All the Time to Lose (Wormver...

By BickslowsBaby

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An ex-soldier clutching at straws after losing everything. One amnesiac girl with far too much power at her d... More

Ch 1: Paternal Instincts
Ch 2: Canis lupus familiaris
Ch 3: A Jackass in a Limo
Ch 4: Alone No More?
Ch 5: A New Family
Ch 6: My Family is a Mess
Ch 7: Of Monsters and Men
Ch 8: Demons Among Men
Ch 9: How the Mighty Have Fallen
Ch 10: Warning of Namazu
Interlude 1: Danger
Ch 11: The Walking Tsunami
Ch 12: Job Offers
Ch 13: Plan B
Ch 14: A Party in Hell
Ch 15: Questions and Answers
Ch 16: A Walk on the Dark Side
Ch 17: Little Black Lies
Ch 18: School's in Session
Ch 19: Ah the Luck of the Irish
Interlude 2: Angels We Have Heard on High
Ch 20: Recruitment Drive
Ch 21: Hellfire
Ch 22: When Devils and Angels Meet
Ch 23: Chit Chat with Psychopaths
Ch 24: Nice Try
Ch 25: Recklessness at its Finest
Ch 26: Meteor Storm
Interlude 3: Answers too Late
Ch 27: Forget and...Reconnect?
Ch 28: Time Heals All Wounds
Ch 29: A New Team?
Ch 30: PR Nightmare
Ch 31: New Faces
Ch 32: Fine is a Relative Term

Interlude 4: The Best of the Best

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By BickslowsBaby

This is an alternate viewpoint of the previous chapter.


I scan over the Birdcage reports from the housekeeper program. Nothing new to report. No one has died since I last checked. A couple have hooked up and even more have gotten into scuffles. I check the data on recent seismic activity.

In theory, it will help us estimate Behemoth's next target and when he might strike. Still no concrete direction to indicate where Behemoth might strike next. A shame. It would be nice to get a clearer image of where he's going.

No. What is really sad is that Colin was unable to recruit Aeon into the Wards. I thought for sure she would accept. From what I've gathered in my research of her, she's been appearing all over the world at Endbringer fights.

More specifically, she always gives warning to the local PRT or other Parahuman group of the area within 48 hours of an Endbringer attack. After calling some and reviewing the minimal security footage that exists, I have a fairly clear understanding of the way she warns people.

She usually provides dates for when Endbringers attack, except for one time when she was able to give an estimate on the time (afternoon). She's clearly a precog, and a powerful one at that. Except...there are no reports of her warning of Simurgh attacks. I wonder why.

She's able to track the movements of the others, could it be that the Simurgh, being a powerful Thinker herself, cancels out or messes with Aeon's powers? An email pops up. I open it to see that it's the report from the first time Aeon appeared.

She didn't provide a name nor does the report mention a mask. It simply states that a young girl with copper hair reportedly told a local hero that quote "He's coming. The fire bringer. The monster. He'll kill a lot of people. Monday, March 10th."

Over the next few years her reports became more concise, more direct, and specific. She started using names and she had grown in height. She was growing up. Quickly. Just how 'young' was she in 2003?

Not only that, but most of the reports can't say for sure if she stuck around to fight the Endbringers or not. She seemed to interfere with Leviathan's movements and limit Behemoth's ability to move a lot, but no one can say for certain when she started.

A few of the more recent reports said that Aeon stayed behind after the fight to heal people. No one ever sees her do it, and the people she heals say that the process hurts a lot. Very strange. From the short clips I got from Colin's helmet, she sounds apathetic.

So, why would someone so apathetic bother to stick around and help? And why just warn about Endbringers? Is that the extent of her precognition, or just a specific use? Wait a minute. I playback the video feed from the Leviathan attack for the 5th time.

At the meeting, when Aeon approached. Legend had just called for Movers. She was going up then. That means she has a Mover ability combined with her precognition. A good combination. Colin's voice is so loud that I have to turn down the volume when he yells every time I watch.

"Who are you?!" Aeon stops and turns to face him. "I'm here to help. Does it truly matter who I am?" Colin replies, not quite as loudly, "Because you knew Leviathan was coming. How?" Aeon sighs like it's a hassle.

"You can call me Aeon. And don't worry Armsmaster, Miss Militia, there was only a 6.28% chance you'd believe me. I only told you because you needed to be thinking about it so you would feel compelled to check your detection software."

I pause the video. "Hmm..." After checking all of the reports and videos, I make a note in the file I am putting together about her. That moment, in front of everyone...that is the only time she has ever given a percentage, the odds. Well, as far as we know anyway.

I wonder why she gave a number when she's never given one before. This is hardly the first time a hero has ignored her warning. So, what changed this time? Is she getting better control over her power? Is it the area?

I continue to map out and date every single sighting of her since Behemoth attacked Lyon, France in 2003. I'm looking for patterns. Aside from never warning about the Simurgh...she hasn't warned about every other Endbringer attack either.

There are a few that she didn't warn people about. Among them are the Leviathan attack on Newfoundland in 2005, and the Behemoth attack in Australia in 2007. What am I missing? Did she not see those coming? Was she not able to get there in time?

My facial recognition software has only managed to match her to this sketch I found in an email that was sent to a cape called Anubis. Colin and I agreed to research Aeon while he's under house arrest. It gave him something to do.

I have another email. It would seem that the mercenary Anubis wants answers.

"Who are you and why do you care?"

So, is there some investment in finding this girl beyond money? The first question is expected, but the second almost sounds accusatory. Since I'm currently investigating her, I decide to be honest with him. To an extent.

"This girl is a person of interest in an ongoing PRT investigation. Any information you have concerning her must be turned over to your local PRT Headquarters, or you can send it in an email."

