she looked down with worry on her face.

“Heh. . .”

The man started laughing loudly as his laughter echoed through the entire hall.

“Xingfu is interesting indeed, woman sure knows how to act” Said the man.

“What does that mea-” Before Shaō Ming finished her question, she was cut off by the sound of slight footsteps. The sound became higher until a person approached. A person who wore a long torn cloak with a hood that was covering that person's head completely. Only making the lower part of their face visible.

“My lord~ everything you ordered us to do is fully accomplished, we sent the serpents to the Bu-Jing temple. Now waiting to retrieve the scroll” A deep yet ere feminine voice spoke, as it could be seen clearly that this person's teeth were completely black colored and not white. Shaō Ming looked beside her right at that person who spoke yet she saw that she had a very creepy smile on her face. In addition to her jet black teeth. Shaō ming thought that this person was Xingfu, however, Xingfu was completely different from this person who was standing beside her.

“M. . .My lord, may I ask what did you want from the Bu-Jing temple?” Shaō ming gathered back her courage once again to ask a certain question to the mysterious man above.

Suddenly the man appears to be standing right next to Shaō ming as he placed his cold palm on her shoulder. He stood in the opposite direction so he can whisper in her ears coldly in a creepy manner.

“Shaō ming… I don't think that you should ask questions like these, your job is done, right? Maybe you should go and visit your ill father. I heard he has been so ill? Do not ever ask me something like that again, off you go shaō ming.” Said the man with a serious yet angry look on his face as he whispered in Shaō Ming's ears. Shaō Ming started shivering, before she bowed as she headed towards the exit of the hall. But on her way she looked back and she saw the same woman smiling at her, with the same creepy smile on her face. And exposing these scary looking teeth to her. Shaō Ming silently left the hall, never coming back again.


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