SOTUS: Found you

By Snowyxox

104K 4.1K 245

this is a fanfic story about Kong and Arthit , Kong is a dangerous guy yet a softie at heart who wants and ne... More



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By Snowyxox

Arthit left very early in the morning as well as he apologised to his parents before he went off.. 

His friends had picked him up and drove off to the hospital where Kongpob is at. Arthit has been getting updates from the gang that Kongpob had not woken up yet but his situation could be because he was exhausted from work more than the incident or drugs that was given from the hospital.

Arriving at the hospital, the worried boyfriend ran inside, so fast nobody could stop him. Aim had told him the number of his room so he could go there without asking the receptionist. 

All eyes in the room focused on the person who had made an entrance. Going over to his unconscious boyfriend, holding his hand that felt a bit cold.

Arthit's POV 

Holding his hand felt cold to my touch, his lips were dry, his face is pale, a bandage wrapped around his head. it's only been a day but he already looks like he's dead. I held his hand tightly with both of mine while he had the tube connected on him for the drip.

It was too quiet ever since i came in until i heard the door open appearing the people who drove me here "thanks for waiting for us Arthit" 

"i'm sorry guys i held back yesterday from coming and i couldn't wait any longer when we arrived" 

"we understand" everyone else in the room was silent but i had a question stuck in my mind for a long time now and couldn't help but say it out loud 

"How can a pile of bricks fall suddenly? i'm sorry but that doesn't right"

Tew: "P' are you trying to say someone intentionally pushed them"

Oak: "that's ridiculous Kongpob hadn't worked there for long who would have it out for him?"

Knott: "Arthit it's a construction work place it could've happened to anyone just unfortunately it happened to Kongpob"

Arthit: "yes i know it's construction work place but there has to be safety around them"

Prem: "maybe they weren't careful enough"

Arthit: "if this is their fault doesn't that mean i could sue them"

Aim: "P'Arthit we don't have proof"

Arthit: "well then there had have been cameras around"

Aim: "i think i know where this is going"

Arthit: "we have to look in to this using their security cameras"

All of Kong's friends sighed which made Arthit glare their way "he's your friend probably also can be considered your family don't you want to help" if they don't nod they felt like Arthit's stare could've killed them right on the spot.

I wasn't expecting anymore people to come in until i heard the door open again revealing Bright and the boy that was saved by Bright and Kongpob, didn't expect for that idiot to keep in touch with him.

I don't know why he had bought Rome with him or why Bright even came himself anyway but i didn't comment about it "are you happy about seeing Kongpob like this Bright" i was being sarcastic and mean but i was very hurt from all this so i guess i'm kinda taking my pain on others which i don't mean to.

"Arthit seriously when did i say that?, i might not like him but it doesn't mean i want him dead" 

"okay, okay we didn't come here to argue" the most responsible guy in the gang tried to calm everyone.

suddenly a nurse came in who saw there was many of us so she said for some of us to come out and some can stay, Bright had opened his mouth and said if he and Rome can stay and everyone go out, wanting to tell me something..

After all the tension and my anger subsided i saw the serious looks on both of them as they stood next to each other, i don't know what it's about and how close they may have come together but instead of my pain and fright from Kongpob's condition i was rather having another feeling happening which I can't put into words.

everyone had left so it was the four of us. I hadn't left the position since i had come in and i'm not thinking of to leave this position anytime soon, feeling like i don't want to leave his side.

"so talk" Rome looked rather proper in the way he stood and Bright seemed to try to encourage and comfort the boy. Being too focused on looking at my unconscious boyfriend while i waited patiently for them to talk when they're ready i was taken aback when Rome opened his mouth.

"P'Arthit just so you know i'm not here to take revenge on Kongpob after i say this, i just don't want to keep this from you or Kongpob" i think it was meant to calm me before he said what he actually wants to say but i had no idea what he meant nor what he wanted to say, this was our second meeting after that night after all so i had no idea what he had been up to with Bright. 

"I-i-i-i-i'm-" he was stuttering as he was trying to speak so Bright comforted him again, whispering to him.

"I'm P'Karn's  brother" 


Karn? how the hell do i react to this, i think i pretty much have a confused and scared face on. Not necessarily scared for me but for Kongpob, does he know? if he knows is he hiding this information from me.

I look at Rome who looks timid and probably relieved from getting that off his chest, just as i was to say something I heard a groaning noise come from someone and the hand in my hold twitched, i completely forgot what i was about to say and looked at the person lying down on the bed.

"Kongpob are you up" i think he tried to talk so I called in the doctor who said he's fine for now they just might want to check on him more but all i'm glad about is that he's just awake and remembers me..

"P'Arthit" just at the call of my name i rushed to his side "yea Kong"

"weren't you at your parents" 

"you don't want me here?" he just smiled at my statement which honestly made me so happy and probably made my heart skip a beat from just seeing him smile "that's not what i meant, leaving your parents in the middle of the week is just-"

"you think i can stay away from you and just worry about you who's in the hospital" he took my hand into his and looked into my eyes "P'Arthit i love you, thank you for worrying about someone like me but i don't want you to leave your parents aside like that for me"

i know what he's saying and i think it would be a different story if this was the other way around, pretty sure he would rush from his work place just to see if i'm okay no matter how big or small the situation would be, which is also one of things i love about him.