I am kept waiting maybe a minute before he replies.


Interesting. No reason, no cussing. There's nothing suggesting hatred. He's being clear, but not rude. I wonder if it's the fact that it's for the PRT that's bothering him. Maybe. I decide to look up his Parahuman online page.

He's a Rogue, a mercenary, who's been spotted all over the world over the past decade. A few reports mention him having a dog but the species changes each time. The PRT has a bit more useful information. He's a teleporter, classified as a Mover 5+ due to his high cyclic rate.

No reports show him killing anyone who wasn't corrupt or otherwise a tainted individual. He has also been seen saving women and children. One woman wrote a post online thanking him for saving them. I settle on a reply.

"Failure to turn over any information you have will be considered obstruction, and you will face the full force of the law."

His response might suggest that he's cocky, but I think he's just trying to convince me to drop it.

"I am aware. However, seeing as you can't catch me, you can't very well follow through on that threat now can you?"

I reply.

"Now that you have left Brockton Bay, you are much easier to find."

I know it can be problematic to do this. It could scare him into closing the laptop before I've gained control of the webcam. Thankfully, he replies.

"Are you sure about that? I've been avoiding people for years. What makes you think you can do any better?"

According to his Parahumans online and his PRT file, he has...for over 20 years. It takes me a moment to come to the conclusion that if I am to get anywhere with this man, I'll need to start being more honest and direct.

"This is Dragon of the Guild. Tell me what you know about her and why you are looking for her."

Just then, I get access to his computer and I see a man with copper hair and tired green eyes. Was I invading his privacy a little? Absolutely. Did I have a good reason? Yes. I should probably tell him. It might get him to cooperate.

"Oh, by the way, I've seized control of the camera and microphone." He growls and calls out.

"Mask Faultline! Dragon has my computer! Apparently!"

"I take no pleasure in screwing with you, but you have info I want." That's a lie. But he doesn't need to know that. He glares at me.

"So, is it safe to assume you're running facial recognition?"

He's smart. I am running his face, but that'll take some time. "In the background. Then I'll know exactly who I'm dealing with. In the meantime, let's read over your cape file." He looks ready to break his computer.

"Let's not. -"

I cut him off "But it's interesting, and might have something to convince you to answer my questions."

"Why can't we just skip right to the part where you tell me why?"

"Why what?" I ask, feigning ignorance. I get another glare from Anubis. I decide to try to placate him "Oh gosh. I've been so rude. I've been watching you, but you can't see me."

I open up a video call on his computer, pulling up my digitized face for him to see. I smile "Hello." He continues to glare at me before sighing.

"Why do you care so much about this? Don't you have more important things to do than bother me?"

I shrug noncommittally "Yes, but I'm also very good at multitasking sooo...yes but I can do both." Now he looks even more tired than before.

"Here's the thing, I don't care if you find out who I am. What I want to know, is why you care so much about the girl. Care to share?"

There's a shock. Most capes care if their identity is discovered. His connection to her is definitely personal if he's going to such lengths. I start to repeat my previous explanation, but I'm quickly interrupted "She's a person of interest-"

"I got that. Not specific enough."

Not gonna accept that one huh? Fine. "She's not wanted for any crimes. Does that help?"


"Well, without knowing why you're after her, I can't very well tell you why I'm interested." Still nothing on facial recognition. He's been careful.

"Then I propose a trade. We trade data points. You tell me who she is to you, and what you know about her. Then, I'll do the same. Sound fair?"

I hum in thought, considering his proposal carefully. "What assurance do I have that you'll keep your word?" His reply intrigues me.

"I have a secondary power that isn't listed on my PRT file. I don't need to see it to know it's not there. Agree, to my deal, and I'll start by telling you what it is."

More data on anyone is always welcomed. Before I can answer, he holds up a finger.

"But, that data isn't added to my Parahumans online page. Just the PRT file."

That's all? I smile "Sounds fair. I accept." He sighs in relief.

"It's a Trump power."

I frown. Not as much detail as I'd like but I suppose that's to be expected. I nod. "Very well. Her name is Aeon. She's a precog who has been seen warning people of Endbringer attacks since Behemoth in 2003." Did I just read off the summary of her Parahuman's Online page? Yes.

He sighs. This seems to be hard for him.

"This is a rendering of Rochelle Frost. She went missing in 1995."

I immediately start searching for anything regarding Rochelle Frost and events in 1995. It takes me mere moments to find what I'm looking for. Rochelle Frost, disappeared from Moscow, Russia in 1995 in the wake of the Behemoth attack.

Parents, Raven and Jason Frost. Raven is deceased, but Jason-ooo. Hang on.

I compare the photo of Jason to the image of Anubis. It's a match. Sergeant First Class Jason Frost, served in Special Ops for the US Army, did 2 tours before retiring to live with his wife. Call sign, Anubis. That explains his cape name.

I decide to give him a bit more information for giving me...well...everything. "In that case. She's more than a precog, she seems to also be a Mover. It appears to be teleportation with some limitations." He looks startled and a bit wary.

"Why are you telling me this?"

I can't help but grin a little as I reply "Because Sergeant Frost, you deserve to know where your daughter is." I thought he looked startled before but now? He looks like I just grew a second head. His voice is hard and flat as he counters.

"You haven't actually told me that yet."

Very true. Oh. He's going to hate this. "Massachusetts. A town you and your team are very familiar with." Yup. He hates it. He facepalms and groans.

"If you want, I could put you in contact with her team leader." I offer, trying to help. He eventually looks at me, grinning. "No thank you." He immediately closes the laptop, severing the connection and shutting off the call.

Well that was rude.


So, I decided to give you all a New Year's Eve present and post all three of these. Hope you all enjoy! Whooh! Things are really moving now huh?

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