"ehem" i guess you could say we were in our little world while these two were still in here. Kongpob turned to their view as i did too. To me he looked like he knew what was going and he had an expressionless face, not knowing what he's thinking.

"Kongpob did you know he was Karn's brother" he nodded without hesitation "when did you find out?"

he sighed before he spoke, is this going to make me angry?

"P'Arthit i know you told me to go but-" 

"did you go to James" i yelled so loudly a nurse had come in to see what all the commotion was about, i was too fumed with to answer her so Bright explained to her which i'm pretty sure he had lied to her.

The nurse got the gist but wouldn't leave until she said "all guests have to leave soon" then all of a sudden kongpob talked "can he stay, he's family" and my anger went away like it never happened and butterflies had taken over my stomach, she politely smiled and nodded, leaving us as she closed the door. I had realised the others must have left knowing they all couldn't be patient enough....and also the nurse must have told them but couldn't they have at least said bye..

"Kongpob did you just-"

"hey don't take count this a proposal" i laughed, then i almost forgot what i was mad about before "wait no i'm angry with you, you went behind my back"

"P'Arthit don't be angry with me nah?" 

his sweet tone almost got to me but i held it in.

"should we go" why do i keep forgetting about these two are here? 

Third person POV

Being an outsider who see's those two lovebirds communicate could be the most awkwardest situation you could be in but then actually witness their love for each other. Kong meeting James wasn't a great thing nor a wonderful visit.

James might be expecting Rome to take revenge but we all know Rome isn't like that.

Kongpob: "wait, i would like to say i'm sorry for what i had done, though even my apologies might not be enough because he was your brother"

Rome: "don't worry really i think you should just know that i was P'Karn's brother and i have sorted out my feelings about this, i can finally move on"

Kongpob: "it's going to take some time for me to finally acknowledged fully for what i had done but i'm so glad i could at least apologise to his brother"

Rome: "my brother had done wrong too, to you and P'Arthit"

Kongpob: "i'm just glad  P'Arthit is fine, you don't have to worry about us"

hearing all this is what Rome needed and know for himself that he's fine now "let's go P'Bright" 

Bright walked ahead of Rome and before closing the door they could hear something from Arthit being said to Kongpob "now time for me to scold you for being too careless" then a whine from Kongpob himself

closing the door the little guy sighed of relief "well you did it" 

"P'Bright thank you" 

Rome had never thought he would meet someone as supportive as Bright, who would've thought someone he had just met would be someone that became special to him.

"hey you're saying that again, you really don't have to" they laughed it off and walked away leaving the hospital together.

meanwhile in the room Kongpob is getting a lecture from his boyfriend "P'Arthittttttttt"

"you might be injured but this is what you get for not being aware of your surroundings" 

"P'Arthit i'm sorry nah, why don't you come in here with me?" Kongpob tried to be sweet and look more sorry, while he patted the empty space he had made by scooting over "Kongpob i'm being serious here"

"i'll tell you the reason if you get in" Arthit felt defeated and got in the single bed with his boyfriend "are you comfortable like this?"

"of course" 

"okay fine now tell me"

Kongpob: "you don't like to waste time do you"

Arthit: "no cause you have no idea how worried i was"

Kongpob: "okay okay, i'm sorry its just while i was working my mind was else where which i know is dangerous for where i work, but i had just met james and hearing the news that Karn had brother just distracted me'

Arthit: 'why the hell would you meet that lunatic before work and even so when i specifically told you not to!"

Kongpob: "it's your fault for believing that i wouldn't" 

Arthit couldn't take anymore of this and flicked him on the forehead "ow, did you just flick an injured man"

"i would have done more of that if you weren't like this" 

Arthit: "anyway if i find evidence that your workplace is to blame i will sue them"

Kongpob: 'what do you mean evidence?"

Arthit: "you really expect me to believe that just a pile of a bricks fall from no where"

Kongpob: "P'Arthit it could happen, remember the first time we met"

Arthit: "i don't care, we need to look at their security camera and your friends will help"

Kongpob: "i can tell they're gonna hate this"

Arthit: "if they care about you why would they"

Kongpob: because we hacked into the CCTV 3 years ago just to track down who shot you, i feel pretty bad about it, they stayed up all night for 2 weeks because of it"

Arthit: "i don't care even if they don't help i'll do it myself"

"awh my boyfriend is a little detective isn't he" Kongpob's face got pushed away when he got closer "shut up"

"okay let's not talk about this anymore let's just nap, we'll talk tomorrow" while snuggling in and spooning his older boyfriend "hey about you saying were family-"

"shhh we'll talk in the morning" this might've irritated Arthit a bit but he didn't care anymore as he lost himself in the embrace of his lover.

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